Awesome List Updates on Aug 19 - Aug 25, 2019
46 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome List
- libGDX (⭐1.1k) - Java game framework.
Health and Social Science
- Computational Neuroscience (⭐780) - A multidisciplinary science which uses computational approaches to study the nervous system.
- IRC (⭐997) - Open source messaging protocol.
2. Awesome Actions
Tutorials / Terraform
3. Awesome Homematic
- Keymatic Konfiguration - Beitrag von rewe0815 im Homematic Forum.
CCU Alternatives
- piVCCU (⭐278) - Install the original Homematic CCU firmware inside a virtualized container (lxc) on Raspbian or Armbian.
4. Awesome Fp Js
Resources / Articles
- Functors from first principle - explained with JS - Explaining functors concept using JavaScript.
5. Awesome Rest
Querying / Symfony2
- ExtendsClass - Make HTTP requests with a simple web-based HTTP client.
6. Awesome Code Review
Academic Papers
- Characteristics of Useful Code Reviews: An Empirical Study at Microsoft (Bosu, Greiler, Bird, 2015) This paper reports the findings of a large scale qualitative and quantitative study focusing on understanding which code review comments are considered useful by developers.
- Code Reviewing in the Trenches: Understanding Challenges, Best Practices, and Tool Needs (MacLeod, Greiler, Storey, Bird, Czerwonka, 2018) A large scale study of over 900 Microsoft developers to understand their code review processes, their motivations to do code reviews, and which pitfalls and best practices they encounter.
- Modern Code Review: A Case Study at Google A study that shows how code reviews work at Google.
- Code Reviews at Google are lightweight and fast Details on how code review best practices and processes work at Google.
- How Code Reviews work at Microsoft A in-depth analysis on how the code review process looks like at Microsoft.
7. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- Nib Unlocker - .nib to .xib converter
8. Awesome Ada
Games / Apache License
- mine-detector (⭐3) - Mine Detector: a mine-finding game that never requires guessing.
9. Awesome Icons
- VSCode Icons (⭐861) - Dark and light versions of the icons used in Visual Studio Code.
10. Awesome Typescript
💵 Paid Courses / Chrome Extensions
11. Awesome Irc
- Textual - Very customizable, ZNC integration, iCloud sync ($4.99). (source (⭐1.8k))
- LimeChat - One window for multiple servers, keyboard shortcuts, fast & stable. (source (⭐1.5k))
- Kiwi IRC - Powerful modern IRC messenger for the web. (source (⭐843), demo)
- CIRC - Uses the chrome.sockets APIs to connect directly to IRC servers without needing a proxy. (source (⭐388))
- Quassel - Distributed (clients can attach to and detach from a central core that stays permanently online. (source (⭐719))
- Yaaic - Multi-server/channel support, SASL support, Smooth channel scrolling / swiping. (source (⭐331))
- Smuxi - User-friendly, based on GNOME / GTK+. (source (⭐172))
- Konversation - User-friendly client built on the KDE Platform. (source (⭐46))
- sic - Simple IRC client - a terminal client in less than 250 lines of C.
- irssi - Terminal client, multi-protocol friendly for module authors, GPLv2.
- Revolution IRC (⭐538) - Feature-full, actively maintained Android IRC client.
- AdiIRC - Never has a client offered such granular settings for every aspect of the IRC experience. (features, screenshots)
- IRC for Android™ - Android/Chrome OS client for power users, with ZNC built-ins, notification logic, reliable DCC, keybinds for hardware keyboards, etc.
Bouncers / Self-hosted
- BIP IRC Proxy - Always online, lightweight and secure Open Source IRC proxying with backlogging. (source)
- TheLounge - Responsive, self-hosted & support for multiple users. (source (⭐5.5k), demo)
- WeeChat - A fast, light and extensible chat client. (source (⭐2.9k))
12. Awesome Dash
Idiomatic examples
- Dash recipes (⭐1.1k) - A collection of scripts and examples created of the plotly team while answering questions from the greater Dash community.
Cheat sheets
13. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Natural Language Processing
- BigARTM (⭐663) - topic modelling platform.
