Awesome List Updates on Sep 02 - Sep 08, 2019

43 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Pagespeed Metrics

Interactivity metrics / Time to Interactive (TTI)

Interactivity metrics / First Input Delay (FID)

Network metrics / Max Potential First Input Delay

Other metrics / User Timing

Other metrics / Frame rate

2. Awesome Ros2

Packages / Application layer

3. Awesome Quantum Computing

Development Tools

4. Awesome Algorithms

Github Libraries / Randomized Algorithms

5. Awesome Ruby

Database Tools

6. Awesome Bigdata

SQL-like processing

7. Free for Dev

APIs, Data, and ML

8. Awesome Vue

Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source

Components & Libraries / UI Components

9. Awesome Broadcasting

Animation, Graphics & Video Playout

10. Awesome Ansible


11. Awesome Aws

Open Source Repos / Elastic Container Service

Open Source Repos / Glacier

Open Source Repos / S3

12. Awesome Computational Neuroscience

U.S. West / University of California, Los Angeles

13. Awesome Pentest

Anti-virus Evasion Tools / Tor Tools

14. Awesome Security

Endpoint / Forensics

15. Awesome Amazon Seller

Software and Tools

16. Awesome Code Review


17. Awesome Ios Books


18. Awesome Dotnet Core

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Database Tools and Utilities

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc

19. Awesome Javascript

Form Widgets / Other

20. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Learning and Courses

Software / Maps and Global Positioning System (GPS)

Software / Miscellaneous

Software / Proxy

21. Awesome Composer

Plugins / IRC

Setup a Packagist Mirror / IRC

Packagist-compatible repositories / IRC

22. Awesome Opengl

Profile Loaders


23. Awesome Hbase

Infrastructure / Transactions

24. Awesome React Native


25. Awesome Ipfs


Services & Platforms

26. Awesome Blazor

E-Books / Others

27. Awesome Mac

Reading and Writing Tools / RSS

Developer Tools / API Development and Analysis

28. Awesome Streaming

Table of Contents / Streaming Engine

29. Awesome Swift

UI / Barcode

Alert / Barcode

30. Tools


31. Awesome Python Data Science

Machine Learning / General Purpose Machine Learning

Machine Learning / Gradient Boosting

Machine Learning / Ensemble Methods

Machine Learning / Imbalanced Datasets

Machine Learning / Random Forests

Machine Learning / Kernel Methods

Deep Learning / PyTorch

Deep Learning / TensorFlow

Automated Machine Learning / Others

Natural Language Processing / Others

Computer Audition / Others

Computer Vision / Others

Graph Machine Learning / Others

Probabilistic Graphical Models / Others

Probabilistic Methods / Others

Model Explanation / Others

Genetic Programming / Others

Optimization / Others

Feature Engineering / General

Feature Engineering / Feature Selection

Visualization / General Purposes

Statistics / NLP

Data Manipulation / Data Frames

Data Manipulation / Pipelines

Experimentation / Synthetic Data

Evaluation / Synthetic Data

Computations / Synthetic Data

Spatial Analysis / Synthetic Data

Quantum Computing / Synthetic Data

Conversion / Synthetic Data

32. Awesome Emails

Design / Misc

33. Awesome Ocaml


34. Awesome Perl

Commercial WebServices / DSP

35. Machine Learning with Ruby

Machine Learning Libraries / Deep learning

36. Awesome Embedded and Iot Security

Case Studies / RFID NFC Tools

37. Awesome Bioie

Journals and Events / Journals

Tutorials / Pre-LLM Guides, Lectures, and Courses

Techniques and Models / BERT models

38. Awesome Remote Job

Tools / Communication

39. Awesome Sre


Service Level Agreement

40. Awesome Laravel

Popular Packages / Media & Document Management

41. Awesome Actions

GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions

Utility / Docker Container Actions

Static Analysis / Linting

42. Awesome Deep Learning

Researchers / Conferences

Researchers / Frameworks

43. Awesome Machine Learning

Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning

Go / Natural Language Processing

Go / General-Purpose Machine Learning

Go / Spatial analysis and geometry

Go / Data Analysis / Data Visualization

Credits / Misc