Awesome List Updates on Mar 04 - Mar 10, 2019
66 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Quantified Self
Devices and Wearables / Wealth
- Oura Ring - Highly-accurate sleep (and activity) tracker worn on the finger that measures HR, HRV, temperature, and movement.
2. Awesome Geojson
- togeojson (⭐420): convert GPX & KML to geojson
3. Awesome Diversity
- Dev Color - A non-profit organization that aims to advance the careers of Black software engineers.
- Diversify Tech - A collection of resources for underrepresented people in tech.
- Women Love Tech - Women Love Tech was launched with the vision to share a passion and love for technology. Since then, Women Love Tech has evolved into a lifestyle technology digital magazine for women who love all things tech that can enhance their everyday lifestyle.
4. Awesome Imba
Resources / Official Resources
Resources / Toolkits and Frameworks
- UXA (⭐13) - Experimental framework for Imba.
Resources / Editor Plugins and IDEs
- Atom (⭐2) - Imba plugin for Atom.
- Sublime Text (⭐15) - Imba plugin for Sublime.
- VSCode (⭐11) - Imba plugin for VSCode.
Resources / Articles
Built with Imba / Real World Apps
- Scrimba - The interactive screencasting platform is written in Imba, both frontend and backend.
- Iceland Fish Auction Market - A website for the iceland fish market.
- GitSpeak - A project management tool for developers.
Built with Imba / Apps/Websites
- Imba Todo MVC (⭐24) - Imba TodoMVC Example.
- Eyes (⭐3) - view online - A cool interaction website.
5. Awesome Python
Admin Panels
- ajenti (⭐7.4k) - The admin panel your servers deserve.
- wooey (⭐2.1k) - A Django app which creates automatic web UIs for Python scripts.
Asynchronous Programming
- concurrent.futures - (Python standard library) A high-level interface for asynchronously executing callables.
- Audio
- audioread (⭐481) - Cross-library (GStreamer + Core Audio + MAD + FFmpeg) audio decoding.
- audioFlux (⭐2.1k) - A library for audio and music analysis, feature extraction.
- dejavu (⭐6.4k) - Audio fingerprinting and recognition.
- kapre (⭐916) - Keras Audio Preprocessors.
- librosa (⭐6.8k) - Python library for audio and music analysis.
- matchering (⭐1.2k) - A library for automated reference audio mastering.
- mingus - An advanced music theory and notation package with MIDI file and playback support.
- pyaudioanalysis (⭐5.7k) - Audio feature extraction, classification, segmentation and applications.
- pydub (⭐8.6k) - Manipulate audio with a simple and easy high level interface.
- timeside (⭐367) - Open web audio processing framework.
- Metadata
- beets (⭐13k) - A music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger.
- eyed3 (⭐532) - A tool for working with audio files, specifically MP3 files containing ID3 metadata.
- mutagen (⭐1.5k) - A Python module to handle audio metadata.
- tinytag (⭐677) - A library for reading music meta data of MP3, OGG, FLAC and Wave files.
- pyjwt (⭐5k) - JSON Web Token implementation in Python.
- python-jose (⭐1.5k) - A JOSE implementation in Python.
Build Tools
- pybuilder (⭐1.7k) - A continuous build tool written in pure Python.
- feincms (⭐919) - One of the most advanced Content Management Systems built on Django.
- beaker (⭐517) - A WSGI middleware for sessions and caching.
- pylibmc (⭐478) - A Python wrapper around the libmemcached interface.
ChatOps Tools
- errbot (⭐3.1k) - The easiest and most popular chatbot to implement ChatOps.
Configuration Files
- configparser - (Python standard library) INI file parser.
- configobj (⭐314) - INI file parser with validation.
- pynacl (⭐1.1k) - Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library.
- pickleDB (⭐889) - A simple and lightweight key-value store for Python.
- tinydb (⭐6.6k) - A tiny, document-oriented database.
Deep Learning
- keras (⭐61k) - A high-level neural networks library and capable of running on top of either TensorFlow or Theano.
- pytorch (⭐80k) - Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration.
- tensorflow (⭐184k) - The most popular Deep Learning framework created by Google.
Distributed Computing
- Batch Processing
- dask (⭐12k) - A flexible parallel computing library for analytic computing.
- luigi (⭐18k) - A module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs.
- PySpark (⭐39k) - Apache Spark Python API.
- Ray (⭐32k) - A system for parallel and distributed Python that unifies the machine learning ecosystem.
- Stream Processing
- faust (⭐6.7k) - A stream processing library, porting the ideas from Kafka Streams to Python.
- streamparse (⭐1.5k) - Run Python code against real-time streams of data via Apache Storm.
- pdoc (⭐1.9k) - Epydoc replacement to auto generate API documentation for Python libraries.
Editor Plugins and IDEs
- Emacs
- elpy (⭐1.9k) - Emacs Python Development Environment.
- PyCharm - Commercial Python IDE by JetBrains. Has free community edition available.
- spyder (⭐8.1k) - Open Source Python IDE.
GUI Development
- Gooey (⭐20k) - Turn command line programs into a full GUI application with one line.
- boltons (⭐6.5k) - A set of pure-Python utilities.
- tryton - A general purpose business framework.
Natural Language Processing
- Chinese
- funNLP (⭐66k) - A collection of tools and datasets for Chinese NLP.
- jieba (⭐33k) - The most popular Chinese text segmentation library.
- pkuseg-python (⭐6.5k) - A toolkit for Chinese word segmentation in various domains.
- snownlp (⭐6.4k) - A library for processing Chinese text.
Network Virtualization
- mininet (⭐5.3k) - A popular network emulator and API written in Python.
- napalm (⭐2.2k) - Cross-vendor API to manipulate network devices.
- Relational Databases
- Django Models - The Django ORM.
- SQLAlchemy - The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper.
- dataset (⭐4.7k) - Store Python dicts in a database - works with SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
- orator (⭐1.4k) - The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation.
- orm (⭐1.8k) - An async ORM.
- peewee (⭐11k) - A small, expressive ORM.
- pony (⭐3.6k) - ORM that provides a generator-oriented interface to SQL.
- pydal (⭐487) - A pure Python Database Abstraction Layer.
Package Repositories
- devpi (⭐854) - PyPI server and packaging/testing/release tool.
- sarge - Yet another wrapper for subprocess.
Recommender Systems
- lightfm (⭐4.7k) - A Python implementation of a number of popular recommendation algorithms.
- spotlight (⭐3k) - Deep recommender models using PyTorch.
- Surprise (⭐6.3k) - A scikit for building and analyzing recommender systems.
- tensorrec (⭐1.3k) - A Recommendation Engine Framework in TensorFlow.
- django-haystack (⭐3.6k) - Modular search for Django.
- pysolr (⭐661) - A lightweight Python wrapper for Apache Solr.
- whoosh - A fast, pure Python search engine library.
- marshmallow (⭐6.9k) - A lightweight library for converting complex objects to and from simple Python datatypes.
- pysimdjson (⭐639) - A Python bindings for simdjson (⭐19k).
- python-rapidjson (⭐497) - A Python wrapper around RapidJSON (⭐14k).
Static Site Generator
- lektor (⭐3.8k) - An easy to use static CMS and blog engine.
- nikola (⭐2.6k) - A static website and blog generator.
- django-taggit (⭐3.3k) - Simple tagging for Django.
Template Engine
- Genshi - Python templating toolkit for generation of web-aware output.
Text Processing
- Unique identifiers
- hashids (⭐1.4k) - Implementation of hashids in Python.
- shortuuid (⭐2k) - A generator library for concise, unambiguous and URL-safe UUIDs.
- moviepy - A module for script-based movie editing with many formats, including animated GIFs.
Web Asset Management
- django-compressor (⭐2.8k) - Compresses linked and inline JavaScript or CSS into a single cached file.
- django-pipeline (⭐1.5k) - An asset packaging library for Django.
- django-storages (⭐2.7k) - A collection of custom storage back ends for Django.
- fanstatic - Packages, optimizes, and serves static file dependencies as Python packages.
- fileconveyor - A daemon to detect and sync files to CDNs, S3 and FTP.
- flask-assets (⭐449) - Helps you integrate webassets into your Flask app.
- webassets (⭐920) - Bundles, optimizes, and manages unique cache-busting URLs for static resources.
Web Crawling
- grab (⭐2.4k) - Site scraping framework.
- autobahn-python (⭐2.5k) - WebSocket & WAMP for Python on Twisted and asyncio.
6. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Demonstrations
- adlink_ddsbot (⭐37) - The ROS 2.0/1.0 based robots swarm architecture (opensplice DDS).
- adlink_neuronbot (⭐10) - ROS2/DDS robot pkg for human following and swarm.
- turtlebot3 (⭐1.2k) - ROS2 based TurtleBot3 demo including Bringup, Teleop and Cartographer.
Packages / Examples
- turtlebot2_demo (⭐87) - TurtleBot 2 demos using ROS 2.
- examples/rclcpp (⭐539) - C++ examples.
- examples/rclpy (⭐539) - Python examples.
- rcljava_examples (⭐9) - Package containing examples of how to use the rcljava API.
- ros2_talker_android, ros2_listener_android (⭐27) - Example Android apps for the ROS2 Java bindings.
Packages / Benchmarking
- ros2_benchmarking (⭐45) - Framework for ROS2 benchmarking. ROS2 communication characteristics can be evaluated on several axes, quickly and in an automated way.
- performance_test (⭐63) - Test performance and latency of various communication means like ROS 2, FastRTPS and Connext DDS Micro.
Packages / Containerization
- docker-ros2-ospl-ce (⭐9) - A dockerfile to build a ROS2 + OpenSplice CE container.
- ros2_java_docker (⭐5) - Dockerfiles for building ros2_java with OpenJDK and Android.
Packages / Ecosystem
- rosbag2 (⭐206) - ROS2 native rosbag.
- rviz (⭐201) - 3D Robot Visualizer.
- ros2cli (⭐126) - ROS 2 command line tools.
- orocos_kinematics_dynamics (⭐9) - Orocos Kinematics and Dynamics C++ library.
- pydds (⭐21) - Simple DDS Python API for Vortex Lite and for OpenSplice.
Packages / Application layer
- ros2_control (⭐303) -
is a proof of concept on how new features within ROS 2 can be elaborated and used in the context of robot control (ros2_controllers
- ros2_controllers (⭐203) - Description of ros_controllers.
- geometry2 (⭐81) - A set of ROS packages for keeping track of coordinate transforms.
- cartographer (⭐41) - Real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
- teleop_twist_keyboard (⭐20) - Generic Keyboard Teleop for ROS2.
- teleop_twist_joy (⭐28) - Simple joystick teleop for twist robots.
- diagnostics (⭐1) - Forked version of the original ROS1 Diagnostics for ROS 2 (currently diagnostics_updater only).
- robot_state_publisher (⭐2) - Forked version of the original ROS Robot State Publisher with all modifications to compile within a ROS2 Ecosystem.
- common_interfaces (⭐150) - A set of packages which contain common interface files (.msg and .srv).
- ros2_object_map (⭐13) - "Mark tag of objects on map when SLAM".
- ros2_object_analytics (⭐96) - Object Analytics (OA) is ROS2 wrapper for realtime object detection, localization and tracking.
- ros2_intel_movidius_ncs (⭐26) - ROS2 wrapper for Movidius™ Neural Compute Stick (NCS) Neuronal Compute API.
- ros2_moving_object (⭐4) - Addressing moving objects based on messages generated by Object Analytics
- ros2_openvino_toolkit (⭐141) - ROS2 wrapper for CV API of OpenVINO™ (human vision emulation).
- ros2_grasp_library (⭐146) - Probably a grasp library :).
- ros2_message_filters (⭐21) - ros2_message_filters blends various messages based on the conditions that filter needs to met and derives from ROS2 porting of ROS message_filters.
- ros2-tensorflow (⭐49) - ROS2 nodes for computer vision tasks in Tensorflow.
- pid (⭐7) - A PID controller for ROS2.
Packages / "System" bindings
- rclandroid (⭐2) - Android API for ROS2.
- riot-ros2 (⭐23) - This project enables ROS2 to run on microcontrollers using the RIOT Operating System.
Packages / Client libraries
- rclnodejs (⭐259) - ROS Client Library for Node.js.
- rclada (⭐7) - ROS Client Library for Ada.
- rclcpp (⭐411) - ROS Client Library for C++.
- rclgo (⭐51) - ROS Client Library for Go.
- rclpy (⭐198) - ROS Client Library for Python.
- rcljava (⭐14) - ROS Client Library for Java.
- rclobjc (⭐21) - ROS Client Library for Objective C (for iOS).
- rclc (⭐87) - ROS Client Library for C.
- ros2_dotnet (⭐105) - .NET bindings for ROS2.
Packages / Driver layer
- cozmo_driver_ros2 (⭐4) - Unofficial Anki Cozmo node for ROS2.
- sphero_ros2 (⭐1) - ROS2 sphero driver.
- flock2 (⭐54) - ROS2 driver for DJI Tello drones.
- ros2_raspicam_node (⭐8) - ROS2 node for Raspberry Pi camera.
- joystick_drivers (⭐5) - ROS2 drivers for joysticks.
- joystick_drivers_from_scratch (⭐0) - Joystick driver packages for ROS 2.
- joystick_ros2 (⭐26) - Joystick driver for ROS2, support all platforms: Linux, macOS, Windows.
- ros2_teleop_keyboard (⭐6) - Teleop Twist Keyboard for ROS2.
- ros_astra_camera (⭐9) - ROS2 wrapper for Astra camera.
- ros2_usb_camera (⭐59) - ROS2 General USB camera driver.
- ros2_android_drivers (⭐2) - Collection of ROS2 drivers for several Android sensors.
- ros2_intel_realsense (⭐136) - ROS2 Wrapper for Intel® RealSense™ Devices.
- raspicam2_node (⭐38) - ROS2 node for camera module of Raspberry Pi.
- FIROS2 (⭐9) - ROS2 integrable tool focused in the intercommunication between ROS2 and FIWARE.
- lino2_upper (⭐0) - Linorobot on ROS2.
- RysROS2 (⭐4) - ROS2 software stack for MiniRys robots.
- px4_to_ros (⭐27) - ROS2/ROS packages for communicate PX4 with ROS.
- multiwii_ros2 (⭐6) - ROS2 Node for MultiWii and Cleanflight flight controllers.
- ydlidar_ros2 (⭐1) - ROS2 wrapper for ydlidar.
Packages / Client libraries common
- rcl (⭐105) - Library to support implementation of language specific ROS Client Libraries.
- system_tests (⭐29) - Tests for rclcpp and rclpy.
- rcl_interfaces (⭐30) - A repository for messages and services used by the ROS client libraries.
Packages / IDL generators
- rosidl_generator_java (⭐14) - Generate the ROS interfaces in Java.
- rosidl_generator_objc (⭐21) - Generate the ROS interfaces in Objective C.
- rosidl_generator_cpp (⭐57) - Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
- rosidl_generator_c (⭐57) - Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
- rosidl (⭐57) - Packages which provide the ROS IDL (.msg) definition and code generation.
- rosidl_dds (⭐5) - Generate the DDS interfaces for ROS interfaces.
Packages / RMW (ROS middleware)
- rmw (⭐87) - Contains the ROS middleware API.
- rmw_connext_cpp (⭐26) - Implement the ROS middleware interface using RTI Connext static code generation in C++.
- rmw_fastrtps_cpp (⭐131) - Implement the ROS middleware interface using eProsima FastRTPS static code generation in C++.
- rmw_dps (⭐23) - Implementation of the ROS Middleware (rmw) Interface using Intel's Distributed Publish & Subscribe.
- rmw_opensplice_cpp (⭐11) - Implement the ROS middleware interface using PrismTech OpenSplice static code generation in C++.
- rmw_coredx (⭐0) - CoreDX DDS integration layer for ROS2.
- rmw_freertps (⭐1) - RMW implementation using freertps.
- rcutils (⭐50) - Common C functions and data structures used in ROS 2.
- rmw_cyclonedds (⭐87) - ROS2 RMW layer for Eclipse Cyclone DDS.
Packages / DDS communication mechanism implementations
- freertps (⭐87) - A free, portable, minimalist, work-in-progress RTPS implementation.
- Fast-RTPS (⭐1.7k) - Implementation of RTPS Standard (RTPS is the wire interoperability protocol for DDS).
- OpenSplice (⭐243) - Implementation of the OMG DDS Standard.
- CoreDX DDS - Implementation of Twin Oaks Computing, Inc.. 💲
- cdds (⭐7) - Cyclone DDS is developed completely in the open and is undergoing the acceptance process to become part of Eclipse IoT.
- Micro-XRCE-DDS) (⭐116) - An XRCE DDS implementation (supported by microROS).