14. Webcomponents the Right Way
15. Awesome Esolangs
- Vigil (⭐2.8k) - Only Vigil is truly vigilant about not allowing code that fails to pass programmatic specifications.
16. Awesome Libgdx
Resources / Services
- gdx-gameanalytics (⭐32) - Game Analytics REST API client implementation for libGDX. Works on all backends.
Resources / User Interface
- Skin Composer (⭐435) - Create skins for libGDX scene2d.ui with a graphical interface.
- TenPatch (⭐48) - An alternative to libGDX's 9patch implementation that implements multiple stretch regions.
- TypingLabel (⭐152) - A libGDX Label that appears as if it was being typed in real time.
- VisUI (⭐733) - Allows to create nice looking UI in libGDX using scene2d.ui. Note this is not a UI editor.
Resources / Others
- Texture Packer GUI (⭐618) - A simple way to pack and manage texture atlases for libGDX game framework.
Tutorials / Getting Started
- Creating a Launcher - Video tutorial on using libGDX to make a game launcher.
- Deploying with JPackage (⭐435) - A tutorial on deploying libGDX games with JPackage via Gradle commands.
Tutorials / Advanced
- Code Hotswapping - Video tutorial on enabling code hotswapping for libGDX projects to increase productivity.
Community / General Learning Material
- Reddit - Unofficial subreddit for libGDX. Not a lot of activity.
Other Lists / General Learning Material
- Game Accessibility Guidelines - A straightforward reference for inclusive game design, to ensure that games are just as fun for as wide a range of people as possible. Recommended
17. Awesome Embedded and Iot Security
Software Tools / Analysis Frameworks
- FwAnalyzer (⭐474) - Analyze security of firmware based on customized rules. Intended as additional step in DevSecOps, similar to CI.
Software Tools / Analysis Tools
- Firmware Slap (⭐462) - Discovering vulnerabilities in firmware through concolic analysis and function clustering.
- Radare2 (⭐19k) - Software Reverse Engineering framework, also handles popular formats and arbitrary binaries, has an extensive command line toolset.
Research Papers / RFID NFC Tools
- 2017, O'Meara et al: Embedded Device Vulnerability Analysis Case Study Using Trommel
18. Awesome Iot
- ESP32 - ESP32, the successor to the ESP8266. ESP32 is power packed with hardware features. The high speed dual core processors along with the numerous built in peripherals it is set to replace micro-controllers in connected products.
- Node MCU (ESP 8266) - NodeMCU is an open source IoT platform. It uses the Lua scripting language. It is based on the eLua project, and built on the ESP8266 SDK 0.9.5.
19. Awesome React Components
Form Logic / Mouse Events
- formik (⭐34k) - Build forms without tears and supports Validation in ease.
20. Awesome WSL
5. WSL2
- Announcing WSL2 - Microsoft blog announcing WSL2
- The new Windows subsystem for Linux architecture: a deep dive - WSL2 presentation at Microsoft Build 2019
- WSL2-Linux-Kernel (⭐7.7k) - The source for the Linux kernel used in Windows Subsystem for Linux 2.
8. Installation
- Windows Server Installation Guide - Microsoft's official guide for Windows Server.
Supported Distributions / Fedora Remix for WSL
WSL Tools / WSL Utilities
- wslexec (⭐43) - Execute Linux executables as .exe files on Windows.
21. Awesome Frege
Information / Articles & Blogs
- JAXenter - Interview with Ingo Wechsung (German).
Sample Applications / Games
- frech (⭐0) - Fully functional chess engine.
22. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / File Transfer - Single-click & Drag-n-drop Upload
- Sharry (⭐986) - Share files easily over the internet between authenticated and anonymous users (both ways) with resumable up- and downloads.
Software / Proxy
- Tinyproxy - Light-weight HTTP/HTTPS proxy daemon. (Source Code (⭐5.1k))
23. Awesome Eta
Information / Talks
- Introduction to Eta - Introduction by the creator of Eta.
- Haskell for JVM - Talk at LambdaConf about porting a language to the JVM.
Tools / Talks
- IntelliJ Eta (⭐52) - Plugin for IntelliJ.
