Awesome List Updates on Jul 29 - Aug 04, 2019
52 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Selenium
Tools / Python
- behave-webdriver (⭐62) behavior driven testing with Selenium and Python.
2. Awesome Indie
Books / Not specific to indie founders:
3. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Online Analyzers
- IBM Security AppScan Mobile Analyzer - not free
Tools / Static Analysis Tools
- Androwarn (⭐488) - detect and warn the user about potential malicious behaviors developed by an Android application.
Tools / Dynamic Analysis Tools
- Androl4b (⭐1.1k)- A Virtual Machine For Assessing Android applications, Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis
Academic/Research/Publications/Books / Research Papers
Academic/Research/Publications/Books / Others
4. Awesome Gif
General Tools
- GraphicsMagick - GraphicsMagick is usually faster than ImageMagick.
- Gifshot (⭐3.9k) - Create animated GIFs from media by Yahoo. (demo)
5. Awesome Diversity
- Trans-Inclusive Design - By Erin White.
6. Awesome D3
- d3-x3d (⭐90) - Data Driven 3D Charts with D3 and X3D [bubble, bar, surfacearea, scatterplot, area]
7. Awesome Ssh
Apps / .ssh/config
- Transparent wrapper (ProxyCommand) that adds regex, aliases, gateways, includes, dynamic hostnames to SSH and
. Previously:advanced-ssh-config
Apps / Servers
- sshportal (⭐1.4k)
- simple, fun, and transparent SSH (& Telnet) Bastion Server
Apps / Network
- quicssh (⭐224)
- QUIC proxy for SSH
Libraries / Alternatives to SSH
- Golang
- crypto/ssh - Built-in SSH client and server library.
- sftp (⭐1.2k)
- SFTP support for the go.crypto/ssh package.
- go-sshkit (⭐18)
- Toolkit for building SSH servers and clients in Go.
- Socker (⭐248)
- Library for Go to simplify the use of SSH.
- go-sshkeys (⭐5) - Golang SSH Keys manipulation library
8. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Phishing awareness and reporting / Firewall appliances or distributions
- Gophish - Powerful, open-source phishing framework that makes it easy to test your organization's exposure to phishing.
- King Phisher (⭐2.2k) - Tool for testing and promoting user awareness by simulating real world phishing attacks.
- NotifySecurity (⭐127) - Outlook add-in used to help your users to report suspicious e-mails to security teams.
- Swordphish (⭐216) - Platform allowing to create and manage (fake) phishing campaigns intended to train people in identifying suspicious mails.
9. Awesome Git Hooks
Written Guides / update
Video Guides / update
10. Awesome Seed Rs
Projects Using Seed
- AdEx Explorer (⭐3) - Shows curated information about the payment channel network of the AdEx advertising protocol.
11. Awesome Computational Neuroscience
Ontario / University of Waterloo
- Apply: Apply to established graduate department (e.g. Applied Math, Computer science, Psychology, Statistics)
- For CS a GRE is required if you have not completed a Bachelor's degree in a North American university with English as a primary language.
U.S. West / California Institute of Technology
U.S. West / Stanford University
U.S. West / University of California, Berkeley
U.S. West / University of California, Davis
U.S. West / University of California San Diego
U.S. West / University of California, Santa Barbara
U.S. West / University of Oregon
U.S. West / University of Southern California
U.S. West / University of Texas, Austin
U.S. West / University of Washington, Seattle
- Apply to Computer Science and Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Neurobiology and Behavior, Psychology, Physics...
U.S. Central / University of Chicago
U.S. Central / University of Illinois
U.S. Central / University of Iowa
U.S. Central / University of Minnesota
U.S. East / Boston University
U.S. East / Brandeis University
U.S. East / Brown University
U.S. East / Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pittsburgh
U.S. East / Columbia University
U.S. East / Johns Hopkins University
U.S. East / Johns Hopkins University - Janelia Joint Graduate Program
U.S. East / Massachussetts Institute of Technology
12. Awesome Regression Testing
Tools and frameworks (a-z↓)
- qd_screenshottests - CasperJS-based UI regression and functional testing focused on Drupal 8 sites.
13. Awesome Blockchain Ai
Blockchains for AI algorithms / Blockchain, AI and Machine Learning
- Cortex Labs - Cortex Labs is a decentralized AI platform with a virtual machine that allows you to execute AI programs on-chain.
