Awesome List Updates on Dec 30 - Jan 05, 2019
43 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Yew
- yew-react-example (โญ65) - This project shows how to create a web app using a React component inside a Yew component.
Crates / Wasm
- stdweb (โญ3.4k) - Provides Rust bindings to the Web APIs and to allow a high degree of interoperability between Rust and JavaScript.
2. Awesome Testing
Software / UI & End-to-End Testing
- QA Wolf (โญ3.4k) - Node.js library for creating browser tests faster.
Software / Test Management
- Kiwi TCMS (โญ1k) - Open-source test case management.
Software / Screen Recording & Session Replays
- Captura (โญ10k) - Open-source video recording tool.
3. Awesome Json
- essential-json (โญ1) - A lightweight Java library for serialization, parsing and manipulation with a clean and precise API.
- dsl-json (โญ985) - A very fast streaming JSON library. Operates on byte arrays.
- mjson (โญ81) - Lean JSON Library for Java, with a compact, elegant API.
- JSON Parsing Test Suite (โญ842) - A very complete test suite and validation framework.
4. Awesome Embedded Rust
Peripheral Access Crates / Microchip
Peripheral access API for Microchip (formerly Atmel) SAME54 microcontrollers. This git repo hosts both the peripheral access crate and the hal.
5. Awesome Esolangs
- WordLang - A language based on meaning-like grammar that produces output.
6. Awesome Material Ui
- Material-UI Chip Input (โญ739) - Material-UI chip input inspired by Angular Material chip input.
- Material-UI Upload (โญ36) - Upload controls made in Material-UI using FileAPI.
- Super Select Field (โญ266) - Multi-selection autocomplete dropdown component for Material-UI.
- Material JSON Schema Form (โญ4) - Material-UI form generated from json.
- TagSpaces - An offline, open source, file manager.
- NPM registry browser - An open source web app that lets you search the npm registry and browse packages details.
7. Awesome Web Animation
- Snap.svg - The JavaScript library for modern SVG graphics.
- Svg.js (โญ9.9k) - The lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG.
- Vivus (โญ14k) - Library to make drawing animation on SVG.
- Walkway (โญ4.4k) - An easy way to animate SVG elements.
- Raphael (โญ11k) - JavaScript Vector Library.
- Bonsai (โญ2k) - BonsaiJS is a graphics library and renderer.
- GSAP (โญ15k) - JavaScript animation library.
- TweenJS (โญ3.4k) - A simple but powerful tweening / animation library for JavaScript. Part of the CreateJS suite of libraries.
- Anime.js (โญ43k) - JavaScript animation engine.
- Mojs (โญ18k) - The motion graphics toolbelt for the web.
- Animo.js (โญ2.1k) - A powerful little tool for managing CSS animations.
- Move.js (โญ4.7k) - CSS3 backed JavaScript animation framework.
- Velocity (โญ17k) - Accelerated JavaScript animation.
- Animateplus (โญ5.9k) - A+ animation module for the modern web.
- Animatic (โญ1.4k) - CSS animations engine.
- Just Animate (โญ255) - Making Animation Simple.
- Haiku Core (โญ756) - Interactive UI animation engine for the Web. Core renderer for Haiku Animator.
- Between.js (โญ706) - Lightweight JavaScript (ES6) tweening engine.
- Progressbar.js (โญ7.6k) - Responsive and slick progress bars.
- Bezier easing (โญ1.6k) - Cubic-bezier implementation for your JavaScript animation easings.
- Glsl easings (โญ367) - Easing functions in GLSL.
- Animate.css (โญ76k) - A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
- Motion-ui (โญ1.1k) - The powerful Sass library for creating CSS transitions and animations.
- Magic (โญ7.8k) - CSS3 Animations with special effects.
- Css-loaders (โญ6.9k) - A collection of loading spinners animated with CSS.
- SpinKit (โญ19k) - A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS.
- Bounce.js (โญ6.2k) - Create beautiful CSS3 powered animations in no time.
- EaselJS (โญ8k) - EaselJS is a library for building high-performance interactive 2D content in HTML5.
- Fabric.js (โญ23k) - JavaScript canvas library with animation support.
- Paper.js (โญ13k) - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting โ Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser, using HTML5 Canvas.
- Konva (โญ8.3k) - Konva.js is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications.
- Two.js (โญ7.8k) - A renderer agnostic two-dimensional drawing api for the web with animation support.
- Ocanvas (โญ482) - JavaScript library for object-based canvas drawing.
- Curtainsjs (โญ1.3k) - Lightweight vanilla WebGL JavaScript library that turns HTML DOM elements into interactive textured planes.
- Hover-effect (โญ1.5k) - JavaScript library to draw and animate images on hover.
Animate on scroll
- AOS (โญ22k) - Animate on scroll library.
- Wow (โญ9.7k) - Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page.
- Scrollreveal (โญ21k) - Animate elements as they scroll into view.
- ScrollMagic (โญ14k) - The JavaScript library for magical scroll interactions.
- Motus (โญ564) - Animation library that mimics CSS keyframes when scrolling.
- Sal (โญ3.3k) - Performance focused, lightweight scroll animation library.