24. Awesome Wordpress Gatsby
Gatsby Plugins / Other helpful Plugins
25. Awesome
- FluentTerminal (⭐8.5k) - A Terminal Emulator based on UWP and web technologies.
- Bandicam - Recording software allowing easy video recording of both desktop and 3D apps simultaneously.
26. Awesome Cmake
- FindIDL (⭐27) - CMake module for building IDL files with MIDL and generating CLR DLL using Tlbimp.
27. Awesome Aws
SDKs and Samples / Python SDK
Open Source Repos / Accompanying Repos
- aws-spot-labs 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐888) - Best practices using AWS Spot Instances.
Guides, Books, Documentation, and Training / Case Studies: Powered by AWS
Social / Blogs
28. Awesome Newsletters
Blockchain / Cryptocurrencies / Svelte
- Crypto Weekly. The best cryptocurrency news and insights delivered to your inbox every week.
- Build Blockchain. Blockchain tech without the bull— a weekly dose of blockchain reality with a heavy bias toward the technical.
29. Awesome Mqtt
- SimpleMQTT - A Slack app to send messages from Slack to MQTT brokers with slash commands.
- CocoaMQTT (⭐1.4k) - MQTT for iOS and OS X written with Swift.
- emqttc (⭐332) - Asynchronous Erlang MQTT Client.
- TMQTTClient (⭐19) - MQTT Client Library for Delphi.
Smart Home Integration Software / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- control-freak - IDE for IoT & friends. Built in MQTT support.
30. Awesome Broadcasting
- libklvanc (⭐61) - C library for ancillary data extraction from SDI and SMPTE ST 2110-40 (CEA-708, AFD, SCTE-104, etc.).
31. Awesome Waves
Client libraries / Rust
- WavesRS (⭐0) - A Rust interface for the Waves blockchain.
32. Awesome Readme
- ai/size-limit (⭐6.6k) - Project logo, clear description, screenshot, step-by-step installing instructions.
- aimeos/aimeos-typo3 (⭐594) - Project logo. Clear description of what the project does. Demo screenshot. TOC for easy navigation. Easy installation and setup sections with screenshots. Links for further reading.
- alichtman/stronghold (⭐1.1k) - Project logo. Clear description of what the project does. GIF Demo. TOC for easy navigation. Badges. Links for further reading. Simple install instructions.
- amitmerchant1990/electron-markdownify (⭐995) - Project logo. Minimalist description of what it is. GIF demo of the project. Key features. How to install guide. Credits.
- Armync/Arminc-AutoExec (⭐294) - Rich Markdown functions, modern layout, clear description, and compliance with the recommended community standards.
- athityakumar/colorls (⭐5k) - Multiple badges. Clean screenshots. Simple install instructions. TOC for easy navigation. Good contributor guidelines.
- ccostan/Home-AssistantConfig (⭐4.9k) - Project Banner. Badges. Easy navigation.
- choojs/choo (⭐6.8k) - Badges, clean, clear. Beautiful little menu above the fold with useful links. An FAQ inside of it for the main questions. Backers. Good language.
- Day8/re-frame (⭐5.5k) - Badges, logo, TOC, etc. Stands out by being a giant, well-written essay about the tech, how to use it, the philosophy behind it, and how it fits into the greater ecosystem.
- github-changelog-generator/github-changelog-generator (⭐7.4k) - TOC for easy navigation. Concise project description. Installation and usage sections. Output example. Great feature overview. List of alternatives. FAQ.
- gitpoint/git-point (⭐4.7k) - Clear description. Project Logo. App Store logos. TOC. Clean screenshots. List of features. Detailed installation process. Landing Page.
- Hexworks/Zircon (⭐759) - Dogfood in readme. Clear description of what the project does. Demo screenshot. TOC for easy navigation. Easy installation and setup sections with screenshots. Links for further reading.
- iharsh234/WebApp (⭐95) - Project landing page. Clear description of what the project does. Demo screenshot. Simple install and usage sections. Includes an examples section with common uses and a mobile demo section.
- karan/joe (⭐2.9k) - Project logo. Clear description of what the project does. GIF demo. Easy install and usage sections.
