Awesome List Updates on Feb 01, 2020
14 awesome lists updated today.
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2. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Books
- Dive into Deep Learning - numpy based interactive Deep Learning book
Table of Contents / Courses
- Grokking Deep Learning in Motion by Beau Carnes (2018)
- Face Detection with Computer Vision and Deep Learning by Hakan Cebeci
Table of Contents / Videos and Lectures
- Deep Learning with R in Motion: a live video course that teaches how to apply deep learning to text and images using the powerful Keras library and its R language interface.
Table of Contents / Tutorials
Researchers / Websites
Researchers / Frameworks
Researchers / Miscellaneous
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks - Andrej Karpathy blog post about using RNN for generating text.
- Ladder Network (⭐101) - Keras Implementation of Ladder Network for Semi-Supervised Learning
3. Awesome Yew
- karaoke-rs (⭐165) - A simple, network enabled karaoke player in Rust.
4. Awesome Java
Bean Mapping
- JMapper (⭐233) - Uses byte code manipulation for lightning-fast mapping. Supports annotations and API or XML configuration.
- ModelMapper (⭐2.3k) - Intelligent object mapping library that automatically maps objects to each other.
- Bazel - Tool from Google that builds code quickly and reliably.
Bytecode Manipulation
- ASM - All-purpose, low-level bytecode manipulation and analysis.
- Byte Buddy - Further simplifies bytecode generation with a fluent API.
- Javassist (⭐4.2k) - Tries to simplify bytecode editing.
- Infinispan - Highly concurrent key/value datastore used for caching.
CLI / Argument Parsing
- picocli - ANSI colors and styles in usage help with annotation-based POSIX/GNU/any syntax, subcommands, strong typing for both options and positional args.
Code Coverage / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Clover - Relies on source-code instrumentation instead of bytecode instrumentation.
- Cobertura - Relies on offline (or static) bytecode instrumentation and class loading to collect code coverage metrics. (GPL-2.0-only)
- JaCoCo - Framework that enables collection of code coverage metrics, using both offline and runtime bytecode instrumentation.
Code Generators / Text-Based User Interfaces
- FreeBuilder (⭐835) - Automatically generates the Builder pattern.
- Joda-Beans - Small framework that adds queryable properties to Java, enhancing JavaBeans.
Compiler-compiler / Text-Based User Interfaces
- ANTLR - Complex full-featured framework for top-down parsing.
- JavaCC - Parser generator that generates top-down parsers. Allows lexical state switching and permits extended BNF specifications.
- JFlex - Lexical analyzer generator.
Configuration / Text-Based User Interfaces
- dotenv (⭐46) - Twelve-factor configuration library which uses environment-specific files.
Constraint Satisfaction Problem Solver / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Choco - Off-the-shelf constraint satisfaction problem solver that uses constraint programming techniques.
CSV / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Super CSV - Powerful CSV parser with support for Dozer, Joda-Time and Java 8.
Data Structures / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Apache Avro - Data interchange format with dynamic typing, untagged data, and absence of manually assigned IDs.
- Apache Orc - Fast and efficient columnar storage format for Hadoop-based workloads.
- Apache Parquet - Columnar storage format based on assembly algorithms from Google's paper on Dremel.
- Apache Thrift - Data interchange format that originated at Facebook.
- Big Queue (⭐561) - Fast and persistent queue based on memory-mapped files.
- HyperMinHash-java (⭐56) - Probabilistic data structure for computing union, intersection, and set cardinality in loglog space.
- Persistent Collection (⭐768) - Persistent and immutable analogue of the Java Collections Framework.
- Protobuf (⭐67k) - Google's data interchange format.
- SBE (⭐3.2k) - Simple Binary Encoding, one of the fastest message formats around.
- Tape (⭐2.5k) - Lightning-fast, transactional, file-based FIFO.
- Wire (⭐4.3k) - Clean, lightweight protocol buffers.
Database / Text-Based User Interfaces
- eXist (⭐439) - NoSQL document database and application platform. (LGPL-2.1-only)
- Modality (⭐13) - Lightweight ORM with database reverse engineering features.
