Awesome List Updates on Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2019
46 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Decentralized
- croc (⭐27k): Easily and securely send files and folders from one computer to another in command line.
- norcal: P2P command-line calendar in Node.js. Can sync, link, embed, and edit offline.
- twtxt (⭐43): Decentralized microblogging platform "for hackers" based on text files. The user is "followed" and "mentioned" by referencing the URL to their twtxt.txt file and a nickname.
2. Awesome Network Analysis
Software / Tutorials
- Static and Dynamic Network Visualization with R - Covers the igraph, network, ggraph, network, networkD3, ndtv, threejs and visNetwork packages (2019).
Varia / Tutorials
- Awesome graph classification (⭐4.8k) - Comprehensive list of graph embedding papers with title, authors, link to the paper and reference implementation.
3. Awesome React Components
- simple-react-notifications (⭐60) - demo - Tiny notification library (1kb gzip).
4. Awesome Waves
- Waves Explorer - Official Waves Explorer.
- Waves Data Service - Official data service. Simple and convenient way to get data from Waves blockchain.
- Token Rating - Provides a means to rate and aggregate the opinions of the entire Waves community about tokens (projects) issued on the Waves platform.
Docker images
- explorer - Waves Explorer for your node.
Client libraries / JavaScript/TypeScript
- waves-transactions (⭐29) - JS library to build and sign transactions.
- ts-lib-crypto (⭐10) - Typescript implementations like signature verification and protocol entries used in Waves protocol.
Client libraries / Go
- go-lib-crypto (⭐5) - GoLang implementation of the unified crypto primitives for Waves.
Games / Swift
- Coin Flip - Choose the coin side, make a bet and see if you are lucky.
- Dice Roller - Choose the dice sides, make a bet and see if you are lucky.
- Ride On Waves - You can choose how many WAVES you want to bet. This is the game with a floating bet from 0.5 and up to 6 WAVES.
Projects / Swift
- Tokenomica - Security Tokens Issuance Platform. Create and trade digital assets with ease and confidence.
- Blockchain Cars - Transport as a Service.
International / Swift
- Discord - Official Discord.
- Waves Community Forum - Official forum.
5. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Streaming SQL
- StreamCQL (⭐0) [Java] - Continuous Query Language on RealTime Computation System.
Table of Contents / Closed Source
- Amazon Kinesis Streams [Java] - real-time, fully managed and scalable data stream engine provided by AWS.
- Azure Stream Analytics [.NET] a massively scalable, fully managed, real-time, data stream engine provided by Microsoft Azure.
- concord [C++] - a distributed stream processing framework built in C++ on top of Apache.
- IBM Streams [Python/Java/Scala] - platform for distributed processing and real-time analytics. Provides toolkits for advanced analytics like geospatial, time series, etc. out of the box.
- jubatus [C++] - distributed processing framework and streaming machine learning library.
- millwheel - framework for building low-latency data-processing applications that is widely used at Google.
6. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
7. Awesome Job Boards
Programming / JavaScript
8. Awesome Actions
GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions
9. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / DemoScene
10. Awesome Foss Apps
Web Apps (frontend only) / Codesandbox
- react, nginx, phoenix
11. Awesome Remote Job
Job boards
12. Awesome Cli Apps
Development / Chat
- foy (⭐268) - Lightweight general purpose task runner/build tool.
Files and Directories / File Sync/Sharing
- share-cli (⭐369) - Share files with your local network.
Just for Fun / Image Conversion
- text-meme (⭐100) - Generate text memes.
13. Awesome Elm
Learning Guides
- Exercism Elm Track - Collection of Elm exercises.
- Beginning Elm - A gentle introduction to the Elm programming language.
- Elm Koans (⭐233) - Practice exercises for learning Elm.
- Learn Elm in Y Minutes - Syntax and features overview. The Elm page on
- Elm Maybe - Dealing with null/Nothing - Working with the Maybe type, with nicely commented code examples.
- Programming Elm - Thorough book from The Pragmatic Programmers that covers basics and advanced concepts.
- Elm cheat sheet (⭐953) - Syntax and features overview.
- Ninety-nine Problems, Solved in Elm - Adaptations for Elm from Ninety-Nine Haskell Problems.
- Elm Tutorials on Codementor - Two tutorials on building web apps with Elm.
- Elm programming language - a brief overview of Elm as a programming language.
- Elm: A Beginners' Guide to Elm and Data - Beginners' course to Elm and Data
- Practical Elm for a Busy Developer - A non-beginner book about the practical aspects of developing Elm applications.
Learning Guides / Outdated Tutorials and books (Elm 0.18 or earlier)
- Elm: Building Reactive Web Apps - Learn how to build reactive web apps using Elm.