- Martinsos/edlib (⭐525) - Informative badges (build, version, publication). Concise description. Feature list. TOC. Screenshots. Concise instructions with examples for building and including in your project. Common code examples to get you started quickly.
- nhn/tui.editor (⭐17k) - Project logo. Clear overview of project features with a demo GIF. Badges. TOC for easy navigation. Colorful icons in front of titles.
- NSRare/NSGIF (⭐928) - Project logo. GIF Demo. Usage artwork. Usage code samples.
- php-censor/php-censor (⭐680) - Multiple badges, project logo, feature list, video demo, step-by-step installation and upgrading instructions, TOC for easy navigation.
- rstacruz/hicat (⭐407) - GIF demo. Easy installation and setup sections with screenshots. Build badges. Great examples of use cases.
- ryanoasis/nerd-fonts (⭐56k) - Clean project logo. Brief description at top. Sankey diagram, quick links, badges, OS specific icons, TOC, detailed release changelog.
- sebyddd/SDVersion (⭐1.3k) - Project logo. Build badges. Documentation structuring for multiple programming languages. Usage examples.
- shama/gaze (⭐1.2k) - Project logo. Concise description. Feature list. Usage section. FAQ. Great API documentation. Release history.
- sindresorhus/pageres (⭐9.7k) - Project logo. Clear description of what the project does. Build badges. Demo screenshot. Simple install and usage sections. Includes an examples section with common uses.
- sourcerer-io/sourcerer-app (⭐6.7k) - Clean animated screenshot. Customized call to action badge. Usage showcase.
- sr6033/lterm (⭐57) - Clean logo using characters. Brief updates on development. Detailed contribution guidelines. Contribution suggestions.
- supunlakmal/thismypc (⭐175) - Project logo. Useful badges. Website URL. Screenshot. GIF step-by-step instructions for installation. Project folder structure.
- teles/array-mixer (⭐39) - Clean project logo, badges. Table of contents. Contribution section. Many illustrated examples.
- thelounge/thelounge (⭐5.8k) - Project logo. Useful badges and links (website, docs, demo). Screenshot. Feature list. Step-by-step instructions for installation, development, and testing. Link to the contribution guide. Good mobile summary.
- vhesener/Closures (⭐1.7k) - Project logo, cognitive funnel, animated examples. Color-coordinated. Clean documentation.
- Hall-of-fame (⭐950) - Helps show recognition to repo contributors on README. Features new/trending/top contributors. Updates every hour.
- README best practices (⭐886) - A place to copy-paste your from
- readme-md-generator (⭐11k) - A CLI that generates beautiful files
- Standard Readme (⭐6.1k) - A standard README style specification. Has a generator to help create spec-compliant READMEs, too.
- Zalando's README Template (⭐803) - Simple template to help you cover all the basics.
Creating GIFs
- Peek (⭐10k) - FREE - Simple and easy to use for Linux users.
- ScreenToGif (⭐24k) - FREE - Open source, with a customizable UI and easily editable GIFs, easy to get started.
- ttystudio (⭐3.2k) - FREE - For command-line tools, a terminal-to-GIF recorder minus the headaches.
Get Feedback
- feedmereadmes - Free README editing+feedback to make your open-source projects grow. See the README maturity model to help you keep going.
33. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Elixir / Non-X86
- Elixir Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
Flutter / Phoenix
- Flutter Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
Ruby / Tornado
34. Awesome Actions on Google
- What are Actions on Google - Luke Davis and guest Jessica Dene Early-Cha introduce the concept of Actions on Google, and talk about common terminology.
- Smart Home Integrations on Google Assistant - Jessica Dene Early-Cha and guest Dan Myers go over how to get onboarded to Google Assistant for their smart devices and how voice commands work.
- Pathway to creating your own Action - Jessica Dene Earley-Cha and guest Brad Abrams talk about content, App Actions, and experiences.
- Creating personality for your Actions - In this episode of Assistant on Air, host Jessica Dene Early Cha and guest Wally Brill discuss why it's important to design with persona and how to bring it to life.
- Intro to the Google Assistant: Build Your First Action (Google I/O'19) - This intro session will cover the fundamentals of the Google Assistant and what you can build for the assistive future.
