Awesome List Updates on Jan 18, 2020
21 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Db Tools
Configuration Tuning / Zabbix
- PGConfigurator - Free online tool to generate an optimized
2. Awesome Actions
Utility / Semantic Versioning
- Increment Semantic Version (⭐84) - Bump a given semantic version (SemVer), depending on given release type.
3. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- CurrencyScoop - Realtime currency data API for fintech apps. The free plan includes 5,000 calls per month.
4. Awesome Video
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / Adaptive Streaming Standards
- DASH-IF IOPs - A tool or resource for adaptive-streaming-standards.
5. Awesome Wardley Maps
- #WardleyMaps - Join the conversation.
6. Awesome Chip 8
Software development / Tools
- EZ-Writer - A tool for converting text into CHIP-8 sprites.
Software development / Guides and snippets
- A Beginner's Guide to Programming with Chip8 - An introductory guide to CHIP-8 programming in Octo.
7. Awesome Music
Music Programming
- Midica (⭐117) - MIDI programming language with decompiler and player, supports karaoke.
8. Awesome Yew
- Financial Contribute - Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community.
9. Awesome Markdown
Tools / Presentations
- hacker-slides (⭐343) - Minimal UI for building presentation slides from markdown.
- Marp - Markdown presentation ecosystem. 💎 CLI, Web, IDE plugin and more to convert Markdown into various formats
10. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Utilities
- (⭐740) - boilerplate for CRM, SaaS, ERP based on Vue (Nuxt.js), TailwindCSS plus Laravel as a backend.
11. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- ExifCleaner (⭐1.8k) - Clean image metadata with drag and drop.
12. Awesome Flutter
Image / Backend-Driven
- Crop (⭐258) - Crop any widget/image in Android, iOS, Web and Desktop by Mahdi K. Fard
13. Awesome H2o
Blog Posts & Tutorials
- Parallel Grid Search in H2O Jan 17, 2020
14. Awesome Swift
- XMLMapper (⭐111) - A simple way to map XML to Objects.
Quality / Barcode
- swift-mod (⭐108) - A tool for Swift code modification intermediating between code generation and formatting.
15. Awesome Iam
Secret Management / Hardware Security Module (HSM)
- CrypTech - An open hardware HSM.
16. Awesome Billing
Pricing / Usage-based Pricing
- AWS EC2 T2 Instances Demystified: Don't Learn The Hard Way - An example of really tricky burstable instances which accrues and limits its own amount of CPU usage credits.
Calculator / Market Research
- Cloud Cost Calculator (⭐87) - Web-based tool for finding the cheapest cloud servers for a given set of requirements.
- - Easy Amazon EC2 Instance Comparison.
Marketplace / Cloud Resources
- The Eternal Cost Savings Of Netflix's Internal Spot Market - When you're big enough that creating an internal secondary market for instances makes economic sense.
- AutoSpotting (⭐2.3k) - Tool that easily and reliably converts (all) your existing AutoScaling groups to cheaper spot instances.
Coupons and Vouchers / Currencies
- Raising Prices is Hard - Backblaze post-mortem on raising prices on their main offer. They wanted to create an extension program based on credit system. This became a full-time job for a handful of their most senior engineers, and resulted in a six month project.
- Details on Expiring DigitalOcean Credits - The reason you have to add an time limit on credits: unused ones accounts as liabilities on our balance sheet.
Taxes / Currencies
- {Digital,Cloud,Electronic,Online} Services VAT Rate Database (⭐94) - Centralize applicable VAT rates on foreign online services, for each country of residence (including territorial exceptions).
Invoice / European VAT
- On GCP invoiced billing - Invoiced billing is a B2B-friendly payment happening after the service is consumed and an invoice issued. It seems to be a pain to setup on GCP but I suspect is a consequence of trying to reduce (costly) fraud.
Invoice / Integrity
- Digital signatures: how Sleek leverages Cloud HSM to guarantee the integrity of legal documents - Here is a great way to rely on GCP's HSM to digitally sign documents and provide an immutable audit-trail. Might be applied to invoices as well as contract agreements.
