Awesome List Updates on Jul 08 - Jul 14, 2019
39 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Clojure
Rule-based Programming
2. Awesome React Components
- react-swipe-to-delete-ios (⭐44) - demo - To delete an item in a list the same way iOS does.
3. Game Datasets
Dataset / Web
- bravefrontier_data (⭐63) - Mobile game data, items and missions information.
- GTA-3D Dataset (⭐134) - 2D and 3D images from Grand Theft Auto 5 game.
Dataset / Related
- Steam Game Data (⭐32) - Combination of Steam API and Steam Spy.
- Steam Review Datasets (⭐40) - Steam user reviews.
Miscellaneous / Related
- datasets-games (⭐13) - Datasets from a variety of games.
4. Awesome Cpp
- cJSON (⭐11k) - Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C. [MIT]
- simdjson (⭐20k) - Extremely fast JSON library that can parse gigabytes of JSON per second. [Apache-2.0]
5. Awesome Ember
Packages / a11y
- ember-accessibility (⭐33) - Addon to help identify accessibility violations during development.
- ember-steps (⭐4) - Declarative create wizards, tabbed UIs, and more.
- ember-page-title (⭐187) - Page title management for Ember.js Apps.
- ember-self-focused (⭐35) - Focus on route on transition.
- ember-keyboard (⭐177) - An Ember.js addon for the painless support of keyboard events.
- a11y-announcer (⭐44) - An accessible ember route change announcer.
Packages / Adapters
- ember-cloud-firestore-adapter (⭐69) - Unofficial Ember Data Adapter and Serializer for Cloud Firestore.
- ember-data-hal-9000 (⭐38) - An ember-data compatible ember-cli addon that provides a HAL adapter (HATEOAS).
- ember-django-adapter (⭐191) - Ember CLI addon adapter for Django REST Framework.
- ember-graphql-adapter (⭐245) - GraphQL adapter for Ember Data.
- ember-localforage-adapter (⭐133) - Offline usage for Ember Data.
- ember-pouch (⭐280) - PouchDB/CouchDB adapter for Ember Data.
- emberfire (⭐685) - Official Ember Data adapter for Firebase.
Packages / Database
- ember-indexeddb (⭐17) - Utilities & adapter to work with IndexedDB in ember & ember-data.
Packages / Authentication
- tori - A set of clean abstractions for authentication in Ember.js.
Packages / Automation
- ember-cli-deploy (⭐560) - A deployment pipeline for Ember CLI apps.
- ember-cli-deploy-webhooks (⭐19) - Ember CLI Deploy plugin for calling webhooks during deployments.
- ember-cli-release (⭐90) - Ember CLI addon for versioned release management.
Packages / Blogging
- ember-cli-blog (⭐86) - Tom Dale's blog example updated for the Ember CLI.
Packages / Broccoli
- broccoli-concat-analyser (⭐126) - Assets profiling.
- broccolijs-tutorial (⭐14) - Broccoli.js Tutorial repository.
- broccoli-manifest (⭐39) - HTML5 cache-manifest compilation for broccoli.
Packages / Charts
- ember-sparkles (⭐56) - Collection of composable D3 components built with ember-d3-helpers.
Packages / CI/CD
- ember-ci (⭐25) - Continuous integration goodies for ember.js apps.
Packages / Code Splitting
- ember-lazy-mount (⭐12) - Allow {{mount}} lazy loading route-less engines.
Packages / Codestyle
- ember-cli-template-lint (⭐151) - Ember CLI integration for
Packages / Command-line apps
- ember-cli-create (⭐64) - CLI wizard to create a new ember project.
- ember-cli-rename (⭐9) - Addon for ember-cli that provides an
ember rename
Packages / Command-line utilities
- ember-cli-update (⭐276) - Update Ember CLI Ember.js apps, addons and Glimmer.js apps.
Packages / Control flow
- Promises
- ember-computed-promise-monitor (⭐11) - Enable computed properties to be async-aware.
- Observables
- ember-rx (⭐9) - RxJS 6 integration for Ember.js.
Packages / CSS & etc
- ember-cli-stylelint (⭐48) - Adds styleint to your ember app, to lint all kinds of css.