- Reach the Next Billion Users with Your Actions for the Google Assistant (Google I/O'19) - Come learn how users in emerging markets are interacting with the Google Assistant, what they expect from your Actions, and what opportunities you have to grow your services with them.
- Smart Home 101: How to Develop for the Connected Home (Google I/O'19) - This session covers updates on the latest tools and capabilities of our smart home API, along with how developers and device makers alike can benefit from deeper integrations with the Google Assistant ecosystem.
- Create App-like Experiences on Google Search and the Google Assistant (Google I/O'19) - Learn how to create interactive, app-like experiences that engage users right on the Google Search results page and the Google Assistant.
- Extend Your Android App to the Google Assistant (Google I/O'19) - This session is about App Actions and Slices to learn how to let your app users quickly get things done through the Google Assistant.
- 10 Best Practices for High Quality Actions (Google I/O'19) - Learn how to reduce development errors, enhance discovery of your Action, grow your user base, and avoid mistakes along the way when building quality and engaging Actions.
- Local Technologies for the Smart Home (Google I/O'19) - This talk will dive deep into a new SDK that enables developers to locally communicate with and control their smart devices, along with providing a preview of what’s to come.
- Tools for Building Better Smart Home Actions (Google I/O'19) - This session will discuss tools to help developers build smart home Actions that make users’ lives easier.
- Enhance Your Search and Assistant Presence with Structured Data (Google I/O'19) - Learn how to surface your engaging content on Google Search and the Google Assistant.
- Build Interactive Games for the Google Assistant (Google I/O'19) - Learn how to design and develop immersive gaming experiences for the Google Assistant.
- Voice and Visual: How to Build Actions for Smart Displays and More Devices (Google I/O'19) - In this talk, we’ll walk you through design and developer considerations for building multimodal experiences across Google Assistant-enabled devices.
- Designing Quality Conversations for the Google Assistant (Google I/O'19) - A conversation designer and a developer will walk you through setting user expectations, handling unexpected user responses, and making improvements with user insights.
- Random Number - It will generate a random number.
- Netflix - Watch TV shows and movies recommended just for you, including award-winning Netflix original series, movies, and documentaries.
- Fun Tricks - Lighten up your day with jokes and other fun tricks. Check them out, there's always something new to try.
- Google Podcasts - Listen to your favorite podcasts by asking your Assistant.
35. Awesome Cpp
- libconfig (⭐1.1k) - C, C++ library for processing structured configuration files. [LGPL-2.1] website
Machine Learning
- libsvm (⭐4.6k) - A simple, easy-to-use, efficient library for Support Vector Machines. [BSD-3-Clause] website
36. Awesome React Native
37. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Games
- Pokedex (⭐2.4k) - Pokedex app built by Pham Sy Hung.
Contents / Travel
- Flight search (⭐986) - Flight search app by Marcin Szałek.
38. Awesome Microservices
Testing / Scala
- Pact - Contract testing framework for HTTP APIs and non-HTTP asynchronous messaging systems.
39. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Frameworks
- Ether.Network (⭐11) - Ether.Network is an open source networking library that allow developers to create simple, fast and scalable socket server or client applications over the TCP/IP protocol.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Cryptography
- SecurityDriven.Inferno - Hig level crypto library used .Net primitives, has been professionally audited.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Machine Learning and Data Science
- Catalyst (⭐705) Cross-platform Natural Language Processing (NLP) library inspired by spaCy, with pre-trained models, out-of-the box support for training word and document embeddings, and flexible entity recognition models. Part of the SciSharp Stack
Starter Kits / Workflow
- serverlessDotNetStarter (⭐52) starter kit for development and deployment of lambda functions in the AWS cloud based on serverless framework.
40. Awesome Ios Books
41. Awesome Git Hooks
Quick Start / update
- Pick a hook, any hook! Try the "verify-name-and-email" one if you're not sure where to start.
- Navigate to your project's hooks folder (.git/hooks).
- You should see a list of files already in there. Create a new file called the exact commit type that you want to use (eg: "commit-msg", "pre-rebase", "pre-commit", etc). Do not give it an extension.
