Awesome List Updates on Oct 14 - Oct 20, 2019
77 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Salesforce
Troubleshooting and queries / Podcasts
- Salesforce Posse - The Salesforce Posse podcast was created to tell the world about Salesforce development and architecture best practice and news from the Salesforce eco-system.
2. Game Datasets
Dataset / Web
- The Quick, Draw! Dataset (⭐6.3k) - Collection of 50 million drawings across 345 categories.
3. Awesome Cpp
- litePDF - Library to create and edit PDF documents that uses GDI functions through a device context to draw the page content. [LGPL v3 and zlib]
4. Awesome Gbdev
Emulator Development / Misc
- 0dmg - Learning Rust by building a partial Game Boy emulator.
Related projects / Syntax highlighting packages
- Work Master OS - Russian multi tasking operating system.
- GBCamcorder (⭐91) - Lo-Fi portable video recorder using a GameBoy Camera cartridge.
5. Awesome Maintainers
- @brianc, node-postgres (⭐11k)
- "Creating and maintaining node-postgres solo" (interview)
- @mpdehaan, Ansible (⭐55k), SourceOptics
- "Michael DeHaan on creating Ansible and SourceOptics" (interview)
6. Awesome Pentest
Hash Cracking Tools / Zealandia
- hate_crack (⭐1.7k) - Tool for automating cracking methodologies through Hashcat.
7. Awesome Uncopyright
- Public Icons - Collection of free icons.
8. Awesome Markdown
Tools / Converters
- csvtomd (⭐640) - Convert your CSV files into Markdown tables.
- Dimer Markdown (⭐84) - converts Markdown to HTML or to JSON
- Torsimany (⭐59) - Translate format-independent JSON to stylish, human-readable Markdown.
- yamp (⭐27) - Easy-to-use cli toolbox for markdown-related task.
Tools / Editors
- Caret - Markdown Editor for Mac and PC.
- iA Writer - iA Writer is designed to provide the best writing experience on Mac OS, iOS and Android. 💎 Really simple editor!
- Markdownify - A minimal Markdown Editor desktop app.
- MarkRight (⭐908) - Minimalistic github flavored Markdown editor.
- Mark Text (⭐40k) - Next generation Markdown editor (built with Electron).
- PileMd - Markdown Note App.
- Typora - A minimal Markdown editor.
Tools / Miscellaneous
- Laverna - Laverna is a JavaScript note taking application with Markdown editor and encryption support. 💎 Markdown notes with encryption!
Tools / Presentations
- mdp (⭐4.6k) - Command-line based Markdown presentation tool. 💎 Like PowerPoint and Vim but with Markdown!
9. Awesome No Login Web Apps
Games / Others
- - The goal is to gain as much mass as possible by eating agar and cells smaller than the player's cell while avoiding larger ones which can eat the player's cells.
- paper-io - The objective of the game is to control 100% of the arena. You play as a small, ever moving square with a small starting territory that corresponds to your square's color.
- - Diepio is a game where you play as tanks and shoot things. Shoot shapes to upgrade your tank, then shoot players for lots of points.
Programming Editors and IDEs / Others
- JS Bin - Collaborative web development and debugging tool.
Utilities (uncategorized) / Others
- Dataflow kit - Extract structured data from Web pages.
10. Awesome Calculators
Calculator apps: / Android
- Scalar - Powerful math engine and math scripting language, that combines the simplicity of standard calculators with the flexibility of scripting.
11. Awesome Malware Analysis
Open Source Threat Intelligence / Tools
- ThreatConnect - TC Open allows you to see and share open source threat data, with support and validation from our free community.
Domain Analysis / Other Resources
- URLhaus - A project from with the goal of sharing malicious URLs that are being used for malware distribution.
12. Awesome Saltstack
- valentin2105/Kubernetes-Saltstack (⭐206) - Saltstack recipe to deploy Kubernetes cluster from scratch.
- Alcali - A web based tool for monitoring and administrating Saltstack Salt.
13. Awesome Seed Rs
Projects Using Seed
- (⭐0) - A relatively simple open source personal blog. Built on
, andDiesel
14. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Personal Dashboards
- Homer (⭐9.8k) - A dead simple static homepage to expose your server services, with an easy yaml configuration and connectivity check.
15. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / ReactJS
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / TypeScript
16. Awesome Arch
Arch-based distros / Specific purpose
- BlackArch Linux - (Security/Forensics) - An Arch Linux-based distribution designed for penetration testers and security researchers.
- ArchStrike - (Security) - A distribution for security professionals and researchers based on Arch Linux.
- SystemRescueCd - (Data Rescue) - An Arch-based Linux system on a bootable CD-ROM or USB drive, designed for repairing a system and data after a crash.
- LinHES - (MythTV) - An attempt to make the installation of GNU/Linux and MythTV as trivial as possible.
- UBOS - (Server) - A Linux distribution designed to greatly reduce the amount of time required to set up and maintain common network services.
- TalkingArch - (Assistive) - A re-spin of the Arch Linux live ISO image, modified to include speech and Braille output for blind and visually-impaired users.
- BBQLinux - (Android Developers) - A user-friendly Linux distribution made for Android developers. It has everything on board to build AOSP or AOSP-based distributions like LineageOS or OmniROM.
