Awesome List Updates on Oct 28 - Nov 03, 2019
72 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome List
Programming Languages
- Imba (⭐134) - Programming language inspired by Ruby and Python and compiles to performant JavaScript.
2. Awesome Fonts
Programming fonts / Programming fonts with ligatures
- Victor Mono - A free programming font with semi-connected cursive italics, symbol ligatures and Latin, Cyrillic and Greek characters
3. Awesome Rust
- jedisct1/flowgger (⭐847) - A fast, simple and lightweight data collector
Libraries / GUI
- Flutter
- cunarist/rinf (⭐2.2k) - Rust as your Flutter backend, Flutter as your Rust frontend
- flutter-rs (⭐2.1k) - Build flutter desktop app in dart & rust.
- fzyzcjy/flutter_rust_bridge (⭐4.5k) - High-level memory-safe binding generator for Flutter/Dart <-> Rust
- cunarist/rinf (⭐2.2k) - Rust as your Flutter backend, Flutter as your Rust frontend
4. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Fastai (⭐27k) - High-level wrapper built on the top of Pytorch which supports vision, text, tabular data and collaborative filtering.
5. Awesome Dotnet Core
Videos / Workflow
6. Awesome Ddd
- What is Domain-Driven Design? - A quick read exploring the core patterns and principles of Domain-Driven Design, as well as strategies for applying DDD in brownfield projects.
Sample Projects / .NET (C#/F#)
- Modular Monolith (⭐10k) - Full Modular Monolith .NET application with Domain-Driven Design approach.
7. Awesome Python Data Science
Visualization / Interactive plots
- plotly - A Python library that makes interactive and publication-quality graphs.
8. Awesome Material Ui
- Material-UI - React components for faster and easier web development. Build your own design system, or start with Material Design.
9. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / Memory Analysis Tools
- MalConfScan (⭐466) - MalConfScan is a Volatility plugin extracts configuration data of known malware. Volatility is an open-source memory forensics framework for incident response and malware analysis. This tool searches for malware in memory images and dumps configuration data. In addition, this tool has a function to list strings to which malicious code refers.
10. Awesome Cordova
UI Frameworks
11. Awesome Crystal
- Crystar (⭐38) - Readers and writers of Tar archive format
- snappy (⭐18) - Snappy compression format reader/writer for Crystal
- (⭐41) - Bindings for Zstandard (⭐24k) compression library
12. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Streaming Engine
- mantis (⭐1.4k) [Java] - Netflix's platform to build an ecosystem of realtime stream processing applications
Table of Contents / Data Pipeline
- LogDevice [C++] - a high-performant distributed system by Facebook for streaming and storing sequential data, using a log structure.
13. Awesome Ethereum
- Eth Fiddle - Online editor for smart contracts.
- Full Stack DApp Tutorial Series - Full stack DApps using various frameworks.
- Flint Documentation - Experimental contract orientated language for Ethereum.
Blockchain Utilities
- Enjinx - Ethereum block explorer, that also nicely visualizes assets and tokens.
- Blockchair - Multi block explorer with nice charts.
- Swarm - Swarm is a distributed storage platform and content distribution service.
14. Awesome Python
GUI Development
- enaml (⭐1.5k) - Creating beautiful user-interfaces with Declarative Syntax like QML.
News Feed
- Stream Framework (⭐4.7k) - Building news feed and notification systems using Cassandra and Redis.
15. Awesome React Native
- react-native-wizard (⭐70) - Easily navigate your user for next step. Quick-forming Wizard component.
16. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Online Analyzers
- NVISO ApkScan - sunsetting on Oct 31, 2019
Tools / Dynamic Analysis Tools
- ARTist - a flexible open-source instrumentation and hybrid analysis framework for Android apps and Android's Java middleware. It is based on the Android Runtime's (ART) compiler and modifies code during on-device compilation.