- Redisson (⭐24k) - Allows for distributed and scalable data structures on top of a Redis server.
- requery (⭐3.1k) - Modern, lightweight but powerful object mapping and SQL generator. Easily map to or create databases, or perform queries and updates from any Java-using platform.
Dependency Injection / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Dagger - Compile-time injection framework without reflection.
Development / Text-Based User Interfaces
- AspectJ - Seamless aspect-oriented programming extension.
- JavaSymbolSolver (⭐292) - Symbol solver.
- Manifold (⭐2.5k) - Re-energizes Java with powerful features like type-safe metaprogramming, structural typing and extension methods.
Distributed Applications / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Axon - Framework for creating CQRS applications.
- Quasar - Lightweight threads and actors for the JVM.
- ScaleCube Services (⭐621) - Embeddable Cluster-Membership library based on SWIM and gossip protocol.
- Zuul (⭐14k) - Gateway service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.
Distributed Transactions / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Bitronix (⭐427) - Simple but complete implementation of the JTA 1.1 API.
- Narayana - Provides support for traditional ACID and compensation transactions, also complies with JTA, JTS and other standards. (LGPL-2.1-only)
Distribution / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Capsule (⭐1.2k) - Simple and powerful packaging and deployment. A fat JAR on steroids, or a "Docker for Java" that supports JVM-optimized containers.
- Nexus
- Binary management with proxy and caching capabilities.
- packr (⭐2.6k) - Packs JARs, assets and the JVM for native distribution on Windows, Linux and macOS.
Document Processing / Text-Based User Interfaces
- documents4j - API for document format conversion using third-party converters such as MS Word.
Financial / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Square (⭐40) - Integration with the Square API.
- Stripe (⭐849) - Integration with the Stripe API.
Formal Verification / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Daikon - Detects likely program invariants and generates JML specs based on those invariants.
- JMLOK 2.0 - Detects inconsistencies between code and JML specification through feedback-directed random tests generation, and suggests a likely cause for each nonconformance detected. (GPL-3.0-only)
- KeY - Formal software development tool that aims to integrate design, implementation, formal specification, and formal verification of object-oriented software as seamlessly as possible. Uses JML for specification and symbolic execution for verification. (GPL-2.0-or-later)
- OpenJML - Translates JML specifications into SMT-LIB format and passes the proof problems implied by the program to backend solvers. (GPL-2.0-only)
Geospatial / Text-Based User Interfaces
- H2GIS - Spatial extension of the H2 database. (LGPL-3.0-only)
GUI / Text-Based User Interfaces
- JavaFX - Successor of Swing.
Imagery / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Tess4J (⭐1.7k) - JNA wrapper for Tesseract OCR API.
Logging / Text-Based User Interfaces
- SLF4J - Abstraction layer/simple logging facade.
Machine Learning / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Smile (⭐6.1k) - Statistical Machine Intelligence and Learning Engine provides a set of machine learning algorithms and a visualization library.
Microservice / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Armeria (⭐4.9k) - Asynchronous RPC/REST client/server library built on top of Java 8, Netty, HTTP/2, Thrift and gRPC.
- consul-api (⭐416) - Client for the Consul API: a distributed, highly available and datacenter-aware registry/discovery service.
- Eureka (⭐12k) - REST-based service registry for resilient load balancing and failover.
- Helidon - Two-style approach for writing microservices: Functional-reactive and as an implementation of MicroProfile.
- Nacos - Dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.
- Quarkus - Kubernetes stack tailored for the HotSpot and Graal VM.
Miscellaneous / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Membrane Service Proxy (⭐478) - Open-source, reverse-proxy framework.
- PipelinR (⭐443) - Small utility library for using handlers and commands with pipelines.
- Simple Java Mail (⭐1.2k) - Mailing with a clean and fluent API.
Performance analysis / Text-Based User Interfaces
- honest-profiler (⭐1.3k) - Low-overhead, bias-free sampling profiler.
REST Frameworks / Other
- Rapidoid - Simple, secure and extremely fast framework consisting of an embedded HTTP server, GUI components and dependency injection.
Science / Other
- XChart (⭐1.5k) - Light-weight library for plotting data. Many customizable chart types are available.