- RaspArch - (Raspberry Pi/ARM) - A “remaster” of Arch Linux ARM.
Arch-based distros / Desktop
- Manjaro - A professionally made Linux based operating system that is a suitable replacement for Windows or macOS.
- ArcoLinux - A full-featured distribution.
- ArchBang Linux - A lightweight distribution based on Arch Linux.
- Archman - An Arch Linux-based distribution which features the Calamares system installer and a pre-configured desktop environment.
- Bluestar Linux - A GNU/Linux distribution that is based on Arch Linux.
- EndeavourOS - A rolling release Linux distribution based on Arch Linux.
- ArchLabs Linux - A distribution based on Arch Linux and featuring the Openbox window manager as the primary desktop interface.
- Namib GNU/Linux - A desktop operating system based on (and compatible with) the Arch Linux distribution.
- ArchEX - A new (190612) Linux live DVD based on Arch Linux. Arch motto is KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid.
- Ctlos Linux - Arch Linux based distro.
- Netrunner Rolling - Manjaro/Arch Linux based distro.
- PuppyRus-A - Lightweight, portable and flexible Linux based on Arch, Puppy, Porteus.
- TeLiSc OS - A simple GNU/Linux distribution based on Arch Linux which provides you a stable Arch Linux with i3 window manager.
SystemD-free Arch-based distros / Specific purpose
- Obarun - An Arch Linux based distribution featuring the S6 init software in place of systemd.
- Artix Linux - A fork (or continuation as an autonomous project) of the Arch-OpenRC and Manjaro-OpenRC projects.
- Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre - A community driven effort to provide a fully free (as in freedom) operating system that is stable, secure, simple, lightweight that tries to Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) with Long Term Support (LTS).
- Parabola GNU/Linux-libre - An unofficial "libre" variant of Arch Linux.
- Alfheim Linux - Systemd free Arch based Linux.
Other projects / Other
- Termux Arch - Run Arch Linux ARM on your mobile phone with Termux.
17. Awesome Cl
Javascript / Isomorphic web frameworks
- remote-js (⭐35) - send JavaScript from Common Lisp to a browser. MIT.
18. AwesomeCSV
Tools / Repair or Validate CSV
- reconcile-csv - Find relationships between a set of related CSVs
Standards / CSV <-> JSON
- Tabular Data Resource - A Data Resource specialized for describing tabular data like CSV files or spreadsheets
19. Awesome Embedded Rust
HAL implementation crates / GigaDevice
-- (WIP) Hardware abstract layer (HAL) for the GD32VF103 RISC-V microcontroller
20. Awesome Amazon Alexa
- Talking to Computers - A monthly newsletter about building for voice, on Alexa, Google Assistant, and elsewhere for developers, designers, and the tech-curious.
21. Awesome Android
Code examples / Custom Dialog
- Complete-Google-Map-API-Tutorial (⭐115) - Learn How to use Google Map API for Android from Basic to Advance with complete examples.
Podcasts / Custom Dialog
- Fragmented is the Android developer podcast where Donn Felker and Kaushik Gopal talk about building good software and becoming better Android developers.
- Android Central - is a weekly Android podcast hosted by the Android Central team.
22. Awesome Okr
23. Awesome Gdpr
- Handbook on European data protection law - Handbook issued by EU.
24. Awesome Jupyter
JupyterLab Extensions
- code_formatter (⭐822) - A universal code formatter.
- nb_black (⭐364) - Extension to keep Python code automatically formatted using black (⭐38k).
- python-bytecode (⭐63) - Explore CPython Bytecode in JupyterLab.
- quickopen (⭐76) - Quickly open a file in JupyterLab by typing part of its name.
- sidecar (⭐246) - A sidecar output widget for JupyterLab.
- sql (⭐411) - SQL GUI for JupyterLab.
- system-monitor (⭐297) - Extension to display system metrics.
- theme-darcula (⭐209) - A handsome Darcula theme for Jupyterlab.
- topbar (⭐6) - Top Bar extension for JupyterLab.
- vim (⭐966) - Vim notebook cell bindings.
25. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In Portuguese
- Dragões de Garagem - Um podcast de divulgação científica, do desejo de falar sobre ciência de forma acessível e descontraída, incentivando a curiosidade e o pensamento crítico.
- Zone Of Front-Enders - Podcast com enfoque no desenvolvimento front-end da web.
26. Awesome Creative Tech Events
France / Lyon
- Micro Meso Macro - Exploring the frontiers of data representation (November)
Czech Republic / Prague
- Signal Festival - 4 day themed festival showcasing digital installations across the city. (October)
Slovakia / Bratislava
- Sensorium Festival - 3 day festival for designers, creative directors, technologists, architects, innovators, artists and scientists interested in humane technology. (June)
USA / Pittsburgh
- p5.js Contributors Conference - Whilst most work happens online, every now and then artists, designers, developers and educators get together to advance the p5.js project.
27. Awesome Jquery
Images, Maps and Charts / Paid Books
- Slick (⭐28k) - The last carousel you'll ever need.
