Awesome List Updates on Jan 13, 2020
16 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Humane Tech
- hosts-blocklists (⭐2k) - A host and domainname based blocklist specifically designed for use with dnsmasq.
2. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Testing
- FluentAssertions (⭐3.7k) - Set of .NET extension methods that allow you to more naturally specify the expected outcome of a TDD or BDD-style test.
3. Awesome Circuitpython
- Glider: An app for editing Python on mobile devices wirelessly (⭐41) - Also a video, in development.
- Learn Hardware Programming with CircuitPython - A course offered by Codecademy in collaboration with Adafruit.
- Use CircuitPython boards on the TI-83 Premium CE calculator - CircuitPython runs on Texas Instrument calculators.
Contributing / Contribution Workflow Overview
- Clone the forked repo to your drive.
- Add a remote using owner adafruit and the original URL.
- Create a pull request on the official repo.
- Once accepted, repeat by merging from the official repo to your fork's master, and re-branch.
4. Awesome Mqtt
- Mosquitto - "The" Open Source MQTT Broker.
- Free test server hosted by the Eclipse Foundation.
- Authorization Plugin in Go (⭐360) supports many types of logins.
- Let's Encrypt Mosquitto Docker Container makes it easy to encrypt.
- CloudMQTT - Hosted message broker for the Internet of Things. Perfectly configured and optimized message queues for IoT, ready in seconds.
- EMQ X MQTT Cloud - A secure, reliable MQTT cloud service with best pratices from EMQ team.
- Google Cloud IoT - Google Cloud IoT is a complete set of tools to connect, process, store, and analyze data both at the edge and in the cloud. The platform consists of scalable, fully-managed cloud services; an integrated software stack for edge/on-premises computing with machine learning capabilities for all your IoT needs.
Makers / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- ESPEasy - Turns ESP into a multifunction sensor device for HA solutions with web-based configuration.
- ESPHome - builds ESP8266/ESP32 firmware from concise YAML descriptions, uploads to and manages flashed devices.
- Espurna (⭐2.8k) - HA firmware for ESP8266-based devices with rich web UI and ≈120 devices supported out of the box
- Sonoff-Tasmota (⭐19k) - Firmware for ESP8266 devices with web-based configuration. ≈500 devices supported (not only Sonoffs).
- WiFi-IoT - ESP8266/ESP32 firmware builder. Partly in Russian. Free features are limited.
5. Awesome V
Command line interface (CLI) / Terminal / Shell
- boxx (⭐99) - Create highly customizable terminal boxes that also look great! 📦
Operating system
- clipboard (⭐36k) - V module for interacting with the OS clipboard. Fully cross-platform.
User Interface toolkits
- vig (⭐55) - Bindings for Dear ImGui (⭐63k) GUI toolkit.
- vnk (⭐50) - Bindings for Nuklear (⭐14k) GUI toolkit.
6. Awesome Python
- Mail Servers
- modoboa (⭐3k) - A mail hosting and management platform including a modern Web UI.
- salmon (⭐639) - A Python Mail Server.
- Clients
- imbox (⭐1.2k) - Python IMAP for Humans.
- yagmail (⭐2.6k) - Yet another Gmail/SMTP client.
- Others
- flanker (⭐1.6k) - An email address and Mime parsing library.
- mailer (⭐279) - High-performance extensible mail delivery framework.
HTTP Clients
- requests (⭐52k) - HTTP Requests for Humans.
Specific Formats Processing
- General
- tablib (⭐4.6k) - A module for Tabular Datasets in XLS, CSV, JSON, YAML.
Web Content Extracting
- requests-html (⭐14k) - Pythonic HTML Parsing for Humans.
7. Awesome Piracy
Documentaries / Third Party Hosts
- Documentary Addict A website which scrapes Youtube for documentaries
- iHaveNoTv Community managed documentary collection
8. Awesome Jmeter
Books / Utilities
- JMeter by Example - By Sai Matam and Jagdeep Jain (Leanpub); a simple, practical, step-by-step tutorial to measure the performance of websites.
- Advanced JMeter Testing - By Penny Curich (Leanpub), guide to write custom components for Apache JMeter 5.0.
9. Awesome Wardley Maps
- Bits or pieces? - Simon Wardley's blog.
Maps in the Wild
- Structural Deepening - Using Wardley maps to look at the evolution of the jet engine. Jan 5, 2020.
