Awesome List Updates on Aug 12 - Aug 18, 2019
42 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Tap
Reporters / JavaScript
- tap-min (⭐6) - Minimal output.
2. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Streaming Engine
- Trill (⭐1.3k) [.NET/C#] - Trill is a high-performance one-pass in-memory streaming analytics engine from Microsoft Research.
- Wallaroo (⭐1.5k) [Python] - A fast, stream-processing framework. Wallaroo makes it easy to react to data in real-time. By eliminating infrastructure complexity, going from prototype to production has never been simpler.
Table of Contents / Streaming Library
- Streamz (⭐1.3k) [Python] - A lightweight library for building pipelines to manage continuous streams of data; supports complex pipelines that involve branching, joining, flow control, feedback, back pressure, and so on.
3. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
4. Awesome Readme
- "How To Write A Great README" - Caleb Thompson (thoughtbot)
5. Awesome Microservices
Frontend / UI / Scala
- Micro Frontends - Extending the microservice idea to frontend development.
Messaging / Scala
- Crossbar (⭐2k) - Open source networking platform for distributed and microservice applications. It implements the open Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP).
6. Awesome Dash
- Dash: Data exploration web apps in pure Python - Chelsea Douglas, PyData DC 2018.
7. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Email - Mail Transfer Agents
- chasquid - SMTP (email) server with a focus on simplicity, security, and ease of operation. (Source Code)
8. Awesome Cli Apps
Development / Text Editors
- micro (⭐25k) - A simple and intuitive editor.
Productivity / Time Tracking
- Timewarrior (⭐1.3k) - Utility with simple stopwatch, calendar-based backfill and flexible reporting.
- Watson (⭐2.5k) - Generate reports for clients and manage your time.
Files and Directories / Search
- fd (⭐34k) - A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to
9. Awesome Clean Tech
Companies / Social Impact
Ecosia | Germany | 2009
Internet search engine that donates its surplus income to non-profit organizations that focus on reforestation. According to their website, as of July 2019, they have been responsible for the planting of 60 million trees.
10. Awesome Git Hooks
Tools / update
- Husky (⭐31k) - Manage git hooks with a nice user interface.
- Overcommit (⭐3.9k) - A fully configurable and extendable git hook manager.
11. Awesome Broadcasting
Multimedia content processing
- libear (⭐30) - A C++11 library to render ADM content according to Recommendation ITU-R BS.2127.
Radio Production
- Rivendell (⭐212) - Complete radio broadcast automation solution, translated to many languages and used worldwide.
12. Awesome Hacking
tools / Other
- PowerSploit (⭐11k) - A PowerShell post exploitation framework
13. Awesome Ember
Packages / a11y
- e-a11y-modal (⭐9) - A simple modal for accessible Ember.js applications.
- ember-a11y-landmarks (⭐19) - Ember.js addon to help with landmark roles for better accessibility.
- ember-a11y (⭐82) - A collection of tools to build accessible Ember.js applications.
- ember-component-focus (⭐21) - A mixin for adding methods to your Ember.js components that help you manage the currently focused element.
- ember-gestures (⭐160) - Ember.js gestures provides an easy way to use gestures by making it simple to define and use HammerJS managers and recognizers throughout your app.
- ember-a11y-testing (⭐137) - A suite of accessibility tests that can be run within the Ember.js testing framework.
Packages / Animations
- liquid-fire (⭐1.2k) - Animations & transitions for ambitious Ember.js applications.
Packages / Benchmarking
- ember-macro-benchmark (⭐25) - Benchmark recording of an ember app with running with 2 versions of Ember.js.
- ember-performance (⭐140) - A suite of tests for Ember.js to help with performance.
- emberperf - Ember.js Performance (Between versions).
Packages / Blogging
- empress-blog (⭐179) - Fully-functional, SEO friendly static site implementation of a blog system built on Ember.js.
- ember-tumblr (⭐7) - Ember.js Addon for integrating a Tumblr blog.
Packages / Code Splitting
- ember-engines (⭐491) - This Ember.js addon implements the functionality described in the Ember.js Engines RFC. Engines allow multiple logical applications to be composed together into a single application from the user's perspective.
- ember-cli-lazy-load (⭐42) - Support lazily loading your Ember.js app via splitting it up into Bundles.
Packages / Codestyle
- ember-cli-alex (⭐7) - Alex for Ember.js apps.