28. Awesome Keycloak
Example Projects
29. Awesome Electron
Closed Source / Other
- Notion - All-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
30. Awesome Dataviz
React Native / Misc
- Vega-Lite - is a high-level grammar of interactive graphics. It provides a concise JSON syntax for rapidly generating visualizations to support analysis.
Python tools / Misc
- pandas-profiling (⭐9.7k) - generates statistical analytic reports with visualization for quick data analysis.
Other tools / Misc
- Visual-Insights (⭐342) - Automatic insights extraction and visualization specification in data analysis.
Websites / Misc
- Data Visualization Society - The Data Visualization Society is an organization dedicated to fostering community for data visualization professionals.
31. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / DSL
- Apache Beam (⭐8k) [Java, Python, SQL, Scala, Go] - unified model and set of language-specific SDKs for defining and executing data processing workflows, and also data ingestion and integration flows, supporting Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs) and Domain Specific Languages (DSLs), open sourced by Google.
Table of Contents / Closed Source
- Cloud Dataflow[Java, Python, SQL, Scala] - Google's managed stream and batch data processing engine. Supports running Beam pipelines.
32. Awesome Jmeter
- Testing with Groovy - Using JMeter and Groovy for load testing.
33. Awesome React Components
Form Components / Date / Time picker
- react-timezone-select (⭐204) - demo - Dynamic, succinct timezone select. Based on
Form Components / Input Types
- react-payment-inputs (⭐337) - demo - A zero-dependency container to help with payment card input fields.
Device Input / Mouse Events
- react-hook-mighty-mouse (⭐118) - demo - Hook that tracks mouse events on selected element.
Form Logic / Mouse Events
- react-hook-form (⭐40k) - React hooks for form validation without the hassle.
34. Magictools
Books / Voxel Editors
35. Awesome Creative Coding
Frameworks • Libraries • Ecosystems
- Phaser [Cross-platform] - HTML5 framework for building games, uses both a Canvas and WebGL renderer.
36. Awesome Software Architecture
Methodology / Scalability and Resilience
- Technical Debt, by Fowler - Cost and impact of accumulating technical debt.
37. Awesome Pascal
- CAI NEURAL API (⭐287).
Cross-platform Neural Network API optimized for AVX, AVX2 and AVX512 instruction sets plus OpenCL capable devices including AMD, Intel and NVIDIA.
38. Awesome React Native
- react-native-modern-datepicker ★12 (⭐400) - React Native Modern Datepicker
- radio-buttons-react-native ★11 (⭐76) - Animated radio buttons component for react native
39. Awesome Pixel Art
Tutorials / Color
Tools / Editors
- Aseprite - Paid and source-available, works on Linux, macOS and Windows. Awesome UI with a lot of nifty tools to ease pixel art creation.
40. Awesome Javascript
Reactive Programming / Runner
- RxJS (⭐31k) - A reactive programming library for JavaScript.
Storage / Runner
- crumbsjs (⭐233) - A lightweight vanilla ES6 cookies and local storage JavaScript library.
41. Awesome Wordpress Gatsby
42. Awesome Quantum Computing
- Quantum Computing: Theory to Simulation and Programming - Understanding the D-Wave Quantum Annealer architecture along with a few practical tasks.
- Qiskit blog - All about quantum computation from the Qiskit community team.
- Q# Blog - Microsoft Quantum development updates.
- Shtetl-Optimized - Scott Aaronson's thoughts on quantum computing matters.
43. Awesome Firebase
Official Docs & Quickstarts
- 📖 Firebase Documentation - Official Firebase Documentation.
- 🔧 Firebase Status Dashboard - This page provides status information on the services that are part of Firebase.
- 💡 Firebase Quickstarts - Official Firebase Quickstarts.
- 💡 Google Codelabs | Firebase - Google Developers Codelabs provide a guided, tutorial, hands-on coding experience.
- 🔌 React Firebase Hooks (⭐3.4k) - React Hooks for Firebase services.
- 🔌 Firebase UI (⭐4.3k) - FirebaseUI is an open-source JavaScript library for Web that provides simple, customizable UI bindings on top of Firebase SDKs to eliminate boilerplate code and promote best practices.
- 🔌 Firebase UI for React (⭐1.2k) - React Wrapper for firebaseUI Web.
- 🔌 GeoFire for JavaScript (⭐1.4k) - Realtime location queries with Firebase.
- 💡 FirePad (⭐3.8k) - Collaborative Text Editor Powered by Firebase.
- 🔌 Ember Fire (⭐690) - Official Ember data adapter for Firebase.
- 🔌 Firebase Dart (⭐409) - Dart wrapper for Firebase.
- 🔌 PolymerFire (⭐460) - Polymer Web Components for Firebase.
- 🔌 VueFire (⭐3.7k) - Firebase bindings for Vue.js.
- 🔌 Angular Fire 2 (⭐7.5k) - Official library for Firebase and Angular.
- 🔌 Re-base (⭐2.1k) - Relay inspired library for building React.js + Firebase applications.
- 🔌 React Redux Firebase (⭐2.5k) - Redux bindings for Firebase. Includes Higher Order Component for use with React.
- 🔌 GatsbyJS Firebase Data Source - Query your Firebase data right into your statically generated pages with Gatsby.