Tools / Reverse Engineering
- apk-mitm (⭐4.1k) - A CLI application that prepares Android APK files for HTTPS inspection
17. Awesome Interview Questions
Design Patterns / Windows
18. Awesome Board Games
Cranium bills itself as the "whole-brain" game. It's a party game that borrows from a host of other popular party games of recent times. Players have to successfully complete activities in each of four sections to win. 1) Creative Cat - A player must clue a word to his or her teammates by drawing it, sculpting it in clay, or drawing it with his or her eyes closed. 2) Data Head - A variety of trivia questions. 3) Word Worm - Players unscramble words, spell challenging words, guess definitions, identify words with letters left out, or spell words backwards. 4) Star Performer - players must whistle a song, impersonate a celebrity, or act out a clue. Cranium has elements similar to those of Pictionary, Charades, Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition, Celebrities, Huggermugger, Claymania, etc.
Players | Min. Age | Time |
4 - 16 | 13 | 60m |
19. Awesome Ruby
Code Loaders
- Zeitwerk (⭐2k) - An efficient and thread-safe Ruby code loader.
20. Awesome Ros2
Working Groups / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)
- Navigation Working Group
- Safety Working Group
- Technical Steering Committee
21. Awesome Cheminformatics
Resources / Blogs
- Is life worth living? - Some examples for cheminformatics libraries.
22. Awesome Html5
Communications and interoperability / Web Sockets
23. Awesome Web Security
- Zen Rails Security Checklist (⭐1.8k) - Written by @brunofacca.
- Rails SQL Injection - Written by @presidentbeef.
- Official Rails Security Guide - Written by Rails team.
24. Awesome Programming for Kids
- The Foos - A funny, pre-literate iPad game that teaches concepts for commands, parameters, loops, and conditionals.
Lower Elementary
- Scratch - Scratch is a popular visual programming language for beginners, created by MIT. The Scratch website is a platform for kids to make interactive stories and share them with each other.
- Cargo Bot - iPad app to solve problems with constraints using commands, loops, conditional statements. More difficult puzzles than Lightbot.
Upper Elementary
- Web Design for Kids - A series of tutorials teaching children the basics of designing and building a website with HTML and CSS.
- Secret Coders - A engaging book series that teaches programming concepts through Logo.
- Khan Academy - Computer Programming - A series of web-based programming lessons with interactive challenges, by Khan Academy. Teaches topics like animation, game development, and web programming. Users can post questions, which get answered quickly by the community.
25. Awesome Creative Coding
Frameworks • Libraries • Ecosystems
- Canvas-sketch (⭐5.1k) [Cross-platform] - HTML5 framework for making generative artwork in JavaScript and the browser.
Projection Mapping • VJing
- Millumin [Mac] - A software to create and perform interactive audiovisual shows.
- Smode [Win] - A real-time 2D/3D creation, compositing and video-mapping engine.
Other / Other
- Pass The Pen - A community of front-end developers who build collaborative creative coding projects on CodePen.
26. Awesome Uncopyright
- Communia - Nonprofit organization that advocates for policies that expand the public domain and increase access to and re-use of culture and knowledge.
27. Awesome Storybook
Blog posts
- How I manage to make my Storybook project the most efficient possible - A set of useful tips to help you manage a Storybook project.
- Storybook 5.2 - World-class design systems infrastructure.
- Storybook DocsPage - Beautiful documentation, instantly.
- Storybook Docs sneak peek - Turning stories into living documentation.
28. Terminals Are Sexy
Tools and Plugins
- tre (⭐344) - Improved
command that knows git, creates shell alias for quick opening, and more!
29. Awesome Vulkan
- racket-vulkan (⭐44) - Racket bindings for Vulkan with detailed implementation notes. [MIT]
30. Awesome Shell
- ksh93 (⭐520) - Korn Shell
- mksh (⭐190) - MirBSD Korn Shell
- oksh (⭐330) - Portable OpenBSD ksh
- pdksh - Public domain Korn shell
- shell++ (⭐141) - Friendly and modern functional and object oriented shell script language
- tcsh - C shell with file name completion and command line editing
- xonsh - Python-ish, BASHwards-looking shell language and command prompt
Command-Line Productivity
- browsh (⭐16k) - The modern text-based browser
- googlr (⭐42) - Command line tool that lets you search Google from your terminal.