- Open your new file and paste the code from the hook you chose out of this repo (eg: verify-name-and-email.hook (⭐919)).
- Save file. Done! Now the git hook will be triggered automatically.
42. Awesome Stock Resources
Photography / CC0-license
- Freely Photos - Totally free high quality Christian stock photography.
Vector Graphics / Unspecified License
- Mega Doodles Pack (⭐496) - ©️ Free and big CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 vector pack with hand-drawn doodles for presentations, social media, blog posts and so on.
Fonts / Unspecified License
- Open Type Foundry - ©️ A new platform for open-source fonts in a noise-free environment.
Icons / Icon Fonts
- Devicons - ©️ Meet Devicons, an iconic font made for developers, code jedis, ninjas, HTTPsters, evangelists and nerds(sic). 100+ icons ready to use in your next project.
- Pathlove Icons - ©️ 100+ cute and vibrant icons. Free for personal and commercial use; attribution required.
43. Awesome Nextjs
- next-session (⭐356) - Session middleware for Next.js
44. Awesome Ember
Packages / Adapters
- ember-wordpress (⭐95) - The bridge between Ember.js and WordPress.
Packages / Broccoli
- broccoli-rollup (⭐36) - Broccoli Plugin For "Rollup".
Packages / Component addons
- ember-compatibility-helpers (⭐24) - Helpers that allow you to write backwards compatible Ember.js addons.
Packages / CSS & etc
- ember-cli-postcss (⭐110) - A PostCSS integration for ember-cli.
Packages / Data manipulation & Computed
- ember-cpm (⭐276) - Computed property Macros for Ember.js.
Packages / End-user customization
- ember-cli-build-notifications (⭐24) - Notifications when ember-cli has a build error.
Packages / HTTP
- ember-socket-guru - Addon for easy integration with Pusher.js, Action Cable, and Phoenix Channels.
Packages / Infinite Scroll
- vertical-collection (⭐176) - Infinite Scroll and Occlusion at > 60 FPS.
Packages / Job queues
- ember-lifeline (⭐240) - An ember addon for managing the life cycle of asynchronous behavior in your objects.
Packages / Parcel
- todomvc-demo (⭐1) - Glimmer.js + Parcel.js Example.
Packages / Service Workers
- ember-service-worker-request-chaos (⭐2) - Like Netflix's Chaos Monkey but for your Ember.js SPA's API requests.
Packages / VS Code addons
- vscode-ember-colorizer (⭐0) - VSCode extension that colorizes/tokeninzes Ember.js .hbs, Controllers, and Routes files.
Packages / Articles
Packages / Articles Glimmer
Packages / Articles TypeScript
Packages / Articles Modern Testing
Packages / Examples Glimmer
- glimmer-hn-pwa (⭐28) - A Demonstration Of Hacker News Progressive Web App Powered By Glimmer.js.
45. Awesome Raspberry Pi
OS Images
- PirateBox - Anonymous offline mobile file-sharing and communications system.
- HealthyPi (⭐200) - HAT which includes vital health monitoring like ECG, respiration, pulse oximetry and optional blood pressure & body temperature sensing.
46. Awesome Android
- Retrofit - Retrofit turns your REST API into a Java interface.
Chat & Messaging / ORM
- CometChat Voice, Video and Text Chat SDK with UI (⭐3) - Add voice, video and text chat to your app (and website) in minutes using CometChat. CometChat's SDK includes a complete ready UI so that you don't have to spend any time building one! That's not all, CometChat has out-of-the-box support for real-time translation, whiteboards, screen sharing, friends sync, role based access control, credits deduction and more.
Resources / Custom Dialog
- Google Developers Training - Google Developers Official Training page has list of various useful learning resources for beginner as well seasoned developer.
- AndroidVille - Become a better Android Engineer. A website dedicated to Android Development covering advanced topics such as RxJava, Android Zygote and much more.
More lists of libraries / Custom Dialog
- Square libraries - Multiple high quality libraries by square.
- Prev: Aug 26 - Sep 01, 2019
- Next: Aug 12 - Aug 18, 2019