- 🔌 Apollo Link Firebase (⭐411) - Provides a local GraphQL interface to RealtimeDB. DB syncs locally to device, Apollo Link provides querying into the local DB.
- 🔌 BuckleScript Bindings for Firebase (⭐42) - BuckleScript bindings for Firebase for use in ReasonML projects.
- 💡 Angular Firebase PWA (⭐945) - Is an Angular PWA powered by Firebase. It can serve as a foundation to learn this stack and roll out more complex features.
- 🔌 FireSQL (⭐344) - Query Firestore using SQL syntax. Issues the minimum amount of queries necessary in order to get the data that you request.
- 📖 Hosting Version History - Automatic deletion of older versions of your site deployments.
- 🔌 Firestorter (⭐377) - Use Firestore in React with zero effort, using MobX (also for react-native).
- 💡 Nextbase (⭐14) - Boilerplate of Next.js, Redux & Firebase for developers who want a quick start project.
- 📖 Firebase Flutter Documentation - Official Firebase Flutter Setup.
- 🔌 NativeScript plugin Firebase (⭐1k) - NativeScript plugin for Firebase.
- 🔌 React Native Firebase (⭐11k) - Well-tested feature rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native. Supports both iOS & Android platforms.
- 💡 Expo Native Firebase (⭐208) - Native Firebase Expo App (iOS, Android) Demo for Firestore, Notifications, Analytics, Storage, Messaging, Database.
Mobile / Android
- 🔌 GeoFire for Java (⭐671) - Realtime location queries with Firebase.
- 🔌 Firebase UI (⭐4.5k) - Optimized UI components for Firebase.
- 🔌 FireXtensions (⭐29) - Unofficial Kotlin Extensions for the Firebase Android SDK.
Mobile / iOS
- 🔌 GeoFire for Objective-C (⭐440) - Realtime location queries with Firebase.
- 🔌 Firebase UI (⭐1.5k) - iOS UI bindings for Firebase.
- 💡 MLKit - ARCore (⭐11) - Example detecting objects and tags them with 3D labels in Augmented Reality. Uses Firebase ML Kit, ARCore and Firebase RTDB.
- 💡 MLKit - ARKit (⭐32) - Example detecting objects using Firebase ML Kit and tags them with 3D labels in Augmented Reality.
Server-side (Cloud Functions, BigQuery etc) / iOS
- 📖 Firebase Admin Documentation - Official Firebase Admin SDK Server Setup.
- 💡 Functions Samples (⭐12k) - Collection of sample apps showcasing popular use cases using Cloud Functions for Firebase.
- 📝 GraphQL Server on Cloud Functions - Host an Express server with GraphQL middleware on Cloud Functions.
- 📝 BigQuery & Google Analytics - How Do I Create a Closed Funnel in Google Analytics for Firebase Using BigQuery.
- 📹 Official Cloud Function #Firecasts - YouTube video series about understanding how Cloud Functions work.
- 📝 Firebase Hosting for Cloud Run Services - Dynamic content with Hosting Rewrites & Cloud Run Services.
- 📝 Scheduled (Cron) Cloud Functions for Firebase - Firebase-native Cron triggers for Firebase Cloud Functions.
- 🔌 Integrify (⭐106) - Enforce referential and data integrity in Firestore using pre-canned Cloud Functions triggers.
CLI & Editor / iOS
- 🔧 VSCode Firebase Explorer (⭐141) - Explore and manage your Firebase projects.
- 🔧 Firebase Tools (⭐3.8k) - The Firebase Command Line Tools.
- 🔧 Firebase CI (⭐72) - Simplified Firebase interaction for continuous integration.
- 🔧 Firebase Firestore Snippets (⭐13) - Contains the snippet for both Firebase and Firestore in VS Code editor.
- 🔧 Fuego (⭐191) - Firestore client CLI supporting document add/update/query with filtering and pagination.
- 🔧 Firestore Rules Generator (⭐194) - Official (but experimental) Firebase Rules Generator for Cloud Firestore based on Google's Protocol Buffer format.
- 🔧 Firepit (⭐26) - Firepit is a standalone, portable version of the Firebase CLI which has no depedencies (including Node.js).
- 🔧 Fireward (⭐235) - Easy to use language for Firestore rules, similar to Firebase Bolt.
Other / iOS
- 🔌 FireDrill (⭐60) - Find, Edit, Add, Remove, Import, Export, and Report on your Firebase data.
- 💡 Unity Solutions (⭐120) - Use Firebase tools to incorporate common features into your games.
- 🔌 Firebase AIR Native Extension (⭐56) - Firebase ANE collection give you access to the Google Firebase project in your AdobeAir projects supported on both Android and iOS with 100% identical ActionScript API.
- 🔌 QtFirebase (⭐278) - An effort to bring Google's Firebase C++ API to Qt + QML.
- 📝 StackBlitz to Firebase Hosting Deployments - StackBlitz (online code editor) to Firebase Hosting static deployments.
- 🔧 Flamelink - CMS for Firebase. Supports Firestore, RealtimeDatabase & Storage.
- 📹 Firebase Summit 2018 - All Firebase Summit 2018 talks.