- Malarkey (โญ238) - Simulate a typewriter effect in vanilla JavaScript.
- Typed.js (โญ12k) - A JavaScript Typing Animation Library.
- Shuffle-text (โญ93) - Shuffle-text is JavaScript text effect library such as cool legacy of Flash.
- Typebot (โญ17) - JavaScript library for typing animation.
- Blotter (โญ2.9k) - A JavaScript API for drawing unconventional text effects on the web.
GUI tools
- Svgartista - SVG Artista is a tool that helps you animate stroke and fill properties in your SVG images with plain CSS code. It should work fine with path, line, polyline, rect, circle, ellipse and polygon elements. It cannot animate SVG gradients though, so please keep that in mind.
- Mantra - Mantra is a timeline editing tool for web animations. It is inspired by tools such as Adobe Flash and After Effects.
- Animista - Animista is a place where you can play with a collection of pre-made css animations, tweak them and get only those you will actually use.
- Cssanimate - Welcome to, tool for easy and fast creating CSS3 keyframes animation, right in your browser without using any desktop software. If you want to render complex and consistent CSS3 animation on your site this tool is made for you! You can create complex CSS3 keyframe animation without any coding and to get ready made css styles for using on your site.
- Ceaser - Now that we can use CSS transitions in all the modern browsers, let's make them pretty. I love the classic Penner equations with Flash and jQuery, so I included most of those. If you're anything like me*, you probably thought this about the default easing options: โease-in, ease-out etc.โ The mysterious cubic-bezier has a lot of potential, but was cumbersome to use. Until now. Also, touch-device friendly!
- Cubic Bezier - A great utility for creating Bezier curves. You can import and export curves to/from your library to share them with others.
- Keyframer - Tool that help visualize animation components and output the code required.
- CSS Animation Kit - Select any predefined samples from top panel. Below samples there is a timeline of @keyframes. Timeline has 101 keyframes ( 0% to 100%) direction from left to right. Highlighted keyframe indicate that some style is assigned to that point. You can add new style at selected point.
8. Awesome Okr
- [Objectives and Key Results: Driving Focus, Alignment, and Engagement with OKRs] (,+Alignment,+and+Engagement+with+OKRs-p-9781119252399) : A thoroughly readable guide to implementing OKRs that is relevant to large, corporate environments as well as digital start-ups.
- [A journey through OKRs] ( : An introduction to OKRs and their application in portfolio project management.
9. Awesome Nextjs
- Next Cookie - Cookie serializer and deserializer library for Next.js.
10. Awesome Cpp
- Meeting Cpp - Meeting C++ YouTube Channel
11. Awesome Linguistics
Platforms and toolkits
- Spacy - Industrial-strength National Language Processing in Python.
12. Terminals Are Sexy
Tools and Plugins
- jaymock-cli (โญ13) - Mock an API and generate fake JSON test data, right from the terminal.
13. Awesome Wordpress Gatsby
Starters / Other helpful Plugins
- Gatsby WordPress Starter Advanced (โญ63) - An advanced Gatsby + WordPress starter, that is built along a tutorial series and works with ACF flexible content fields to create content blocks/layouts.
14. Awesome Malware Analysis
Malware Collection / Honeypots
- MHN (โญ2.4k) - MHN is a centralized server for management and data collection of honeypots. MHN allows you to deploy sensors quickly and to collect data immediately, viewable from a neat web interface.
15. Awesome Cakephp
Asset Management
- AssetCompress plugin (โญ370) - A complete asset manager for CakePHP.
Auditing / Logging
- DatabaseLog plugin (โญ43) - Simple and stand-alone logging to database instead of files.
Authentication and Authorization
- Authentication plugin (โญ116) - Official CakePHP authentication middleware plugin.
- Authorization plugin (โญ75) - Official CakePHP authorization stack.
- TinyAuth plugin (โญ126) - Authentication and role-based (single/multi) authorization as very light-weight approach.
Code Analysis
- IdeHelper plugin (โญ186) - Helps to make IDE support better by adding annotations to your existing code similar to what baking does to new code.
- TestHelper plugin (โญ7) - Provides testing enhancements and TDD support as browser backend.
- Queue plugin (โญ308) - A minimal and dependency-free queue solution.
- ADmad/I18n plugin (โญ44) - A plugin with I18n related tools.
- ADmad/Glide plugin (โญ35) - A plugin for using Glide image manipulation library.
- Upgrade app (โญ110) - Official upgrade app for 3.x=>4.x and 4.x=>5.x.
- CakeDto plugin (โญ24) - Quickly generate useful data transfer objects for your app (mutable/immutable), replacing messy arrays and leveraging your IDE through typehinting and autocomplete.
- Flash plugin (โญ12) - More powerful flash messages for your application.
- Shim plugin (โญ37) - A plugin containing useful shims and improvements as basis for your application.
ORM / Database / Datamapping
- ADmad/Sequence plugin (โญ44) - Behavior for maintaining ordered list of records.
- Duplicatable plugin (โญ52) - Behavior for duplicating entities including related data.
- Muffin/Orderly plugin (โญ22) - Allows setting default order for your tables.
