Awesome List Updates on Jan 14, 2020
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Esolangs
- Turtle (⭐4) - Uses long-term storage for memory use.
2. Awesome WSL
Using WSL / Programming on WSL
WSL Tools / WSL Utilities
- wsl-gui-bins (⭐36) - Start common GUI applications under WSL as under Linux.
3. Awesome Ssh
Apps / Servers
- ShellHub (⭐982)
- A SSH gateway for remotely accessing any Linux device behind firewall and NAT.
4. Awesome Actions
Utility / Semantic Versioning
- Cut Release Branch (⭐10) - Cuts a release branch given a branch prefix and optional semantic version.
5. Awesome Vulkan
- Khronos Vulkan samples (⭐4.1k) [LICENSE (⭐4.1k)]
6. Awesome Magento2
- PhpInsights (⭐5.4k) - PHP quality checks (with Magento2 presets)
- Tango (⭐110) - CLI for analyzing access logs
- Github Actions for Magento2 (⭐138) - GitHub Actions for Magento 2 Extensions
- Magento 2 Ngrok (⭐46) - Magento 2 Ngrok Integration
7. Awesome Blazor
- Blazor + Electron - Host Razor Components inside an Electron shell. This allows for modern, high-performance cross-platform desktop apps built with .NET and web technologies.
- Mobile Blazor Bindings - Experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings - Build native mobile apps with Blazor.
8. Awesome Swift
Button / Barcode
- FloatingButton (⭐1.2k) - Easily customizable floating button menu created with SwiftUI.
Walkthrough / Barcode
- ConcentricOnboarding (⭐1.4k) - SwiftUI library for a walkthrough or onboarding flow with tap actions.
9. Free for Dev
- Gremlin — Gremlin's Chaos Engineering tools allow you to safely and securely inject failure into your systems to find weaknesses before they cause customer-facing issues. Gremlin Free provides access to Shutdown and CPU attacks on up to 5 hosts or containers.
- - SSL monitoring, free for up to 5 monitors
Design and UI
- — Unlimited mind maps for free and store them in the cloud. Your mind maps are available everywhere, instantly, from any device.
10. Awesome Coq
Projects / Type Theory and Mathematics
- Analysis (⭐210) - Library for classical real analysis compatible with Mathematical Components.
- Coquelicot - Formalization of classical real analysis compatible with the standard library and focusing on usability.
11. Awesome Asyncio
- httpx (⭐14k) - asynchronous HTTP client for Python 3 with requests (⭐53k) compatible API.
12. Awesome Wardley Maps
- Mapping Maps Newsletter - Subscribe here. Newsletter archive.
13. Awesome Java
Miscellaneous / Text-Based User Interfaces
- yGuard (⭐395) - Obfuscation via renaming and shrinking.
14. Awesome Python
- loguru (⭐19k) - Library which aims to bring enjoyable logging in Python.
15. Awesome Yew
- Rust-Full-Stack (⭐1.5k) - Easily testable and working Rust codes with blog posts to explain them.
Books / Frameworks
- Programming WebAssembly with Rust - Includes a chapter
Advanced JavaScript Integration with Yew
on creating an app with Yew.
- Prev: Jan 15, 2020
- Next: Jan 13, 2020