- ember-cli-autoprefixer (⭐103) - Automatically run your styles through autoprefixer.
- ember-cli-sass-pods (⭐63) - Enjoy styling your pods with the sass style file in the pod directory.
- ember-component-css (⭐542) - An Ember CLI addon which allows you to specify styles for individual components.
- ember-css-modules (⭐282) - CSS Modules for ambitious applications.
- ember-emotion (⭐17) - Use emotion styling in Ember.js.
- css-blocks (⭐6.3k) - High performance, maintainable stylesheets.
- ember-cli-eyeglass (⭐740) - This Ember CLI Addon makes it trivial to compile your sass files with eyeglass support via node-sass.
Packages / Styling
- ember-cli-sass (⭐276) - Use node-sass to preprocess your ember-cli app's files, with support for sourceMaps and include paths.
Packages / Styling kits
- ember-cli-tailwind (⭐100) - Adds Tailwind CSS to your app or addon.
Packages / Fonts
- ember-cli-webfont (⭐21) - Easily generate webfonts from svg files as part of your ember-cli build process.
Packages / State management
- ember-redux - Predictable state management for ember apps.
Packages / Data Management
- ember-apollo-client (⭐279) - An ember-cli addon for Apollo Client and GraphQL.
- ember-cli-sofa (⭐4) - CouchDB persistence library for Ember.js.
- ember-orbit (⭐319) - Ember.js data layer built with Orbit.js.
- ember-m3 (⭐86) - This addon provides an alternative model implementation to DS.Model.
Packages / Data manipulation & Computed
- ember-macaroni (⭐99) - Keep your app code DRY and copypasta free with computed property macaronis (macros).
Packages / Data validation
- ember-changeset-validations (⭐220) - Validations for ember-changeset.
Packages / Debugging / Profiling
- ember-chrome-devtools (⭐94) - Chrome DevTools addon for Ember.js.
Packages / End-user customization
- ember-cli-hot-loader (⭐99) - An early look at what hot reloading might be like in the ember ecosystem.
- ember-ast-hot-load (⭐91) - Universal hot-load addon.
- ember-feature-flags (⭐214) - An ember-cli addon to provide feature flags.
Packages / ES6
- ember-concurrency-decorators (⭐70) - Decorator syntax for declaring/configuring ember-concurrency tasks.
Packages / Helpers
- ember-helpers - A collection of handlebars helpers for Ember.js.
- ember-route-action-helper (⭐330) - Bubble closure actions in routes.
Packages / Include external JS code
- ember-auto-import (⭐360) - Zero config import from npm packages.
- ember-cli-cjs-transform (⭐48) - CommonJS imports.
- ember-browserify (⭐172) - Addon for easily loading CommonJS packages from npm via browserify.
Packages / Internalization & Localization
- ember-intl-analyzer (⭐48) - Find unused translations in your Ember.js projects.
Packages / Logging
- ember-logging-service (⭐3) - This addon provides a general and extensible logging service that can be used throughout your application.
Packages / Mad science
- javascript-algorithms (⭐186k) - Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings.
Packages / Math
- ember-katex (⭐1) - Render your LaTeX formulas using KaTeX.
Packages / Metrics
- ember-metrics (⭐368) - Send data to multiple analytics services without re-implementing new API.
Packages / Minifiers
- ember-hbs-minifier (⭐48) - Stripping whitespace out of your Handlebars templates.
- ember-cli-template-trimmer (⭐1) - This addon removes newlines on compile stage.
Packages / Mobile
- ember-mobile-bar (⭐6) - Managed fixed (tool)bars with mobile app-like behaviour.
- ember-mobile-core (⭐11) - Provides a pan recognizer and some utils for the ember-mobile-* addons.
- ember-mobile-menu (⭐34) - Draggable sidebar specifically tailored to mobile devices.
- ember-mobile-pane (⭐4) - Mobile layout ember-mobile-pane.
Packages / Modifiers
- ember-css-vars (⭐4) - A ember modifier to apply css variables. This gives a save way to expose data from JavaScript to css.