- CakePdf plugin (โญ373) - A plugin around PDF generation.
- Muffin/Throttle plugin (โญ63) - A plugin for rate limiting (API) requests.
- Muffin/Slug plugin (โญ35) - A plugin for generating slugs and finding records by slug. Uses a pluggable architecture which allows using your own slug generator class.
- Bake plugin (โญ111) - Provides code generation functionality.
- BootstrapUI plugin (โญ340) - Bootstrap 4/5 integration.
- CsvView plugin (โญ177) - A view class to easily generate CSV.
16. Awesome Microservices
Articles & Papers / Scala
- Java Microservices: A Practical Guide - You can use this guide to understand what Java microservices are, how you architect and build them. Also: A look at Java microservice libraries & common questions.
17. Awesome Keycloak
18. Free for Dev
Source Code Repos
- - Repo and tools to develop applications with Ionic; also you have an ionic repo
- - Unlimited free and open source distributed version control system. Its distinctive feature is based on a sound theory of patches, which makes it easy to learn, use, and distribute. Solves many problems of git/hg/svn/darcs.
- โ Free for individuals, OSS, and nonprofit organizations
APIs, Data, and ML
- Beeceptor - Mock a rest API in seconds, fake API response and much more. Free 50 requests per day, public dashboard, open endpoints (anyone with a dashboard link can view submissions and answers).
- DB Designer โ Cloud-based Database schema design and modeling tool with a free starter plan of 2 Database models and ten tables per model.
- GeoDataSource โ Location search service looks up city names using latitude and longitude coordinates. Free API queries up to 500 times per month.
Screenshot APIs
- โ It turns any website into data such as metatags normalization, beauty link previews, scraping capabilities, or screenshots as a service. 250 requests/day every day free.
- ApiFlash โ A screenshot API based on Aws Lambda and Chrome. Handles full page, captures timing, and viewport dimensions.
- - Screenshot API uses a straightforward API call to generate screenshots of any website. Built to scale and hosted on Google Cloud. Offers 100 free screenshots per month.
- โ Capture highly customizable snapshots of any website. Free 100 snapshots/month
- โ Capture 100 snapshots/month, png, gif and jpg, including full-length captures, not only home page
Artifact Repos
- - Cloud-based, private and public, Maven and PyPi repositories. Free for open-source projects.
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- โ Find the perfect time and date for a meeting. Simple to use, works great for small and large groups.
- โ Tool for organizing information. Share your notes and work together with others
- โ A faster way for your team to communicate. Free Unlimited Messages, Channels, Users, Apps & Integrations
- โ One-click video conversations, and screen sharing, for free
- Notion - Notion is a note-taking and collaboration application with markdown support that integrates tasks, wikis, and databases. The company describes the app as an all-in-one workspace for note-taking, project management and task management. In addition to cross-platform apps, it can be accessed via most web browsers.
- Pendulums - Pendulums is a free time tracking tool that helps you manage your time in a better manner with an easy-to-use interface and valuable statistics.
- - Private and secure bookmarking app for macOS, Windows, Android, iOS, and Web. Free Unlimited Bookmarks and Collaboration.
- โ Private or cloud storage, file sharing, sync, discussions. The cloud version has just 1 GB
- โ Free for unlimited users with some feature limitations
- โ Free group video chat. Anonymous. Peerโtoโpeer. No plugins, signup, or payment required
- โ An asynchronous-friendly team communication app where conversations stay organized and on-topic. Free and Unlimited plans are available. Discounts are provided for eligible teams.
- โ Share and discuss ideas with your team through instant messaging on the web or your mobile
- โ One-click video conversations, for free (formerly known as
- โ Video hosting with viewer analytics, HD video delivery, and marketing tools to help understand your visitors, 25 videos, and Wistia branded player
- โ Secure Video and Web conferencing add-ons available. The free plan is limited to 40 minutes.
Code Quality
- โ A complete workflow to write, review, and deploy code), a free account for one user, and one repository with 100 MB of storage
- โ Live interactive cross-browser testing, free only 3 minutes sessions with MS IE 9 under Vista at 1024 x 768 resolution
- โ Automated code reviews for PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, Scala, CSS, and CoffeeScript, free for unlimited public and private repositories
- - Automated Infrastructure as Code review tool for DevOps integrates with GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab (even self-hosted). In addition to standard languages, it also analyzes Ansible, Terraform, CloudFormation, Kubernetes, and more. (open-source free)
- โ Automated code review, free for Open Source and unlimited organisation-owned private repos (up to 4 collaborators). Also free for students and institutions.
- โ Code coverage tool (SaaS), free for Open Source and one free private repo
- โ Display test coverage reports, free for Open Source
- โ Advanced static analysis for automatically finding runtime errors in JavaScript code, free for Open Source
- โ Gerrit code review for GitHub repositories for free
- โ Code coverage for any Go package
- โ Code Quality for Go projects, free for Open Source
- โ Reports and thorough recommendations to optimize websites
- โ Code review for GitHub repositories, free for public or personal repos.