Testing / Fixtures
- Java Faker (⭐4.8k) - Port of Ruby's fake data generator.
Testing / Miscellaneous
- junit-dataprovider (⭐246) - TestNG-like data provider/runner for JUnit.
Utility / Mocking
- fswatch (⭐28) - Micro library to watch for directory file system changes, simplifying java.nio.file.WatchService.
Version Managers / Mocking
- jabba (⭐3.1k) - Java Version Manager inspired by nvm. Supports macOS, Linux and Windows.
Communities / Mocking
- Stack Overflow - Question/answer platform.
5. Awesome Wardley Maps
Quick Start
- My basics for business strategy - In 11 diagrams by Simon Wardley.
Research Papers
- Building Situational Awareness in the Age of Service Ecosystems - Pujadas, R; Thompson, M; Venters, W; et al. March 2019.
6. Awesome Osint
Other Tools / Steam
- Maltego - Maltego is an open source intelligence (OSINT) and graphical link analysis tool for gathering and connecting information for investigative tasks.
7. Awesome React Components
Miscellaneous / Mouse Events
- react-universal-hooks (⭐187) - 🎉 support react hooks everywhere (Functional or Class Component).
8. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Resources
- Cheat Sheet (printable) - A reduced cheat sheet in a printable format. German and English version available.
9. Awesome Ci
Name: Abstruse CI (⭐937)
Description: Self-Hosted, Open-Source CI Platform. Based on NodeJS and Docker.
Features: Languages: everything that can be installed on Linux
Supported repositories: GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Gogs
Documentation: Documentation (⭐937)
Price: Open Source
Name: App Center
Description: CI Platform. It connects with Hockeyapp where you can store installers and send their by email
Features: Compatible with Android, iOS, Xamarin, React Native, Unity, Cordova, macOS, tvOS
Supported repositories: GitHub, BitBucket, VSTS
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free with limitations
Name: Appveyor
Description: AppVeyor automates building, testing and deployment of .NET applications.
Features: Languages: C#, Xamarin, F#, VB.NET, C/C++, Node.js, Ruby, TypeScript, Go, Java, Python, Perl, Erlang
Supported repositories: GitHub, BitBucket
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free with limitations
Name: Assertible
Description: Automated post-deployment testing and web service monitoring
Features: Example Integrations (⭐13)
Supported repositories: GitHub
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free with limitations
Name: AWS CodeBuild
Description: Fully managed continuous integration service in AWS
Features: Docker
Supported repositories: AWS S3, AWS CodeCommit, Github, Bitbucket
Documentation: Documentation
Price: First 100 minutes per month for free, pay-as-you-go later
Name: Azure DevOps (formerly Visual Studio Team Services)
Description: Cloud-based collaboration services for version control, agile planning, continuous delivery, and analytics application for Visual Studio, Eclipse, Xcode.
Supported repositories: Azure DevOps, GitHub, Custom
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free with monthly build limits
Name: Bamboo
Description: Bamboo is a continuous integration and continuous deployment server
Supported repositories: Bitbucket (for Bitbucket Cloud), Stash (for Bitbucket Server), Git, GitHub (for GitHub and GitHub Enterprise), Mercurial, Subversion, CVS, Perforce, Custom via plugins
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Full Atlassian stack for 10 users: 10$/year ( 100% of payments to charity)
Name: Bitrise
Description: Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery.
Features: Source code (⭐839) is available
Supported repositories: GitHub, BitBucket, Gitlab, Custom
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free with limitations
Name: Buddy
Description: Continuous Integration and Deployment
Features: Languages: .NET/C#, C/C++, Clojure, Elixir, Go, Haskell, Java, Javascript, Node.JS, PHP, Python, React Native, Ruby, Scala
Supported repositories: GitHub, Bitbucket, Gitlab, Custom
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free with limitations
Name: Buildkite
Description: A build automation platform which gives you complete control, without the pain of running your own CI system.