- ember-prop-types (⭐80) - Improved property management for Ember.js apps and addons.
Packages / Command-line utilities
- ember-cli-deprecation-workflow (⭐166) - An addon geared towards making Ember.js upgrades easier by allowing you to work through deprecations without massive console noise.
Packages / Compression
- ember-cli-deploy-brotli (⭐7) - Ember.js deploy plugin to support brotli compression.
Packages / State management
- ember-cerebraljs (⭐4) - Enhanced state management for complex Ember.js apps using Cerebral.
Packages / Helpers
- ember-awesome-macros (⭐206) - A collection of Ember.js computed macros.
- ember-composable-helpers (⭐634) - Composable helpers for declarative templating in Ember.js.
- ember-promise-helpers (⭐206) - Promise-y sugar for your Ember.js templates.
- ember-macro-helpers (⭐62) - Ember.js macro helpers for making your own fancy macros!
Packages / Data validation
- ember-cp-validations (⭐444) - Ember.js computed property based validations.
Packages / Date
- ember-moment (⭐400) - Template helpers and computed property macros for moment.js and Ember.js.
Packages / Debugging / Profiling
- ember-perf-timeline (⭐98) - Add performance information to Chrome's Timeline for Ember.js applications.
- ember-cli-route-map (⭐15) - Command to generate a route map of your Ember.js application.
Packages / Documentation
- ember-cli-addon-docs (⭐176) - Easy, beautiful docs for your Ember.js addon.
- ember-cli-jsdoc (⭐21) - An Ember.js CLI addon to generate HTML documentation from JSDoc comments in the source code.
- ember-freestyle (⭐269) - Ember-freestyle is an Ember.js addon that allows you to quickly create a component explorer for your Ember.js app.
Packages / End-user customization
- ember-asset-loader (⭐34) - Asset loading support for Ember.js applications.
- ember-experiments - Experimentation, A/B Split Testing addon for Ember.js.
- ember-named-yields (⭐18) - Named Yields for Ember.js Components.
- ember-islands (⭐236) - Render Ember.js components anywhere on a server-rendered page to create "Islands of Richness".
Packages / ES6
- ember-decorators (⭐359) - Useful decorators for Ember.js applications.
- @ember-decorators/argument (⭐30) - Decorators for Component and Object arguments in Ember.js.
- sparkles-decorators (⭐2) - Decorators for Sparkles/Glimmer.js Components.
Packages / External Components Integration
- ember-glimmer-component (⭐9) - Glimmer.js-like components in Ember.js.
- sparkles-component (⭐43) - Addon used to experiment with @glimmer.js/component style APIs in Ember.js apps via existing public APIs.
- hooked-components (⭐31) - Custom components for Ember.js, inspired by React Hooks approach.
- @alexlafroscia/ember-cli-react (⭐51) - Render React components in Ember.js.
- @AltSchool/ember-cli-react (⭐68) - Use React component hierarchies in your Ember.js app.
Packages / HTTP
- ember-ajax (⭐215) - Service for making AJAX requests in Ember.js 1.13+ applications.
Packages / Math
- ember-math-helpers (⭐105) - Ember.js HTMLBars helpers for basic arithmetic.
Packages / Image
- ember-svg-jar (⭐250) - The best way to embed SVG images into your Ember.js application.
Packages / Inputs
- ember-autoresize (⭐88) - Autoresize for Ember.js Components.
Packages / Job queues
- ember-custom-actions (⭐75) - Custom API actions for Ember.js applications.
Packages / Logging
- ember-debug-logger - An Ember.js addon to expose the Visionmedia debug logger.
Packages / Mad science
- ember-elm (⭐55) - Write Elm in your Ember.js app.
Packages / Metrics
- ember-user-activity (⭐110) - Ember.js Addon for tracking user activity & idling.
Packages / Mobile
- corber (⭐333) - Tooling for cordova and crosswalk hybrid applications built with Ember.js.
- glimmer-native (⭐77) - Have you ever wanted to use Ember.js/Glimmer.js to create a native mobile app? Well now you can!
- ember-responsive (⭐40) - Easy responsive layouts with Ember.js.
Packages / Modifiers
- ember-functional-modifiers (⭐40) - Functional Modifiers for Ember.js.
Packages / Polyfills
- ember-modifier-manager-polyfill (⭐10) - Polyfill element modifiers for Ember.js 2.12 through 3.7.