14. Awesome React Native
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- agora-react-native-rtm +5 (⭐53) - A React Native Agora RealTime-Message Cloud Service Wrapper.
Utilities / Navigation Demos
- react-hook-hooker (⭐11) - A nifty little HOC to add hooks to your React components.
15. Awesome Ant Design
Boilerplates / Themes
- The Green Meal (⭐83) - Next.js, PostgreSQL demo app written in TypeScript.
16. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / HTTP
- Symfony HTTP Client (⭐2k) - A component to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously.
Table of Contents / Scraping
- Symfony Panther (⭐3k) - A browser testing and web crawling library for PHP and Symfony.
Table of Contents / Debugging and Profiling
- PHPSpy (⭐1.4k) - A low-overhead sampling profiler.
Table of Contents / Event
- Swoole (⭐19k) - An event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking communication framework with high performance for PHP written in C.
- Workerman (⭐11k) - An event driven non-blocking I/O library.
Table of Contents / Office
- PHPSpreadsheet (⭐14k) - A pure PHP library for reading and writing spreadsheet files (successor of PHPExcel).
Table of Contents / Serverless
- Bref - Serverless PHP on AWS Lambda.
Configuration / Serverless
- PHP Dotenv (⭐13k) - Parse and load environment variables from
- Symfony Dotenv (⭐3.8k)- Parse and load environment variables from
Configuration / Virtual Machines
- Hack - A programming language for HHVM.
17. Awesome Embedded and Iot Security
Software Tools / Analysis Frameworks
- EXPLIoT - Pentest framework like Metasploit but specialized for IoT.
Software Tools / Analysis Tools
- Firmadyne (⭐1.7k) - Tries to emulate and pentest a firmware.
- Trommel (⭐198) - Searches extracted firmware images for interesting files and information.
Software Tools / Extraction Tools
- FACT Extractor (⭐68) - Detects container format automatically and executes the corresponding extraction tool.
- Firmware Mod Kit (⭐726) - Extraction tools for several container formats.
Hardware Tools / Misc Tools
- Bus Pirate - Detects and interacts with hardware debug ports like UART and JTAG.
Books / RFID NFC Tools
- 2019, Aditya Gupta: The IoT Hacker's Handbook: A Practical Guide to Hacking the Internet of Things
Research Papers / RFID NFC Tools
- 2018, Muench et al: What You Corrupt Is Not What You Crash: Challenges in Fuzzing Embedded Devices
- 2017, Costin et al: Towards Automated Classification of Firmware Images and Identification of Embedded Devices
- 2016, Chen et al: Towards Automated Dynamic Analysis for Linux-based Embedded Firmware
- 2016, Costin et al: Automated Dynamic Firmware Analysis at Scale: A Case Study on Embedded Web Interfaces
- 2015, Papp et al: Embedded Systems Security: Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Attack Taxonomy
- 2014, Alimi et al: Analysis of embedded applications by evolutionary fuzzing
- 2013, Davidson et al: FIE on Firmware: Finding Vulnerabilities in Embedded Systems using Symbolic Execution
Case Studies / RFID NFC Tools
18. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Courses / Commerical Tools
- MIT: Intro to Deep Learning - A seven-day bootcamp designed in MIT to introduce deep learning methods and applications
- Deep Blueberry: Deep Learning book - A free five-weekend plan for self-learners to learn the basics of deep-learning architectures like CNNs, LSTMs, RNNs, VAEs, GANs, DQN, A3C and more
- Spinning Up in Deep Reinforcement Learning - A free deep reinforcement learning course by OpenAI
- Real-World Natural Language Processing - Early access book on how to create practical NLP applications using Python.
- Grokking Machine Learning - Early access book that introduces the most valuable machine learning techniques.
Books / Commerical Tools
- Machine Learning for Mortals (Mere and Otherwise) - Early access book that provides basics of machine learning and using R programming language.
Journals / Commerical Tools
19. Awesome Ruby
- humidifier (⭐57) - Programmatically generate and manage AWS CloudFormation templates, stacks, and change sets.
- Refinery CMS - An open source Ruby on Rails content management system for Rails 5.2+.
Code Formatting
- prettier (⭐1.5k) - A prettier plugin for the Ruby language.