- Elm Tutorial - A tutorial on developing single page web applications with Elm.
Articles / Why Elm?
- Side-effects of Elm in production - An experience report from Bellroy
- How Elm Made Our Work Better - How a team built a business-critical web app for a customer using Elm.
- Blazing Fast HTML - Virtual DOM in Elm.
- Elm from a Business Perspective - This article discusses topics about Elm from a business perspective
- Move fast and don’t break things. Running a startup on Elm - Some thoughts on Elm development by a Swedish startup.
Articles / Miscellaneous articles
- Blog of Brian Hicks - A blog with various topics about Elm.
- Introduction to The Elm Architecture and How to Build our First Application - An article describing the Elm architecture and how to build a simple application
- Functional Programming for Web Frontend by Jan Luxemburk - A Bachelor’s thesis about functional programming for frontend development with the focus on Elm.
Articles / Outdated articles (Not relevant for current Elm architecture)
- Composing Features and Behaviours in the Elm Architecture - An article describing how to organize code that follows the Elm architecture into independent features, how to communicate between features, and how to group some of these features together to assemble larger features.
Conference Videos / Playlists
- Elm in the Spring 2019 - Jun 2019
- Oslo Elm Day 2019 - Feb 2019
- Elm Conf 2017 - All talks from elm-conf 2017
Conference Videos / Miscellaneous videos
- Dillon Kearns: Types Without Borders | 2018 - elm-conf 2018 talk about end-to-end type-safety using external schemas like GraphQL.
- Jamison Dance: Rethinking All Practices - Building Applications in Elm | 2016 - A talk given at React.js Conf 2016 about what Elm has to teach the JavaScript world and why JS devs should consider trying it.
- Richard Feldman: Introduction to Elm | 2016 - A talk that gives a broad, high-level introduction to Elm.
- Amitai Burstein: Frontend with Guarantees | 2016 - A talk from You Gotta Love Frontend 2016
- Jessica Kerr: Adventures in Elm | 2016 - A talk about the combination of functional programming with Elm at GOTO Chicago 2016.
- Aaron VonderHaar: Codevember | 2016 + ElmLive - elm live video examples.
- Richard Feldman: Making impossible states impossible | 2016 - A talk about modelling data structures in Elm in a way that makes invalid states unrepresentable
- Richard Feldman: Effects as Data | 2015 - A talk about how Elm manages side effects.
- Richard Feldman: Make the Back-End Team Jealous: Elm in Production | 2015 - A talk about Elm and initial steps to use it in production.
- Evan Czaplicki: Let's be mainstream! User focused design in Elm | 2015 - A talk from the father of Elm about the philosophy behind the language.
Boilerplates / Individual Podcast episodes
- create-elm-app (⭐1.7k) - Create Elm apps with no build configuration.
- elm-live (⭐1.1k) - A flexible dev server for Elm. Live reload included.
- elm-webpack-4-starter (⭐112) - Elm webpack 4 starter template.
- example-elm-hot-webpack (⭐8) - Example showing hot module reloading for Elm 0.19 and Webpack
Conferences / Games
14. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Automation and Convention
- DShell (⭐5.4k) - Extensible network forensic analysis framework written in Python that enables rapid development of plugins to support the dissection of network packet captures.
Incident Response tools / IR management consoles
- Rekall - Advanced forensic and incident response framework.
15. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Containerization
- micro-ROS/docker (⭐40) - Docker-related material to setup, configure and develop with micro-ROS hardware.
Packages / Application layer
- apriltag_ros (⭐71) - ROS2 node for AprilTag detection.
Packages / Driver layer
- ros2_xmlrpc_interface (⭐0) - ros2 interface package with xmlrpc, to communicate with a Sesto server using Sesto API.
- HRIM (⭐65) - A standard interface for robot modules.
Packages / DDS communication mechanism implementations
- Connext DDS - Connectivity Software for Developing and Integrating IIoT Systems. 💲
Operating systems / Build system (ROS2)
- NuttX (⭐82) - NuttX fork of the official one for use with micro-ROS.
Documentation / Build system (ROS2)
- ROS2 CLI cheats sheet (⭐138) - A cheats sheet for ROS 2 Command Line Interface.
Services / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)
- rctf-list (⭐30) - A list of Robotics CTF (RCTF) scenarios.
16. Awesome Elixir
Examples and funny stuff
- (⭐219) - GraphQL api for built with Phoenix 1.4 and Absinthe.
17. Awesome Design
- BrowserFrame is the easiest way to wrap screenshots in browser frames. Supports multiple browsers, operating systems, and themes. Great for landing pages and mockups.