- ember-named-arguments-polyfill (⭐18) - Polyfills support for named arguments for Ember.js 2.10 through 3.0.
- ember-native-class-polyfill (⭐9) - This addon provides a polyfill for the native class behavior that was proposed in Ember.js RFCs #240 and #337.
- ember-router-service-polyfill (⭐36) - This addon provides a best effort polyfill for the ember-routing-router-service feature added in Ember.js 2.15.
Packages / Service Workers
- ember-service-worker-asset-cache (⭐28) - An Ember.js Service Worker plugin that caches an Ember.js app's asset files.
- ember-service-worker-cache-fallback (⭐15) - An Ember.js Service Worker plugin that resorts to a cached fallback version when the network request fails.
- ember-service-worker-cache-first (⭐7) - A cache first Ember.js Service Worker plugin.
- ember-service-worker-index (⭐20) - An Ember.js Service Worker plugin that caches the index.html file.
- ember-service-worker-prember (⭐6) - An Ember.js Service Worker plugin that caches the index.html files for each prember route.
- ember-service-worker-unregistration (⭐0) - An Ember.js plugin that unregister service workers when ember-service-worker is disabled.
- ember-service-worker-cache-rendered (⭐1) - Ember.js service worker plugin for storing rendered html in cache, really useful for fastboot.
- ember-service-worker-enqueue (⭐4) - An Ember.js Service Worker plugin that catches failed mutation requests e.g POST, PUT, DELETE and queues them for background processing.
Packages / PWA
- ember-web-app (⭐141) - This Ember.js addon helps you configure and manage the manifest.json and meta tags needed to create progressive web applications.
Packages / Query Params
- ember-parachute (⭐199) - Improved Query Params for Ember.js.
Packages / Routing addons
- ember-component-routes (⭐25) - Render components directly from routes in Ember.js.
Packages / Security
- ember-can (⭐270) - Simple authorisation addon for Ember.js apps.
Packages / SSR / Server Side Rendering
- glimmer-ssr-test - Making a Glimmer.js app be rendered in the server.
Packages / Static site generators & SEO
- ember-meta (⭐19) - Setup meta for your Prember/Ember.js blog to support opengraph, microdata, Facebook, Twitter, Slack etc.
- prember (⭐196) - Prerender Ember.js apps with Fastboot at build time.
Packages / Templating
- Emblem.js (⭐1k) - Ember.js-friendly, indented syntax alternative for Handlebars.js.
Packages / Testing
- ember-qunit-decorators (⭐4) - Use ES6 or TypeScript decorators for QUnit tests in your Ember.js app.
- ember-cli-addon-tests (⭐31) - Test helpers for testing Ember CLI addons inside the context of a real Ember.js app.
- ember-percy (⭐73) - Ember.js addon for visual regression testing with Percy.
- ember-qunit (⭐261) - QUnit test helpers for Ember.js.
- ember-window-mock (⭐62) - Use window global as an Ember.js service that can be mocked in tests.
Packages / Text
- ember-text-measurer (⭐37) - Simple Ember.js Service to measure the width of a string in a performant way.
Packages / TypeScript
- ember-typescript-utils (⭐3) - Utility functions built around Typescript and Ember.js.
Packages / UI libs
- ember-bootstrap - Provides a collection of native Ember.js components that mimic the original Bootstrap plugins and components in an ember friendly way.
- ember-paper (⭐889) - The Ember.js approach to Material Design.
- ember-radical - Feather light, fully accessible DDAU component library for your Ember.js apps.
- Semantic-UI-Ember (⭐331) - This is the official Ember.js library for the Semantic-UI modules.
Packages / UI components
- ember-flatpickr (⭐109) - An Ember.js addon that wraps the Flatpickr date picker.
Packages / VS Code addons
- Ember Syntax - Syntax highlighting for Ember.js template files AND syntax highlighting for inline template definitions with tagged templates!
- ember-module-snippets (⭐3) - Snippets to make importing Ember.js modules a snap in VSCode.
Packages / Web Components
- ember-cli-web-components (⭐15) - Use your Ember.js components in other framework as Web Components!
Packages / Articles
- Tom Dale on Ember.js and JavaScript Frameworks - Year 2013.
Packages / Why Articles
Packages / Jump-Start Articles
Packages / Articles Ember-Concurrency
Packages / Articles TypeScript
- Typing Your Ember.js - Using TypeScript with Ember.js.