Packages / Build system (Linux)
- meta-ros2 (⭐18) - ROS 2 Layer for OpenEmbedded Linux.
Packages / Build system (ROS2)
- ci (⭐43) - ROS 2 CI Infrastructure.
- ament_cmake_export_jars (⭐14) - The ability to export Java archives to downstream packages in the ament buildsystem in CMake.
- rmw_implementation_cmake (⭐87) - CMake functions which can discover and enumerate available implementations.
- rmw_implementation (⭐19) - CMake infrastructure and dependencies for rmw implementations.
Papers / ROSCon 2015
7. Awesome D
Game Frameworks / XML
- PolyplexEngine (⭐38) - libpp is an XNA like framework written in D.
8. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Datasets
9. Awesome Flutter
- Accessibility widgets - Deep dive information about all aspects of accessibility by Muhammed Salih Güler
- Profiling w/ Timeline - Using the Timeline allows you to find and address specific performance issues in your application by Chinmay Garde
UI / List
- Liquid Pull To Refresh (⭐1.3k) - A beautiful and custom refresh indicator by Ayush Agarwal.
UI / UI Helpers
- Offline (⭐1.1k) - Tidy utility to handle offline/online connectivity by Jeremiah Ogbomo.
UI / Calendar
- Table Calendar (⭐1.9k) - Calendar organized neatly into a Table, with vertical autosizing by Aleksander Woźniak
🇨🇮 Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) / Misc
- Facebook Page
- Facebook Group
10. Awesome Roslyn
- Roslyn Succinctly - Free e-book by Alessandro Del Sole and the perfect book to start with. Explains Roslyn APIs and afterward focuses on writing analyzers and refactorings.
- .NET Development Using the Compiler API - Book by Jason Bock. Besides analyzers and refactorings, it also explains the scripting API and provides an interesting reflection on the future of the Compiler API.
- Roslyn Cookbook - Book by Manish Vasani, a member of the Roslyn analyzers team. After covering analyzers, refactorings, and scripting in detail, the book goes in-depth explaining how to develop new C# language features and contribute to the Roslyn source code.
11. Awesome Homematic
Mobile Apps
- HistClient - (💵 inApp-Purchase) - CCU-Historian Client mit erweitereten Features für iOS und Android
- Tablet Wallmount - Rahmen für Unterputzmontage von Tablets.
12. Awesome Connectivity Info
Global Connectivity Indexes
- Cisco Visual Networking Index - Forecast and Trends, 2017–2022 White Paper.
- ITU Broadband Atlas - (2010) Interactive infographic tool showcasing the status of broadband deployment worldwide and the regulatory landscape for broadband.
- InternetLiveStats - (2016) Internet Users by Country, interpolated from ITU, United Nations Population Division, Internet & Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), and World Bank data.
- Internet World Stats - Internet users compiled from Nielsen and ITU statistics.
- UN E-Government Knowledge Database - (2024).
Connectivity Maps
- African Undersea Cables - Steve Song's map of African undersea fibre optic cables.
- African Terrestrial Fibre Optic Infrastructure - Map of African terrestrial fibre networks, Creative Commons, Open Data.
- Africa Bandwidth Maps - Paul Hamilton's map of African terrestrial fibre and microwave networks.
- Telegeography Submarine Cable Map - Interactive submarine fibre optic cables.
- ITU Interactive Transmission Map - Online map of terrestrial fibre and microwave networks from ITU.
- GSMA Mobile Coverage Maps @ Mobile World Live - Somewhat dated but still useful map of mobile network coverage on country by country basis.
- Hurricane Electric 3D map - Interactive 3D map of undersea cables and Hurrican Electric Points of Presence (POPs) and routes.
Periodic Global Connectivity Reports
- Akamai State of the Internet / Connectivity Report - (Q1 2017) Report on connectivity from large CDN company.
- World Economic Forum - Global Information Technology Report - (2016) Examines the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in driving innovation and includes Network Readiness Index.
Regional Connectivity Reports and Data
- Lions go digital: The Internet’s transformative potential in Africa - (2013) Report by global consulting firm McKinsey on the potential impact of the Internet in Africa.
Other sources
- GSMA - Enabling Rural Coverage - (Feb 2018) Regulatory and policy recommendations to foster mobile broadband coverage in developing countries.
- SimilarWeb - Mobile App Ranking - Ranking of popular mobile apps across countries.
- Global Stats by StatCounter - Browser market share over time by browser, region, OS.
- Global Mobile Suppliers Association - Various reports on LTE and 5G adoption.
- Kleiner Perkins Mary Meeker Internet Trends Report - (May 2018) Trends that affect and drive internet uptake globally.
- WEF Internet for All - (2016) A Framework for Accelerating Internet Access and Adoption.
- LTE, WiMAX, HSPA+, 3G, GSM information by country - Reasonably up-to-date list of mobile networks around the world and their associated frequencies.
13. Awesome Cmake
- Article - Modifying the default CMake build types/flags, toolchains and patches - Oh my! - by Cristian Adam.
14. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Vue for Designers by Design+Code (February 2019)
Resources / Blog Posts
15. Terminals Are Sexy
- chromebrew (⭐2k) - Package manager for Chrome OS.
16. Awesome Mental Health
- Do Not Disturb - By Joe Bell.
- IfMe - Community for mental health experiences that encourages people to share their personal stories with trusted allies.
- Mental Health Hackers - An Organization that aims at providing support services to those who may be susceptible to related mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, social isolation, eating disorders, etc.
- Modern Mindfulness - Hey! 2016 - By Joe Bell.
17. Awesome Cli Apps
Utilities / macOS
- active-win-cli (⭐65) - Get the title/id/etc of the active window.
Utilities / Terminal Sharing Utilities
- gotty (⭐19k) - Share your terminal as a web application.
- mosh - Remote SSH client that allows roaming with intermittent connectivity.
- warp (⭐1.6k) - Secure and simple terminal sharing.
Files and Directories / File Managers
- nnn (⭐19k) - File browser and disk usage analyzer with excellent desktop integration.
Files and Directories / Files
- NCDu - A disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface.
Files and Directories / Directory Navigation
- autojump (⭐16k) - A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories from the command line.
- goto (⭐878) - Directory aliases for the shell with autocomplete.
Files and Directories / Search
- happyfinder (⭐331) - (another) Fuzzy file finder for the command line.
- find-up-cli (⭐39) - Find a file by walking up parent directories.
- ripgrep (⭐49k) - A line-oriented search tool that recursively searches your current directory for a regex pattern.
- fzf (⭐65k) - A general purpose command-line fuzzy finder, can be used with any list: files/directories, command history, processes, hostnames, bookmarks, git commits, etc.
Images / Image Conversion
- imgp (⭐1k) - Blazing fast batch image resizer and rotator.
18. Awesome React Native
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- react-native-agora +190 (⭐560) - A React Native Agora WebRTC Wrapper.
19. Awesome Cheminformatics
Libraries / Molecular Descriptors
- Align-it - Align molecules according their pharmacophores.
Resources / Blogs
- Open Source Molecular Modeling - Updateable catalog of open source molecular modeling software.
- Noel O'Blog - Blog of Noel O'Boyle, who is a Senior Software Engineer at NextMove Software.
See Also / Books
- deeplearning-biology (⭐1.9k) - Chemoinformatics and drug discovery section in deeplearning-biology repo.
20. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects
- NativeScript-Vue - Native mobile applications with NativeScript and Vue.
Open Source Projects / Messaging and social media
- MissKey - Federated microblogging platform.
People Doing Open Source Work / Hardware related
- Kevin Cozens - Contributor to projects such as GIMP, OpenSimulator, KiCad and TinyScheme.
Other kinds of content / Articles and Tutorials
- Kyle Simpson - Author of the "You Don't Know JS" book series. Doing articles, podcasts and OSS contributions.
21. Vertx Awesome
Cluster Managers
- Consul Cluster Manager (⭐20) - Consul cluster manager.
22. Awesome Ember
Packages / Articles
23. Awesome Actions
Official Resources
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
Collection of Actions / Docker Container Actions
Static Analysis / Semantic Versioning
Static Analysis / Testing
GitHub Pages / Code Coverage
- Google Dataset Search Metadata - And other extractors to make datasets discoverable from GitHub pages.
Notifications and Messages / Code Coverage
Deployment / Code Coverage
External Services / Terraform
Frontend Tools / Terraform
- JS Build Actions (⭐53) - Run Grunt or Gulp build tasks and commit file changes.
