Awesome List Updates on Sep 09 - Sep 15, 2019
47 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Deno
Modules / Utils
- deno_tokenizer (⭐16) - A simple tokenizer for deno.
2. Awesome Java
Testing / Fixtures
- jFairy (⭐739) - Fake data generator.
3. Awesome Javascript
Generators / Other
- Gridsome (⭐8.6k) - Vue-powered static site generator.
4. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Streaming Library
- Stream Ops (⭐49) [Java] - A fully embeddable data streaming engine and stream processing API for Java.
5. Awesome Nix
Community / Webinterface
6. Awesome Perl
Protocol / NoSQL Databases
- Net::DHCP - Send and receive DHCP packets
7. Awesome React Components
- react-spinners-css (⭐323) - Amazing collection of react spinners components.
8. Awesome Quantum Computing
Development Tools
- IBM Quantum Experience - Online quantum composer to run experiments on real quantum computing hardware.
- Qiskit SDK - Software development kit by IBM for writing and running quantum algorithms on simulators and real hardware.
- IBM Q Community - IBM Q Community page with list of upcoming events and latest programs.
9. Awesome Actions
Collection of Actions / Docker Container Actions
Static Analysis / Linting
10. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Tutorials
- Binary save system - Custom game save system that supports various data types
11. Awesome Microservices
Frameworks / Runtimes
- Moleculer - Fast & powerful microservices framework for Node.js, Java, Go and Ruby.
12. Awesome Cheminformatics
Resources / Courses
- TeachOpenCADD (⭐650) - A teaching platform for computer-aided drug design (CADD) using open source packages and data.
13. Awesome Typescript
Libraries / Chrome Extensions
- 🐙 MikroORM (⭐8k) - TypeScript ORM for Node.js based on Data Mapper, Unit of Work and Identity Map patterns. Supports MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite.
14. Awesome Flask
Videos / Testing
PaaS / Testing
IaaS / Testing
Serverless / Testing
Open Source Projects / Testing
15. Awesome Ctf
- Metasploit - Penetration testing software.
16. Awesome Hacking
Tools / Other
- findsubdomains - really fast subdomains scanning service that has much greater opportunities than simple subs finder(works using OSINT).
- cirt-fuzzer - A simple TCP/UDP protocol fuzzer.
- ASlookup - a useful tool for exploring autonomous systems and all related info (CIDR, ASN, Org...)
17. Awesome Ssh
Apps / Servers
- ssh-proxy (⭐50)
- Dockerized SSH bastion to proxy SSH connections to arbitrary containers.
18. Awesome Devenv
Misc / Extensions
- ML Workspace - All-in-one web-based development environment for machine learning and data science.
19. Awesome Tensorflow
- ML Workspace (⭐3.5k) - All-in-one web IDE for machine learning and data science. Combines Tensorflow, Jupyter, VS Code, Tensorboard, and many other tools/libraries into one Docker image.
20. Awesome Clojure
Connection pools
21. Awesome Jupyter
Hosted Notebook Solutions
- Deepnote - Jupyter-compatible data science notebook with real-time collaboration, versioning and easy deployment.
22. Awesome Elm
Testing / Individual Podcast episodes
- Elm test (⭐236) - Unit and fuzz tests
- Elm Program test (⭐92) - Test complete Elm programs
23. Awesome Flutter
State management / Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection
- Async Redux - Redux without boilerplate. Allows for both sync and async reducers by Marcelo Glasberg
Animation / Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection
- Flutter-animation-set (⭐283) - Easy to build an animation set by efoxTeam
- Staggered Animations (⭐1.6k) - Easily add staggered animations to your ListView, GridView, Column and Row by mobiten
24. Awesome Swift
Network / Barcode
- ReactiveAPI (⭐79) - Write clean, concise and declarative network code relying on URLSession, with the power of RxSwift. Inspired by Retrofit.
UI / Barcode
- ShowSomeProgress (⭐107) - Animated Progress and Activity Indicators for iOS apps.
25. Awesome Embedded Rust
Peripheral Access Crates / NXP
HAL implementation crates / OS
software protocol implementations for microcontrollers with digital::OutputPin and digital::InputPin
HAL implementation crates / NXP
26. Awesome Dataviz
Golang tools / Misc
- plot (⭐2.3k) - API for building and drawing plots in Go.
- go-echars (⭐5k) - Simple yet powerful data visualizing library for Go.
Python tools / Misc
- (⭐84) - Easy to use 3D library based on PyOpenGL. Inspired by Three.js.
- pyechars (⭐13k) - Python binding for Echarts library.
Websites / Misc
- - Random thoughts on visualization and data journalism by Gregor Aisch
27. Awesome Jamstack
Jamstack Sites Showcase
- VSCode Power User Course - PWA built on Gatsby and hosted on Netlify.
- CloudyCam - PWA built on Next.js and hosted on Zeit Now v2 Serverless platform.
- Forestry - Headless CMS for sites built with static site generators.
28. Awesome React Native
Media / Navigation Demos
- react-native-android-video ★8 (⭐19) - Android ExoPlayer Video component for react-native.