- 📹 Firebase @ Google Cloud Next '18 - All Firebase talks @ Google Cloud Next 2018.
- 📹 Firebase @ Google IO '18 - All Firebase talks @ Google IO 2018.
- 📹 #AskFirebase YouTube Playlist - Official #AskFirebase playlist on YouTube.
- 📝 State of Firebase (mid 2019) - Cloud Next & Google I/O 2019 updates!
- 📹 Firebase @ Google IO '19 - All Firebase talks @ Google IO 2019.
Follow / Community
44. Mind Expanding Books
Name: How the Internet Happened: From Netscape to the iPhone
Author: Brian McCullough
Goodreads Rating: 4.36
Year Published: 2018
Science and Medicine
Name: The Man Who Mistook His Wife for A Hat and Other Clinical Tales
Author: Oliver Sacks
Goodreads Rating: 4.05
Year Published: 1998
Logic and Problem Solving
Name: Mazes for the Mind: Computers and the Unexpected
Author: Clifford A. Pickover
Goodreads Rating: 4.05
Year Published: 1992
Name: The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security
Author: Kevin D. Mitnick
Goodreads Rating: 3.76
Year Published: 2003
45. Awesome Vue
Resources / Community
46. Awesome Splunk
Visualisations / IT Service Intelligence
- Event Timeline Viz - Interactive timeline with call-outs for events.
47. Awesome Ctf
- Dnscat2 (⭐2.8k) - Hosts communication through DNS.
- Registry Dumper - Dump your registry.
- CFF Explorer - PE Editor.
- Creddump (⭐219) - Dump windows credentials.
- DVCS Ripper (⭐1.5k) - Rips web accessible (distributed) version control systems.
- Exif Tool - Read, write and edit file metadata.
- Extundelete - Used for recovering lost data from mountable images.
- Fibratus (⭐1.7k) - Tool for exploration and tracing of the Windows kernel.
- Fsck.ext4 - Used to fix corrupt filesystems.
- Malzilla - Malware hunting tool.
- NetworkMiner - Network Forensic Analysis Tool.
- PDF Streams Inflater - Find and extract zlib files compressed in PDF files.
- Pngcheck - Verifies the integrity of PNG and dump all of the chunk-level information in human-readable form.
apt-get install pngcheck
- ResourcesExtract - Extract various filetypes from exes.
- Shellbags (⭐139) - Investigate NT_USER.dat files.
- USBRip (⭐1.1k) - Simple CLI forensics tool for tracking USB device artifacts (history of USB events) on GNU/Linux.
- Volatility (⭐5.7k) - To investigate memory dumps.
- OfflineRegistryView - Simple tool for Windows that allows you to read offline Registry files from external drive and view the desired Registry key in .reg file format.
- Registry Viewer® - Used to view Windows registries.
- CTFd (⭐4.3k) - Platform to host jeopardy style CTFs from ISISLab, NYU Tandon.
- FBCTF (⭐6.5k) - Platform to host Capture the Flag competitions from Facebook.
- Haaukins (⭐146)- A Highly Accessible and Automated Virtualization Platform for Security Education.
- HackTheArch (⭐62) - CTF scoring platform.
- Mellivora (⭐405) - A CTF engine written in PHP.
- NightShade (⭐104) - A simple security CTF framework.
- OpenCTF (⭐78) - CTF in a box. Minimal setup required.
- PicoCTF (⭐265) - The platform used to run picoCTF. A great framework to host any CTF.
- PyChallFactory (⭐83) - Small framework to create/manage/package jeopardy CTF challenges.
- RootTheBox (⭐691) - A Game of Hackers (CTF Scoreboard & Game Manager).
- Scorebot (⭐46) - Platform for CTFs by Legitbs (Defcon).
- SecGen (⭐2.4k) - Security Scenario Generator. Creates randomly vulnerable virtual machines.
- Hackbar - Firefox addon for easy web exploitation.
- Postman - Add on for chrome for debugging network requests.
- Raccoon (⭐2.6k) - A high performance offensive security tool for reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning.
- SQLMap (⭐25k) - Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool.
pip install sqlmap
- XSSer - Automated XSS testor.
- Yersinia (⭐548) - Attack various protocols on layer 2.
- CyberChef - Web app for analysing and decoding data.
- FeatherDuster (⭐989) - An automated, modular cryptanalysis tool.
- Hash Extender (⭐888) - A utility tool for performing hash length extension attacks.
- padding-oracle-attacker (⭐154) - A CLI tool to execute padding oracle attacks.
- PkCrack - A tool for Breaking PkZip-encryption.
- RSACTFTool (⭐3.9k) - A tool for recovering RSA private key with various attack.
- RSATool (⭐851) - Generate private key with knowledge of p and q.
- XORTool (⭐1.2k) - A tool to analyze multi-byte xor cipher.
- Hydra - A parallelized login cracker which supports numerous protocols to attack
- John The Jumbo (⭐6.9k) - Community enhanced version of John the Ripper.
- John The Ripper - Password Cracker.
- DLLInjector (⭐453) - Inject dlls in processes.
- Pwntools (⭐9.5k) - CTF Framework for writing exploits.
- Qira (⭐3.6k) - QEMU Interactive Runtime Analyser.