- โ Continuous inspection platform, free for Open Source
- โ SEO tools but with also code verifications and different types of devices
- โ Fix the performance of your web sites, detailed analysis
CI and CD
- AccessLint โ AccessLint brings automated web accessibility testing into your development workflow. It's free for open source and education purposes.
- โ CD service for Windows, free for Open Source
- โ A CI/CD for mobile apps, native or hybrid. With 200 free builds/month 10 min build time and two team members. OSS projects get 45 min build time, +1 concurrency and unlimited team size.
- โ A CI/CD with five free projects and one concurrent run (120 executions/month)
- โ 1 project with ten daily deployments (30 build minutes/month)
- โ Manual and automated browser testing, free for Open Source
- โ Records and replays all steps made in a web browser and creates scripts, free with fewer options
- โ Selenium Grid testing with a free plan of up to 4 simultaneous selenium nodes/10 grid starts/4,000 test minutes/month
- โ Selenium Browser and Device Testing, free for Open Source
- โ Test results reporting and test case management. Integrates with popular test frameworks. Open Source software developers, individuals, educators, and small teams getting started can request discounted and free offerings beyond basic free projects.
Security and PKI
- โ Cloud-first, developer-friendly security platform prevents data breaches in .NET and Java applications
- โ Free SSL Certificate Authority with certs trusted by all major browsers
- - Monitor Java, Javascript, .NET, Scala, Ruby, and NodeJS projects for security vulnerabilities in dependencies. Free for one private project, unlimited projects for open source.
- โ Monitor Python dependencies for security vulnerabilities and update them automatically. Free for one private project, unlimited projects for open source.
- โ Find web app vulnerabilities, audit for OWASP Risks
- โ CSP and HPKP violation reporting
- โ Tools to use the phone number as id, available for free
- โ Can find and fix known security vulnerabilities in your open-source dependencies. Unlimited tests and remediation for open-source projects. Limited to 200 tests/month for your private projects.
- โ Intense analysis of the configuration of any SSL web server
- โ Threat intelligence: It is designed for individual researchers, analysts, and organizations starting to learn about cyber threat intelligence. Free up to 3 Users
- โ Automated vulnerability scanning. The free plan allows weekly XSS scans
Management System
- - Server management focusing mainly on PHP projects. Free for up to 1 server.
Log Management
- โ Free up to 500 MB/day, seven days retention
Translation Management
- โ Free up to 3 users, always free for Open Source
- โ Limited free edition for up to 5 users, free for Open Source
- โ Free for Open Source
- โ Free up to 500 strings
- โ Free for 24-hour metrics, application performance management agents limited to one Java, one .NET, one PHP, and one Node.js
- โ Automated API testing and monitoring. Free plans for teams and individuals.
- โ AWS security and configuration monitoring. Free: unlimited on-demand scans, unlimited users, unlimited stored accounts. Subscription: automated scanning, API access, etc.
- โ Free for up to 5 nodes
- โ Instant performance insights for JS developers. Free with 24-hour data retention
- - Beautiful and easy-to-use application and server monitoring with up to 500 metrics and 3 hours of data visibility for free
- โ Free load testing tools with limitations
- โ Modern uptime monitoring service. Check unlimited URLs and get downtime notifications via Discord, Slack, or email.
- โ Free for 24-hour metrics, unlimited servers, ten custom metrics, 500,000 custom metrics data points, unlimited dashboards, users, etc.
- โ Website, domain, Cron & SSL monitoring, 5 monitors in each category for free
- โ Free for first 100,000 requests (Rails only)
- โ Performance Monitoring API, checks Ping, DNS, etc.
- โ Get started with ten stats for free, no expiration
- โ Website monitoring, unlimited tests free with limitations
- โ Network and user experience monitoring. 3 locations and 20 data feeds of major web services free
Crash and Exception Handling
- โ Exception and error monitoring, free plan with 5,000 errors/month, unlimited users, 30 days retention
- โ Sentry tracks app exceptions in real-time and has a small free plan. Free for 5k errors per month/ 1 user, unrestricted use if self-hosted
- 10minutemail - Free, temporary email for testing.
- AnonAddy - Open-source anonymous email forwarding, create unlimited email aliases for free
- Burnermail โ Free 5 Burner Email Addresses, 1 Mailbox, 7-day Mailbox History
- Buttondown โ Newsletter service. Up to 100 subscribers free
- โ Contact form in a link (bitly for contact forms)
- โ Easy to use testing mail server for developers
- ImprovMX โ Free email forwarding.
- โ Test if the email's DNS/SPF/DKIM/DMARC settings are correct, 20 free/month.
- โ Catches mail and serves it through a web interface.
- โ Free, public email system where you can use any inbox you want
- Mailnesia - Free temporary/disposable email, which auto visit registration link.
- โ 5,000 subscribers/month free
- - Free disposable email addresses with forwarding and automatic address expiration
Feature Toggles Management Platforms
- ConfigCat - ConfigCat is a developer-centric feature flag service with unlimited team size, excellent support, and a reasonable price tag. Free plan up to 10 flags, two environments, 1 product, and 5 Million requests per month.
- - HTTP POST Form endpoint, Free plan allows 100 monthly submissions.
