Awesome List Updates on Jan 16, 2020
18 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ros2
Working Groups / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)
- Security Working Group
- Discourse threads tagged "wg-security"
- ros-security/community (⭐13) - Outlines the governance of the ROS 2 Security Working Group.
2. Awesome Pentest
Collaboration Tools / Malware Analysis Books
- Lair (⭐379) - Reactive attack collaboration framework and web application built with meteor.
3. Awesome Audio Visualization
- audioMotion - High-resolution real-time audio spectrum analyzer and full-featured music player written in JavaScript. Includes binaries for Windows, Linux and macOS.
Libraries Visualization
- audioMotion-analyzer - High-resolution real-time audio spectrum analyzer JS module with no dependencies.
4. Awesome Devenv
Misc / Extensions
- HTTP Toolkit - an HTTP inspection & debugging desktop application
5. Awesome Smart Tv
Samsung Tizen / Third-party remote control libraries
- samsung-tv-control (⭐123) - Library for remote control Samsung TV in your Node.js
6. Awesome Naming
Design Patterns and Anti Patterns
- Promise - A representation of a result that is available in the future, unless there are errors. Like in reality, promises are broken sometimes.
7. Awesome Flutter
🇪🇸 Spain / Misc
8. Free for Dev
Managed Data Services
- - a fast and straightforward NoSQL cloud database service. With you get schema, relations, automatic REST API (with MongoDB-like queries), and an efficient multi-user admin UI for working with data. The free plan allows 3 users, 2500 records, and 1 API request per second.
9. Awesome Ios Books
10. Awesome Rails
Jobs / Other external resources
11. Awesome Icons
- Picon (⭐23) - Small ligature-based icon font and SVG. (Website)
12. Awesome Ocaml
Machine Learning
- Articles
13. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Markup and CSS
- CommonMark PHP (⭐2.8k) - Highly-extensible Markdown parser which fully supports the CommonMark spec.
14. Awesome Java
Financial / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Parity (⭐501) - Platform for trading venues.
- Philadelphia (⭐332) - Low-latency financial information exchange.
15. Awesome Chip 8
- #chip8 channel on the Emulation Development Discord server - Chat for discussing development of CHIP-8 emulators/interpreters.
- OctoJam - An Octo-centric game jam held every October.
- CHIP-8 Instruction Set - Quick cheat sheet for CHIP-8 instructions.
- CHIP-8 Instruction Set (⭐214) - A comprehensive instruction/opcode table.
- CHIP-8 Technical Reference (⭐214) - Overview of how the CHIP-8 interpreter works.
- CHIP-8 Extensions Reference (⭐214) - A list of CHIP-8 variants and extensions.
- HP48-Superchip (⭐24) - An in-depth look at CHIP48 and Super-CHIP for the HP48 calculators, and modifications to make them CHIP-8 compatible.
- Octo Extensions - Specification for Octo's XO-CHIP extension.
Emulator/interpreter development
- How to write an emulator (CHIP-8 interpreter) - A guide to developing a CHIP-8 interpreter in C/C++.
- Emulator 101: CHIP-8 - A guide to developing a CHIP-8 disassembler and interpreter in C.
Emulators/interpreters / Testing
- Octo - An IDE for development of CHIP-8, Super-CHIP and XO-Chip games.
- Emma02 - An emulator for many old microcomputers, including COSMAC VIP, Telmac 1800 and ETI 660, which ran early CHIP-8 interpreters (which are included in the emulator).
- Super-Chip8x (⭐14) - CHIP-8 emulator for the SNES.
- CHIP-8 console on FPGA (⭐180) - A CHIP-8 emulator for the TinyFPGA BX chip.
- Vinegar - CHIP-8/Super-CHIP interpreter for TI-83 (Plus) calculators.
Software development / Tools
- wernsey chip8 (⭐73) - A CHIP-8 assembler/disassembler.
- EZ-Bake Animator - A graphics preparation tool that creates XOR-ed animations.
- EZ-Pack - An image slicing/repaletting tool.
- Chipify - A script that filters and encodes mono-channel WAV audio to XO-CHIP audio.
- octofont (⭐5) - Convert TrueType (ttf) fonts to Octo code for CHIP-8.
Software development / Guides and snippets
- Octo manual - The manual for Octo.
- An Intermediate Guide to Game Development with Chip8 - Remaking the Atari 2600 game "Outlaw" for CHIP-8 in Octo.
- Chip8 Programming Techniques - Many different programming tips for CHIP-8.
- Octo Metaprogramming Cookbook - How to use Octo's assembly directives for meta-programming.
- Mastering SuperChip - How to make games compatible with CHIP-8 and Super-CHIP, as well as some Super-CHIP specific techniques.