Packages / Articles Modern Testing
Packages / Articles about Data
Packages / Articles about Routing
Packages / Yarn in Ember Articles
Packages / Best-practices
Packages / Blogs
Packages / Books
- Ember.js for Artisans - Creating Single Page Apps backed by Laravel.
Packages / Cheatsheets
Packages / Codemods
- ember-es6-class-codemod (⭐68) - A codemod-cli project for converting Ember.js objects to es6 native classes.
- ember-module-migrator (⭐75) - Automated migration for new Ember.js application layout.
- ember-test-helpers-codemod (⭐29) - Codemod to transform your Ember.js tests to use @ember/test-helpers.
- ember-on-codemod (⭐0) - Replace use of Ember.on.
- ember-memory-leaks-codemod (⭐0) - A collection of codemod's for fixing memory leaks in Ember.js applications.
- ember-3x-codemods (⭐0) - A Codemod with a collection of transforms to address Ember.js 3.x deprecations.
- ember-computed-getter-codemod (⭐0) - Ember.js Computed Getter Codemod.
Packages / Courses
Packages / Discovery
- - Ember.js RFCs.
Packages / Examples
- guides-app (⭐21) - Replacement for emberjs/guides and the Ember.js Guides.
- HospitalRun (⭐6.8k) - Ember.js front end for HospitalRun
- Travis CI (⭐612) - The Ember.js web client for Travis CI.
- ember-osf-web (⭐120) - Ember.js front-end for the Open Science Framework.
- ember-graphql-examples (⭐5) - Examples of using GraphQL in Ember.js.
- ember-rolodex (⭐0) - An example of what an Ember.js tutorial between the quick start and Super Rents could look like.
Packages / Examples Glimmer
- the-chosen (⭐0) - Glimmer.js project created to learn & decide easier during our scrum dailies meeting who is the next person to share status.
- glimmer_eats (⭐0) - A demo PWA built with Glimmer.js.
- glimmer-synth (⭐14) - Synthesizer built using WebAudio and Glimmer.js.
- glimmer-js-online-offline-demo (⭐2) - Sample Glimmer.js app: online/offline browser events.
- glimmer-qrious (⭐0) - Glimmer.js components using QRious library to generate QR code in webpage.
- glimmer-of-life (⭐1) - An implementation of Conway's Game of Life using Glimmer.js.
- endless-hoops (⭐1) - It's a basketball game written in JavaScript/Canvas/Glimmer.js.
- glimmer-hangman (⭐0) - A implementation of the well-known game 'Hangman' in Glimmer.js.
Packages / Gists
Packages / Sandboxes
- Ember Twiddle - An Ember.js Twiddle for multiples files which lets you save your work in GitHub.
- Ember @ Glitch - with Ember.js.
- Ember @ CodeSandbox - CodeSandbox with Ember.js.
Packages / Screencasts
- EmberWatch - Screencasts - A collection of Ember.js screencasts.
Packages / Tools
- Ember Data Sails Adapter (⭐90) - An Ember Data adaptor for the Sails.js sockets.
- Ember Data WordPress Adapter (⭐37) - An Ember Data adapter for the WordPress JSON API.
- Ember Inspector (⭐970) - Adds an Ember.js tab to Chrome or Firefox Developer Tools that allows you to inspect Ember.js objects in your application. - Officially maintained.
- mber (⭐33) - Ember CLI replacement. Currently alpha.
Packages / Tutorials
- Ember Components: A Deep Dive - A closer look at using Ember.js Components.
- Ember runloop handbook (⭐370) - A deep dive into the Ember.js runloop.
- Ember with Phoenix (AKA The PEEP Stack) - Developing an Ember.js front-end alongside a JSON API-compliant Phoenix backend.
14. Awesome Ios Books
15. Awesome Libgdx
Resources / Controllers
- sdl2gdx (⭐76) - Powerful gamepad implementation using SDL. Supports hundreds of controllers under the same mapping, rumble, and hotplugging.
Resources / Setup and Deployment
- Packr (⭐2.6k) - Packages your JAR, assets and a JVM for distribution on Windows, Linux and macOS.
Resources / Visual Effects
- Shape Drawer (⭐187) - A performant alternative to ShapeRenderer that avoids Batch flushing.
16. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking
- FSNotes - File System Notes is a modern notes manager, native on macOS and iOS.