- ROP Gadget (⭐3.2k) - Framework for ROP exploitation.
- V0lt (⭐358) - Security CTF Toolkit.
- Zeek - An open-source network security monitor.
- Androguard (⭐4.1k) - Reverse engineer Android applications.
- Angr (⭐6.2k) - platform-agnostic binary analysis framework.
- Apk2Gold (⭐616) - Yet another Android decompiler.
- ApkTool - Android Decompiler.
- Barf (⭐1.3k) - Binary Analysis and Reverse engineering Framework.
- Binary Ninja - Binary analysis framework.
- BinUtils - Collection of binary tools.
- ctf_import (⭐100) – run basic functions from stripped binaries cross platform.
- cwe_checker (⭐741) - cwe_checker finds vulnerable patterns in binary executables.
- demovfuscator (⭐597) - A work-in-progress deobfuscator for movfuscated binaries.
- Frida - Dynamic Code Injection.
- GDB - The GNU project debugger.
- GEF (⭐5.1k) - GDB plugin.
- Hopper - Reverse engineering tool (disassembler) for OSX and Linux.
- IDA Pro - Most used Reversing software.
- Jadx (⭐32k) - Decompile Android files.
- Java Decompilers - An online decompiler for Java and Android APKs.
- Krakatau (⭐1.6k) - Java decompiler and disassembler.
- Objection (⭐5.4k) - Runtime Mobile Exploration.
- PEDA (⭐5.2k) - GDB plugin (only python2.7).
- Pin - A dynamic binary instrumentaion tool by Intel.
- PINCE (⭐1.5k) - GDB front-end/reverse engineering tool, focused on game-hacking and automation.
- PinCTF (⭐449) - A tool which uses intel pin for Side Channel Analysis.
- radare2 (⭐17k) - A portable reversing framework.
- Triton (⭐2.6k) - Dynamic Binary Analysis (DBA) framework.
- Uncompyle (⭐410) - Decompile Python 2.7 binaries (.pyc).
- WinDbg - Windows debugger distributed by Microsoft.
- Xocopy - Program that can copy executables with execute, but no read permission.
- Z3 (⭐8.1k) - A theorem prover from Microsoft Research.
- Detox - A Javascript malware analysis tool.
- Revelo - Analyze obfuscated Javascript code.
- Swftools - Collection of utilities to work with SWF files.
- CSWSH - Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking Tester.
- Request Bin - Lets you inspect http requests to a particular url.
- AperiSolve - Aperi'Solve is a platform which performs layer analysis on image (open-source).
- Convert - Convert images b/w formats and apply filters.
- Exif - Shows EXIF information in JPEG files.
- Exiftool - Read and write meta information in files.
- Exiv2 - Image metadata manipulation tool.
- Image Steganography - Embeds text and files in images with optional encryption. Easy-to-use UI.
- Image Steganography Online - This is a client-side Javascript tool to steganographically hide images inside the lower "bits" of other images
- ImageMagick - Tool for manipulating images.
- Outguess - Universal steganographic tool.
- SmartDeblur (⭐2.2k) - Used to deblur and fix defocused images.
- Steganabara - Tool for stegano analysis written in Java.
- Stegbreak - Launches brute-force dictionary attacks on JPG image.
- StegCracker (⭐471) - Steganography brute-force utility to uncover hidden data inside files.
- stegextract (⭐98) - Detect hidden files and text in images.
- Steghide - Hide data in various kind of images.
- Stegsolve - Apply various steganography techniques to images.
- Zsteg (⭐940) - PNG/BMP analysis.
Operating Systems
- Android Tamer - Based on Debian.
- BackBox - Based on Ubuntu.
- Fedora Security Lab - Based on Fedora.
- Kali Linux - Based on Debian.
- Parrot Security OS - Based on Debian.
- Pentoo - Based on Gentoo.
- URIX OS - Based on openSUSE.
- Wifislax - Based on Slackware.
- Flare VM (⭐4.1k) - Based on Windows.
- REMnux - Based on Debian.
- CTF Field Guide - Field Guide by Trails of Bits.
- CTF Resources - Start Guide maintained by community.
- LiveOverFlow - Video tutorials on Exploitation.
- MIPT CTF (⭐250) - A small course for beginners in CTFs (in Russian).
- Crackmes - Reverse Engineering Challenges.
- Exploit Exercises - Variety of VMs to learn variety of computer security issues.
- Exploit.Education - Variety of VMs to learn variety of computer security issues.
- Gracker (⭐4) - Binary challenges having a slow learning curve, and write-ups for each level.
- Microcorruption - Embedded security CTF.
- Over The Wire - Wargame maintained by OvertheWire Community.
- PWN Challenge - Binary Exploitation Wargame.
- - Pwn Game.
- - Binary wargame.
- - Binary Exploitation Wargame.
- - Reversing challenge.
- Ringzer0Team - Ringzer0 Team Online CTF.
- ROP Wargames (⭐20) - ROP Wargames.
- Viblo CTF - Various amazing CTF challenges, in many different categories. Has both Practice mode and Contest mode.
- CTF Time - General information on CTF occuring around the worlds.
- Reddit Security CTF - Reddit CTF category.