- Adventures in Sorting - Implementing efficient sorting algorithms in Octo for CHIP-8.
Software development / Postmortems
Games / Postmortems
- CHIP-8 Archive - A collection of public domain (CC0) games, all playable online.
- A collection of CHIP-8 programs and documentation (⭐214) - Matt Mikolay's games, programs and documentation.
16. Awesome Stock Resources
Illustration / Unspecified License
- Biodiversity Heritage Library ©️ ©️ A mix of Public Domain and Attribution (CC BY 2.0) licenses. Nearly 150,000 exquisite, historical illustrations of life on Earth.
17. Awesome React Components
- material-table (⭐3.5k) - demo/docs - Built on Material UI, plus: grouping, tree data, expandable rows, export, inline editing
- react-charty (⭐71) - demo - Small but powerful interactive data viz with multiple chart types, animations, zooming, theming.
- react-awesome-query-builder (⭐1.9k) - demo - Visual query builder from form fields, with SQL, MongoDB and JSON export
Form Components / Input Types
- react-numpad (⭐136) - demo - Extensible number pad control for numbers, dates and times.
Form Components / Sortable List
- sortablejs (⭐29k) - Lists reorderable by drag-and-drop, within and among lists.
Form Components / Rich Text Editor
- react-ace (⭐4k) - Ace (Advanced Code Editor) wraper.
- react-draft-wysiwyg (⭐6.4k) - WYSIWYG editor build on top of DraftJS.
- react-medium-editor (⭐503) - medium-editor wrapper.
- react-quill (⭐6.6k) - Quill wrapper.
- react-trumbowyg (⭐144) - Trumbowyg wrapper.
Form Components / Image Editing
- react-image-cropper (⭐175) - Image cropper.
Form Components / Form Component Collections
- react-widgets (⭐2.3k) - An à la carte set of polished, extensible, and accessible inputs.
Form Components / Syntax Highlight
- react-syntax-highlighter (⭐3.9k) - Syntax highlighting component with Prismjs or Highlightjs AST using inline styles.
UI Layout / Syntax Highlight
- golden-layout (⭐6.2k) - A multi-screen JavaScript Layout manager.
- hedron (⭐865) - A no-frills flexbox grid system, powered by styled-components.
- m-react-splitters (⭐160) - Splitter component, written in TypeScript.
- react-masonry-component (⭐1.4k) - Wrapper for @desandro's Masonry.
- react-stonecutter (⭐1.2k) - Animated grid layout component.
UI Animation / Syntax Highlight
- data-driven-motion (⭐541) - Easily animate your data.
- react-anime (⭐1.5k) - A super easy animation library.
- react-mt-svg-lines (⭐360) - Wrapper to animate the line stroke in SVGs.
- react-spring (⭐28k) - A spring physics based animation library.
- react-transitive-number (⭐210) - Apply transition effect to numeric strings, a la old Groupon timers.
- react-particles-bg (⭐636) - Particles backgrounds.
Responsive / Syntax Highlight
- atlaskit - Atlassian's official UI library, with components from badge to tree table.
- carbon (⭐7.6k) - demo/docs - A design system built by IBM.
- chakra-ui (⭐37k) - demo/docs - Simple, Modular & Accessible UI Components for your React Applications.
- evergreen (⭐12k) - demo/docs - Evergreen React UI Framework by Segment.
- gestalt (⭐4.2k) - demo/docs - A set of components that supports Pinterest’s design language.
Responsive / Material Design
- react-toolbox (⭐8.7k) - A set of React components implementing Google's Material Design.
Mobile / Material Design
- antd-mobile (⭐11k) - Configurable Mobile UI from China.
- Ionic React - Ionic Framework: easily build Android, Desktop and Progressive Web Apps with one code base.
- OnsenUI (⭐8.8k) - demo/docs - Mobile app framework with Material and flat (iOS) designs. Based on Web Components.
Component Collections / Material Design
- blueprint (⭐20k) - demo - docs - UI toolkit for building complex, data-dense web interfaces for desktop (not mobile) applications.
- rsuite (⭐8.2k) - demo/docs - Suite of components for "enterprise system products".
18. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Java / Bootstrap
- Data Structures in Java for the Principled Programmer (2007) - Duane A. Bailey (PDF) (🗃️ archived)
- Playing with Java Microservices on Kubernetes and OpenShift - Nebrass Lamouchi (Leanpub account or valid email requested)
Scala / Sinatra
- Pure functional HTTP APIs in Scala - Jens Grassel
Windows 8 / Vulkan
- Programming Windows Store Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Second Edition - Kraig Brockschmidt (PDF) (🗃️ archived)
- Prev: Jan 17, 2020
- Next: Jan 15, 2020