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- Bidbar - Manage bash commands from the menu bar and run them with keyboard shortcuts.
17. Awesome Embedded and Iot Security
Software Tools / Extraction Tools
- The SRecord package - Collection of tools for manipulating EPROM files (can convert lots of binary formats).
Software Tools / Support Tools
- JTAGenum (⭐625) - Add JTAG capabilities to an Arduino.
- OpenOCD - Free and Open On-Chip Debugging, In-System Programming and Boundary-Scan Testing.
Hardware Tools / Misc Tools
- Saleae - Easy to use Logic Analyzer that support many protocols 💶.
- Ikalogic - Alternative to Saleae logic analyzers 💶.
- J-Link - J-Link offers USB powered JTAG debug probes for multiple different CPU cores 💶.
Free Training / RFID NFC Tools
- Hardware Hacking 101 (⭐37) - Workshop @ BSides Munich 2019.
- IoTGoat (⭐177) - IoTGoat is a deliberately insecure firmware based on OpenWrt.
- Rhme-2015 (⭐105) - First riscure Hack me hardware CTF challenge.
18. Awesome Flutter
IntelliJ / Android Studio / Game Engine resources
- Enhancement_Suite (⭐288) - Search for libraries, update version, Bloc, Snippet, etc you're covered by Marius Höfler
🇷🇺 Russia / Misc
🇱🇰 Sri Lanka / Misc
🇬🇧 United Kingdom / Misc
- Meetup London
19. Awesome React Components
- iconify-react (⭐205) - Over 40k icons from 50+ icon sets, including all popular icon and emoji sets.
Form Components / Star Rating
- react-awesome-stars-rating (⭐28) - demo - The star rating component with accessibility.
20. Awesome Ddd
Sample Projects / JVM languages
- DDD Workshop - Project Manager (⭐60) - "Do It Yourself" DDD workshop and a sample DDD application at the same time. Based on a project managing domain.
21. Awesome Pascal
General Libraries
- Alcinoe (mirror at GH (⭐866)).
Library of visual and non-visual components for Delphi. // Network: FTP/Http/NNTP/POP3/SMTP, ISAPI, WinInet Http/FTP clients; DB: Firebird/MySQL/SQLite3/Memcached/MongoDb/SphinxQL; XML/JSON Parser; ZLIB; Cryptography: AES, Blowfish, MD5, SHA, secure keyed MD5/SHA; opengl video player; FireMonkey controls; Other: Self-Balancing Binary Trees, expression evaluator
22. Awesome Rest
Querying / Symfony2
- TestMace - Cross-platform simple but powerful IDE for API automation testing.
23. Learn to Program
Programming Historian
Free peer reviewed introductory courses for digital humanists
(Python, R, Unity, QGIS, HTML, Regular Expressions)
Software Carpentry
Free foundational coding and data science skills for researchers
(Python, R, OpenRefine, Unix Shell, Git)
24. Awesome Android
- SmoothOverscrollableScrollView (⭐27) - Small custom view with smooth overscroll. You can add header with scale background
25. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- balenaEtcher - SD card burner app that is simple for end users, extensible for developers, and works on any platform.
26. Awesome Deep Learning Resources
Posts and Articles
- Uncle Bob's Principles Of OOD - Not only the SOLID principles are needed for doing clean code, but the furtherless known REP, CCP, CRP, ADP, SDP and SAP principles are very important for developping huge software that must be bundled in different separated packages.
Practical Resources / Librairies and Implementations
- Neuraxle, a framwework for machine learning pipelines (⭐543) - The best framework for structuring and deploying your machine learning projects, and which is also compatible with most framework (e.g.: Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, and so forth).
27. Awesome Cl
- LispWorks - an integrated cross-platform development tool for Common Lisp.
- reputed features include: the CAPI cross-platform and native GUI toolkit, the LispWorks IDE, the mobile platforme runtime (iOs, Android), its Java interface, the tree shaker to build lighter binaries, its KnowledgeWorks system for "rule-based, object-oriented, logical, functional and database programming", and more.
- has a free edition, with limitations (heap size limit, time limit).
Deployment / Isomorphic web frameworks
- Heliohost for a free hosting solution.