Data Visualization
- ApexCharts.rb (⭐486) - Awesome charts for your ruby app. Works on any ruby app, including Rails app. It even works on plain HTML+ERB files.
Web Servers
- Agoo (⭐914) - A high performance HTTP server for Ruby that includes GraphQL and WebSocket support.
20. Awesome Composer
Support / IRC
- IRC channels are on
: #composer for users and #composer-dev for development.
21. Awesome Mac
Design and Product / Design Tools
- Monodraw - Powerful ASCII art editor designed for the Mac.
Utilities / Menu Bar Tools
- Dozer (⭐8.4k) - Hide MacOS menubar items.
Utilities / File Organization Tools
- eZip - An easy to use, feature-rich archiver for macOS. Supports popular formats such as RAR, ZIP, 7Z, BZ2, GZ etc. Works great with Mojave dark-mode and QuickLook.
Utilities / Finder Tools
- QSpace - A clean and efficient Multi-view File Manager.
22. Awesome Microservices
Testing / Scala
- Hoverfly (⭐2.4k) - Lightweight service virtualization/API simulation tool for developers and testers.
23. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Miscellaneous
- Dockerface (⭐182) - Easy to install and use deep learning Faster R-CNN face detection for images and video in a docker container.
- Awesome Deep Learning Music (⭐2.4k) - Curated list of articles related to deep learning scientific research applied to music
- Awesome Graph Embedding (⭐4.5k) - Curated list of articles related to deep learning scientific research on graph structured data at the graph level.
- Awesome Network Embedding (⭐2.4k) - Curated list of articles related to deep learning scientific research on graph structured data at the node level.
24. Awesome Competitive Programming
Community / Youtube and Livestreams
Name (Handle): Kamil Debowski (Errichto)
Link: Youtube
Other Awesome Resources / Interview Questions
Name: LeetCode
Description: Well-organized website for software engineering interview preparation with best explanined solutions.
25. Awesome Dash
- Interactive Visualization of Machine Learning and Computer Vision with Dash - Official introduction video.
- Webinar: Converting React components to Dash components - Official tutorial about how to convert React components to Dash components.
Component Libraries
- Awesome React Components (⭐43k) - Catalog of React.js components potentially interesting to be wrapped into Dash components.
- Awesome React (⭐66k) - Helpful resources for developing React.js components.
26. Awesome React
React Component Libraries
- react-bootstrap (⭐22k) - Bootstrap components built with React
27. Awesome Jquery
Tables / Paid Books
- jquery.table-shrinker (⭐29) - make HTML Table responsive across all devices, the right way!
28. Awesome Purescript
- purescript-halogen-formless (⭐125) - A renderless component for building painless forms in Halogen
Learning Resources
29. Awesome Pentest
Network Tools / Network Traffic Replay and Editing Tools
- TraceWrangler - Network capture file toolkit that can edit and merge
files with batch editing features.
- WireEdit - Full stack WYSIWYG pcap editor (requires a free license to edit packets).
- bittwist - Simple yet powerful libpcap-based Ethernet packet generator useful in simulating networking traffic or scenario, testing firewall, IDS, and IPS, and troubleshooting various network problems.
- hping3 (⭐1.4k) - Network tool able to send custom TCP/IP packets.
- pig (⭐462) - GNU/Linux packet crafting tool.
- scapy (⭐11k) - Python-based interactive packet manipulation program and library.
- tcpreplay - Suite of free Open Source utilities for editing and replaying previously captured network traffic.
Vulnerability Databases / Social Engineering Tools
- Vulmon - Vulnerability search engine with vulnerability intelligence features that conducts full text searches in its database.
30. Awesome Cytodata
Datasets / Raw Images
- Broad Bioimage Benchmark Collection - The Broad Bioimage Benchmark Collection (BBBC) is a collection of freely downloadable microscopy image sets. In addition to the images themselves, each set includes a description of the biological application and some type of "ground truth" (expected results).
- Image Data Resource - Public repository of image datasets from published scientific studies.
Datasets / Chemical Perturbations
- Gustafsdottir et al. 2013 - Cell painting profiles from 1,600 bioactive compounds in U2OS cells (Access from public S3 bucket:
- Wawer et al. 2014 - Cell painting profiles from 31,770 compounds in U2OS cells (Click to download).
