Awesome List Updates on Dec 09 - Dec 15, 2019
40 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Public Apis
Description: The primary platform for Open Source and code sharing for the U.S. Federal Government
CORS: Unknown
2. Awesome Shell
Downloading and Serving / Directory Navigation
- vesper (⭐203) - 🍸Vesper is a HTTP framework for Bash/Unix Shell
3. Machine Learning with Ruby
Machine Learning Libraries / Deep learning
- torch-rb (⭐742) - Ruby bindings for LibTorch (⭐85k) using rice (⭐381).
4. Awesome Datascience
Bloggers / Book Deals (Affiliated)
- Andrew Carr - Data Science with Esoteric programming languages
5. Awesome Webaudio
Packages / Frameworks
- Bap (⭐115) - A toolkit for making beats and composing sequences, inspired by the classic MPC60/2000.
Packages / Libraries
- Sound.js (⭐300) - A micro-library to load, play and generate sound effects and music for games and interactive applications.
- Circular Audio Wave (⭐249) - A JS library for audio visualization in circular wave using Web Audio API and ECharts.
- Wad (⭐1.9k) - Web Audio DAW. Use the Web Audio API for dynamic sound synthesis. It's like jQuery for your ears.
Resources / Tutorials
- WebAudio School (⭐402) - A series of self-guided workshops to learn WebAudio.
Obsolete / Community
- Gibberish (⭐387) - A JavaScript DSP library that creates JIT optimized audio callbacks using code generation techniques.
- lissajous (⭐398) - A tool for programmatic audio performance.
- SSSynthesiser.js (⭐49) - A wavetable synthesizer for interactive music and sound effects.
- WAAX (⭐303) - Build Music Apps for browsers.
- Band.js (⭐1.2k) An interface for the Web Audio API that supports rhythms, multiple instruments, repeating sections, and complex time signatures.
- reverbGen (⭐54) - A JavaScript library for generating artificial reverb impulse responses.
- TuneJS (⭐169) - A tuning library of microtonal and just intonation scales. Supports over 3,000 historical tunings.
- Beet.js (⭐114) - A sequencer library for creating euclidean rhythms and polyrhythms.
- AudioKeys (⭐234) - A QWERTY keyboard for web audio projects.
- web-audio-test-api (⭐67) - A Web Audio test library for CI.
- javascript-karplus-strong (⭐282) - JavaScript/Web Audio implementation of Karplus-Strong guitar synthesis.
- osc-msg (⭐17) - OSC message decoder/encoder with fault tolerance.
- Pizzicato (⭐1.7k) - A library that aims to simplify the creation and manipulation sounds in the browser.
- Mooog (⭐29) - Tools that simplify working with AudioNodes, inspired by jQuery and mixing tables.
- envelope-generator (⭐35) - Simple ADSR envelope generator for web audio.
- audio contour (⭐20) - A 5 stage audio envelope generator.
- web-audio-recorder-js (⭐770) - A library that records audio input (Web Audio API AudioNode object) and encodes to audio file image (Blob object).
- audiolet (⭐895) - A JavaScript library for real-time audio synthesis and composition from within the browser.
- playnote (⭐2) - Play your favorite instrument in the browser, with complex note intervals and scales.
- Recorderjs (⭐4.2k) - A plugin for recording/exporting the output of Web Audio API nodes.
- resampler (⭐39) - A utility for resampling audio.
- bpm-detective (⭐133) – Detects the BPM of a song or audio sample.
- web-audio-utils (⭐10) - Commonly needed utility functions for Web Audio API.
- web-audio-oscillators (⭐59) - A collection of Web Audio custom oscillators.
- midi-ports (⭐16) - handy library to make it easier to work with attached MIDI devices.
- Midi Logger - This Midi Logger will print all midi input to your browser for debugging.
- Code Player (⭐21) - An experimental app that makes your codes sing for you.
6. Awesome Research
Version Control System
- git
Version Control System / Online Git Service
- GitHub: the most popular platform for git with social and collaborations built-in.
- GitHub also provides GitHub Actions. With Actions one could automate processes.
- GitHub provides GitHub Pages. With GitHub Pages, on could host static files as well as Jekyll built websites.
- BitBucket: Alternative to GitHub and GitLab with free private repositories.
Version Control System / Enterprise Git Service
- RhodeCode: Centralized control for distributed repositories. Mercurial, Git, and Subversion under a single roof.
GTD-Task Manager / Enterprise Git Service
- Microsoft To Do (
,Win Store
,Chrome OS
): Almost perfect todo lists with cooperation and sharing.
- Google Keep(
,Chrome OS
Math and Programming Online / Enterprise Git Service
- Google Colab: free jupyter notebook online. Google Colab also comes with free GPU hours.