24. Awesome Scala Native
Tutorials and Examples
- Giter8 template for a minimal Scala Native project (⭐67) - Official Giter8 template for a minimal Scala Native project.
- Hands on Scala Native (⭐27) - Tutorial for implementing a bandwidth monitor with Ncurses.
- Starter for Scala Native (⭐26) - Scala Native project that links to a custom C library.
- Building C code using sbt-jni (⭐3) - Example for compiling C code in a Scala Native project using sbt-jni (⭐115).
- Example project with external dependencies (⭐50) - Example project that uses external dependencies to generate HTML and run a test suite.
Functional Programming
- Shapeless (⭐3.3k) - Library for generic programming.
- Squants (⭐877) - DSL for quantities, units of measure and dimensional analysis.
- scalaz (⭐4.6k) - Type classes and instances for data structures.
- PPrint (⭐183) - Pretty-print values and types.
- SourceCode (⭐484) - Implicits providing meta data similar to
in C.
- reactify (⭐78) - Functional Reactive Programming framework for Scala.
- chimney (⭐887) - Boilerplate-free data transformations.
Unit Tests
- scalaprops (⭐273) - Library for property-based testing.
- scalaprops-shapeless (⭐9) - Generation of arbitrary ADT instances.
- scalaprops-cross-example (⭐2) - Cross-platform example.
- Makeshift (⭐1) - Library for unit tests.
- cmark (⭐13) - Bindings for the cmark (⭐1.4k) CommonMark parser library.
- libuv (⭐8) - Bindings for libuv (⭐20k), a library for asynchronous I/O.
- Cocoa (⭐20) - Bindings for the macOS graphical framework Cocoa.
- Gtk+ (⭐26) - Bindings for the GTK+ graphical toolkit.
File Formats and Parsers
- msgpack4z (⭐3) - Implementation of MessagePack, a binary serialisation format.
- scala-json (⭐61) - JSON parser.
- argonaut (⭐536) - Purely functional JSON parser and library.
- slogging (⭐49) - Typesafe-logging (⭐882) and SLF4J-compatible logging library based on macros.
- scopt (⭐1.4k) - Command-line argument parser.
- Potassium (⭐18) - Framework for writing robot software.
- WPILib (⭐7) - Reimplementation of the FIRST Robotics WPILib libraries.
- sglgears (⭐15) - Port of GL gears.c (⭐11).
- k8s-cli (⭐3) - CLI tools to generate Kubernetes resources for Akka, Play Framework and Lagom-based applications.
- scala-native-sbt-docker (⭐4) - Docker image for Scala Native and sbt.
25. Awesome Slack
26. Awesome Swift
- Real-time Chat with Firebase (⭐776) - Functional real-time chat app with Firebase Firestore using MessageKit.
Network / Barcode
- Connectivity (⭐1.7k) - 🌐 Makes Internet connectivity detection more robust by detecting Wi-Fi networks without Internet access.
UI / Barcode
- GradientProgressBar (⭐535) - An animated gradient progress bar.
Alert / Barcode
- Loaf (⭐1.1k) - A simple framework for easy iOS Toasts.
Tab / Barcode
- CircleBar (⭐868) - A fun, easy-to-use tab bar navigation controller for iOS.
UITableView / Barcode
- CollapsibleTableSectionViewController (⭐354) - A library to support collapsible sections in a table view.
27. Awesome Roadmaps
Web Development
- React Developer Roadmap (⭐19k) - Roadmap to becoming a React developer in 2019
28. Awesome Fuzzing
Papers / The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)
Papers / The others
29. Awesome Broadcasting
- libadm (⭐39) - Audio Definition Model (ITU-R BS.2076) handling C++11 library.
Multimedia content processing
- libbw64 (⭐30) – Header-only Broadcast Wave 64 (ITU-R BS.2088) C++11 library.
30. Awesome R
Integrated Development Environments
- Jamovi and JASP - Desktop software for both Bayesian and Frequentist methods, using a UI familiar to SPSS users.
- Bio7 - An IDE contains tools for model creation, scientific image analysis and statistical analysis for ecological modelling.
Database Management
- RPostgres (⭐334) - an DBI-compliant interface to the postgres database.
- RCassandra - Direct interface (not Java) to the most basic functionality of Apache Cassandra.
Machine Learning
- anomalize (⭐339) - Tidy Anomaly Detection using Twitter's AnomalyDetection method.
- L0Learn - Fast algorithms for best subset selection
Data Packages
- gapminder (⭐289) - Excerpt from the Gapminder dataset (data about countries through the past 50 years).
31. Awesome Laravel
Community / Local User Groups
32. Awesome Msr
- SIR - Software-artifact infrastructure repository; Java, C, C++, and C# software together with test suites and fault data.
- PROMISE - About 20 datasets related to software engineering research.
- FLOSSmole - Collaborative collection and analysis of free/libre/open source project data.
- Zenodo - Software data collections in CERN's open-access repository.
Data Sets
- AndroidTimeMachine - Graph-based dataset of commit history of 8,431 real-world Android apps.
- AndroZoo - Collection of Android Applications.
- Bug Prediction Dataset - Collection of models and metrics from Eclipse JDT Core, PDE UI, Equinox Framework, Lucene, Mylyn, and their histories.
- Code Reviews - Code reviews of OpenStack, LibreOffice, AOSP, Qt, Eclipse.
- CoREBench - Collection of 70 realistically Complex Regression Errors that were systematically extracted from the repositories and bug reports of four open-source software projects: Make, Grep, Findutils, and Coreutils.
- Defects4J (⭐465) - Collection of 395 reproducible bugs collected with the goal of advancing software testing research.
- Enron Spreadsheets and Emails - All the spreadsheets and emails used in the paper 'Enron's Spreadsheets and Related Emails: A Dataset and Analysis'.
- Findbugs-maven (⭐1) - Set of FindBugs reports for the Java projects of the Maven repository.
- GHTorrent - Scalable, queriable, offline mirror of data offered through the GitHub REST API.
- GitHub on Google BigQuery - GitHub data accessible through Google's BigQuery platform.
- KaVE - Developer tool interaction data.
- Maven metrics (⭐0) - Collection of software complexity & sizing metrics for the Maven Repository.
- Maven Dependency Graph - Snapshot of the whole Maven Central taken on September 6, 2018, stored in a graph database.
- mzdata (⭐7) - Multi-extract and multi-level dataset of Mozilla issue tracking history.
- npm-miner (⭐0) - The dataset contains the analysis results of 5 open source software quality tools eslint, escomplex, nsp, jsinspect and sonarjs for 2000 popular (in terms of stars and downloads) npm packages.
- OCL Expressions on GitHub (⭐4) - Data set of 9188 OCL expressions originating from 504 EMF meta-models in 245 systematically selected GitHub repositories.
- RepoReapers Data Set - Data set containing a collection of engineered software projects from GHTorrent.
- STAMINA - (STAte Machine INference Approaches) data are used to benchmark techniques for learning deterministic finite state machines (FSMs).
- Stack Exchange - Anonymized dump of all user-contributed content on the Stack Exchange network.
- TravisTorrent - Provides free and easy-to-use Traivs CI build analyses.
- Ultimate Debian Database (UDD) - Data about various aspects of Debian (e.g. packages, bugs, mainteners) in the same SQL database.
- Unix history (⭐5.8k) - Git repository with 46 years of Unix history evolution.
- Boa - Domain-specific language and infrastructure that eases mining software repositories.
- ckjm - Chidamber and Kemerer Java Metrics.
- Diggit (⭐18) - Agile Ruby Tool to analyze Git repositories.
- GrimoireLab - Free/Libre/Open Source tools for Software Development Analytics.
- MetricMiner - Lean Java DSL to mine and extract data (e.g. commits, developers, modifications, diffs) from Git and SVN repositories.
- Maven-miner (⭐25) - Java tools and infrastructure to resolve the whole Maven dependency graph, hosted in Maven Central, in the form of a Neo4j Graph.
- PyDriller (⭐631) - Python Framework to analyse Git repositories.
- qmcalc (⭐54) - Calculate quality metrics from C source code.
- reaper (⭐99) - Python tool to compute a score for a repository from GHTorrent. The score quantifies the extent to which the project contained within the repository is engineered.
- VulData7 (⭐32) - Java framework enabling the automated collection of commits fixing vulnerabilities that are reported in NVD (links NVD with Git).
33. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Diki Ananta (⭐1) - Freelance full-stack developer working with Laravel.