Datasets / Genetic Perturbations
- Rohban et al. 2017 - Cell painting data from 220 overexpressed genes in U2OS cells (Access from public S3 bucket:
- Unpublished - Cell painting profiles of 596 overexpressed alleles from 53 genes in A549 cells (Access from public S3 bucket:
- Unpublished - 3,456 cell painting profiles from CRISPR experiments knocking down 59 genes in A549, ES2, and HCC44 cells (Access from GitHub (⭐34)).
31. Awesome Jamstack
API / Comments
- Utterances - A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues. Use GitHub issues for blog comments, wiki pages and more.
32. Awesome Newsletters
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Big Data / Svelte
- The ML Engineer Newsletter. Receive updates on open source frameworks, tutorials and articles curated by machine learning professionals. Obtain insights on best practices, tools and techniques in machine learning explainability, reproducibility, model evaluation, feature analysis and beyond.
33. Awesome WebExtensions
Libraries and Frameworks
- webext-options-sync (⭐147) - Helps you manage and autosave your extension's options.
- mozilla/web-ext (⭐2.6k) - Command line tool to help build, run, and test WebExtensions.
34. Awesome Dotfiles
Articles / Introductions
Articles / Tutorials
Articles / Shell startup
Articles / Using specific tools
Find dotfiles repos / Using specific tools
Tools / Ansible
- bashdot (⭐104) - Minimalist dotfile management framework written entirely in bash.
- chezmoi (⭐13k) - Manage your dotfiles securely across multiple machines.
- dotbot (⭐7.1k) - Tool that bootstraps your dotfiles.
- dotdrop (⭐1.8k) - Save your dotfiles once, deploy them everywhere.
- Fisher (⭐7.8k) - A package manager for Fish.
- homeshick (⭐2.1k) - Git dotfile synchronizer written in Bash.
- mackup (⭐15k) - Keep your application settings in sync (macOS/Linux).
Tools / macOS
- dockutil (⭐1.4k) - Command line tool for managing dock items.
- mas (⭐11k) - Mac App Store command line interface.
Archive/abandoned projects / macOS
35. Awesome Javascript
SDK / Other
- Square Node.js SDK (⭐81) - JavaScript client library for payments and other Square APIs.
36. Awesome Katas
37. Awesome Dotnet Core
- .NET Platform Standard (⭐18k) - The differrent between the old version and the new version of .NET.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Distributed Computing
- Foundatio (⭐1.9k) - Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps
- Rafty (⭐195) - RAFT consensus in .NET Core
- Obvs (⭐333) - An observable microservice bus .NET library that wraps the underlying transport in simple Rx based interfaces
- Ocelot (⭐8.3k) - API Gateway created using .NET Core
- OpenTracing (⭐519) - Vendor-neutral APIs and instrumentation for distributed tracing
- Polly (⭐13k) - .NET 3.5 / 4.0 / 4.5 / PCL library that allows developers to express transient exception and fault handling policies such as Retry, Retry Forever, Wait and Retry or Circuit Breaker in a fluent manner
- ProxyKit (⭐1.1k) - Toolkit to create code-first HTTP reverse proxies on ASP.NET Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Mail
- Papercut (⭐2.9k) - Simple Desktop SMTP Server
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Testing
- Atata (⭐481) - Web UI test automation full-featured framework based on Selenium WebDriver.
- SpecFlow (⭐2.2k) - Pragmatic BDD solution for .NET. It uses the Gherkin specification language and integrates to Visual Studio.
38. Game Datasets
Artificial Intelligence
- Game Data Mining Competition - Competition of prediction of the players' behavior. Paper.
- Morai-Maker-Engine (⭐20) - Cooperative game level editor. Paper.
39. Awesome CoreML Models
Image - Metadata/Text
- TextRecognition (ML Kit) - Recognizing text using ML Kit built-in model in real-time. Download | Demo (⭐82) | Reference
40. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Wikis
- django-wiki (⭐1.9k) - Wiki system with complex functionality for simple integration and a superb interface. Store your knowledge with style: Use django models. (Demo)
41. Awesome Waves
- Waves Oracles - Catalog of Oracles.
- WavesCap - CoinMarketCap for Waves assets.
- Data Service - Official data service for testnet.
Catalogs / Swift
- dAppOcean - Ecosystem of decentralized applications based on the Waves blockchain.