- โ Online forms, unlimited single page forms/month, 100 submissions/month, email notifications.
- - Feature rich form endpoint. Works great with static sites. The free plan includes up to 1 website with up to 50 monthly submissions.
- - Integrate HTML forms easily without any server-side code for free. After the user submits the form, an email with the form content will be sent to your registered address.
- โ Include beautifully designed forms on websites. The free plan allows only ten fields per form and 100 monthly responses.
CDN and Protection
- โ A modern replacement of which simply hosts file using Cloudflare
- โ A simple way to spin up and manage a complete Varnish Cache solution. Supposedly free forever for one site
- โ Proxy for Packagist and GitHub. Never fail CD. Free for personal use, one developer, no support
- โ Mobile app development platform, free for two projects, limited features but no resource limits
- - Gigalixir provides one free instance that never sleeps and a free-tier PostgreSQL database limited to 2 connections, 10, 000 rows and no backups for Elixir/Phoenix apps.
- - An integration platform built for developers. Develop any workflow based on any trigger. Workflows are code you can run for free. No server or cloud resources to manage.
- โ Unlimited free push notifications. 10,000 email sends per month, with unlimited contacts and access to Auto Warm Up.
- โ Backend service API with flexible authentication, full-text search and caching. Free for one app, 1GB of app data.
- โ Mobile backend, starter plan has unlimited requests/second, with 1 GB of data storage. Enterprise application support
- โ Push notification service. Free for up to 1.5 million pushes/month
- โ Push notification service. Unlimited notifications for up to 2,000 Subscribers
- โ Free, unlimited push notifications for 2000 monthly active users. A single API for iOS and Android devices.
- โ A communication backend for instant messaging, video, and voice calling, and push notifications
- โ Event-driven automation for apps, services, and workflows, free without flow, access control, LDAP
- โ API management with authentication, quotas, monitoring and analytics. Free cloud offering
- โ Connect the apps you use to automate tasks. Five zaps every 15 minutes and 100 tasks/month
Low-code Platform
- โ Enterprise web development PaaS for on-premise or cloud, free "personal environment" offering allows for unlimited code and up to 1 GB database
Web Hosting
- โ Free web hosting + a free short domain, PHP, MySQL, App Installer, Email Sending & No Ads.
- Freehostia โ FreeHostia offers free hosting services incl. an industry-best Control Panel & a 1-click installation of 50+ free apps. Instant setup. No forced ads.
- โ One site, 50 pages, 50 MB storage, only the main pre-defined blocks among 170+ available, no fonts, no favicon, and no custom domain
- โ Free DNS service with API and lots of other free DNS features included.
- โ Free DNS hosting up to 1 domain with 50 records
- โ Free DNS hosting.
- โ Free DDNS with up to 5 domains on the free tier. With configuration guides for various setups.
- โ Free DNS hosting with Dynamic DNS Support.
- โ Automatic backups and DNS change monitoring. One domain free
Managed Data Services
- โ Looks like a spreadsheet, but it's a relational database unlimited bases, 1,200 rows/base, and 1,000 API requests/month
Tunneling, WebRTC, Web Socket Servers and Other Routers
- Hamachi โ LogMeIn Hamachi is a hosted VPN service that lets you securely extend LAN-like networks to distributed teams with a free plan that allows unlimited networks with up to 5 people
- โ Expose locally running servers over a tunnel to a public URL.
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- โ Free project management and SCRUM software for up to 5 team members
- โ Free for private project with collaborators
- Basecamp - To-do lists, milestone management, forum-like messaging, file sharing, and time tracking. Up to 3 projects, 20 users, and 1GB of storage space.
- โ Online real-time diagrams: flowchart, UML, network. Free max. 15 users/diagram, 25 sheets
- โ Project management. Free, premium version with cloud storage. Mobile applications and Git integrations are available.
- Cloudcraft โ Design a professional architecture diagram in minutes with the Cloudcraft visual designer, optimized for AWS with intelligent components that show live data too. Free plan has unlimited private diagrams for single user.
- โ Customizable project management platform, free starter plan, five workspaces
- GraphQL Inspector - GraphQL Inspector outputs a list of changes between two GraphQL schemas. Every difference is precisely explained and marked as breaking, non-breaking, or dangerous.
- โ Instant project management for your GitHub issues, free for Open Source
- โ Board-based project management. Free, premium version with more options
- Ora - Agile task management & team collaboration. Free for up to 3 users and files are limited to 10 MB.
- โ Free for unlimited public projects and two private projects with three total active users (read-write) and unlimited passive users (read-only).
- โ Project Management with Repository Hosting and more options. Free for two users with ten customers and 500MB Storage
- โ Free online planning poker (estimation tool)
- Tadum - Meeting agenda and minutes app designed for recurring meetings, free for teams of up to 10
- โ Real-time collaborative task lists and team outlines. The free plan has one workspace with unlimited tasks and projects; 1GB file storage; 1-week project history; and five attendees per video meeting.
- โ Issue tracking, test management and beta testing platform. Free for private use
- โ Collaborative and individual task management. The free plan has: 5 active projects, five users in the project, file uploading up to 5MB, three filters, and one week of activity history.
