Awesome List Updates on Nov 18 - Nov 24, 2019

54 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Home Assistant

Online Resources / YouTube Channels

2. Awesome Ros2

Working Groups / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)

3. Awesome Software Patreons

Open Source Projects

Open Source Projects / Messaging and social media

Open Source Projects / Libraries

Open Source Projects / Operating Systems

People Doing Open Source Work / Hardware related

4. Awesome Ember

Packages / VS Code addons

Packages / Sandboxes

5. Awesome Tensorflow


6. Awesome Javascript

Misc / Other

7. Awesome Cpp


8. Awesome Kde

Utilities & Tools

9. Awesome Gdpr

Organisations / Projects

10. Awesome Clean Tech

Companies / Energy

11. Awesome Jamstack

API / Forms

12. Awesome Interview Questions

Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / WordPress

Algorithms / Windows

13. Awesome Opensource Apps


14. Awesome Qlik

Books / About Qlik Sense

Books / About QlikView

15. Awesome Dotnet Core

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Authentication and Authorization

16. Vertx Awesome


17. Awesome Product Management

Additional resources / Obsidian

18. Awesome Hbase

Integrations / Transactions

19. Awesome D

Dev Tools / Bare metal / kernel development

IDEs & Editors / Bare metal / kernel development

Web Frameworks / Bare metal / kernel development

20. Awesome Arch

Arch-based distros / Specific purpose

21. Awesome Wardley Maps


22. Awesome Django

Projects / Boilerplate

23. Awesome Mac

Design and Product / Other Tools

24. Awesome Embedded Rust

Peripheral Access Crates / Silicon Labs

25. Awesome Security

Web / Scanning / Pentesting

26. Awesome Hacking

Tools / Other

27. Awesome Ada

Questions and Answers

28. Awesome Cakephp




CakePHP Websites

CakePHP Reading and Listening



29. Awesome Sysadmin

Software / DNS - Control Panels & Domain Management

Software / IT Asset Management

30. Awesome Jmeter

Automation / Frameworks

CI / Tools & Plugins

Performance Testing / Streaming Protocols

31. Awesome Piracy

Self-hosted VPNs

Trackers / Public Trackers

DDL Link Sites / Free Indexers

Stremio / Third Party Hosts

Plex Transcoding / Third Party Hosts

Gaming / Third Party Hosts

Windows / Third Party Hosts

Manga / Third Party Hosts

Automation / Third Party Hosts

32. Awesome Chrome Devtools

Themes / Ruby

Performance / Ruby

33. Awesome Flutter

UI / Bottom bars

Navigation / Image Picker

🇳🇴 Norway / Misc

34. Awesome Influxdb

Import tools / Hooks

Dashboards and visualization / Hooks

35. Awesome Npm


36. Awesome Tap

Producers / JavaScript

37. Awesome Roslyn

Libraries and Frameworks for Testing Analyzers, Code Fixes, and Refactorings

38. Public Apis


39. Awesome React Native


Media / Navigation Demos

40. Awesome Deno

Presentations / XML

41. Awesome Cl



42. Awesome Linguistics


43. Awesome Vue

Components & Libraries / UI Components

44. Awesome List

Front-End Development

Big Data


Health and Social Science

45. Awesome Nlg

Neural Natural Language Generation

46. Awesome Vscode

UI / Gradle Tasks

47. Awesome Discord Communities


Server Icon

Mathematics Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #prealg-algebra, #calculus, #linear-algebra,#computing-software, #probability-statistics, #discrete-math, #abstract-algebra, #questions, so much more
Language: English


Server Icon

Physics Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #questions, #undergrad-physics, #graduate-physics #mathematical-physics, #astronomy-and-cosmology, #computational-physics, #engineering, #challenges
Language: English

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

Server Icon

Amulius - Embedded Engineering
Notable Channels: #general, #arm, #c-cpp, #esp32-espressif, #linux, #pic, #rust, #risc-v, #rtos-gpos, #projects-advice, #career, #dsp-machine-learning, #fpga, #pcb, #protocols-rf
Language: English

Server Icon

Arduino Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #arduino-discussion, #product-help, #coding-help, #pcb-help,#adafruit-help, #show-off-your-ideas, #project-ideas
Language: English

Server Icon

Raspberry Pie
Notable Channels: #tech-talk, #i-need-help, #python-dev, #projects-chat,#project-showcase, #show-off-your-ideas, #project-ideas
Language: English


Server Icon

Adafruit Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #circuitpython, #arduino, #3dprinting, #radio,#raspberry-pi, #wearables, #robotics, #help-with-projects, #iot, #events
Language: English

Server Icon

DIY Tech Git Repository
Notable Channels: #programming, #hardware-help, #software-help,#code-review, #project-showcase, #audio-tech, #retro-tech
Language: English

48. Awesome Actions

Utility / Docker Container Actions

Pull Requests / Code Coverage

GitHub Pages / Code Coverage

Deployment / Code Coverage

49. Awesome Sre


Monitoring & Observability & Alerting

50. Awesome Waves


Docker images

51. Awesome Actions on Google

Open source code

52. Awesome Malware Analysis

Malware Collection / Malware Corpora

Debugging and Reverse Engineering / Other Resources

53. Free for Dev

Storage and Media Processing

54. Awesome Maintainers