Awesome List Updates on Jan 08, 2020
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome
- File Juggler - Organize files automatically. Monitor folders and execute actions like rename, delete, unzip and more. Finds dates in PDFs and much more.
2. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In Spanish
- Atareao Podcast - Podcast sobre Linux, Ubuntu, Android y Open Source.
- Bricolabs Podcast - Mundo maker, software y hardware libre, proyectos, actividades y eventos organizados por la asociación Bricolabs.
- Davidochobits podcast - Free Software, GNU y Linux.
- - Podcast de tecnologia para sysadmins y devops.
- Eduardo Collado - Administración de redes. No sólo de hosting y redes vive el hombre.
- Home Studio Libre: el Podcast - Aquí encontraras informacion en español sobre producción y postproducción de audio y vídeo con herramientas libres.
- Más Allá de la Innovación - Entrevistas tech de OpenExpo.
- Mosqueteroweb Tecnología - Reflexiones sobre tecnología, ordenadores, chromebooks, smartphones, tablets, software, sistemas operativos:Linux, Windows y otros y apps.
- NOlegaltech Radio - El mundo legal no mola nada... Píldoras de tecnología y derecho en 10 minutos.
- Linux Express, de Podcast Linux - Resumen más personal de Podcast Linux.
- Podcast oficial KDE España - Podcast de la Asociación Cultural KDE España.
- Salmorejo Geek - Batiburrillo Digital. Sobre todo Linux.
- Ubuntu y otras hierbas - Podcast en español sobre Ubuntu y software libre en general.
- uGeek - Tecnología, Android, Linux, Servidores y mucho más...
3. Awesome Cakephp
- Ajax plugin (⭐56) - A plugin to ease handling AJAX requests.
- Meta plugin (⭐7) - Makes handling meta tags and SEO-relevant HTML markup DRY and easy.
4. Learn to Program
Grid Garden
Free game that teaches the CSS grid system created by @thomaspark
5. Free for Dev
- — Various free network and server tools.
6. Awesome Cheminformatics
Libraries / Format Checking
- rd_filters (⭐119) - A script to run structural alerts using the RDKit and ChEMBL
Libraries / Machine Learning
- DeepChem (⭐5k) - Deep learning library for Chemistry based on Tensorflow
- pytorch-geometric - A PyTorch library provides implementation of many graph convolution algorithms.
7. Awesome Speakers
Asia / Singapore 🇸🇬
Arbaz Pirwani
Topics: Android, Kotlin, Java
Eric Bhatti
Topics: Android, Java, Kotlin, Firebase
Mashhood Rastgar
Topics: Progressive Web Apps, Angular, Firebase
Muhammad Kamran
Topics: Angular, Redux, RxJS, Flutter, Dart, React Native, JavaScript, TypeScript, Linux
Narain Sagar
Topics: Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Docker, Continuous Integration, Tooling, Automation Testing
Nasir Hussain
Topics: Web Design, Blockchain, Python, IoT, Continous Integration, Developer Ecosystems
Wajahat Karim
Topics: Android, Open Source, Java, Kotlin
8. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Practices and Specific ES Features
- functional (⭐795) - ESLint rules to disable mutation and promote fp in JavaScript and TypeScript.
9. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Cryptography
- kornelski/rust-security-framework (⭐257) - Bindings for Security Framework (OSX native)
Libraries / Encoding
- mongodb/bson-rust (⭐428) - Encoding and decoding support for BSON
Libraries / Image processing
- abonander/img_hash (⭐315) - Perceptual image hashing and comparison for equality and similarity.
Libraries / Platform specific
- Unix-like
- nix-rust/nix (⭐2.8k) - Unix-like API bindings
- rustix (⭐1.6k) - Safe bindings to POSIX/Unix/Linux/Winsock2 syscalls
- zargony/fuse-rs (⭐1.1k) - FUSE (⭐5.5k) bindings
- nix-rust/nix (⭐2.8k) - Unix-like API bindings
10. Awesome Keycloak
11. Awesome Piracy
Download Managers / Free Indexers
- FreeDownloadManager FDM can boost all your downloads up to 10 times, process media files of various popular formats, drag & drop URLs right from a web browser as well as simultaneously download multiple files! Compatible with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer and Safari
Streaming Sites / Anime
- AnimeRam A streaming website for dubbed/subbed anime.
Music / Third Party Hosts
- Madsonic Madsonic is a web-based media library and media streamer with jukebox functionality.
12. Awesome Nosql Guides
Overview of NoSQL
- NoSQL Data Architecture & Data Governance: Everything You Need to Know (2018) - Overview of different NoSQL database architectures with diagrams.
- Prev: Jan 09, 2020
- Next: Jan 07, 2020