Awesome List Updates on Jan 15, 2020
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Elm
Boilerplates / Individual Podcast episodes
- elm-boil (⭐20) - Command Line Utility for creating an Elm boilerplate project easy to run, build and get deployed
2. PlacesToPostYourStartup
- /r/Design_Critiques -
3. Awesome Deno
Presentations / XML
4. Awesome Rust
Development tools / Build system
- GitHub actions
- icepuma/rust-action (⭐78) - rust github action
- peaceiris/actions-mdbook (⭐307) - GitHub Actions for mdBook
Libraries / Text search
- andylokandy/simsearch-rs (⭐172) [simsearch] - A simple and lightweight fuzzy search engine that works in memory, searching for similar strings
Libraries / Unsafe
- zerocopy - "Zerocopy makes zero-cost memory manipulation effortless. We write
so you don’t have to."
Libraries / Virtualization
- chromium/chromiumos/platform/crosvm - CrOSVM Enables Chrome OS to run Linux apps inside a fast, secure virtualized environment
Resources / Web programming
- Podcasts
- New Rustacean - A podcast about learning Rust
- Rustacean Station - A community project for creating podcast content for Rust
5. Awesome Ant Design
- Zaku (⭐85) - JSX-based UI editor, easy way to build page and generate antd code.
6. Awesome Ada
Commercial / Open source / Apache License
- gnat-pro - The GNAT Pro product line offers a comprehensive toolset (IDEs, debugger, librairies, dynamic and static analysis tools) for Ada, C and C++.
Commercial / Closed source / Apache License
- janus-ada - Compiler supporting all the major features of the Ada 83, Ada 95, Ada 2005 and Ada 2012 versions of the language.
- object-ada - PTC ObjectAda is an extensive family of native and cross development tools and runtime environments.
- apex-ada - PTC ApexAda is one of the industry's most popular development environments for Ada and mixed Ada/C/C++ applications.
- greenhills-ada - Green Hills Software offers the industry's first, fully validated family of Ada Cross Compilers for real-time targets.
7. Awesome React Components
- react-data-table (⭐2k) - demo/docs - accessible, responsive, themable, declaratively configurable table with sorting, selectable rows, expandable rows, pagination
i18n / Mouse Events
- js-lingui (⭐4.3k) - docs – A readable, automated, and optimized (5 kb) internationalization for JavaScript.
8. Free for Dev
Security and PKI
- — Open Source platform with indelible proof to notarize code, files, directories, or container
9. Awesome Cakephp
Authentication and Authorization
- Tools:Passwordable (⭐334) - Containing Passwordable behavior (⭐334) for a DRY approach on password hashing.
- Cache plugin (⭐33) - For caching views (HTML, CSV, JSON, XML, ...) as static cache files.
- Tools plugin (⭐334) - Containing lots of useful libs, helpers, behaviors, components, shells and more.
- Tags plugin (⭐15) - For tagging and finding tagged records.
- Tools:Slugged (⭐334) - Containing Slugged behavior to auto-generate URL-compatible slugs from titles.
- Prev: Jan 16, 2020
- Next: Jan 14, 2020