29. Awesome Sre
SRE Tools
30. Awesome Malware Analysis
Network / Other Resources
- FakeNet-NG (⭐1.7k) - Next generation dynamic network analysis tool.
31. Awesome Bioie
Code Libraries / Pre-LLM Guides, Lectures, and Courses
- Biopython - paper - code (⭐4.2k) - Python tools primarily intended for bioinformatics and computational molecular biology purposes, but also a convenient way to obtain data, including documents/abstracts from PubMed (see Chapter 9 of the documentation).
- rentrez (⭐193) - R utilities for accessing NCBI resources, including PubMed.
32. Awesome Chrome Devtools
Network Inspection
- Weer - A HTTP protocol debugger (closed source)
Chrome Debugger integration with Editors
- VS Code - Debugger for Chrome (⭐2.2k) - Breakpoint debugging in VS Code.
- VS Code - Elements for Microsoft Edge (⭐760) - Elements panel inside VS Code.
- ChromeREPL (⭐356) - Within Sublime Text, use the Chrome console.
- Sublime Web Inspector - JavaScript Breakpoint debugging right in Sublime Text.
- WebStorm/JetBrains Chrome Extension - The WebStorm IDE can debug JavaScript, view the DOM tree, and edit HTML, CSS and JS live.
Chrome DevTools Protocol
- ChromeDevTools/devtools-protocol (⭐1.2k) - Canonical location of the protocol JSON. Issue tracker for protocol bugs. TypeScript types.
Developing with the protocol
- chrome-remote-interface Wiki (⭐4.3k) - Many useful recipes.
- Chrome Protocol Proxy (⭐197) - Tool for debugging clients using devtools protocol.
Libraries for driving the protocol (or a layer above)
- Python: PyCDP (⭐108) - Pure-Python, sans-IO wrappers. See also the Trio CDP driver (⭐66)
- Python: chromewhip (⭐118) - drop-in replacement for the
- Python: ChromeController (⭐219) - high-level browser mgmt
- Go: chromedp (⭐11k) - High-level actions and tasks for driving browsers
- Go: cdp (⭐736)
- Go: gcd (⭐186)
- Go: godet (⭐395)
- Ruby: Cuprite (⭐1.3k) - Capybara driver
- Clojure: clj-chrome-devtools (⭐130) - The CDP wrapper API is autogenerated and will be updated when CDP protocol changes.
Using DevTools frontend with other platforms / Android
- j2v8-debugger (⭐88) - Debugging JavaScript running in J2V8 (⭐2.6k) with Chrome DevTools.
Using DevTools frontend with other platforms / Node.js
- ndb (⭐11k) - An improved Node.js debugging experience with the DevTools Frontend.
- thetool (⭐222) - CPU, memory, coverage, type profiling with Node.
- chrome-devtools-frontend - Mirror of the frontend that ships in Chrome.
Performance / Ruby
- sloth (⭐198) - Chrome extension allows to enable and save CPU and network throttling for selected tabs.
33. Awesome Vscode
- 1C/OScript - rich 1С:Enterprise 8 (BSL) language support in VSC - add syntax highlighting to *.bsl и *.os files in VSC, add IntelliSense and syntax helper for 1С lang
- YouCompleteMe - Provides semantic completions for C/C++ (and TypeScript, JavaScript, Objective-C, Golang, Rust) using YouCompleteMe.
34. Awesome Postgres
Contents / GUI
- TablePlus - Native App which let you edit database and structure. High-end security ensured (Commercial Software).
Contents / CLI
- nancy - The Nancy CLI is a unified way to manage automated database experiments either in clouds or on-premise
Contents / Optimization
- pgMustard - A modern user interface
, that also provides performance tips (Commercial Software).
Contents / Utilities
- postgres-checkup - a new-generation diagnostics tool that allows users to collect deep analysis of the health of a Postgres database.
Resources / Videos
- Scaling Postgres - Postgres video blog series by Creston Jamison
35. Awesome Robotics
- Underactuated Robotics MIT CSAIL
- Advanced Robotics UCBerkeley
- The construct sim A cloud based tool for building modern, future-proof robot simulations.
Related awesome lists
36. Awesome Rust
Applications / Games
- swatteau/sokoban-rs (⭐155) - A Sokoban implementation
37. Awesome Css Frameworks
General Purpose
- Cirrus - Component and utility centric SCSS framework designed for rapid prototyping.
Demo, Docs, Repo (⭐1.4k) | #CSS
38. Awesome Haskell
- Dhall (⭐837) - A configuration language guaranteed to terminate
39. Awesome Crystal
Third-party APIs
- crystal-consul (⭐18) - Consul API client
- Chinese-speaking Telegram Group - 来吧!TG 中文圈的朋友们!
40. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / Sandboxing/Reversing Tools
- Any Run - Interactive online malware analysis service for dynamic and static research of most types of threats using any environment.
- Hybrid-Analysis - Free powerful online sandbox by CrowdStrike.
- Intezer - Intezer Analyze dives into Windows binaries to detect micro-code similarities to known threats, in order to provide accurate yet easy-to-understand results.