- โ Board-based project management. Unlimited Personal Boards, 10 Team Boards.
- YouTrack โ Free hosted YouTrack (InCloud) for FOSS projects and private projects (free for three users). Includes time tracking and agile boards
Storage and Media Processing
- โ Image and video hosting, processing and streaming via CDN. Provides generous free tier of 250 GB / month for videos and 30 GB / month for images.
- โ Image optimization for website performance as a service, free plan up to 1 MB file size
- โ Encrypt, share, copy, and move all your cloud storage files from one place. The basic plan provides unlimited file transfer with 250 MB max. file size and allows five encrypted files
- โ Hosted Package Repositories for YUM, APT, RubyGem and PyPI. Limited free plans and open-source plans are available via request
- โ A quick and simple service for getting pictures of kittens for use as placeholders
- โ Graph and share your data. The free tier includes unlimited public files and ten private files
- โ You can use Podio with a team of up to five people and try out the features of the Basic Plan, except user management
- โ P2P file syncing, free for up to 2 users
- โ API to compress and resize PNG and JPEG images, offers 500 compressions for free each month
- โ Handles file uploads and encoding of video, audio, images, documents. Free for Open source, charities, and students via the GitHub Student Developer Pack. Commercial applications get 2 GB free for test driving
Design and UI
- โ Free Graphics Design / Photo Collage App. Also, they offer paid integration of it as a component.
- โ Convert anything to anything. Two hundred eight supported formats including videos and gifs.
- โ Online, collaborative design tool for teams; free tier includes unlimited files and viewers with a max of 2 editors and three projects.
- โ Generate, edit, and publish beautiful websites and landing pages for your startup. All without code. The free tier allows you to have one website, fully customizable and published on the web.
- - Free cloud image hosting.
- โ Design, prototyping, and collaboration, free plan limited to one user and project.
- Pencil (โญ9.2k) - Open source design tool using Electron.
- - Free stock photos for commercial use. Has a free API that allows you to search photos by keywords.
- โ A Free, Advanced online design editor with Adobe Photoshop UI supporting PSD, XCF & Sketch formats (Adobe Photoshop, Gimp and Sketch App).
- โ Free online browser editor on the level of commercial ones.
- โ A simple service to resize and manage your app icons.
- unDraw - A constantly updated collection of beautiful SVG images that you can use completely free without attribution.
- - Free stock photos for commercial and noncommercial purposes (do-whatever-you-want license).
- โ Free Design App for Web + Desktop.
- โ Enterprise Class Guidance and Engagement Platform, free plan three walk-thru up to 5 steps/walk.
- Webflow - WYSIWYG website builder with animations and website hosting. Free for two projects.
- - Collaborative flowcharts, wireframes, sticky notes and mind maps. Create up to 4 free boards.
- Zeplin โ Designer and developer collaboration platform. Show designs, assets, and style guides. Free for one project.
Data Visualization on Maps
- โ Create maps and geospatial APIs from your and public data.
- A free developer package is offered for Routing, Route Optimization, Distance Matrix, Geocoding, and Map Matching.
- here โ APIs and SDKs for maps and location-aware apps. 250k transactions/month for free.
- โ Geocoding API aggregating OpenStreetMap and other open geo sources. Two thousand five hundred free queries/day.
- osmnames โ Geocoding, search results ranked by the popularity of related Wikipedia page.
IDE and Code Editing
- โ Code snippet organizer with labels and support for 100+ programming languages.
- โ (formerly SageMathCloud at โ Collaborative calculation in the cloud. Browser access to full Ubuntu with built-in collaboration and lots of free software for mathematics, science, data science, preinstalled: Python, LaTeX, Jupyter Notebooks, SageMath, scikitlearn, etc.
- โ CodePen is a playground for the front-end side of the web.
- โ Online Playground for React, Vue, Angular, Preact, and more.
- goormIDE is full IDE on cloud. multi-language support, Linux-based container via the fully-featured web-based terminal, port forwarding, custom URL, real-time collaboration and chat, share link, Git/Subversion support. There are many more features (The free tier includes 1GB RAM and 10GB Storage per container, 5 Container slots).
- JDoodle โ Online compiler and editor for more than 60 programming languages with a free plan for REST API code compiling up to 200 credits per day.
- โ Productivity tools, IDEs and deploy tools (aka IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, etc). Free license for students, teachers, Open Source and user groups.
- โ JS Fiddle is a playground and code-sharing site of front-end web, supporting collaboration.
- micro-jaymock - Tiny API mocking microservice for generating fake JSON data.
- โ Mockable is a simple configurable service to mock out RESTful API or SOAP web services. This online service allows you to quickly define REST API or SOAP endpoints and have them return JSON or XML data.
- Visual Studio Community โ Fully-featured IDE with thousands of extensions, cross-platform app development (Microsoft extensions available for download for iOS and Android), desktop, web and cloud development, multi-language support (C#, C++, JavaScript, Python, PHP and more).
- โ Quantified self-metrics about your coding activity using text editor plugins, limited plan for free.
Analytics, Events and Statistics
- โ 1 million monthly events, up to 2 apps
- - Privacy-focused, cookie-free analytics, free for up to 3k events/month.