- mcfly (⭐6.4k) - Fly through your shell history. Great Scot!
- sqlline (⭐598) - Shell for issuing SQL to relational databases via JDBC (multiline, completion, highlighting, dialect support)
- td-cli (⭐182) - A todo command line manager to organize and manage your todos across multiple projects.
Command-Line Productivity / Directory Navigation
- z.lua (⭐2.9k) - A new cd command that helps you navigate faster by learning your habits
For Developers / Directory Navigation
- ack - A grep-like search tool optimized for source code.
- bitwise (⭐600) - Terminal based interactive bit manipulator in curses.
- forgit (⭐4.2k) - Utility tool for
taking advantage of fuzzy finder fzf.
- overcommit (⭐3.9k) - A fully configurable and extendable Git hook manager
- wipe-modules (⭐341) - A little agent that removes the node_modules folder of non-active projects
System Utilities / Directory Navigation
- bat (⭐45k) - A
clone with wings
- exa (⭐23k) - A modern version of
- nmtui (⭐334) - Text User Interface for controlling NetworkManager
Multimedia and File Formats / Directory Navigation
- jo (⭐4.6k) - A small utility to create JSON objects from command-line arguments.
Applications / Directory Navigation
- jrnl (⭐6.2k) - A simple command line journal application that stores your journal in a plain text file
Shell Package Management / Directory Navigation
- yadm - Git-based dotfiles manager supporting encryption, alternates, and bootstrapping
Shell Script Development / Directory Navigation
- bashful (⭐591) - A collection of libraries to simplify writing Bash scripts
- Bashlets (⭐70) - A modular extensible toolbox for Bash
- Fishtape (⭐339) - TAP producer and test harness for fish
31. Awesome Code Review
- Code Review Guidelines for Humans Some guidelines for giving and getting code reviews.
- SonarCloud Detect code smells, bugs and vulnerabilities in Azure DevOps, Bitbucket and GitHub repositories.
32. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- PiAware - Live flight tracking using a Raspberry Pi.
- PiFmRds (⭐1.5k) - FM-RDS transmitter using a Raspberry Pi.
33. Awesome Stock Resources
Videos / Unspecified License
34. Awesome Mac
Communication / Collaboration and Team Tools
- Slack - Awesome tool for team collaboration and communication.
Audio and Video Tools / File Sharing
- DaVinci Resolve - Free, cross-platform video editing, color grading, video effects and audio editing software.
Download Management Tools / Audio Record and Process
- Deluge - Deluge is a lightweight, Free Software, cross-platform BitTorrent client.
Utilities / Productivity
- Hungrymark - Useful app to bookmark your files, folders, and webs, quick access your bookmarks through menu bar
- Lazy - Keyboard-driven commands to manage your surroundings directly from your mac.
35. Awesome Jamstack
- Strapi - The open source Headless CMS Front-End Developers love.
API / E-commerce
- Shopify - Shopify headless e-commerce solution.
36. Awesome Ios
- Ribbon (⭐298) - A simple cross-platform toolbar/custom input accessory view library for iOS & macOS.
Extensions / Collection View Layout
- nef (⭐200) - This Xcode extension enables you to make a code selection and export it to a snippets. Available on Mac AppStore.
37. Awesome Katas
38. Public Apis
Games & Comics
API: SuperHeroes
Description: All SuperHeroes and Villains data from all universes under a single API
CORS: Unknown
Machine Learning
API: Time Door
Description: A time series analysis API
API: Wallhaven
Description: Wallpapers
CORS: Unknown
39. Awesome Music
Music Notation
- Abjad - a Python API for Formalized Score Control, based on Lilypond.
40. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages
- Total number of packages: 66
Audio Related Packages / Transformations - General DSP
- SFS-Python 🐙 (⭐63) 📦 - Sound Field Synthesis Toolbox.
Audio Related Packages / Speech Processing
- deepspeech (⭐22k) 🐙 (⭐22k) 📦 - Pretrained automatic speech recognition.
- persephone 🐙 (⭐153) 📦 - Automatic phoneme transcription tool.
- pypesq (⭐291) 🐙 (⭐291) - Wrapper for the PESQ score calculation.
- pystoi (⭐272) 🐙 (⭐272) 📦 - Short Term Objective Intelligibility measure (STOI).
Audio Related Packages / Environmental Sounds
Audio Related Packages / Perceptial Models - Auditory Models
- cochlea (⭐104) 🐙 (⭐104) 📦 - Inner ear models.
- Loudness (⭐33) 🐙 (⭐33) - Perceived loudness, includes Zwicker, Moore/Glasberg model.
- pyloudnorm 🐙 (⭐474) - Audio loudness meter and normalization, implements ITU-R BS.1770-4.
- Sound Field Synthesis Toolbox 🐙 (⭐63) 📦 - Sound Field Synthesis Toolbox.
41. Awesome Lit
Standalone Components
- Datepicker element built with LitElement and Material Design 2.
- Material Design implementation of a data table, powered by LitElement.
- Web Component for easily embedding and playing Lottie animations.
- A web component for rendering interactive 3D models.
- Web Component to view OpenAPI 3.0 & Swagger 2.0 Spec.
42. Awesome Tmux
Status Bar
- tmux-network-bandwidth (⭐78) Show network bandwidth
- tmux-weather (⭐74) Show current weather using
43. Awesome Testing
Suggested Awesome Lists / Useful References
- Awesome JMeter (⭐732) - A curated collection of resources around Apache JMeter.
44. Awesome Javascript
QA Tools / Runner
- Pre-evaluate code at buildtime (⭐126) - Pre-evaluate your front end javascript code at build-time
String / Runner
- plexis (⭐147) - Lo-fi, powerful, community-driven string manipulation library.
Control Flow / Runner
- sporadic (⭐18) - Composable concurrency abstractions (such as streams, coroutines and Go-like channels) on top of promises, for Node and browser engines.
Routing / Runner
- navaid (⭐791) - A navigation aid (aka, router) for the browser in 850 bytes~!
API / Runner
- wretch (⭐4.9k) - A tiny wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax.
45. Awesome Talks
- Acceptance Testing For Continuous Delivery by Dave Farley (PIPELINE Conference 2015) [01:02:34]
46. Awesome Home Assistant
Dashboards / Themes
- Synthwave (⭐134) - A theme influenced by the cover artwork of modern Synthwave bands.
47. Awesome Laravel
Development Setup / Third-party Service Integration
- Lando - A local development environment tool built on Docker
Videos / Third-party Service Integration
Community / Local User Groups
48. Awesome Nlg
- NNDIAL (⭐346) - NNDial is an open source toolkit for building end-to-end trainable task-oriented dialogue models.
- TGen (⭐204) - Statistical NLG for spoken dialogue systems.
49. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Software Development - Project Management
- UVDesk - UVDesk community is a service oriented, event driven extensible opensource helpdesk system that can be used by your organization to provide efficient support to your clients effortlessly whichever way you imagine. (Demo, Source Code (⭐11k))
Software / Video Surveillance
- Bluecherry - Closed-circuit television (CCTV) software application which supports IP and Analog cameras. (Source Code (⭐229))
50. Awesome Sre
51. Awesome Hacking Locations
United States 🇺🇸 / South Carolina
Peace Coffee
Good coffee and food options, big tables and a community room available
Wifi | Power | Coffee | Address | Open Hours |
open | ✔ | ✔ | 3262 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55406 | Mon-Fri 06:30AM-08:00PM, Sat 07:00AM-08:00PM, Sun 8:00AM-8:00PM |
52. Alternative Internet
- git-bug (⭐8.1k) is a distributed, offline-first bug tracker embedded in git.