Features: Languages: Ruby, Python, Node.js, JavaScript, PHP, Go, Rust, Erlang, Elixir, Java, Clojure, Scala, C/C++, Objective-C, Swift, .NET/C#
Source code is available: Buildkite Agent (⭐810)Supported repositories: GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, Custom
Documentation: Documentation
Name: CDS (⭐4.6k)
Description: Enterprise-Grade Continuous Delivery & DevOps Automation Open Source Platform
Features: Languages: everything
Supported repositories: Github, Bitbucket Server, Gitlab
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free Open Source (⭐4.6k)
Name: Codacy
Description: Automated code reviews & code analytics
Features: Languages: Scala, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, Apex, JSP, XML, Velocity, VisualForce, C#, JSON, Kotlin, Markdown
Supported repositories: GitHub, BitBucket
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free for open-source projects
Name: Code Climate
Description: Hosted platform to continuously measure and monitor code quality
Features: Languages: Ruby, Javascript, PHP
Supported repositories: GitHub, Custom
Documentation: Documentation
Price: 14-day Trial
Name: CodeFresh
Description: Codefresh is a Docker-native CI/CD platform. Instantly build, test and deploy Docker images to Kubernetes
Features: Languages: Ruby, Python, Node.js, JavaScript, PHP, Go, Rust, Java, etc
Supported repositories: GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab, Webhooks
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Pricing
Name: Codemagic
Description: Dedicated CI/CD for Flutter mobile, web and desktop projects.
Supported repositories: GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab, Custom
Documentation: Documentation
Price: 500 build minutes for free each month Pricing
Name: Codeship
Description: One more cloud based CI service: running tests and deployment
Features: Languages: Dart, Elixir, Go, Java and JVM based languages, PHP, Python, Node.JS, Ruby
Supported repositories: GitHub, BitBucket
Documentation: Documentation Free ebook
Price: Free for opensource projects or 100 builds per month
Name: Concourse CI
Description: Self-hosted CI solution written in Golang
Supported repositories: GitHub, generic oAuth
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free (Open source)
Name: Coveralls
Description: Coveralls works with your continuous integration server to give you test coverage history and statistics.
Features: Languages: Ruby, Javascript, Python, PHP, C, Objective-C, Scala, GO
Supported repositories: GitHub, BitBucket
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free for opensource projects
Name: Coverity
Description: Code analysis, test analysis
Features: Languages: C/C++, Java, C#
Supported repositories:
Documentation: None
Price: Free for opensource projects
Name: Ebert
Description: Ebert does continuous static analysis of your GitHub repositories and delivers it straight to your Pull Requests, helping your team to focus on what's important and deliver better software.
Features: Languages: Apex, C, Clojure, CoffeeScript, CSS, Elixir, Go, Haskell, Haxe, JavaScript, Markdown, PHP, Python, Ruby, SCSS, Shell, Swift, Vim script.
Supported repositories: GitHub
Documentation: Documentation
Price: 100% free for public repositories on GitHub
Name: Evergreen (⭐418)
Description: Evergreen is a distributed continuous integration system built by MongoDB. It dynamically allocates hosts to run tasks in parallel across many machines.
Supported repositories: GitHub
Documentation: Documentation (⭐418)
Name: GitLab
Description: GitLab is a single application for the entire DevOps lifecycle
Features: Languages: everything that can be installed on Linux. Compatible with Linux, Windows, Android and iOS
Supported repositories: GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Open Source plus Free with limitations hosted version
Name: GitGud
Description: Free & Reliable Git hosting site powered by GitLab
Features: Everything that GitLab does but for free
Supported repositories: GitLab, Bitbucket, GitHub, Gitea, Clone by URL
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Completely Free
Name: GitHub Actions
Description: Automate your workflow from idea to production
Features: Workflows run in Linux, macOS, Windows, and containers on GitHub-hosted servers
Supported repositories: GitHub
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free for Open Source and free with limits for private repositories
Name: Hound CI
Description: Hound integrates with your existing workflow by reviewing and commenting on code.
Features: Languages: Bash, Elixir, Go, HAML, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Markdown, PHP, Python, Ruby, Sass/SCSS, Swift
Supported repositories: GitHub
Price: Public repositories for free
Name: Hydra
Description: Nix-based continuous build system
Supported repositories:
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Opensource (GNU GPLv3)
Name: Jenkins
Description: With thousands of plugins to choose from, Jenkins can help teams to automate any task that would otherwise put a time-consuming strain on your software team.