- โ A/B Testing solution, free starter plan, one website, 1 iOS, and 1 Android app
- โ Free for up to 50 K actions/month, 1-day data retention, unlimited dashboards, users, etc.
- โ Test designs and mockups on real people and track visitors. Free for one user, unlimited tests
Visitor Session Recording
- โ Per site: 1,050 pages views/month, unlimited heatmaps, data stored for three months
Payment and Billing Integration
- - An easy-to-use currency conversion JSON API. The free tier updates once per day with a limit of 1,500 requests/month.
Docker Related
- โ 20 free private repositories for developers, 30 free private repositories for teams to build and store Docker images
- FOSSA - Scalable, end-to-end management for third-party code, license compliance and vulnerabilities.
- โ Real-time PubSubHubbub compliant feeds, export, analytics. Free with less customization
- โ Create online surveys. Analyze the results online. The free plan allows only 10 questions and 100 responses per survey.
19. Awesome Ocaml
Web Development
- Tools:
- COW (โญ107) โ Caml on the Web (COW) is a set of parsers and syntax extensions to let you manipulate HTML, CSS, XML, JSON and Markdown directly from OCaml code.
- Ocamlnet has many relevant web libraries โ Nethtml html parser, Netasn1 for ASN.1 parsing, Netencoding for Base64, Quoted Printable, URL encoding and HTML escaping, Netmime for MIME processing, etc. See the list of modules in Ocamlnet's manual.
- tyxml โ Library to build valid (according to the W3C spec) Html and Svg trees.
- js_of_ocaml โ Js_of_ocaml is a compiler of OCaml bytecode to Javascript. It makes it possible to run Ocaml programs in a Web browser.
- commonjs_of_ocaml (โญ13) - Easily import and export CommonJS modules from a js_of_ocaml project.
- ReScript - ReScript is a robustly typed language that compiles to efficient and human-readable JavaScript.
- ocaml-uri (โญ98) โ RFC3986 URI parsing library.
- Goji (โญ44) โ An OCaml bindings generator for JavaScript libraries.
- Syndic (โญ34) โ RSS and Atom feed parsing
- ocaml-mustache (โญ82) โ mustache.js logic-less templates in OCaml.
- atdjs (โญ9) โ atd code generator (serialization) for OCaml/js_of_ocaml.
- jingoo (โญ129) โ OCaml template engine almost compatible with jinja2.
- dispatch (โญ45) โ Path-based dispatching for client- and server-side applications.
- Lambda Soup (โญ392) - Functional HTML scraping and manipulation with CSS selectors, ร la Python's Beautiful Soup.
- (โญ146) - Error-recovering streaming HTML5 and XML parsers, serializers.
- gen_js_api (โญ176) - gen_js_api aims at simplifying the creation of OCaml bindings for Javascript libraries.
- routes (โญ147) - Typed routes for OCaml/ReasonML web applications.
20. Awesome Clean Tech
Companies / Vegetation & Agriculture
AquaAgro | Karachi, Pakistan | 2018
Provides solutions for precision farming, enabling farmers to monitor their crops and make better decisions. Their devices and platform can make predictions for irrigation scheduling, fertilizer requirement, pest attack prediction, and plant disease detection.
Companies / Food
Foods for Tomorrow / Heura | Barcelona, Spain | 2017
Created an ingredient named Heura which represents a new generation of plant-based proteins using innovative production techniques to get textures never seen on the vegetal realm. Heura needs 94% less water than to produce the same amount of veal protein and only 0.5kg of soy per kg produced.
Companies / Social Impact
Triodos Bank | Netherlands | 1980
European Bank for consumers and businesses that only lends to organisations who make positive environmental and social change. They invest significantly in renewable energy systems and publish details of every organisation they finance on their website.
21. Awesome Bigdata
NewSQL Databases
- yugabyteDB (โญ9.2k) - open source, high-performance, distributed SQL database compatible with PostgreSQL.
22. Awesome Salesforce
Table of Contents / Developer Utilities
- Adminite - A query editor desktop app with built-in auto completions, inline data editing, and more.
23. Awesome Jmeter
Getting Started
Trainings & Courses / Utilities
- JMeter Training Courses - By NobleProg.
- Web Applications (and Mobile Apps) Performance Testing with JMeter - By Pragmatic Test Labs.
- Training courses on Load Testing with Apache JMeter - By Ubik Ingenierie.
Community / Blogs
- JMeter Blog - Another blog for performance & automation testing using JMeter.
24. Awesome Software Architecture
Bonus / DevOps
- How to learn software design and architecture - a roadmap - Additional things helpful to learn to get a firm understanding of software architecture.
25. Awesome Java
Database / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Leaf (โญ6.5k) - Distributed ID generate service.
Messaging / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Apache RocketMQ - Fast, reliable, and scalable distributed messaging platform.
PaaS / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Google Cloud
- Google's cloud infrastructure.
- OpenShift
- Provides additionally an on-premise solution.
REST Frameworks / Other
- springdoc-openapi (โญ3.4k) - Automates the generation of API documentation using Spring Boot projects.