53. Awesome Composer
Plugins / IRC
- Drupal Vendor Hardening Composer Plugin (⭐15) - Removes extraneous directories from the project's vendor directory & adds .htaccess and web.config files to the root of the project's vendor directory.
- Private-Composer-Installer (⭐228) - Install helper outsourcing sensitive keys from the package URL into environment variables.
54. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
Resources / Blog Posts
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Pychat (⭐239) - Self-hosted webrtc video chat (an alternative to Slack)
55. Awesome Flutter
Internationalization / Image Picker
- GenLang (⭐101) - Code generator for Internationalization by King Wu
- Flutter Translate (⭐408) - Internationalization (i18n) library by Florin Bratan
🇰🇷 Korea / Misc
- Meetup Flutter Korea
- Facebook Flutter Korea User Group
56. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Event
- PHP Defer (⭐302) - Golang's defer statement for PHP.
57. Awesome Web Performance Budget
- Incorporate performance budgets into your build process - Set up performance budget into your build process.
58. Awesome Diversity
- Natives in Tech - Natives in Tech is a coalition of Native and non-Native software developers whose goal is to support software application development that reinforces Native beliefs, knowledge, and identity.
- Diversity in Tech - By Adam Recvlohe
- Building Open Source Software that Empowers Native Communities - By Adam Recvlohe (@arecvlohe)
59. Awesome React Components
- notistack - demo - docs - Highly customizable notification snackbars (toasts) that can be stacked on top of each other
Form Logic / Mouse Events
- react-final-form (⭐7.3k) - Subscription-based form state management
60. Awesome Playcanvas
Extensions and Utilities
- playcanvas-node (⭐5) - REST API wrapper for Node.js.
- tween.js (⭐9.9k) - Popular JavaScript tweening library that integrates easily with PlayCanvas.
Interactive Experiences
- Ride Along 2 - Using WebGL to promote a Hollywood movie release.
- Rugby World Cup - Promoting the Rugby World Cup in London's Piccadilly Circus.
61. Awesome Django
Resources / Educational
- Classy Class-Based Views - Detailed descriptions of methods/properties/attributes for each generic class-based view.
- Classy Django Forms (⭐29) - Detailed descriptions of methods/properties/attributes for each form class.
- Classy Django REST Framework - Detailed descriptions with methods/attributes for DRF class-based views and serializers.
Resources / Community
- Django Users Google Group - Very active discussion board for questions/answers.
- Developers Google Group - For contributions to Django itself only.
Resources / Conferences
Resources / Podcasts
- Django Chat - A weekly podcast from William Vincent and Django Fellow Carlton Gibson with discussions of core Django concepts and regular guests.
- Podcast Init - A popular Python podcast that features Django guests on occasion.
Hosting / IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)
Projects / Boilerplate
- DRFx (⭐492) - A DRF starter with user auth, Pipenv, and other goodies.
- wemake-django-template (⭐2.1k) - Bleeding edge Django template focused on code quality and security.
- django-webpack-starter (⭐59) - Django Webpack starter template for using Webpack 4.
Projects / Open Source Projects
Django REST Framework / DRF Resources
Django REST Framework / DRF Tutorials
62. Awesome Jmeter
CI / Tools & Plugins
- JMeter Maven Plugin (⭐429) - Maven plugin that provides the ability to run JMeter tests as part of the build.
Distributed Testing / Tutorials & Demo
JMeter Performance / Utilities
- JMeter Performance - JMeter performance evolution across versions.
Related / Awesome Lists
- Awesome Testing (⭐1.9k) - A curated list of testing resources.
63. Awesome Wordpress Gatsby
Written Tutorials / Other helpful Plugins
- 2019.08: Live Previews with WordPress and Gatsby - Tutorial showing how to use the theme’s higher order component to facilitate previews for WordPress posts and custom post types.