- Bamboofox - Chinese resources to learn CTF.
- bi0s Wiki - Wiki from team bi0s.
- ISIS Lab (⭐379) - CTF Wiki by Isis lab.
- OpenToAll (⭐122) - CTF tips by OTA CTF team members.
Writeups Collections
- 0e85dc6eaf (⭐83) - Write-ups for CTF challenges by 0e85dc6eaf
- Captf - Dumped CTF challenges and materials by psifertex.
- CTF write-ups (community) - CTF challenges + write-ups archive maintained by the community.
- CTFTime Scrapper (⭐27) - Scraps all writeup from CTF Time and organize which to read first.
- Mzfr (⭐109) - CTF competition write-ups by mzfr
- pwntools writeups (⭐458) - A collection of CTF write-ups all using pwntools.
- SababaSec (⭐15) - A collection of CTF write-ups by the SababaSec team
- Shell Storm - CTF challenge archive maintained by Jonathan Salwan.
48. Awesome Dev Fun
49. Awesome Sre
Monitoring & Observability & Alerting
50. Awesome Java
Testing / Matchers
- XMLUnit (⭐304) - Simplifies testing for XML output.
51. Awesome Rest
API Gateway / Symfony2
- KrakenD (⭐6.5k) - Ultra performant API Gateway with middleware. Written in Go.
52. Awesome Crystal
CLI Utils
- tablo (⭐28) - A flexible terminal table generator
- zaru_crystal (⭐10) - Filename sanitization
Network Protocols
- connect-proxy (⭐7) - Connect method style of HTTP tunnelling / HTTP proxy
53. Awesome Blazor
E-Books / Others
Courses / Others
- Blazor and Razor Components in a nutshell - October 2019 - Learn how to use a framework that allows you to run your compiled code directly in the browser on top of WebAssembly, a course on Udemy.
- Blazor on ASP.NET Core 3.0 - October 2019 - Blazor on ASP.NET Core 3.0, a course on SkillShare.
54. Awesome Scientific Computing
Multi-purpose toolkits
55. Awesome Elixir
- Binbo (⭐126) - A chess representation written in Erlang using Bitboards, ready for use on game servers.
- Apex (⭐279) - Awesome Print for Elixir.
56. Awesome Python Typing
Dynamic type checkers
- pydantic (⭐22k) - Data parsing using Python type hinting. Supports dataclasses.
- typeguard (⭐1.6k) - Another one runtime type checker.
57. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Command-line apps
- npkill (⭐8.5k) - Easily find and remove old and heavy node_modules folders.
58. Awesome Bigdata
NewSQL Databases
- KarelDB (⭐390) - a relational database backed by Apache Kafka.
59. Awesome Job Boards
Tech / Aggregator
- - Verified relocation packages
60. Free for Dev
- Sender Up to 15,000 emails/month, up to 2,500 subscribers
61. Awesome Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
Static Analysis / Linting
Pull Requests / Code Coverage
Deployment / Code Coverage
External Services / Terraform
Cheat Sheet / Terraform
62. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Testing & Debugging
- Ignition (⭐2k) - A beautiful error page for Laravel apps
- Laravel Telescope (⭐4.3k) - Laravel Telescope is an elegant debug assistant for the Laravel framework
Conferences / Third-party Service Integration
Starter Projects / Videos
63. Awesome Parasite
Museums & Collections
- Invertebrates Collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History - Swedish Museum with collection of >10,000 flatworms, >2,000 nematodes, and select other parasite groups. Accessible through GBIF.
Reporting Systems
- Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMed) - An early warning of outbreaks of emerging and re-emerging diseases. Sources of information include media reports, official reports, online summaries, local observers, and others. EIDR-Connect parses ProMed reports into disease outbreak events, curated by disease experts.
Scientific Journals
- Annals of Parasitology - Open-access scientific journal of the Polish Parasitological Society, formerly Wiadomości Parazytologiczne, that publishes issues quarterly. Open archives start from 2002.
64. Awesome Clojure
65. Awesome Mental Health
- Burnout And Your Meat Computer - Electromagnetic Field 2018 - By Jessica Rose.
66. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Cortex (⭐8k) - Open source platform for deploying machine learning models in production.
67. Awesome Transit
Agency Tools / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations
- TBEST - TBEST (Transit Boardings Estimation and Simulation Tool) is an effort to develop a multi-faceted GIS-based modeling, planning and analysis tool which integrates socio-economic, land use, and transit network data into a platform for scenario-based transit ridership estimation and analysis. Funded by the Florida Department of Transportation. Free to use but not open-source.
68. Awesome Raspberry Pi
OS Images
- LibreELEC - Just enough OS for Kodi
- Orangetool (⭐109) - Control functions for Single-Board computers in Python.
- StreamPi - A robust alternative to the Elgato Stream Deck, that can launch apps, scripts, websites and control applications like OBS.
69. Awesome Gideros
Useful Lua-Libraries / Plugins
- bump (⭐769) - Simple, flexible and fast library for collision detection using axis-aligned bounding boxes (from version 2017.8 onwards Gideros contains a C-port of the library with the same API that should be used instead cbump.