18. Awesome Dev Fun
- Popup Trombone - A trombone you play by resizing a pop-up window. 🎺
19. Awesome React Native
Continuous Integration
20. Awesome Pentest
Static Analyzers / Social Engineering Tools
- cwe_checker (⭐1.1k) - Suite of tools built atop the Binary Analysis Platform (BAP) to heuristically detect CWEs in compiled binaries and firmware.
21. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- Stratux (⭐1.1k) - Open source ADS-B receiver which feeds weather, traffic, GPS, and AHRS data to electronic flight bag software via wifi.
22. Awesome Swift
Utility / Barcode
- Bow (⭐647) - Companion library for Typed Functional Programming.
- Swiftbrew (⭐146) - Homebrew for Swift packages.
- Combinative (⭐107) - UI event handling using Apple's combine framework.
Text / Barcode
- Texstyle (⭐79) - Texstyle allows you to format attributed strings easily.
UI / Barcode
- ResizingTokenField (⭐106) - A UICollectionView-based token field which provides intrinsic content height.
TextField / Barcode
- VKPinCodeView (⭐96) - Simple and elegant UI component for input PIN.
UITableView / Barcode
- SelectionList (⭐122) - Simple single-selection or multiple-selection checklist, based on UITableView.
23. Awesome Gnome
Themes for non-GTK apps / Skeumorphic Icons
- Firefox GNOME Theme (⭐3.5k) - Integrate Firefox into GNOME-based desktop using Adwaita.
24. Awesome Quant
Python / Indicators
- pandas_talib (⭐751) - A Python Pandas implementation of technical analysis indicators.
Python / Trading & Backtesting
- ta (⭐4.5k) - Technical Analysis Library using Pandas (Python)
- pyqstrat (⭐364) - A fast, extensible, transparent python library for backtesting quantitative strategies.
- NowTrade (⭐103) - Python library for backtesting technical/mechanical strategies in the stock and currency markets.
- pinkfish (⭐274) - A backtester and spreadsheet library for security analysis.
- aat (⭐692) - Async Algorithmic Trading Engine
- - Backtest trading strategies in Python
- catalyst (⭐2.5k) - An Algorithmic Trading Library for Crypto-Assets in Python
Java / FrameWorks
- Strata - Modern open-source analytics and market risk library designed and written in Java.
25. Awesome Blazor
Other Languages / Others
-'s podcast #44 - [French]'s podcast #44: "Blazor et WebAssembly vont-ils tuer JavaScript ?".
26. Awesome Fuzzing
- The Art, Science, and Engineering of Fuzzing: A Survey (2019) - Actually, this document is a paper, but it contains more important and essential content than any other book.
Papers / IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P)
Papers / USENIX Security
Papers / ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS)
Papers / ArXiv (Fuzzing with Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)
27. Awesome Git Addons
add a work profile
$ git profile add work
Name: Name Surname
Email: [email protected]
Signing Key:
Profile work added successfully
add a personal profile
$ git profile add home -n "Name Surname" -e [email protected]
Profile home added successfully
list out our saved profiles
$ git profile list
Existing profiles:
28. Awesome Ember
Packages / Babel
- ember-cli-babel-plugin-helpers (⭐4) - Utilities for managing Babel plugins in Ember CLI apps and addons.
Packages / Videos
29. Awesome Diversity
- How Can I Get A Diverse And Inclusive Team? - By María Arias de Reyna Domínguez.
- Intro To Accessibility - By Eric Bailey.
30. Awesome Mental Health
- Three Good Things - Write down three good things in your life every morning.
- Coding, Fast And Slow: Developers And The Psychology Of Overconfidence - By Dan Milstein.
- Intro To Meditation For Coders - By Abe Dolinger.
31. Awesome Testing
Software / Make your life easier
- Check All - "Select All" is often not available. Why not bring your own?
- recheck-web (⭐265) - Open Source change comparison tool with local Golden Masters, git-like ignore syntax and "unbreakable selenium" tests.
32. Awesome Lit
Component Libraries
- Clever components (⭐217) - Collection of Web Components made by Clever Cloud.
33. Webcomponents the Right Way
- Vaadin Directory - Publish, discuss and rate web components
34. Awesome Microservices
- Pulumi - SDK for cloud native infrastructure as code. Use your favorite language to preview and manage updates to your apps and infrastructure, and continuously deploy to any cloud (no YAML required).
Java VM / Kotlin
- Ktor - Framework for building asynchronous servers and clients in connected systems using the Kotlin programming language.
Python / Scala
- Bottle - Fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python.
- Falcon - Bare-metal Python web API framework for building very fast app backends and microservices.
Messaging / Scala
- Pulsar - Distributed pub-sub messaging system.