- 2019.08: Gatsby with WPGraphQL, ACF and Gatbsy-Image - A guide, that shows how to implement gatsby-image, so it can be used for WordPress media files.
Video Tutorials / Other helpful Plugins
- 2019.07: Gatsby + WordPress with WPGraphQL (with Jason Bahl) — Learn With Jason - In this stream, Jason Bahl teaches how to use WordPress with Advanced Custom Fields and WPGraphQL to create an powerful, flexible admin dashboard, then query and display that data in a Gatsby site.
- 2019.06: Using WordPress with WPGraphQL - In this video you will learn how to use GraphQL with WordPress using an awesome plugin named WPGraphQL and some extra cool stuff like GraphQL + Advanced Custom Fields.
- 2019.04: WPGraphQL for ACF - Jason Bahl shows how to use WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields.
- 2018.07: GraphQL with WordPress and Gutenberg - Jason Bahl - 2018 JavaScript for WordPress Conference - In this talk from the 2018 JavaScript for WordPress Conference, the Developer of the WP GraphQL Plugin, Jason Bahl, gives updated examples of how you can use GraphQL with WordPress and Gutenberg.
Starters / Other helpful Plugins
- Gatsby + WPGraphQL Blog Example (⭐151) - Demo showing how to use WPGraphQL as the source for Gatsby Sites.
- Gatsby + Headless WordPress + Netlify Starter (⭐213) - A Gatsby + WordPress starter for continuous deployment to Netlify.
Themes / Other helpful Plugins
- Twenty Nineteen Gatsby Theme (⭐73) - A port of the Twenty Nineteen WordPress Theme over to Gatsby.
- Gatsby WordPress Publisher Theme (⭐32) - The Gatsby Publisher Theme allows you to create a headless (or decoupled) WordPress site. This theme will display all of your pages and posts in a static front-end built on React and Gatsby.
64. Awesome Waves
Projects / Swift
- Auctionlance Platform - Freelancer marketplace where clients hire and pay freelancers with Waves, Waves tokens and other cryptocurrencies.
Africa / Swift
- Telegram - Waves community of passionate developers and web 3.0 enthusiasts across Africa.
Portuguese / Swift
- Telegram - WavesBrasil - Chat de Telegram para a Comunidade da Waves.
- Telegram - Waves Dev Jedi 🇧🇷 🇵🇹 - Chat de Telegram para desenvolvedores dApps.
65. Awesome Humane Tech
- DeepPrivacy (⭐1.2k) - A fully automatic face anonymization technique for images and video.
- 996.ICU (⭐264k) - Collection of resources advocating against 996 work schedule (9am – 9pm, 6 days per week).
66. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Development Environment / Code and Run
- ROS IDEs - This page collects experience and advice on using integrated development environments (IDEs) with ROS.
Development Environment / Unit and Integration Test
- UnitTesting - This page lays out the rationale, best practices, and policies for writing and running unit tests and integration tests for ROS.
67. Awesome Android
Chat & Messaging / ORM
- Stream Chat - Comprehensive SDK & Components for real-time chat, powered by Stream.
Runtime Permissions / Custom Dialog
- Ask-Permission (⭐78) - Simple RunTime permission manager.
- Gota (⭐73) - Simplifying Android Permissions.
- EasyPermissions (⭐9.6k) - EasyPermissions is a wrapper library to simplify basic system permissions logic when targeting Android M or higher.
Podcasts / Custom Dialog
- Talking Kotlin - A Podcast on Kotlin and more.
- Android Authority is a weekly Android podcast hosted by Adam Doud, Joe Hindy, and Jonathan Feist from the Android Authority team.
68. Awesome Clean Tech
Companies / Vegetation & Agriculture
Peckas Tomater | Sweden | 2015
Combined tomato and fish farm grown in a system where fish basin waste water nourishes tomatoes, and the tomato bed in turn cleans the water which goes back to the fish basins. Their fish is grown without antibiotics and the tomates does not need fertilizers.