34. Public Apis
Description: REST API for random Kanye West quotes
Auth: No
35. AwesomeCSV
- ParaText (⭐1.1k) - CSV parsing at 2.5 GB per second.
- Rainbow CSV plugins (⭐644) - Collection of text editor plugins for CSV/TSV syntax highlighting. Available for Vim (⭐644), VS Code, Atom, Sublime Text and other editors.
36. Awesome Amazon Seller
- JumpSend - Authored by Greg Mercer and Adam Zlotnik. Tips for sellers on how to increase reviews and listing optimization.
- JungleScout - The most recent Amazon seller resources in the universe. Stay up to date and ahead of the competition with the latest Amazon strategies.
- SellerEngine - A blog with regular updates with an awesome Amazon Account Holder Digest series.
- SellerLabs - A blog from SellerLabs with awesome ICYMI: Amazon Seller News series.
- Sellics - Sellics provides strategic advice for sellers.
- Tamebay - Tamebay is the leading provider of intelligence & news for all businesses and business people who ply their trade on online marketplaces, whether they are experienced powersellers looking to boost sales, or beginners seeking advice and best practice.
- WebRetailer - WebRetailer is a treasure trove of information for sellers and one of the leading resources on the web.
- FBA Catalog - Software catalog for Amazon Sellers. Find tools that fit your business in no time!
- FBA Monthly - FBA Monthly newsletter is an across-the-board summary of the month's most important news articles and blog posts regarding Amazon businesses.
37. Awesome Eosio
Libraries and Frameworks / API libraries
- React Native EOS (⭐42) - Native implementation of client to eos blockchain communication.
Blogs / Services
- cc32d9 - cc32d9 blog, EOSIO developer related publications.
- Dallas Rushing - Blog of Dallas Rushing, EOSIO user related content.
- Iang - Blog of Iang, EOSIO user and developer related content.
- EOS Canada - EOS Canada blog, user related content and videos.
- Cypherglass - Cypherglass blog, user related content and videos. News.
- EOS New York - EOS New York blog, user and developer related content.
YouTube Channels / Services
- EOS Go - ESO Go community meetings, podcasts, live streams. News and discussions.
- Investing with a difference - EOSIO ecosystem overview, news and market discussions.
- nsjames - Scatter related content.
- Crypto Dunker - Crypto Dunker channel. EOSIO DApps related content and news.
- EOS Authority - EOS Authority. Useful tutorials, developers related.
38. Awesome Godot
GDScript/C# editor support / Godot version unknown
- Kakoune - Syntax highlighting.
39. Awesome Product Design
Methods / Research Plan
- Interaction Design - One Page User Research Plan.
Methods / Competitive Analysis
- Hootsuite - Competitive Analysis Template To Help You Outsmart The Competition.
Testing / Storyboard
- Optimal Workshop - User Research Platform that helps you and your team make design decisions with confidence.
Guidelines / Storyboard
- Methods 18F - Collection of tools to bring human-centered design into your project.
Articles / Storyboard
- A List Apart - List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content.
Tools / Storyboard
- Huge - Tool to make creating and maintaining styleguides easy.
Resources / Storyboard
- Awesome Design Systems (⭐17k) - Curated list of design systems, patterns libraries, and everything in between.
- Awesome Sketch (⭐732) - Curated list of awesome Sketch videos, articles, plugins, whatever, for designers, developers, or neither.
Softwares / Storyboard
- Framer - All-in-one design workflow.
40. Awesome Dash
Component Libraries
- dash-color-picker (⭐2) - Wrapper around react-color.
- dash-dual-listbox (⭐12) - Wrapper around react-duallist.
41. Awesome Ddd
- Applying Domain Driven Design with CQRS and Event Sourcing - A walkthrough of using EventStorming and other modeling techniques to build a CQRS and Event Sourcing-based prototype for a fictional business domain.
- CQRS - Notes by Mark Nijhof from his experiences learning DDD and CQRS from Greg Young. There is an extensive sample project that accompanies this book.
- Domain-Driven Design Distilled - Very good starter book before you read Implementing Domain-Driven Design or Domain-Driven Design: Tackling the Complexity at the Heart of Software.
- Domain-Driven Design in PHP - Real examples written in PHP showcasing DDD Architectural Styles, Tactical Design, and Bounded Context Integration.
- Domain-Driven Rails - Domain-Driven Rails describes 11 techniques (from Bounded Contexts to Event Sourcing) that you can use separately and together in new and old Rails apps to achieve better architecture.
- Event Sourcing and CQRS with .NET Core and SQL Server - A walkthrough of using Domain-Driven Design with Event Sourcing and CQRS using ASP.NET Core and SQL Server in production.
- Implementing Domain-Driven Design - Also a canonical book presenting a top-down approach to understanding Domain-Driven Design. Also known as the "Red Book."
- Microsoft .NET - Architecting Applications for the Enterprise (2nd Edition) - A software architect’s digest of core practices, pragmatically applied.
- Patterns, Principles, and Practices of Domain-Driven Design (1st Edition) - Methods for managing complex software construction following the practices, principles and patterns of Domain-Driven Design with code examples in C#.
- Specification by Example - This book distills from the experience of leading teams worldwide effective ways to specify, test, and deliver software in short, iterative delivery cycles. Case studies in this book range from small web startups to large financial institutions, working in many processes including XP, Scrum, and Kanban.
Free eBooks
- The Anatomy of Domain-Driven Design - The Infographic - An infographic on the anatomy of Domain-Driven Design.
- Architecting Modern Web Applications with ASP.NET Core and Microsoft Azure - Provides end-to-end guidance on building monolithic web applications using DDD, ASP.NET Core, and Azure. eShopOnWeb sample (⭐9.8k)
- CQRS Journey - Exploring CQRS and Event Sourcing.
- DDD Reference - A summary of the patterns and definitions of DDD.
- Domain Driven Design Quickly - Domain Driven Design Quickly is a short, quick-readable summary and introduction to the fundamentals of DDD.
- Effective Aggregate Design - In this three-part series, Vaughn Vernon walks through some common design pitfalls, discusses the pros and cons of various aggregate modeling choices, and provides rules of thumb to guide modeling of aggregates.
- Getting Started with DDD when Surrounded by Legacy Systems - Describes three strategies for getting started with DDD when you have a big commitment to legacy systems.
- Living Documentation by Design, with Domain-Driven Design - Discover how a Living Documentation can help you in all aspects of your projects, from the business goals to the business domain knowledge, architecture and design, processes and deployment, even if you hate writing documentation.
- .NET Microservices: Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications - An introduction to developing microservices-based applications and managing them using containers. eShopOnContainers sample (⭐25k)
- The Semantic JavaScript Backend for Event-Driven Development - A 68 pages long free ebook on what DDD, CQRS and event-sourcing are, and how they fit each other.
Training Courses
- Reactive Architecture: CQRS and Event Sourcing - This course will discuss the reasons we use CQRS/ES, what benefits it provides us, but also what it will cost us to use. We will see how CQRS/ES can impact the scalability, consistency, and availability of our application.
Community Resources
- Awesome Event Storming (⭐2.1k) - awesome list that focuses only on Event Storming.
Sample Projects / .NET (C#/F#)
- CQRS-DDD Example (⭐131) - Domain Driven Design, CQRS, & Event Sourcing Example using GetEventStore, CommonDomain, NServiceBus, Entity Framework, SQL Server, SignalR.
- ContosoUniversityCore (⭐590) - ContosoUniversity on ASP.NET Core with Full .NET Framework.
- DDDInventoryItemFSharp (⭐185) - An idiomatic F# implementation of Domain-Driven Design
- DDDSkeletonNet (⭐180) (C#) - a .NET skeleton project to introduce the concepts of Domain Driven Design and loosely coupled layers.
- EmailMaker (⭐13) - Email marketing ASP.NET Core MVC and ASP.NET MVC demo app demonstrating CoreDdd (⭐69) usage
- eShopOnContainersDDD (⭐310) - eShop fullstack example featuring catalog, basket, checkout, and order bounded contexts
- Fohjin (⭐699) - Example project that accompanies Mark Nijhof's CQRS book.
- FsUno (⭐76) - Event sourcing implementation sample in F#.
- IDDD Samples in .NET (⭐909) - These are the sample Bounded Contexts for C#.NET from the book "Implementing Domain-Driven Design" by Vaughn Vernon.
- NLayerAppV3 (⭐154) (.Net Core Preview 2) - a N-Layered Architecture Sample Project.