- ember-simple-animate (⭐8) - Simple ember animate addon for CSS based animations.
Packages / Parcel
- ember-parcel-example (⭐1) - Ember.js + Parcel.js Example.
Packages / Payments
- ember-credit-card (⭐97) - "make your credit card form dreamy in one line of code".
Packages / Service Workers
- ember-service-worker (⭐238) - A pluggable approach to Service Workers for Ember.js.
- ember-cli-workbox (⭐20) - Offline caching as a progressive enhancement using service workers.
- ember-service-worker-emberfire-messaging (⭐14) - Firebase Cloud Messaging service worker support for Emberfire apps.
- ember-service-worker-update-notify (⭐28) - Update notification for service workers.
Packages / Query Params
- ember-query-params-service (⭐57) - Do you have controllers that only parse query params?
- ember-href-to (⭐191) - A lightweight alternative to {{link-to}}.
Packages / SSR / Server Side Rendering
- ember-fastboot (⭐851) - Server-side rendering for Ember.js apps.
Packages / Static site generators & SEO
- prember-rss-feed (⭐3) - Ship RSS feeds for your Prember site.
Packages / Templating
- ember-cli-jsx-templates (⭐16) - TSX/JSX support for ember templates.
Packages / Testing
- ember-cli-code-coverage (⭐194) - Code coverage for ember apps using Istanbul.
- ember-cli-mocha (⭐147) - Mocha and Chai tests for ember-cli applications.
- ember-cli-page-object (⭐274) - This ember-cli addon eases the construction of page objects on your acceptance and integration tests.
- ember-cli-yadda (⭐42) - Write cucumber specs for ember-cli applications.
- ember-concurrency-test-waiter (⭐21) - Easily enable test waiters for ember-concurrency tasks.
- ember-test-selectors (⭐263) - Enabling better element selectors in Ember.js tests.
- ember-test-setup (⭐6) - Testing shorthands to reduce duplication.
- ember-sinon (⭐64) - Ember CLI addon adding support for sinon.js.
Packages / TypeScript
- ember-typings (⭐14) - Typescript type definitions for ember.js.
Packages / UI libs
- ember-cli-uniq (⭐3) - Default components for Ember.js that implement the Uniplaces Design System.
- ember-element-ui (⭐0) - Provides element-ui for ember.
- ember-ghost-casper-template (⭐39) - A static site version of the default personal blogging theme for Ghost.
Packages / UI components
- ember-basic-dropdown (⭐156) - The basic dropdown you ember app needs.
Packages / UX
- ember-onbeforeunload (⭐30) - Invoke logic when transitioning between routes or closing window.
Packages / VS Code addons
- ember-language-server (⭐98) - Language Server Protocol implementation for Ember.js projects.
- unstable-ember-language-server - Language Server Protocol implementation for Ember.js projects (Unstable, including experimental features).
Packages / Atom addons
Packages / Articles Glimmer
- Glimmer.js Application proposal - Compilation, Rendering, SSR, Rehydration.
Packages / Articles FastBoot
Packages / Blogs
- - Ember.js essentials for beginners and intermediate devs.
- - Ember.js tuts.
Packages / Books
- ember-cli 101 - By Adolfo Builes.
- Ember.js in Action - By Joachim Haagen Skeie.
Packages / Codemods
- ember-native-class-codemod (⭐68) - A codemod for transforming your ember app code to native JavaScript class syntax with decorators!
- ember-mocha-codemods (⭐4) - Codemod scripts for ember-mocha.
Packages / Community
Packages / Examples
- Super Rentals (⭐165) - Super Rentals is a good starter project to get acclimated to the Ember.js way of doing things.
- Vault (⭐31k) - A Tool for Managing Secrets (Hashicorp).
- emberclear (⭐197) - Encrypted Chat. No History. No Logs. + MU & TS.
- skylines-project (⭐393) - Live tracking, flight database and competition framework.
- PIX (⭐5) - PIX.
- octane-ecommerce (⭐25) - Ember Octane + FastBoot + Algolia + PayPal + Formspree (s, v, d).