Companies / Water
The great bubble barrier | Netherlands | 2016
Developed a system working with a tube with holes placed on the bottom of a river. Pumping air through the tube creates a bubble barrier, or air curtain. The air bubbles force plastics in the water to the surface, making them accessible for removal.
Companies / Social Impact
Billions in Change | USA | 2015
Billions in Change develops and delivers inventions that help the unlucky half of the world obtain basic needs like clean water, reliable electricity, and sufficient food. Those fundamentals set the foundation for education, health, and livelihood, enabling people to improve life for themselves and for their families.
69. Awesome Ember
Packages / Gists
70. Awesome Actions
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
Collection of Actions / Docker Container Actions
Static Analysis / Security
Deployment / Code Coverage
Machine Learning Ops / Terraform
71. Awesome Vapor
Bugsnag (⭐38) – Report errors with Bugsnag.
Flash (⭐36) – Flash messages between views.
Gatekeeper (⭐56) – Rate limiting middleware for Vapor.
JWT Keychain (⭐38) – Easily scaffold a keychain using JWT for Vapor.
Leaf Markdown (⭐52) – Markdown renderer for Vapor.
Lingo Vapor (⭐46) – Vapor provider for Lingo – the Swift localization library.
Meow (⭐65) – An alternative codable ORM for MongoDB.
MongoKitten (⭐644) – MongoDB driver in Swift.
Paginator (⭐67) – Query pagination for Vapor and Fluent.
Sanitize (⭐17) – Powerful model extraction from Vapor JSON requests.
SendGrid Provider (⭐64) – SendGrid-powered mail backend for Vapor.
Slugify (⭐15) – Convenience for sluggifying your strings.
Storage (⭐64) – Eases the use of multiple storage and CDN services.
Stripe Provider (⭐159) – Stripe Provider for Vapor.
Sugar (⭐26) – A package of sugar for Vapor.
SwiftyBeaver Provider (⭐32) – SwiftyBeaver Logging Provider for Vapor, the server-side Swift web framework.
Telesign Provider (⭐10) – A Telesign provider for Vapor.
Vapor Security Headers (⭐125) – Harden Your Security Headers For Vapor.
Education / Articles
Open-source Projects / Videos
SteamPress (⭐355) – A Blogging Engine and Platform written in Swift for use with the Vapor Framework.
72. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Clarifai — Image API for custom face recognition and detection. Able to train AI models. The free plan has 5,000 calls per month.
- Diggernaut — Cloud-based web scraping and data extraction platform for turning any website to the dataset or working with it as an API. The free plan includes 5K page requests monthly.
- — Open source REST API backend for mobile, web, and IoT applications. Hook up any SQL/NoSQL database, file storage system, or external service, and it instantly creates a comprehensive REST API platform with live documentation and user management.
- MailboxValidator — Email verification service using real mail server connection to confirm valid email. The free API plan has 300 verifications per month.
- OCR.Space — An OCR API parses image and pdf files that return the text results in JSON format. Twenty-five thousand requests per month are free.
- Pixela - Free daystream database service. All operations are performed by API. Visualization with heat maps and line graphs is also possible.
- Postman — Simplify workflows and create better APIs – faster – with Postman, a collaboration platform for API development. Use the Postman App for free forever. Postman cloud features are also free forever with certain limits.
- — Create a free endpoint to which you can send HTTP requests. Any HTTP requests sent to that endpoint will be recorded with the associated payload and headers so you can observe recommendations from webhooks and other services.
Security and PKI
- Sucuri SiteCheck - Free website security check and malware scanner
Management System
- - Help developers deploy and manage their web apps and servers. Free up to 25 git deployments per month
Tunneling, WebRTC, Web Socket Servers and Other Routers
- — Visual Studio extension to expose IIS Express to the local network or over a tunnel to a public URL.
- Prev: Nov 04 - Nov 10, 2019
- Next: Oct 21 - Oct 27, 2019