Projects / Swift
- One Million Pixel Waves - Smart Contract powered website entirely running on the Waves blockchain where anyone can own a piece of the blockchain and immortalize it with an image and a link.
42. Awesome Flutter
Auth / Image Picker
- Apple Sign-In (⭐160) - Apple sign in by Tom Gilder
Communication / Game Engine resources
- r/FlutterDev - Reddit community by u/JaapVermeulen
- Hashnode - Read and write posts, participate in discussions or ask questions.
🇪🇹 Ethiopia / Misc
🇳🇬 Nigeria / Misc
- Slack DevCenter Square
- Twitter FlutterLagos
🇵🇹 Portugal / Misc
🇱🇰 Sri Lanka / Misc
🇬🇧 United Kingdom / Misc
43. Awesome Blazor
Tools & Utilities / Others
- Blazor Analytics (⭐149) - Blazor extensions for Analytics.
- BlazorPrettyCode (⭐36) - Blazor Code Component for documentation sites. Demo.
- Blazor.EventAggregator (⭐120) - Lightweight Event Aggregator for Blazor (Razor Components).
- Blazor Gamepad (⭐30) - Provides gamepad API access for Blazor.
- Blazor.LocalFiles (⭐51) - Open files in your browser and load into Blazor.
- Blazor BarCode – A barcode library for Blazor using barcode fonts.
44. Awesome Cli Apps
Development / Database
- sqlline (⭐620) - Shell for issuing SQL via JDBC.
Files and Directories / File Managers
- lf (⭐7.8k) - Fast, extensively customizable file manager.
45. Awesome Devenv
Visual Studio Code
- Dev Git Repo (⭐138k) - Github code repository for VS Code
- Monaco Editor Git Repo (⭐32k) - Github code repository for underlying browser-based editor
Visual Studio Code / Extensions
- VS Code Extension Marketplace - Official website for extensions
- Python extension - Official Python extension
- Sync settings - Excellent extension for settings and extension sync of your VS code setup
46. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Laravel File Manager (⭐1.2k) - Powerful file manager for Laravel
47. Awesome Learn Datascience
Data Science using Python / Various other helpful tools and resources
- Spacy - Open source toolkit for working with text-based data.
48. Awesome Connectivity Info
Connectivity Maps
- nperf Mobile coverage maps - mobile coverage based on data collected from nperf app.
49. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Data Pipeline
- brooklin (⭐936) [Java] - a distributed system intended for streaming data between various heterogeneous source and destination systems with high reliability and throughput at scale from Linkedin (replaced databus).
Table of Contents / Online Machine Learning
- streamDM (⭐492) [Scala] - mining Big Data streams using Spark Streaming from Huawei.
- StormCV (⭐168) [Java] - enables the use of Apache Storm for video processing by adding computer vision (CV) specific operations and data model.
- trident-ml (⭐381) [Java] - realtime online machine learning library based on Trident.
- yurita (⭐107) [Scala] - Anomaly detection framework built on Spark Structured Streaming from Paypal.
50. Awesome Elm
Learning Guides
- Haskell to Elm (⭐67) - Collection of examples on places where Elm is different to Haskell, targeted at Elm beginners coming from Haskell backgrounds.
News / Miscellaneous videos
- Official Elm News - Official Elm blog
- Elm Weekly - A weekly newsletter about Elm
- Elm News - All Elm news in one place
- Elm Reddit - Elm news in Reddit
Inspired by Elm / Games
- Elchemy (⭐1.1k) - Write Elixir code using statically-typed Elm-like syntax
- Elmish (⭐850) - Elm-like abstractions for F# apps
- Fabulous (⭐1.2k) - F# Functional App Development, using declarative dynamic UI
- Redux - A predictable state container for JavaScript apps.
Beyond the DOM / Games
- iOS (⭐160) A POC for using Elm 0.18 for native iOS Applications
- elmish-wasm (⭐17) A POC for compiling elm to Web Assembly
- elm-serverless (⭐166) Run Elm 0.18 on Cloud Functions using the Serverless Frameworks
51. Awesome Vapor
Vapor Mailgun Service (⭐103) – A service to be used with Vapor to send emails.
52. Awesome Sre
Service Level Agreement
- Prev: Aug 05 - Aug 11, 2019
- Next: Jul 22 - Jul 28, 2019