Packages / Examples Glimmer
- breethe-client (⭐75) - Air Quality Data for Locations around the World.
- Glimmeroids (⭐12) - Asteroids implementation using Glimmer.js.
- built-with-spaghetti (⭐1) - Built with Spaghetti aims to function as a gateway to web art.
- glimmer-live-chat (⭐13) - A Live chat application crafted using Glimmer.js.
- glimmerjs-address-book-demo (⭐0) - Example Glimmer.js application - AddressBook Demo.
- glimmer-dashboard (⭐0) - Glimmer.js dashboard example.
- glimmer-redux-todo (⭐0) - Todo app written with Glimmer.js and Redux.
- glimmer-pong (⭐5) - Pong game written using Glimmer.js and SVGs.
- glimmer-material (⭐5) - A Glimmer.js wrapper for Material Components for the Web.
- vorfreude (⭐7) - When you can't wait but have to.
Packages / Gists
Packages / Miscellaneous
- emberwatch - The community hub for Ember.js content.
Packages / Newsletters
- statusboard - STATUS BOARD.
Packages / Podcasts
Packages / Slides
- 30 Days Of Ember - Dawid Pośliński.
- NaNoWriMo: How can Ember help you write a novel - @EmmaDelecolle.
- Rainy Day Ember Data - Tony Schneider (@tonywok).
- Building Realtime Apps with Ember.js and WebSockets - Ben Limmer.
- Deploying a Location-Aware Ember Application - Ben Limmer.
- Developing Desktop Apps with Electron & Ember.js - FITC WebU2017 - Aidan Nulman.
- Ember addons, served three ways - Mike North.
- Ember At Scale - Chad Hietala, LinkedIn.
- EmberConf 2015 – Ambitious UX for Ambitious Apps - Lauren Elizabeth Tan.
- EmberConf 2016 – Idiomatic Ember: Finding the Sweet Spot of Performance & Productivity - Lauren Elizabeth Tan.
- Fun with Ember 2.x Features - Ben Limmer.
- How do I Even Web App - An introduction to web programming with Ember CLI by Lydia Guarino.
- Rapid prototyping and easy testing with ember cli mirage - Krzysztof Bialek.
- Start Me Up - Building an MVP with EmberJS, Firebase and Material Design - Brendan O'Hara.
- Upgrading Ember.js Apps - Ben Limmer.
Packages / Tools
- Ember Gist - Demo Ember CLI'eque apps using GitHub Gist.
- Ember Perf (⭐73) - Measure user-percieved performance data in your ember.js app.
- ember-data-model-maker - UI to make ember-data models & payload examples.
Packages / Tutorials
- Discover Ember 2 - Learn how to build a Twitter clone from scratch.
- Getting Started with Ember.js using Ember CLI - Building a Todo app with Ember CLI.
Packages / Videos
- EmberConf 2018 - Videos of the sessions from EmberConf 2018.
- EmberConf 2019 - Videos of the sessions from EmberConf 2019.
- Web App Performance & Ember.js - Web App Performance & Ember.js.
6. Awesome Broadcasting
Connected TVs
- Cross-Platform Authentication - CPA offers an open standard for associating any media device with an online identity.
Animation, Graphics & Video Playout
- ossia - A free and open-source intermedia sequencer.
Hybrid Radio
- RadioDNS Manager (⭐15) - Platform to manage Hybrid Radio services, e.g. RadioVIS, RadioEPG and Service Following.
Media Players
- GPAC - Multimedia player, packager and tools.
- Peaks.js - Browser-based audio waveform visualisation.
- BMXlib - Library and utilities to read and write broadcasting media files. Primarily supports the MXF file format.
- jebu-core (⭐2) - Java port of EBU Tech 3293 EBU Core metadata, including the Audio Definition Model.
Monitoring & Quality Control
- Jmeters - A collection of graphical audio meters for JACK, including VU, PPM and EBU R 128 Loudness meters.
- MediaConch - Implementation checker, policy checker, & reporter for Matroska, FFV1, & PCM.
- Sonic Visualiser - An application for viewing and analysing the contents of music audio files.
Multimedia content processing
- Libebur128 (⭐407) - A library that implements the EBU R 128 standard for loudness normalisation.