70. Public Apis
API: Lingua Robot
Description: Word definitions, pronunciations, synonyms, antonyms and others
Description: Romania Government Open Data
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
Description: Get music libraries, playlists, charts, and perform out of KKBOX's platform
CORS: Unknown
API: Associated Press
Description: Search for news and metadata from Associated Press
CORS: Unknown
Open Data
Description: Address search via the French Government
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
Test Data
API: This Person Does not Exist
Description: Generates real-life faces of people who do not exist
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
71. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Markdown Tools
- MWeb - Pro Markdown writing, and static blog generator App.
Reading and Writing Tools / Journaling
- Day One - Excellent journaling app using text, photos, video, audio, location data, and more.
Design and Product / Design Tools
- MakeHuman - Powerful and free 3D human modeler.
Utilities / Window Management
- yabai (⭐25k) - Tiling window manager for macOS. A rewrite of chunkwm, it provides a more seamless integration with the operating system.
Utilities / System Related Tools
- Background Music (⭐17k) - Automatically pause your music, set individual apps' volumes and record system audio.
72. Awesome Board Games
Ghost Blitz
Balduin, the house ghost, found an old camera in the castle cellar. Immediately he photographed everything that he loves to make disappear when he is haunting – including himself, of course. Unfortunately, the enchanted camera takes many photos in the wrong colors. Sometimes the green bottle is white, at other times it's blue. Looking at the photos, Balduin doesn't really remember any more what he wanted to make disappear next. Can you help him with his haunting and quickly name the right item, or even make it disappear by yourself? If you grab the right items quickly, you have a good chance of winning...
Players | Min. Age | Time |
2 - 8 | 8 | 20m |
Persian Wars
Persian Wars is a card-driven wargame depicting the Greco-Persian conflict from 494 to 466 B.C. Players control either the Persian empire and its generals, Xerxes, Artabazus, Artayntes, Artemisia and Mardonius or the Greek city-states and their generals, the Athenians Xanthippus, Miltiades and Themistocles and Spartans, Leonidas and Pausanias.
Players | Min. Age | Time |
2 - 4 | 12 | 60-90m |
73. Awesome Clean Tech
Companies / Materials
Organicbasics | Denmark | 2015
Offers underwear, essentials and activewear made consciously in Europe. The material used for their production is natural, renewable, recycled, biodegradable and or low-impact textiles only.
SkyCool Systems | California, USA | 2016
Manufacture add-ons to vapor-compression based cooling systems, which reduce their electricity usage while being CO2 neutral themselves.
Companies / Water
Refill App | UK | 2015
This is an app which lets you find free water refill stations across the UK. Currently there are more than 20,000 free stations across the nation. The app also tracks saved bottles, saved carbon and donates 13p every time you refill a bottle to planet protecting campaings.
Companies / Energy
Bulb | UK | 2013
The UK's biggest green supplier. They provide members with 100% renewable electricity from solar, wind and hydro. Plus, the gas is 100% carbon neutral. 10% is green gas produced from renewable sources like food or farm waste.
Redflow | Brisbane, Australia | 2001
Manufacture zinc-bromine flow batteries that tolerate daily hard work in harsh conditions with minimal reduction in capacity over time, solutions for the residential and industrial installations.
Rocky Mountain Institute | Colorado, USA | 1982
Influential research institute whose mission statement is " transform global energy use to create a clean, prosperous, and secure low-carbon future". Co-founded by Amory Lovins, physicist and auther of "Soft Energy Paths".
Siemens | Germany | 1847
Multinational manufacturing company. Among their many projects they produce wind turbines and provide onshore and offshore wind services. It is the world's third largest wind turbine manufacturer as of 2018.
Sonnen | Germany | 2010
Produces energy storage solutions for households. Also, they currently provide the largest network for sharing power from renewable energies, operating in Germany.
Suzlon Energy Ltd. | India | 1995
Wind turbine manufacturer present in 18 countries across the continents.
Companies / Social Impact
Tomorrow | Denmark/France | 2018
App that calculates the climate impact of your daily choices by connecting to apps and services you already use: your personal and automated carbon tracker.
More Resources / Social Impact
- Climate Choice - A non-profit project that contains actionable guides on reducing climate change, as well as educational information about climate change.
- - Newsletter highlighting companies using AI & data science to reverse climate change; useful for discovering new initiatives/work opportunities, delivered every week.
Research / Social Impact
- U.N Climate Change National Inventory Submissions - This contains country specific climate reports from several U.N countries. It has data from 2003 onwards.
74. Awesome Flutter
Top / Game Engine resources
- Timy Messenger (⭐2.1k) - Group messaging app with a focus on organizing events by Miguel Beltran and Franz Heinfling
🇮🇩 Indonesia / Misc
- Telegram Flutter Indonesia
75. Awesome Hacking
Tools / Other
- IPED - Indexador e Processador de Evidências Digitais - Brazilian Federal Police Tool for Forensic Investigation
System / Other
76. Terminals Are Sexy
Terminal Emulation Applications
- Xfce Terminal - Modern terminal emulator primarily for the Xfce desktop environment.
Tools and Plugins
- kubebox (⭐2k) - Terminal console for Kubernetes.
77. Awesome Ios Books
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