Features: Languages: Embedded, PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, Android, C/C++.
Supported repositories: Any VCS that supports git, mercurial, cvs, subversion
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Open Source (⭐23k)
Name: Peakflow
Description: CI builds, error reporting and uptime monitoring
Features: Languages: Ruby, PHP, Javascript and anything you can set up yourself.
Supported repositories: Github
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free for private projects
Name: Previs (⭐325)
Description: Use Travis configuration to run stuff locally in a clean environment.
Features: Everything that Travis support or almost
Supported repositories: Your computer, it's running locally!
Documentation: Documentation (⭐325)
Price: It's free! Since you are hosting everything locally on your computer!
Name: Probo.CI
Description: Continuous Collaboration - break down the barriers between software developers and the other stakeholders involved in a software development project
Features: Underlying engine is OSS, offers several Ubuntu base images, asset pre-upload helps build speed.
Supported repositories: GitHub, BitBucket
Documentation: Documentation
Price: 2 month free trial then starts at $30. Pricing
Name: Saucelabs
Description: Automated testing in the cloud for CI
Supported repositories:
Documentation: Documentation
Price: 14-day Trial
Name: Scrutinizer
Description: Build quality software, better
Features: Sources are available
Supported repositories: GitHub, BitBucket
Documentation: Documentation
Price: 14-day Trial
Name: Semaphore
Description: Hosted continuous integration and delivery solution for open source and private projects.
Features: Ruby, Node.js, JavaScript, Go, Clojure, Elixir, Erlang, Java, PHP, Scala, C/C++
Supported repositories: GitHub, BitBucket
Documentation: Documentation
Name: Sider
Description: Increase code review efficiency and deliver products with confidence. Sider helps development teams accomplish more, allowing them to deliver more value to their customers.
Features: Supported Analysis Tools
Supported repositories: GitHub
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free 14-day trial for private repositories, and forever free for open source
Name: StyleCI
Description: The Web Coding Style Service, used by Cachet and Laravel.
Features: Languages: PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, Flow, CSS, SCSS, Less, Vue.js, Python
Supported repositories: GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free for opensource projects
Name: TeamCity
Description: A Java-based build management and continuous integration server from JetBrains.
Features: Support wide variety of web browsers and build tools
Supported repositories: Git, Subversion, Perforce, Team Foundation Server, Mercurial, CVS, SourceGear Vault 6 and 7, Borland StarTeam 6 and up, IBM Rational ClearCase, Base and UCM modes, Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 6 and 2005
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Free with limitations
Name: Wercker
Description: Continuous delivery platform
Supported repositories: Docker Hub
Documentation: Documentation
Name: Zuul
Description: A Project Gating System
Features: Self-Hosted, Open Source CI/CD Platform, Gating
Supported repositories: GitHub, Gerrit, Pagure
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Open Source
10. Awesome List
- ESP (⭐1.3k) - Low-cost microcontrollers with WiFi and broad IoT applications.
11. Awesome Crystal
- cmac (⭐5) - Crystal implementation of Cipher-based Message Authentication Code (CMAC)
12. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Media
- MetadataExtractor (⭐921) - Extracts metadata from media (images, video, audio) with a simple to use API.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc
- AdvanceDLSupport (⭐470) - Library to improve P/Invoke-ing native code. Interact with native objects as if they were first class objects.
13. Awesome Machine Learning
Tools / Misc
- MachineLearningWithTensorFlow2ed - a book on general purpose machine learning techniques regression, classification, unsupervised clustering, reinforcement learning, auto encoders, convolutional neural networks, RNNs, LSTMs, using TensorFlow 1.14.1.
14. Awesome Web Performance Budget
Build Tools to set up performance budget
- Size Limit (⭐6.6k) - Calculate the real cost to run your JS app or lib to keep good performance. Show error in pull request if the cost exceeds the limit.
- Size Plugin (⭐1.7k) - Track compressed Webpack asset sizes over time.
- Prev: Feb 02, 2020
- Next: Jan 31, 2020