Awesome List Updates on Jan 13, 2020

16 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Humane Tech

Blocklists / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

2. Awesome Dotnet Core

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Testing

3. Awesome Circuitpython



Contributing / Contribution Workflow Overview

4. Awesome Mqtt



Makers / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

5. Awesome V

Command line interface (CLI) / Terminal / Shell

Operating system

User Interface toolkits

6. Awesome Python


HTTP Clients

Specific Formats Processing

Web Content Extracting

7. Awesome Piracy

Documentaries / Third Party Hosts

8. Awesome Jmeter

Books / Utilities

9. Awesome Wardley Maps


Maps in the Wild

Research Papers

10. Awesome Bigdata

System Deployment

Data Visualization

11. Awesome Ada

Open source / GPL (no linking exception)

OS and Kernels / Apache License

12. Awesome Actions

Utility / Semantic Versioning

Static Analysis / Linting

13. Awesome Coq

Projects / Libraries

Projects / Plugins

Projects / Tools

Projects / Type Theory and Mathematics

Projects / Verified Software

Resources / Community

Resources / Tutorials and Hints

14. Awesome Creative Tech Events

USA / San Francisco

15. Awesome Elm

Libraries / Individual Podcast episodes

16. Awesome Ponyfills

Browser Features