28. Free for Dev
Log Management
- — Free up to 500 MB/day, seven days retention
Crash and Exception Handling
- — Free for up to 2,000 errors/month after the initial trial
- — Backblaze B2 cloud storage. Free 10 GB (Amazon S3-like) object storage for unlimited time
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- — Visual project management, from Kanban and Scrum to almost any operational process. Free for unlimited users, up to 1,000 data entities {more details}
Storage and Media Processing
- — File picker, transform, and deliver, free for 250 files, 500 transformations, and 3 GB bandwidth
- — Unlimited image chart generation with a watermark
Data Visualization on Maps
- — Vector maps, map services and SDKs for map visualization. Free vector tiles with weekly updates and four map styles.
Analytics, Events and Statistics
- — Automatically captures every user action in iOS or web apps. Free for up to 10K monthly sessions.
Visitor Session Recording
- — 100 sessions/month free for one website
29. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Courses / Commerical Tools
- Elements of AI (Part 1) - Reaktor/University of Helsinki - An Introduction to AI is a free online course for everyone interested in learning what AI is, what is possible (and not possible) with AI, and how it affects our lives – with no complicated math or programming required.
30. Awesome Xamarin
- LinqToAwait ★99 (⭐113) - A Task-based LINQ designed to work with async/await.
- Wires ★28 (⭐34) - Wires is a simple binding library.
- IconFont2Code ★52 (⭐261) - Generates a C# class with the glyph Unicode values in your font file (.ttf/.otf).
31. Awesome Tikz
Libraries / PGFPlots
- graph35 – Draw keys and screen items of several Casio calculators.
- pixelart - A package to draw pixel-art pictures.
32. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Automation and Convention
- Ansible Lockdown - Curated collection of information security themed Ansible roles that are both vetted and actively maintained.
Automation and Convention / Code libraries and bindings
- MultiScanner (⭐615) - File analysis framework written in Python that assists in evaluating a set of files by automatically running a suite of tools against them and aggregating the output.
- libcrafter (⭐296) - High level C++ network packet sniffing and crafting library.
Security monitoring / Service and performance monitoring
- Locust - Open source load testing tool in which you can define user behaviour with Python code and swarm your system with millions of simultaneous users.
33. Awesome Cmake
Package Management / Build Systems
- CMakeCM (⭐2) - CMake Community Modules.
34. Awesome Javascript
Files / Runner
- PDF.js (⭐50k) - PDF Reader in JavaScript.
35. Awesome Clojure
36. Awesome Circuitpython
- CircuitPython for beginners with Adafruit Circuit Playground Express & Mu - Japanese by author Aoyama_PROD coming in September, 2019 from TechBookFest.
- CircuitPython 4 release poster - CircuitPython release version 4 poster featuring Nordic.
- CircuitPython 3 release poster - CircuitPython release version 3 poster.
- CircuitPlayground lanyard - CircuitPlayground lanyard featuring Blinka.
37. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Frameworks
- surging (⭐3.2k) - Surging is a micro-service engine that provides a lightweight, high-performance, modular RPC request pipeline. The service engine supports http, TCP, WS, Mqtt, UDP, and DNS protocols. It uses ZooKeeper and Consul as a registry, Hash Algorithms, random, polling, pressure minimum priority as a load balancing algorithm, built-in service governance to ensure reliable RPC communication.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Exceptions
- Sentry (⭐576) - .NET SDK for Sentry, an Open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc
- NuGet Trends (⭐148) - Website with statistics of NuGet packages download count.
38. Awesome Sre
39. Awesome React Native
- react-native-dots-pagination ★3 (⭐89) - A simple dot paging for React Native.
Internationalization / Navigation Demos
- fbt ★3202 (⭐3.8k) - A JavaScript Internationalization Framework
40. Awesome Creative Coding
Frameworks • Libraries • Ecosystems
- nannou [Cross-platform] - Open-source creative coding framework for the Rust language.
- [Cross-platform] - Open source collection of computational design tools for JavaScript, TypeScript, Clojure and ClojureScript languages.
- LiveCodeLab - Run-as-you-type tool for VJs, musicians, teachers, students, kids.
41. Awesome Emails
Tools / Misc
- MySigMail Card - A free drag & drop builder helps you create email templates intuitively and very quickly.
42. Awesome Pentest
Books / Tor Tools
Reverse Engineering / Reverse Engineering Tools
- Immunity Debugger - Powerful way to write exploits and analyze malware.
- Prev: Aug 19 - Aug 25, 2019
- Next: Aug 05 - Aug 11, 2019