- MXFLib - A multi-platform C++ library for reading and writing MXF files.
- OBS-Studio (⭐61k) - Software for live streaming and screen recording.
- TuttleOFX (⭐180) - An open source image processing framework based on OpenFX plugin standard.
Network & Storage Testing
- BBC Media Storage Meter - An application for the testing of network attached (professional media) storage.
Radio Production
- Airtime (⭐619) - Radio management application for remote broadcast automation (via web-based schedule).
- Audacity - Cross-platform software for recording and editing sounds.
- AzuraCast (⭐3.1k) - A self-hosted web radio management suite.
- Liquidsoap (⭐1.4k) - A Swiss army knife for multimedia streaming (documentation).
Software-defined radio
- rtl-sdr - Turns a Realtek RTL2832 based DVB dongle into a SDR receiver.
- BBC R&D - BBC Research and Development. Checkout the weekly notes.
- 3D CineCast - A curation about new media technologies.
- Canal+ - CANAL+ Open Source Community.
- Youtube Engineering and Developers Blog - What's happening with engineering and developers at YouTube.
7. Awesome Cl
8. Awesome Security
Other Awesome Lists / Other Security Awesome Lists
- Awesome ARM Exploitation (⭐302) - A curated list of ARM exploitation resources.
- Awesome Threat Modeling (⭐110) - A curated list of Threat Modeling resources.
9. Awesome Coins
☤ Coin Exchanges / Physical Coin Wallets
- ExchangeRates.Pro — Price comparison of exchanges worldwide, including the P2P market.
10. Public Apis
Description: Budgeting & Planning
Description: Fuck Off As A Service
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
Science & Math
API: iDigBio (⭐24)
Description: Access millions of museum specimens from organizations around the world
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: 7Timer!
Description: Weather, especially for Astroweather
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
11. Awesome Creative Coding
- NEORT - Digital art platform for creative coders (Fragment Shader, Javascript Canvas).
- openFrameworks tutorial - YouTube playlist about openFrameworks - not updated [2015].
12. Search Engine Optimization
- Viewport: Tell browsers how to adjust the page's dimensions and scaling to suit the device
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
13. Awesome Elixir
- Crawly (⭐1k) - high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Elixir.
- etag_plug (⭐22) - A simple to use shallow ETag plug.
14. Awesome Cli Apps
Entertainment / Games
- Cataclysm-DDA - Turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
Utilities / macOS
- open-pip-cli (⭐207) - Watch videos in picture-in-picture player.
15. Awesome Preact
Contents / Routing
- Wouter (⭐6.3k) - A tiny (1KB gzip) router for Preact/React with React Router-like API.
16. Awesome Lit
Videos / Other Tools
17. Awesome Remote Job
Tools / Communication
- Jitsi - Multi-platform open-source video conferencing
18. Awesome Ebpf
Articles and Presentations / Generic eBPF Presentations and Articles
- Linux Kernel Observability through eBPF - A blog post covering the basics of eBPF as well as code samples in Go on how to build and load a minimal eBPF program into the kernel.
19. Awesome Ocaml
Program analysis
- cwe_checker (⭐1.1k) - cwe_checker finds vulnerable patterns in binary executables.
20. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Courses
- MIT Intro to Deep Learning 7 day bootcamp - A seven day bootcamp designed in MIT to introduce deep learning methods and applications (2019)
- Deep Blueberry: Deep Learning - A free five-weekend plan to self-learners to learn the basics of deep-learning architectures like CNNs, LSTMs, RNNs, VAEs, GANs, DQN, A3C and more (2019)
- Spinning Up in Deep Reinforcement Learning - A free deep reinforcement learning course by OpenAI (2019)
21. Awesome Ant Design
React Hooks / Themes
- Sunflower(🌻) (⭐497) Collection of React Hooks returning component of antd.
22. Awesome Piracy
Kodi / Third Party Hosts
- Burst A torrent content provider to the Quasar plugin.
23. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
24. Awesome Rust
Applications / Blockchain
- zcash (⭐5k) - Zcash is an implementation of the "Zerocash" protocol.