- Reactive Trader Cloud (⭐1.8k) - Reactive Trader Cloud by Adaptive Consulting.
- Sample .NET Core CQRS REST API (⭐2.7k) - .NET Core REST API CQRS implementation with raw SQL and DDD using Clean Architecture.
- SimpleCQRS (⭐2.1k) - Greg Young's "Simplest Thing" CQRS with Event Sourcing project.
- TodoMVC-DDD-CQRS-EventSourcing (⭐247) - Implementation of basic Todo app via tastejs/todomvc in C#/Typescript with eventsourcing, cqrs, and domain driven design
Sample Projects / Haskell
- Eventuria gsd (⭐51) - Haskell todo list reactive application with DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing, FRP.
Sample Projects / JavaScript / TypeScript
- wolkenkit Sample Applications - A collection of DDD sample applications, such as TodoMVC, a geocaching app, collaborative boards etc.
Sample Projects / JVM languages
- Event Sourcing Example (⭐95) - A simplified (in memory) example of Event Sourcing and CQRS implementation for Java code (modeled for banking domain use cases).
- IDDD Samples (⭐3.6k) - These are the sample Bounded Contexts from the book "Implementing Domain-Driven Design" by Vaughn Vernon.
Sample Projects / PHP
- DDD Wish List (⭐200) - A sample application in PHP built with Symfony 3 and Vue.js.
- DDD Playground (⭐591) - Sample implementation in PHP.
Libraries and Frameworks / .NET
- Aggregates.NET (⭐438) - .NET event sourced domain driven design model via NServicebus and GetEventStore.
- AggregateSource (⭐257) - Lightweight infrastructure for doing eventsourcing using aggregates.
- Akka.NET - Akka.NET is a toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications on .NET & Mono.
- ASP.NET Boilerplate - ASP.NET MVC, Web API and ASP.NET Core based application framework to create NLayered, Domain Driven Designed web Applications implementing best practices.
- Cedar.CommandHandling - Middleware to handling commands over HTTP; typically used in CQRS applications.
- Cirqus (⭐231) - d60 event sourcing + CQRS framework.
- CoreDdd (⭐69) - Set of open-source .NET libraries helping with DDD and CQRS, with NHibernate persistence
- CQRS on Azure (⭐26) CQRS on Windows Azure.
- Dolittle - Build better applications with Dolittle. An Event Sourced, Microservice platform oriented around DDD with developer productivity and simplicity front and center.
- EventFlow (⭐2.3k) - Async/await first CQRS+ES and DDD framework for .NET
- Its.Cqrs (⭐77) - A set of libraries for CQRS and Event Sourcing, with a Domain-Driven Design flavor.
- MassTransit (⭐6.4k) - Distributed Application Framework for .NET.
- NServiceBus (⭐2k) - Service bus for .NET.
- shriek-fx (⭐664) - An simple,elegant and useful Domain-Driven Design and CQRS framework developed using .NET Core 2.0.
- SqlStreamStore (⭐4) - .NET Stream Store library targeting SQL based implementations.
- Stringly.Typed (⭐46) - Making it easier to convert strings to/from .NET types.
- Xer.Cqrs (⭐100) - A simple library for creating applications based on the CQRS pattern with support for attribute routing and hosted handlers. Developed in C# targeting .NET Standard 1.0.
Libraries and Frameworks / Databases
- Event Store - The open-source, functional database with Complex Event Processing in JavaScript.
Libraries and Frameworks / Elixir
- Event Bus (⭐688) - Traceable, extendable and minimalist event bus implementation for Elixir with built-in event store and event watcher based on ETS.
Libraries and Frameworks / JavaScript / TypeScript
- cqrs.js - CQRS implementations in node.js. Includes node-eventstore (⭐539), node-cqrs-domain (⭐270), node-eventdenormalizer (⭐37), node-cqrs-saga (⭐61).
Libraries and Frameworks / JVM
- akka-ddd (⭐352) - Reusable artifacts for building applications on top of the Akka platform following CQRS/DDDD-based approach.
- Apache Isis - Apache Isis is a framework for rapidly developing domain-driven apps in Java.
- Axon Framework - The axon framework is focused on making life easier for developers that want to create a java application based on the CQRS principles.
- JESA (⭐9) - Event sourced aggregates for Java.
- Lagom - The Lagom Framework is a microservices framework for the Java Virtual Machine, with APIs for the Java and Scala languages. It includes an Event Sourcing/CQRS based persistence module.
- SeedStack's Business Framework - A set of building blocks that enable you to code business logic according to the Domain-Driven Design (DDD) approach.
User Groups / Ruby
42. Awesome Agriculture
Climate, Environment and Weather
- frostline (⭐153) - A dataset, API, and python parser for USDA plant hardiness zones.
- GSODR (⭐92) - Global summary daily weather data in R.
- iem (⭐147) - Code that makes the Iowa Environmental Mesonet run.
- PyETo (⭐155) - Python package for calculating reference/potential evapotranspiration (ETo).
- pyTSEB (⭐139) - A python two source energy balance model for estimation of evapotranspiration with remote sensing data.
- soilDB (⭐85) - R library for simplified access to NCSS soil databases.
Crop Modeling, Phenotyping, and Pathology
- Open Plant Pathology - A community that values open data and computational tools for advancing epidemiology and pathogen population biology and ecology.
Data Standardization, Interoperability and APIs
- AgGateway’s ADAPT Toolkit - Open Source project providing tools to simplify communication between growers, their machines, and their partners.
- API-Code-Samples (⭐9) - Contains aWhere's API platform code samples.
- ClearAg-API-Examples (⭐1) - A collection of code examples using the ClearAg APIs.
- Open Ag Data Alliance - OADA is an open project designed to bring interoperability, security, and privacy to agricultural data.
- SampleData (⭐29) - Sample datacards, shapefiles, and other files you can use for testing.
Farm Management Systems and Record Keeping
- farmOS (⭐1k) - Web-based farm record keeping application built with Drupal and PHP.
- Ekylibre (⭐428) - Farm management information system for farmers and small enterprises built with Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL/PostGIS.
- Tania (⭐777) - Free and open source farming management system for everyone built with Go and Vue.js.
Geospatial and GIS / GIS Resources
- Awesome GIS (⭐4.6k) - Awesome GIS is a list collecting abundant GIS related sources.
Geospatial and GIS / GIS Platforms
- QGIS - QGIS is a free, open source, cross platform (lin/win/mac) geographical information system.
Geospatial and GIS / Shapefiles
- pyshp (⭐1.1k) - Reads and writes ESRI Shapefiles in pure Python.
- rgeo-shapefile (⭐97) - RGeo Shapefile is an optional module for RGeo for reading geospatial data from ESRI shapefiles in Ruby.
IoT, Hardware / Shapefiles
- AgOpenGPS - Ag precision mapping and section control software.
- DRO-Matic (⭐315) - Fully Automated Hydroponic OS for DIY DRO-Matic cabinets - Nutrient dosing, irrigation, topoffs, timers, EC & pH drift fixing.
- OpenMinder (⭐40) - Open Source Rootzone Monitoring, API and open source hat for the RaspberryPi.
Knowledgebases and Learning Resources / Shapefiles
- Harvest Helper (⭐86) - Provides growing, harvesting and recipe information for the 45 plants in the database as well as a JSON API.
- OpenFarm (⭐1.6k) - A free and open database for farming and gardening knowledge built with Ruby on Rails.
Remote Sensing and Imagery / Shapefiles
- Awesome Sentinel (⭐549) - A curated list of awesome tools, tutorials and APIs related to data from the Copernicus Sentinel Satellites.
- Raster Vision (⭐2.1k) - Deep learning for aerial/satellite imagery.
- Sen2Agri (⭐116) - Software system processing high resolution satellite images for agricultural purposes.
43. Awesome Embedded Rust
Peripheral Access Crates / Nordic
- Peripheral access API for the nRF52810 microcontroller (generated using svd2rust) -
- Peripheral access API for the nRF52832 microcontroller (generated using svd2rust) -
- Peripheral access API for the nRF52840 microcontroller (generated using svd2rust) -
HAL implementation crates / Nordic
Board support crates / Nordic
44. Machine Learning with Ruby
Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / Vector search
- 2013
- Sentiment Analysis using Support Vector Machines in Ruby by Matthew Kirk [video | code (⭐12)]
- Recommender Systems with Ruby by Marcel Caraciolo [slides]
- Detecting Faces with Ruby: FFI in a Nutshell by Marc Berszick [post]
45. Awesome Algorithms Education
Courses / Introductory
- Algorithm course for smart programming - Korean / Inflearn.