- Free and powerful.
- Share and collaborate on the same notebook.
- Can be saved in GitHub or Google Drive.
- Kaggle: kaggle has built-in free jupyter notebook.
- One can also connect to Google BigQuery to access big data.
- Azure Notebooks: online jupyter notebooks.
- Datalore: online jupyter notebook by JetBrains.
- SageMaker: AWS service with a lot of tools integrated. Sagemaker comes with the Sagemake Studio which provides jupyter notebook for programmer and other charting and data management tools.
- Mathematica Online: Bring Mathematica to life in the cloud.
Plotting and Charting Online / Enterprise Git Service
- GeoGebra: very old but still very good. GeoGebra can be used for precise charting as well as calculations.
Hosting / Social Sciences
- AWS: Amazon AWS provide student perks.
Blog and CMS / Social Sciences
- GitBook (
): write in Markdown and collaborate with the team. GitBook integrates with GitHub so no content will be lost.
- Wordpress (
): Very popular but requires a lot of maintenance.
Notebooks for Researchers / Social Sciences
- Findings: Your research assistant & lab notebook, all in one app.
Editors / Markdown
- StackEdit(
): StackEdit is a Markdown editor with many integrated services such as math (MathJax), Google Drive, Dropbox, and GitHub.
Online Load and Edit / LaTeX
- Slideas: the easiest way to create a beautiful Markdown Presentation, with all the features you need.
Mathematica / HTML+CSS+JS
- Mathematica slides can be made interactive.
Code Editors / HTML+CSS+JS
- Visual Studio Code, aka VS Code(
): same technology as atom but faster than atom, and Microsoft made.
Coding is Fun / HTML+CSS+JS
Data Visualization / HTML+CSS+JS
- D3 js (
- seaborn: statistical data visualization
- Plotnine: A Grammar of Graphics for Python
- itermplot (⭐1.5k): An awesome iTerm2 backend for Matplotlib, so you can plot directly in your terminal.
Graph Making / HTML+CSS+JS
- colorcet (⭐629) can be used to investigate colormaps.
- Unpay Wall: legally download research papers for free.
7. Awesome Nlg
- Chatito (⭐844) - Generate datasets for AI chatbots, NLP tasks, named entity recognition or text classification models using a simple DSL!
Neural Natural Language Generation
- textgenrnn (⭐4.9k) - Easily train your own text-generating neural network of any size and complexity on any text dataset with a few lines of code.
8. Awesome React Components
i18n / Mouse Events
- react-intl-universal (⭐1.3k) - demo Internationalize React apps. Not only for React.Component but also for Vanilla JS.
9. Awesome Javascript
Testing Frameworks / Runner
- webdriverio (⭐9.2k) - Next-gen WebDriver test automation framework for Node.js.
MVC Frameworks and Libraries / Runner
- svelte (⭐82k) - Svelte is a new way to build web applications. It's a compiler that takes your declarative components and converts them into efficient JavaScript that surgically updates the DOM.
Node-Powered CMS Frameworks / Runner
- Strapi (⭐65k) - Open source Node.js Headless CMS to easily build customisable APIs.
Misc / Other
- Clean Code JavaScript (⭐92k) - Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript.
10. Awesome Book Authoring
- Ask HN: Considerations when asked to write a book? - A discussion on Hacker News where many authors discuss their experience.
11. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / ORM
- RepoDb (⭐1.7k) - A hybrid ORM library for .NET.
12. Awesome Json Datasets
13. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: Filestash (⭐7.9k)
Description: A Dropbox like file manager built in React
14. Awesome Foss Apps
Web Apps (frontend only) / Filestash
- golang, react
- AGPLv3 License
15. Awesome Scientific Computing
Finite Elements
Meshing / Triangular and tetrahedral meshing
- TriWild - Robust triangulation with curve constraints. (C++, MPL 2, GitHub (⭐235))
Visualization / Mesh tools
- ParaView - Multi-platform data analysis and visualization application based on VTK. (C++, BSD, GitLab)
- Mayavi - 3D scientific data visualization and plotting in Python. (Python, BSD, GitHub (⭐1.3k))
- Polyscope - Viewer and user interface for 3D geometry processing. (C++, MIT, GitHub (⭐1.8k))
16. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- scikit-multiflow (⭐769) - A machine learning framework for multi-output/multi-label and stream data.
17. Awesome Typescript
Back-end API / Playground
- 🐙 Libstack - A collection of various modules to create Typescript server easily and ready to be deployed on Docker.
18. Awesome Tmux
Status Bar
- tmux-nordvpn (⭐18) Monitor the current NordVPN connection status.