- Joe Sandbox (Community) - Joe Sandbox detects and analyzes potential malicious files and URLs on Windows, Android, Mac OS, Linux, and iOS for suspicious activities; providing comprehensive and detailed analysis reports.
- Valkyrie Comodo - Valkyrie uses run-time behavior and hundreds of features from a file to perform analysis.
41. Awesome
- Videotape - Video player for windows 10 focused on simplicity with a beautiful and easy to use interface.
42. Awesome Laravel
Books / Videos
- Build an API with Laravel by Wacky Studio
43. Awesome Pagespeed Metrics
Concepts / Lab Data (Synthetic Measurements)
- Lighthouse - A tool built on Google Chrome to audit web pages. You can run it from Chrome DevTools, a Chrome Extension or from the command line (even with headless Chrome).
- Google PageSpeed Insights - Free and hosted Lighthouse reporting (and more) by Google.
- WebpageTest - Free and hosted web performance testing (also an open source project).
Concepts / Field Data (Real User Monitoring - RUM)
- Load abandonment - Track
to account for survivorship bias.
Concepts / Critical rendering path
Concepts / Long tasks
Concepts / User-centric metrics
- Is it happening? - Did the navigation start successfully? Has the server responded? (e.g FCP (⭐656))
- Is it delightful/smooth? - Are the interactions smooth and natural, free of lag and jank?
Interactivity metrics / Max Potential First Input Delay
- Lab: Lighthouse
- Field: N/A
Rendering metrics / Visually Complete
Other metrics / User Timing
- Lab: Lighthouse, WPT
Interactivity metrics / Time to Interactive (TTI)
- Field: Not recommended as users interacting with your page can skew field measurements of TTI
Network metrics / DNS latency
- Lab: DNS performance testing tools
Network metrics / Time to First Byte (TTFB)
- Field: IE9+, Safari 9+
- Lab: most server load testing tools report this
Network metrics / TCP and SSL/TLS latency
- Lab: See Qualys SSL Labs for an audit
Network metrics / Transferred bytes
- Lab: Lighthouse (budgets),, custom tools
- Field: N/A - but numbers usually the same as in Lab
Other metrics / Google PageSpeed Insights score
Other metrics / Server Timing
Other metrics / DOMContentLoaded
Other metrics / window.load
44. Awesome Python Data Science
Deep Learning / TensorFlow
- keras-contrib (⭐1.6k) - Keras community contributions.
- Hyperas (⭐2.2k) - Keras + Hyperopt: A straightforward wrapper for a convenient hyperparameter.
- Elephas (⭐1.6k) - Distributed Deep learning with Keras & Spark.
- qkeras (⭐551) - A quantization deep learning library.
Reinforcement Learning / Others
- RLlib - Scalable Reinforcement Learning.
- TensorForce (⭐3.3k) - A TensorFlow library for applied reinforcement learning.
- TRFL (⭐3.1k) - TensorFlow Reinforcement Learning.
- keras-rl (⭐5.5k) - Deep Reinforcement Learning for Keras.
- garage (⭐1.9k) - A toolkit for reproducible reinforcement learning research.
- Horizon (⭐3.6k) - A platform for Applied Reinforcement Learning.
Graph Machine Learning / Others
- Spektral (⭐2.4k) - Deep learning on graphs.
Visualization / General Purposes
- chartify (⭐3.6k) - Python library that makes it easy for data scientists to create charts.
- physt (⭐133) - Improved histograms.
Visualization / Interactive plots
- animatplot (⭐413) - A python package for animating plots built on matplotlib.
Distributed Computing / Synthetic Data
- Horovod (⭐14k) - Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
- PySpark - Exposes the Spark programming model to Python.
- Veles (⭐907) - Distributed machine learning platform.
- Jubatus (⭐709) - Framework and Library for Distributed Online Machine Learning.
- DMTK (⭐2.7k) - Microsoft Distributed Machine Learning Toolkit.
- dask-ml (⭐916) - Distributed and parallel machine learning.
- Distributed (⭐1.6k) - Distributed computation in Python.
Quantum Computing / Synthetic Data
- PennyLane (⭐2.5k) - Quantum machine learning, automatic differentiation, and optimization of hybrid quantum-classical computations.
45. Awesome Cpp
- Verovio (⭐702) - Verovio is a fast and lightweight music notation engraving library. [LGPL] website
- bit7z (⭐686) - A C++ static library offering a clean and simple interface to the 7-zip shared libraries. [MPL2]
Integrated Development Environment
- juCi++ - Cross-platform, lightweight C++ IDE with libclang integration. [MIT]
46. Awesome Json
Command-line tools
- json-dotenv (⭐8) - Manipulate and extract envfiles in json format.
Online tools
- FakeJSON - Web API to quickly generate fake data for your application.
- JSON to CSV - A free, in-browser JSON to CSV converter.
47. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Content Management
- Wagtail Live Preview (⭐29) - Live page previews beside your content.
Tools / Templates & Starter Kits
- Wagtail Pipit (⭐240) – Pipit is a Wagtail boilerplate which aims to provide an easy and modern developer workflow with a React-rendered frontend.
- Prev: Sep 16 - Sep 22, 2019
- Next: Sep 02 - Sep 08, 2019