Awesome List Updates on Jan 23, 2020
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Computer Vision
- Detectron (⭐26k) - FAIR's software system that implements state-of-the-art object detection algorithms, including Mask R-CNN. It is written in Python and powered by the Caffe2 deep learning framework. [Deprecated]
- Detecto (⭐616) - Train and run a computer vision model with 5-10 lines of code.
2. Awesome Javascript
Testing Frameworks / Frameworks
- Cypress - Complete end-to-end testing framework for anything that runs in a browser and beyond.
3. Awesome Transit
GTFS Converters / Rust
- onebusaway-vdv-modules (⭐13) - A Java library for working with transit data in the VDV format, including converting VDV-452 schedule data into GTFS.
4. Awesome Ebpf
eBPF Workflow: Tools and Utilities / User Space eBPF
- oster (⭐303) - Written in Go. A tool for tracing execution of Go programs by attaching eBPF to uprobes.
5. Awesome Security
Network / Scanning / Pentesting
- Sublist3r (⭐9.3k) - Fast subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers
6. Awesome Quantum Computing
- Quantum Computing Slack Community - Slack channels for discussion of quantum computing.
- Quantum Information and Quantum Computer Scientists of the World Unite - Facebook group for quantum research discussion.
- Q# Community - Community contributed libraries, projects, and demos for the Q# language.
7. Awesome Sre
- Resilience Roundup - Weekly analysis of Resilience Engineering and Human Factors research designed for software systems
8. Free for Dev
Design and UI
- Pixelixe — Create and edit engaging, unique graphics and images online.
9. Awesome Actions
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
- Read Properties (⭐21) - Read values from
- Write Properties (⭐14) - Write values to
Utility / Environments
Utility / Semantic Versioning
- Next SemVers (⭐58) - Output the next version for major, minor, and patch version based on the given semver version.
Static Analysis / Testing
Static Analysis / Linting
Static Analysis / Security
- AWS Secrets Manager Actions (⭐62) - Define AWS Secrets Manager secrets to environment values.
Static Analysis / Code Coverage
Monitoring / Code Coverage
Deployment / Code Coverage
Deployment / Docker
Deployment / Kubernetes
Deployment / AWS
Deployment / Terraform
- Generate terraform documentation (⭐38) - Uses terraform-docs to generate docs for terraform modules.
Build / Terraform
- run-cmake (⭐176) - Multi platform action to build C/C++ software with CMake and Ninja.
- run-vcpkg (⭐186) - Multi platform action to build and install C/C++ dependencies with vcpkg (⭐23k).
10. Awesome Irc
- HexChat - Based on XChat, easy to use, spell check & multiple languages. (source (⭐3k))
- Prev: Jan 24, 2020
- Next: Jan 22, 2020