19. Awesome Flutter
- Beautiful_Popup (⭐695) - Beautify your app popup by jaweii.
Device / Augmented Reality
- Geolocator (⭐1.3k) - A Flutter geolocation plugin which provides easy access to the platform specific location services by Baseflow
- Permission Handler (⭐2.1k) - A Flutter permission plugin which provides a cross-platform (iOS, Android) API to request and check permissions by Baseflow
20. FOSS for Dev
Collaboration Tools
- Filestash - A Dropbox-like web client where users can bring their own backend (FTP, SFTP, Webdav, S3, Minio, ...).
21. Awesome Corda
22. Awesome Bigdata
Time-Series Databases
- TDengine (⭐24k) - a time series database in C utilizing unique features of IoT to improve read/write throughput and reduce space needed to store data
Business Intelligence
- Saiku Analytics - Open source analytics platform.
23. Awesome Theravada
Places / Monasteries
- Sitavana - Forest Monastary, Kamloops, British Columbia - Forest Tradition monastery with Ajahn Sona as abbot.
24. Awesome Bioie
Tools, Platforms, and Services / Repos for Specific Datasets
- TabInOut (⭐41) - paper - a framework for IE from tables in the literature.
25. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Media Streaming - Audio Streaming
- gonic (⭐1.8k) - Lightweight music streaming server. Subsonic compatible.
Software / Money, Budgeting & Management
- InvoicePlane (⭐2.7k) - Manage quotes, invoices, payments and customers for your small business.
Software / Note-taking & Editors
- Writing - Lightweight distraction-free text editor, in the browser (Markdown and LaTeX supported). No lag when writing. (Source Code (⭐1k))
Software / Software Development - Project Management
- Leantime - Leantime is a lean project management system for small teams and startups helping to manage projects from ideation through delivery. (Source Code (⭐5.1k))
26. Magictools
Books / Voxel Editors
27. Free for Dev
Visitor Session Recording
- — 1,000 sessions/month with one month data retention and three user seats. More information here.
28. Awesome Transit
GTFS Realtime Convertors / Rust
- Transloc API to GTFS-realtime (⭐2) - A Node.js based tool to convert the Transloc API to GTFS-realtime.
29. Awesome Piracy
Miscellaneous / Third Party Hosts
- k8s-usenet (⭐76) A collection of Helm (Kubernetes) charts related to different Usenet services (sabnzbd, radarr, sonarr...).
30. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Vue Expenses (⭐237) - Expense tracking app made with Vue.js, Vuetify and ASP.NET Core
31. Awesome Esp
- ESPBasic - A BASIC firmware for easy and wireless programming, ready for the 8266.
Libraries / Others
- ESP8266Wifi (⭐437) - Simple Arduino Wifi library for the 8266.
32. Terminals Are Sexy
Tools and Plugins
- navi (⭐12k) - An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line.
33. Awesome Actions
Collection of Actions / Docker Container Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
- Wait for commit statuses (⭐98) - Wait until all statuses and checks are successful or any of them has failed and set its status output accordingly.
Static Analysis / Linting
External Services / Terraform
Tutorials / Terraform
34. Awesome Ros2
Companies / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)
- Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA - Robot and assistive systems.
35. Awesome Ruby
Database Tools
- Database Consistency (⭐1.1k) - An easy way to check that application constraints and database constraints are in sync.
36. Awesome Waves
Client libraries / C/C++
- nanos-app-waves (⭐17) - Waves wallet application for Ledger Nano S.
Other tools / Swift
- sh-Ride-brush (⭐1) - SyntaxHighlighter brush for the Ride language.
- Ride for Pygments (⭐1.1k) - The Pygments (⭐1.1k) highlighter oficially supports the Ride out of the box.
Projects / Swift
- LIGA - A platform with tokenized sport events, enabling you to deal with real-time rates and to trade your personal predictions with others.
37. Awesome Embedded Rust
Real-time / Real-time Operating System (RTOS)
- Drone OS An Embedded Operating System for writing real-time applications in Rust.
- (⭐237) Rust interface for the FreeRTOS API
- Tock An embedded operating system designed for running multiple concurrent, mutually distrustful applications on low-memory and low-power microcontrollers
Peripheral Access Crates / XMC
HAL implementation crates / XMC
38. Awesome Sre
Service Level Agreement
39. Awesome Crystal
- Crystal Programming Discord Server - Unofficial Discord server dedicated to the Crystal Programming Language
40. Awesome Tensorflow
- DeepBay (⭐4) - High-Level Keras Complement for implement common architectures stacks, served as easy to use plug-n-play modules
- Prev: Dec 16 - Dec 22, 2019
- Next: Dec 02 - Dec 08, 2019