26. Awesome Ant Design
- formik-antd (โญ591) - Declarative bindings for the popular form state management library Formik.
27. Awesome Lit
Standalone Components
- API documentation and live playground for Web Components.
28. Awesome Waves
Docker images
- WavesNode - Docker Image for Waves Platform node. Supports any official or custom networks.
29. Awesome Web Performance Budget
Tools to measure Performance Budget
- - Easy to monitor and measure the performance of your web site.
30. Awesome Actions
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
Deployment / Code Coverage
31. Awesome Vulkan
- renderdoc (โญ8.6k) - by baldurk, a stand-alone graphics debugging tool. [MIT]
- RDCtoVkCpp (โญ25) - converts RenderDoc Vulkan capture to compilable and executable C++ code. [MIT]
32. Awesome Db Tools
Monitoring/Statistics/Perfomance / Samples
- Percona Monitoring and Management (โญ720) - Open source platform for managing and monitoring MySQL and MongoDB performance.
HA/Failover/Sharding / Zabbix
- Citus (โญ11k) - Postgres extension that distributes your data and your queries across multiple nodes.
- patroni (โญ7k) - A template for PostgreSQL High Availability with ZooKeeper, etcd, or Consul.
- Percona XtraDB Cluster (โญ343) - A High Scalability Solution for MySQL Clustering and High Availability.
- stolon (โญ4.7k) - Cloud native PostgreSQL manager for PostgreSQL high availability.
- pg_auto_failover (โญ1.2k) - Postgres extension and service for automated failover and high-availability.
- pglookout (โญ184) - PostgreSQL replication monitoring and failover daemon.
- PostgreSQL Automatic Failover (โญ342) - High-Availibility for Postgres, based on industry references Pacemaker and Corosync.
Kubernetes / Zabbix
- KubeDB - Making running production-grade databases easy on Kubernetes.
- Postgres operator (โญ4.5k) - The Postgres Operator enables highly-available PostgreSQL clusters on Kubernetes (K8s) powered by Patroni.
- Spilo (โญ1.6k) - HA PostgreSQL Clusters with Docker.
- StackGres - Enterprise-grade, Full Stack PostgreSQL on Kubernetes.
Configuration Tuning / Zabbix
- pgtune (โญ1.1k) - PostgreSQL configuration wizard.
33. Awesome React Components
Data Store / Mouse Events
- resourcerer (โญ80) - Declarative data-fetching framework for REST APIs
34. Awesome Creative Coding
Museums โข Galleries / Other
- ZKM โ Zentrum fรผr Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe/Germany - ZKM organizes exhibitions and events on the effects of media, digitization, and globalization.
- Ars Electronica Center, Linz/Austria - Museum of the Future โ a place where diverse blends of artistic genres, scientific domains and technological directions are displayed and processed.
- Technorama, Zurich/Switzerland - Technorama allows hands-on experiences of hundreds of natural phenomena and technology.
35. Awesome Ember
Packages / External Components Integration
- ember-lifecycle-component (โญ9) - A component with additional lifecycles for times when you may need need a template.
- ember-vue-components (โญ10) - Vue.JS component API for Ember.
Packages / Helpers
- ember-event-helpers (โญ36) - Complimentary event template helpers to the
- ember-render-helpers (โญ22) -
as template helpers.
- ember-truth-helpers (โญ707) - Ember.js HTMLBars Helpers for
: not, and, or, eq & is-array.
36. Awesome Dash
- Dash Data Dashboards and Apps - Collection of data dashboards with real life data, for various topics, as well as a few apps for online marketing built with Dash.
37. Awesome Android
Code examples / Custom Dialog
- Android Modular Architecture (โญ2.3k) - Android Sample App using modular, clean, scalable, testable Architecture written in Kotlin following the best practices with Jetpack.
38. Awesome Ios
Other Hardware
- NFCPassportReader (โญ773) - Swift library to read an NFC enabled passport. Supports BAC, Secure Messaging, and both active and passive authentication. Requires iOS 13 or above.
39. Awesome Scientific Computing
Visualization / Mesh tools
- PyVista - 3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface for VTK. (Python, MIT, GitHub (โญ2.8k))
40. Awesome Actions on Google
Open source code
- Interactive Canvas editor (โญ29) - Editor to create a web app for Interactive Canvas that is immediately loaded onto a smart display device. This allows for quick prototyping of web apps for Interactive Canvas.
- Virtual Pet (โญ28) - It is built with interactive canvas. In this game, you will adopt and take care of a hamster just like you would in real life, except through Google Assistant.
People to follow
- Leon Nicholls - Google Developer Relations Engineer
41. Awesome Love2d
- 3DreamEngine (โญ415) - An awesome 3D engine for LรVE.
42. Awesome Vue
Resources / Books
- Vue.js: Understanding its Tools and Ecosystem by Dave Berning (November 2019)
43. Awesome Security
Endpoint / Mobile / Android / iOS
- Quark-Engine (โญ1.2k) - An Obfuscation-Neglect Android Malware Scoring System.
- Prev: Jan 06 - Jan 12, 2020
- Next: Dec 23 - Dec 29, 2019