Competitive programming / Advanced
- Codeforces - English, Romanian, Russian.
- CS Academy - English, Russian, Arabic.
- Infoarena - Romanian.
- LeetCode - English, Chinese.
- URI - English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese.
- PKU JudgeOnline - English, Chinese.
- AIZU ONLINE JUDGE - English, Japanese.
- Project Euler @kr - Korean.
- Baekjoon - Korean.
- Algospot - Korean.
- Dovelet - Korean.
- JUNGOL - Korean.
- Koistudy - Korean.
- CodeUp - Korean.
- Codingdojang - Korean.
- Programmers - Korean.
- Codeground - English, Korean.
- SW Expert Academy - Korean.
Visualizations / Advanced
- VisuAlgo - English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese.
Interviews / Advanced
Videos / Advanced
- How algorithms shape our world - Kevin Slavin.
- Algorithms - Oresoft LWC.
- Computer Sc - Programming and Data Structure - Nptelhrd.
- AlgoRythmics - Sapientia University.
Books / Advanced
- Algorithmic Problem Solving Strategies - Korean.
Articles / Advanced
- Study data for algorithm - Korean.
46. Css Protips
Translations / Demo
47. Awesome Plotters
Hardware / Plotters
- Line-us - A cute little kickstarted robotic drawing arm.
- WaterColorBot - XY art robot and software to plot with watercolor paints.
- EggBot - Pen plotter for egg-shaped and spherical objects.
- HP Pen Plotters - Vintage desktop and floor-standing pen plotters from the creator of the HPGL standard. Model 7475A is very common and can usually be found on eBay.
- Roland Pen Plotters - Vintage flatbed HPGL pen plotters. Search eBay for "roland dxy".
Hardware / Motor Controllers
- grblShield (⭐132) - All the stepper motor control hardware needed to turn an Arduino into a G-code-based motion controller using the grbl firmware. (adafruit)
- TinyG (⭐910) - More featureful and robust 6-axis G-code-based motion control hardware. (adafruit)
- Raspberry Pi CNC Hat - Raspberry Pi add-on board w/ stepper controllers and a microcontroller running grbl. Interfaces with the Pi's serial pins.
Hardware / Accessories and Adapters
- WiFi232 - Wifi to RS-232 serial via a DB25 plug. Control your serial plotter wirelessly.
- Plotter Cable Pinout - Schematic for a plotter cable that will work for most HP and Roland plotters. Search eBay or Amazon for
DB9 to DB25 Serial Null Modem Cable
or similar to find them for sale.
Hardware / Pens
- Pens for AxiDraw - List of pens suitable for general plotter abuse.
- Pens for EggBot - Egg- and glass-focused pen recommendations but still generally applicable information.
Software / HPGL
- Chiplotle (⭐34) - Python library for generating HPGL and interfacing with serial plotters.
- HPGL Reference Guide - HTML-based HPGL Reference.
- HP 7475A Interfacing and Programming Manual - Scanned PDF manual that contains a full HPGL reference.
- djipco/hpgl (⭐39) - A Node.js library to communicate with HPGL-compatible plotters and printers.
- hp2xx - GNU tool to convert HPGL into other vector and raster formats. Can also be used as a previewing in X11.
- vec (⭐26) - Example C code for generating HPGL, with a turtle graphics interface.
- d3-hpgl (⭐20) - An adapter for the HTML Canvas API so you can output HPGL using the popular D3 library.
- HPGL Viewer (⭐19) - An HPGL Viewer using JavaScript and HTML5 canvas.
- HPGL Sender (⭐10) - A web interface for previewing HPGL and sending it to your plotter.
Software / G-code
- grbl (⭐5.7k) - A high-performance G-code interpreting firmware for the Atmega 328 microcontroller and Arduino.
- cncjs (⭐2.3k) - A web-based interface controlling CNC machines running grbl, TinyG, or other G-code-based firmware.
- Universal-G-Code-Sender (⭐2k) - Java-based grbl-compatible cross-platform G-code sender.
- ChiliPeppr Hardware Fiddle - Modular web-based workspaces to visualize G-code and control hardware.
Software / Plotter Control
- axi (⭐277) - Unofficial Python library for the AxiDraw v3.
- xy (⭐70) - Utilities for the Makeblock XY Plotter Robot Kit.
- LaserGRBL (⭐1.3k) - Laser-optimized Windows GUI for grbl controllers. Could be repurposed for DIY pen plotters that use a solenoid for pen up/down movements.
- PenPlotter (⭐123) - Polargraph controller that uses repetier firmware.
- Makelangelo-firmware (⭐158) - Firmware for the Makelangelo polargraph robot.
- RoboPaint (⭐127) - Software for the WaterColorBot.
- AxiTurtle (⭐15) - Turtle graphics for AxiDraw in Processing.
- GRBL-Plotter (⭐728) - Plotter-optimized Windows GUI for grbl controller with SVG and DXF import, and flexible pen up/down control.
- saxi (⭐479) - Driver and library for the AxiDraw. Uses constant-acceleration motion planning and automatically resizes to paper.
Software / Vector Creation
- Inkscape - Popular cross-platform open source vector graphics editor.
- p5.js - "JavaScript library that makes coding accessible for artists, designers, educators, and beginners".
- Paper.js - "The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting".
- ln (⭐3.3k) - Vector-based 3D renderer written in Go.
- autotrace (⭐557) - Converts bitmap images to vector graphics.
- stipplegen (⭐437) - Creates interesting stippled drawings from bitmap images. (blog post)
- SquiggleDraw (⭐321) - "SquiggleDraw will create a SVG file from an image, using the brightness to change the amplitude of sine waves".
- svgurt - Web-based PNG to SVG creative noodler.
- maptrace (⭐124) - Produce watertight polygonal vector maps by tracing raster images.
- Drawbot_image_to_gcode_v2 (⭐167) - Creates G-code for use on drawbots.
- blackstripes (⭐97) - Turns a PNG image into a SVG line drawing.
- Ribbon (⭐244) - Ribbon diagrams of proteins in written in Go.
- penplot (⭐269) - A development environment for plotter art in JavaScript.
- penkit (⭐146) - A Python library for creating line-based SVG graphics.
- generativeExamples (⭐63) - Example Processing code that generates plottable PDFs.
- Let's make map - Web-based tool to export an SVG map from Mapzen tiles.
- SuperformulaSVG for web - A generative line art web app.
- scribbleplot (⭐48) - Scribbly image transformations in Processing.
- Maker.js - Library for creating 2D vector drawings for CNC and laser cutter machines.
- Turtletoy - Browser-based JavaScript turtle graphics API with SVG export.
Software / Vector Utilities
- svgsort (⭐256) - Path planning for plotting SVG files, reduces time spent moving with the pen up.
- svgo (⭐21k) - Node.js-based tool for optimizing SVG files.
- Polargraph Optimizer (⭐57) - Optimize drawing plan for a polargraph.
- penkit-optimize (⭐146) - An SVG optimizer that uses a vehicle routing solver to minimize plot time.
- svg-crowbar (⭐841) - Chrome-only bookmarklet for extracting SVG from an HTML document.
Software / Fonts
- Summary of single line fonts - Good information and links to other resources and fonts.
- Hershey Vector Font -
format of vector fonts from the 60s. Includes a good overview of the original data format of the fonts.
- hershey-fonts (⭐59) - C library and original font data for the Hershey fonts.
Inspiration, Instruction, and Research / Fonts
- Pen Plotter Programming: The Basics - Some basics of programming vector paths, including sorting, joining, and simplifying.
- On Generative Algorithms - Nice 13-part walkthrough of interesting algorithms.
- Roland DG DXY-990 - Quickstart guide for a Roland flatbed plotter.
- The Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping Algorithm - Detailed explanation and examples of an interesting algorithm.
- Vera Molnár - OG plotter artist.
- Hektor - The original cable-based drawbot from 2002.
- Pen Plotter Art & Algorithms - A two-part intro to creating generative graphics for plotting.
- Fractal Generation with L-Systems - Techniques for creating line-based fractal graphics.
- Introduction to TSP art - Resources for traveling salesman problem (single path) art.
- Hidden wireframe removal - Discussion and links to code for wireframe removal of STL files.
48. Awesome Cl
- eql, eql5, eql5-android - Embedded Qt4 and Qt5 Lisp, embedded in ECL, embeddable in Qt. Port of EQL5 to the Android platform. MIT.