- OpenTimestamps - Go beyond the solution above, and timestamp immutable document directly on Bitcoin's blockchain.
Invoice / Generators
- Manta (⭐5.3k) - Flexible invoicing desktop app with beautiful & customizable templates.
- InvoicePlane (⭐2.7k) - A self-hosted open-source application for managing your invoices, clients and payments.
Payments / Electronic invoices
- How to Build an Insurance Company - The importance of payment ops architecture.
- High failure rate of Point Of Sale devices in the upper Midwest - The root cause? People wearing a lot of wool in low humidity air, generating a lot of static.
Payments / Credit Cards
- 'Is that even legal?': Companies may be sharing new credit or debit card information without you knowing - Some credit and debit card companies have "updating service" that allows new account numbers and expiry dates to be shared with merchants. Visa's implementation is called VAU and Mastercard's is ABU.
- Strong Customer Authentication - Payment Services Directive 2, explained.
- Address Verification System - A system checking the matching of customer's billing addresses with the one associated with the credit card.
Fraud / Online Payments
- Awesome List of IAM: Fraud links (⭐1.9k) - Section dedicated to fraud management related to user accounts, from our sister repository.
Fraud / Cards
- How Candy Japan got credit card fraud somewhat under control - Suggestions involved either warning signals for trying to guess which orders might be fraud, or countermeasures to try to make things harder for the fraudsters.
- Five Fun Fraud Facts - Another tiny collection of features we can feed to a ML system to detect fraud. Comments on HN also unearthed more qualifying signals and derived geodata on the transaction.
- Credit Card Fraud Detection using Autoencoders in Keras - Tutorial on how to rely on anomaly detection to implement suspicious card transactions.
Fraud / Trust Score
- GCP improved account management policies to better support customers - Or why relying too much on fraud automation might lead to disgruntled users.
Fraud / Billing
- CEO Fraud - A billing team responsible for collecting payment is prey to this kind of fraud, in which the CEO is impersonated to commend exceptional payment transactions.
UX/UI / Billing
- Which has a higher conversion rate: A single long ecommerce checkout form or a multi-step one? - Focus first on other things in the cart, like easing anxiety and second-guessing by adding reassurance (trust marks, testimonials) near the credit card and completion steps, as well as some guarantee language that you may have used earlier in the product exploration process.
Competitive Analysis / Cloud providers
- GCP billing news - From the unofficial Google Cloud Platform newsletter.
17. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / Communities
- Slack DFIR channel - Slack DFIR Communitiy channel - Signup here.
18. Awesome Ctf
- Kroll Artifact Parser and Extractor (KAPE) - Triage program.
- Magnet AXIOM - Artifact-centric DFIR tool.
- Wireshark - Used to analyze pcap or pcapng files
- QuipQuip - An online tool for breaking substitution ciphers or vigenere ciphers (without key).
- Monit - A linux tool to check a host on the network (and other non-network activities).
- Boomerang (⭐322) - Decompile x86/SPARC/PowerPC/ST-20 binaries to C.
- Pwndbg (⭐5k) - A GDB plugin that provides a suite of utilities to hack around GDB easily.
- SteganographyOnline - Online steganography encoder and decoder.
- BurpSuite - A graphical tool to testing website security.
- PicoCTF - All year round ctf game. Questions from the yearly picoCTF competition.
- CTF Cheatsheet - CTF tips and tricks.
19. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Code Analysis
- Rector (⭐9.4k) - A tool to upgrade and refactor code.
20. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Assembly Language / Blazor
- PC Assembly Language - P. A. Carter
21. Awesome Coq
Projects / User Interfaces
- Proof General - Generic interface for proof assistants based on the extensible, customizable text editor Emacs.
- Jupyter kernel for Coq (⭐94) - Coq support for the Jupyter Notebook web environment.
- Prev: Jan 19, 2020
- Next: Jan 17, 2020