- Plotting a path to a greener web with Wardley mapping - The Green Web Foundation. Mar 20, 2019.
- UN Global Platform - Handbook on Information Technology Strategy - Covers the development of your IT strategy using Wardley Maps to predict the future, understand which methodologies are best suited to developing and delivery information management systems. Download the Wardley map source files used to create the Handbook on IT Strategy. Mar 13, 2019.
- UN Privacy Preserving Techniques Handbook - Two use cases: giving NSOs access to new sources of (sensitive) Big Data; and enabling Big Data Collaborations Across Multiple NSO. Download Wardley maps slide deck. Mar 12, 2019.
- Burja Mapping - Combines Samo Burja's Empire Theory with a form of mapping similar to that pioneered by Simon Wardley. Jan 2, 2019.
- Rebooting GDS - How to stop the organisation from actively harming itself by focusing on doctrine and spend control. Oct 30, 2018.
- Healthcare information technology strategy - How can we make best use of technology to support healthcare? Jul 19, 2018.
- Mapping Maturity - Context specific maturity models with Wardley maps informed by Cynefin. May 11, 2018.
- Designing for constant evolution - Pioneer, Settler and Town Planner (Wardley PST). Jan 31, 2017.
- Thank you Amazon. Boom! Everything in business will change - Dec 3, 2016.
- Amazon is eating the software (which is eating the world) - Nov 30, 2016.
- Why the fuss about serverless? - Evolution and co-evolution of architectural practice and worth based development. Nov 23, 2016.
Research Papers
- Mapping Practice Papers - A series of position papers published by the Leading Edge Forum. Jun 13, 2018 - Jan 28, 2019.
10. Awesome Bigdata
System Deployment
- Linkis (⭐3.1k) - Linkis helps easily connect to various back-end computation/storage engines.
Data Visualization
- DataSphere Studio (⭐2.6k) - one-stop data application development management portal.
11. Awesome Ada
Open source / GPL (no linking exception)
- gnat-ce - GNAT Community edition. A release of AdaCore GNAT for free software developers, hobbyists, and students. The run-time libraries provided with GNAT Community are licensed under GPLv3 without linking exception. It supports Ada 2012 only.
OS and Kernels / Apache License
- havk (⭐26) - x86-64 security-focused OS being created with SPARK.
12. Awesome Actions
Utility / Semantic Versioning
Static Analysis / Linting
13. Awesome Coq
Projects / Libraries
- coq-haskell (⭐168) - Library smoothing the transition to Coq for Haskell users.
Projects / Plugins
- AAC Tactics (⭐30) - Tactics for rewriting universally quantified equations, modulo associativity and commutativity of some operator.
- Gappa - Tactic for discharging goals about floating-point arithmetic and round-off errors.
- Mtac2 (⭐51) - Plugin adding typed tactics for backward reasoning.
- SMTCoq (⭐157) - Tool that checks proof witnesses coming from external SAT and SMT solvers.
Projects / Tools
- Menhir - Parser generator that can output Coq code for verified parsers.
Projects / Type Theory and Mathematics
- Category Theory in Coq (⭐760) - Axiom-free formalization of category theory.
- Mathematical Components - Formalization of mathematical theories, focusing in particular on group theory.
Projects / Verified Software
- JSCert (⭐197) - Coq specification of ECMAScript 5 (JavaScript) with verified reference interpreter.
Resources / Community
Resources / Tutorials and Hints
- Coq in a Hurry - Introduction to how Coq can be used to define logical concepts and functions and reason about them.
- Lemma Overloading (⭐27) - Demonstration of design patterns for programming and proving with canonical structures.
- Mike Nahas's Coq Tutorial - Basics of using Coq to write formal proofs.
14. Awesome Creative Tech Events
USA / San Francisco
- CODAME ART+TECH Festival - Explores the manifold dimensions of SPACE with an incredible lineup schedule, including nightlife installations and performances, a variety of workshops, and community gathering art+tech salon to close off the Festival. (October)
15. Awesome Elm
Libraries / Individual Podcast episodes
- Elm packages - The official registry
- Elm Search - Search Elm documentation for operators, function signatures, etc.
16. Awesome Ponyfills
Browser Features
- Prev: Jan 14, 2020
- Next: Jan 12, 2020