Enterprise & Verticals / Scala
- Flamingo - Framework to build flexible and modern e-commerce applications.
Sites & Organizations / Scala
- Cloud Native Computing Foundation - The Cloud Native Computing Foundation builds sustainable ecosystems and fosters a community around a constellation of high-quality projects that orchestrate containers as part of a microservices architecture.
- CNCF Cloud Native Interactive Landscape - Interactive landscape of cloud native technologies.
35. Awesome Ionic
Ionic Fundamentals
Ionic Native / Cordova Plugins
Payment Gateway Integrations
i18n & l10n
Open Source Projects
- Ionic 4 Free chat themes
36. Awesome Qlik
Official Resources and Documentation
Community Resources and Blogs
- Living QlikView - Aaron Couron's blog with in-depth articles, technical tips and tricks, and reviews of third-party applications and resources that help to progress with QlikView and Qlik Sense.
- Qlik Community - Qlik Community: product forums, resources, services, events, groups, and blogs on the Qlik platform.
- QlikCentral - A blog where Richard Pearce shares insight and technical examples he develops in QlikView and Qlik Sense.
- QlikFix - A blog dedicated to QlikView and Qlik Sense tips, tricks and tutorials from Barry Harmsen.
- QlikView Cookbook - A technical 'how-to' blog for QlikView developers, by Rob Wunderlich.
- Quick Intelligence - A blog where a skilled team of Qlik developers lead by Steve Dark, providing tips on working in Qlik Sense and QlikView.
Extensions / About QlikView
37. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects
- Godot Engine - Complete 3D engine.
- HaxeFlixel - Cross-platform 2D game engine.
Open Source Projects / Operating Systems
- Elementary OS - Ubuntu variant.
- FreeDOS - MS-DOS compatible operating system.
Open Source Projects / Games
- Play! - PS2 emulator.
38. Awesome Cpp
- dbg-macro (⭐3k) - A dbg(…) macro for C++. [MIT]
- Boden (⭐1.7k) - Native, mobile, cross-platform GUI Framework. [GPL/LGPL/Proprietary] website
- parson (⭐1.4k) - Parson is a lighweight json library written in C. [MIT]
Coding Style Tools
- Uncrustify (⭐2.9k) - Code beautifier.
- C++Now 2019 Presentations (⭐90) - Presentation materials presented at C++Now 2019.
39. Awesome Transit
GTFS Realtime Convertors / Rust
- gtfs-realtime-translators (⭐21) - A Python-based tool to translate custom arrival API formats to GTFS-realtime. As of July 2019 it supports LA Metro and SEPTA.
40. Awesome Db Tools
- dbKoda (⭐869) - Modern (JavaScript/Electron framework), open source IDE for MongoDB. It has features to support development, administration and performance tuning on MongoDB databases.
- IBExpert - Comprehensive GUI tool for Firebird and InterBase.
- pgAdmin3 - Long Term Support for pgAdmin3.
- PopSQL - Modern, collaborative SQL editor for your team.
Monitoring/Statistics/Perfomance / Samples
- Telegraf PostgreSQL plugin (⭐15k) - Provides metrics for your postgres database.
HA/Failover/Sharding / Zabbix
- Vitess (⭐19k) - Database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL through generalized sharding.
Reporting / Zabbix
- Poli (⭐2k) - An easy-to-use SQL reporting application built for SQL lovers.
41. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Chris Otto (⭐0) - Test Engineer, creator of VSCodeFitNesse and blogger.
42. Awesome Flutter
UI / List
- Sticky Headers (⭐1.1k) - Configurable sticky headers by Simon Lightfoot
Top / Game Engine resources
- Chillify (⭐746) - Fancy music app made with Provider and Bloc pattern by Karim Elghamry
Communication / Misc
- FlutterX - Searchable list of resources by Hillel Coren
🇧🇷 Brazil / Misc
- Meetup São Paulo
43. Awesome Cl
CLOS extensions
- specialization-store (⭐30) - generic functions based on types. Simplified BSD License variant.
Data validation / Third-party APIs
- sanity-clause (⭐50) - a data serialization/contract library for Common Lisp. Schemas can be property lists or class-based, allowing to check slots' types during
44. Awesome Bigdata
SQL-like processing
- Dremio - an open-source, SQL-like Data-as-a-Service Platform based on Apache Arrow.
Data Visualization / Graph Based approach
- Graph Classification awesome-graph-classification (⭐4.6k).
45. Awesome Ocaml
- Libraries:
46. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Photo Galleries
- Lychee - Open source grid and album based photo-management-system. (Source Code (⭐3.5k))
- Prev: Jul 22 - Jul 28, 2019
- Next: Jul 08 - Jul 14, 2019