Awesome List Updates on Jan 21, 2020
18 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Plotters
Plotter Art For Sale / Patents
2. Awesome Web Animation
- ES6-tween (⭐178) - ES6 version of tween.js.
3. Awesome Keycloak
4. Awesome Flutter
🇵🇪 Peru / Misc
- Facebook Flutter Peru Group
- Meetup Flutter Peru
- Twitter Flutter Peru
5. Awesome Mobile Web Development
Articles and Documentation
- Adaptive loading: improving web performance on slow devices - How to optimize site for specific hardware and network constraints.
- HTML attributes to improve your users' two factor authentication experience - On autocomplete attribute regarding 2fa.
- Microbrowsers are Everywhere - On optimizing sites for messengers.
- Adaptive Loading - Improving web performance on slow devices - Overview of practices for adapting a site to hardware and network constraints, by Addy Osmani, Nate Schloss.
6. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Media Streaming - Audio Streaming
- Audioserve (⭐702) - Simple personal server to serve audio files from directories (audiobooks, music, podcasts...). Focused on simplicity and supports sync of play position between clients.
7. Awesome Asyncio
- First Principles Introduction to Asyncio - A no-buzzword first principles introduction to the internal workings of asyncio.
- Developing and Testing an Asynchronous API with FastAPI and Pytest - This tutorial looks at how to develop and test an asynchronous API with FastAPI using Test-Driven Development (TDD).
8. Awesome Npm
Browser extensions
- npm-search-update - Chrome extension to quickly search for dependencies and monitor changes from the npm registry.
9. Awesome Yew
- API Docs - Docs on
10. Awesome Billing
Marketplace / Online Ads
- RTB Budget Pacing Summarized (⭐5) - A collection of budget pacing resources for targeted online advertisements.
- Samsung's online ads platform/exchange war story (⭐136) - How to scale to 5M bid request/s, 2ms Max Response Time.
- Open Source Bidder and Demand Side Platform (DSP).
11. Awesome Actions
Static Analysis / Linting
12. Awesome Rust
Applications / Emulators
- koute/pinky (⭐767) - A NES emulator
- pcwalton/sprocketnes (⭐749) - A NES emulator
Applications / Text editors
- mathall/rim (⭐606) - Vim-like text editor.
Applications / Text processing
- sd - Intuitive find & replace CLI
Libraries / Computation
- Parallel
- arrayfire/arrayfire-rust (⭐810) - Arrayfire bindings
- autumnai/collenchyma (⭐474) - An extensible, pluggable, backend-agnostic framework for parallel, high-performance computations on CUDA, OpenCL and common host CPU.
- luqmana/rust-opencl (⭐170) - OpenCL bindings
Libraries / GUI
- Nuklear (⭐9k)
- nuklear-rust (⭐359) - Bindings for Nuklear
Libraries / Logging
- rust-lang/log (⭐2.1k) - Logging implementation
13. Quick Look Plugins
Using Homebrew
- Run
brew install <package>
Install all
brew install qlcolorcode qlstephen qlmarkdown quicklook-json qlimagesize suspicious-package apparency quicklookase qlvideo
Catalina notes
To get plugins working in Catalina, you will need to remove the quarantine attribute.
Run this to see the attributes:
xattr -r ~/Library/QuickLook
And run this to remove the attributes:
xattr -d -r ~/Library/QuickLook
14. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- massCode (⭐2k) - Code snippet manager for developers.
For Electron / Other
- electronmon (⭐138) - Monitor and reload apps out-of-process during development.
Articles / Other
- Notarizing your Electron app - How to configure your app packaging for Apple's notarization.
15. Awesome Actions on Google
- Assistant On Air - By Google team
16. Awesome Piracy
DDL Tools / Free Indexers
- YouTube MP3 Rip Download YouTube music videos as MP3 files without registration
17. Awesome List
Programming Languages
- Common Lisp (⭐2.5k) - Powerful dynamic multiparadigm language that facilitates iterative and interactive development.
Front-End Development
- Web Animation (⭐1.3k) - Animations in the browser with JavaScript, CSS, SVG, etc.
Decentralized Systems
- Corda (⭐69) - Open source blockchain platform designed for business.
- Creative Tech Events (⭐153) - Events around the globe for creative coding, tech, design, music, arts and cool stuff.
18. Awesome Falsehood
- Postdoc myths - “Lots of things are said, written and believed about postdoctoral researchers that are simply not true.”
- Prev: Jan 22, 2020
- Next: Jan 20, 2020