- Ultralisp - A Quicklisp distribution which updates every 5 minutes and to which one can add his project in one click. BSD.
Deployment / Isomorphic web frameworks
- cl-aws-runtime-test (⭐39) - An example of using Common Lisp (SBCL) as a custom runtime on AWS lambda. WTFPL.
49. Awesome Minecraft
Mod Loaders / Archives
- RopeMC (⭐8) - A lightweight, reflection based mod loader which aims to be user friendly and later version independent.
50. Awesome Kde
Internet & Networking
- KNetworkManager - A KDE client for the back end NetworkManager software 📌.
- Amarok - Amarok is a powerful music player for Linux, Unix and Windows with an intuitive interface 📌.
Office & Productivity
- Calligra - Includes efficient and capable office components 📌.
Development & Programming
- KDevelop - A cross-platform IDE for C, C++, Python, QML/JavaScript and PHP 📌.
Plasma desktop / KCM Modules and Systems
- kded_rotation (⭐64) - A small, hacky KDED module for handling automatic screen rotation on tablets and hybrid laptops.
Plasma desktop / Qt and GTK+ Applications Appearance
- breeze-gtk (⭐76) - A GTK Theme Built to Match KDE's Breeze 📌.
Documentation and Resources / Display Manager
- KDE Wikis - The KDE wikis are a source of information and documentation for the KDE desktop, applications, teams, events and more 📌.
Articles / Display Manager
- - The official KDE news website 📌.
- Planet KDE - Blogs of KDE contributors 📌.
Communities / Display Manager
- KDE Store - Official KDE Store for developers to share Plasma customizations 📌.
51. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Bot
- BotSharp (⭐2.1k) - The Open Source AI Chatbot Platform Builder in 100% C# Running in .NET Core with Machine Learning algorithm.
- Telegram.Bot (⭐3.1k) - C# Telegram Bot API library.
- Funogram (⭐106) - F# Telegram Bot Api library.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Build Automation
- cake-build (⭐3.9k) - Cross platform build automation system.
- Colorful.Console (⭐1.3k) - Style your C# console output!
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Distributed Computing
- AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks (⭐4k) - Enterprise HealthChecks for ASP.NET Core Diagnostics Package
- BeatPulse (⭐603) - Enable load balancers to montior the status of deployed Web applications
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Security
- JWT Simple Server (⭐193) - A lightweight, dynamic jwt server for ASP.NET Core.
52. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Host-based tools / Tarpits
- Rootkit Hunter (rkhunter) - POSIX-compliant Bash script that scans a host for various signs of malware.
53. Awesome Actionscript3
Development Tools / Code Editors
- Visual Studio Code - An AS3 & MXML language extension for Visual Studio Code. Runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
User Interface / UI Components
- Flex-Android-Material-Skins (⭐33) - Android Material Design skins for Flex Mobile components.
Utilities / Data
- AS3Commons Collections (⭐106) - Sophisticated and high-performance collections & iterators for AS3.
AIR Native Extensions / Analytics ANE
- HockeyApp (⭐2) - ANE for the Hockeyapp testing & distribute platform.
54. Awesome CoreML Models
Text - Metadata/Text
- Personality Detection - Predict personality based on user documents (sentences). Download (⭐17) | Demo (⭐17) | Reference (⭐17)
- Artists Recommendation - Recommend an artist based on given location and genre. Download (⭐18) | Demo | Reference
55. Awesome List
- Robot Operating System 2.0 (⭐1.8k) - Set of software libraries and tools that help you build robot apps.
Programming Languages
- Q# (⭐166) - Domain-specific programming language used for expressing quantum algorithms.
Front-End Development
- CSS (⭐5.2k) - Style sheet language that specifies how HTML elements are displayed on screen.
- PICO-8 (⭐2.7k) - Fantasy console.
- Minecraft (⭐483) - Sandbox video game.
- NoSQL Guides (⭐290) - Help on using non-relational, distributed, open-source, and horizontally scalable databases.
- CSS Learning (⭐3.6k) - Mainly about CSS – the language and the modules.
Decentralized Systems
- EOSIO (⭐79) - A decentralized operating system supporting industrial-scale apps.
- Board Games (⭐324) - Table-top gaming fun for all.
- Scientific Computing (⭐1.4k) - Solving complex scientific problems using computers.
56. Awesome Mac
Browsers / Audio Record and Process
- Vivaldi - The browser that puts you in control.
57. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Elastic Container Service
- Stelligent/mu 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐972) - Command line tool to simplify ECS deployments via CodeBuild and CodePipeline.
58. Awesome Piracy
Trackers / Private Trackers
- PolishTracker (PT) PolishTracker is the oldest private Polish tracker existing to this day
- PolishSource (PS) PolishSource is a big private Polish ratio-less tracker
Streaming Sites / HD Streaming
- YMovies Unique design, HD server with additional hosts, nice speeds, YIFY and other releases (+ torrents)
59. Awesome Json Datasets
- US Annual Average Temperature and Anomaly (1880-2015 (vs. 1901-2000 Average)
60. Awesome Devenv
Workflow / Extensions
- LiveReload - FS watch and preprocessor as a desktop app for
with complementary browser extensions- guard-livereload (⭐2.1k) - Guard plugin compatible with LiveReload's browser extensions
- simplehttp (⭐51) Fastest and simplest way to start serving a local directory over http.
61. Awesome Android
Other / Custom Dialog
- Teller (⭐14) - Teller facilitates the downloading, saving, and reading of the cached data of your app. Keep your user's data fresh and remove those annoying loading screens!
Resources / Custom Dialog
- Vogella Tutorials - Very good tutorials by Lars Vogel.
Flutter / Custom Dialog
- Flutter - Google's mobile app SDK for high-quality native interfaces for Android and iOS in very quick time.
62. Awesome Ruby
Authentication and OAuth
- OmniAuth (⭐7.9k) - A library that standardizes multi-provider authentication utilizing Rack middleware.
- Alchemy CMS - A powerful, userfriendly and flexible Open Source Rails CMS.
- LocomotiveCMS - A simple but powerful CMS based on Liquid templates and Mongodb database.
- Spina CMS - A beautiful CMS for Rails developers.
Code Analysis and Metrics
- Suture (⭐1.4k) - A Ruby gem that helps you refactor your legacy code.
- Sail (⭐508) - A lightweight Rails engine that brings an admin panel for managing configuration settings on a live Rails app.
- Asciidoctor - A fast, Ruby-based text processor & publishing toolchain for converting AsciiDoc to HTML5, DocBook, EPUB3, PDF & more.
- MailCatcher - Catches mail and serves it through a dream.
Error Handling
- Errbit (⭐4.2k) - The open source, self-hosted error catcher.
HTML/XML Parsing
- Nokogiri - An HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser with XPath and CSS selector support.
- Dnsruby (⭐198) - A pure Ruby DNS client library which implements a stub resolver. It aims to comply with all DNS RFCs.
- InvoicePrinter (⭐967) - Super simple PDF invoicing in Ruby (built on top of Prawn).
Queues and Messaging
- Sidekiq - A full-featured background processing framework for Ruby. It aims to be simple to integrate with any modern Rails application and much higher performance than other existing solutions.
- FaaStRuby - Serverless Software Development Platform for Ruby and Crystal developers.
- Jets (⭐2.6k) - A Ruby Serverless Framework to create and deploy serverless microservices with ease, and to seamlessly glue AWS services.
- Sidekiq-Cron (⭐1.9k) - A scheduling add-on for Sidekiq.
Social Networking
- Mastodon (⭐8) - A GNU Social-compatible microblogging server.
Third-party APIs
- discordrb (⭐7) - An implementation of the Discord API.
63. Awesome Mqtt
- mqtt-stats (⭐6) - Subscriber client to monitor MQTT Topic Statistics
64. Awesome Mobile Web Development
Articles and Documentation
- Tips for making interactive elements accessible on mobile devices - List of advices on creating accessible mobile UI.
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) - Wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible.
- Who Killed My Battery - An interesting paper about websites' power consumption.
65. Awesome Ant Design
Boilerplates / Themes
- Create React App + Ant Design (⭐582) - Use antd in create-react-app without ejecting
66. Awesome Cpp
Game Engine
- Halley (⭐3.7k) - A lightweight game engine written in C++14 with a "true" entity-component system. [Apache 2.0]
- Prev: Jan 06 - Jan 12, 2020
- Next: Feb 25 - Mar 03, 2019