25. Awesome Sre
- Google SRE Twitter Account - Google's SRE Twitter Account.
- SREWorkbook - The Official Twitter Account of Site Reliability Workbook.
26. Awesome Cryptography
C / Git
- milagro-crypto-c (⭐36) - Small, self-contained and fast open source crypto library. It supports RSA, ECDH, ECIES, ECDSA, AES-GCM, SHA2, SHA3 and Pairing-Based Cryptography.
27. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Media Streaming - Video Streaming
- Rapidbay (⭐762) - Self-hosted torrent videostreaming service/torrent client that allows searching and playing videos from torrents in the browser or from a Chromecast/AppleTV/Smart TV.
28. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Misc Scripts / iPython Notebooks / Codebases
- the-elements-of-statistical-learning (⭐404) - This repository contains Jupyter notebooks implementing the algorithms found in the book and summary of the textbook.
29. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Debugging / Profiling
- thetool (⭐222) - Capture different CPU, memory, and other profiles for your app in Chrome DevTools friendly format.
30. Awesome Dos
Development tools
- Open Watcom V2 (⭐991) - GitHub fork which is actively maintained and is ported to 64-bit Windows and Linux.
31. Awesome Flutter
Top / Game Engine resources
- Enigma (⭐400) - Privacy chat with end-to-end encryption by AmitJoki
Guide & Interviews / Game Engine resources
- Interview Questions (⭐354) - List of helpful questions you can use to interview potential candidates by Whatsupcoders (⭐41)
🇯🇵 Japan / Misc
- Meetup Tokyo Flutter Developers
32. Awesome Swift
Command Line
- Guaka (⭐1.1k) 🐧 - The smart and beautiful (POSIX compliant) command line framework.
- TOMLDecoder (⭐71) - Latest TOML standard, decoded.
- Pathos (⭐116) 🐧 - Efficient Unix file management.
- CameraBackground (⭐64) - Show camera layer as a background to any UIView.
UI / Barcode
- BatteryView (⭐52) - Simple battery shaped UIView.
UICollectionView / Barcode
- CheckmarkCollectionViewCell (⭐65) - UICollectionViewCell with checkbox when it isSelected and empty circle when not - like 'Select' mode.
UITableView / Barcode
- DiffableDataSources (⭐853) - 💾 A library for backporting UITableView/UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource.
Validation / Barcode
- ValidatedPropertyKit (⭐973) - Easily validate your Properties with Property Wrappers 👮.
33. Awesome Cross Platform Nodejs
Libraries / Shell
- gulp-execa (⭐52) - Cross-platform command execution in Gulp.js.
34. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / GUI
- AdonisUI (⭐1.7k) - Lightweight UI toolkit for WPF applications offering classic but enhanced windows visuals.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Serialization
- BinarySerializer (⭐290) - Serialization for custom packet and protocol formats, supports bit-twiddling.
35. Awesome Canvas
Libraries / To draw using canvas
- zDog (⭐10k) - Flat, round, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG
36. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Wendell Hu - Front-end developer at Alibaba.
- Jim Lesperance (⭐2) - Passionate full-stack developer, loves dogs, and likes to travel.
- Greg Edelston (⭐1) - Software engineer at Google. Zen Buddhist and improv lover.
37. Awesome Msr
Data Sets
- Cryptocurrency GitHub Activity and Market Cap Dataset - Activity such as commits, stars, prices, and market cap of over 200 cryptocurrency projects on GitHub over time. Raw, historic data is also available.
- Linux Kernel 4.21 Call Graphs - The Linux Kernel 4.21 Call Graphs produced using CScout (⭐162).
- CryptOSS (⭐8) - Mine GitHub activity and market cap data for cryptocurrency projects.
38. Awesome Java
PDF / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Open HTML to PDF (⭐1.9k) - Properly supports modern PDF standards based on flyingsaucer and Apache PDFBox.
39. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Lambda
- lambda-refarch-mobilebackend 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐586) - Reference Architecture for creating a Mobile Backend.
- Prev: Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2019
- Next: Jul 01 - Jul 07, 2019