Awesome List Updates on Jun 17 - Jun 23, 2019
50 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Homematic
Mobile Apps
- @home - iOS - (💵 inApp-Purchase um Werbung zu entfernen)
CCU Alternatives
- Homegear - Free and open source program to interface your smart home devices with your home automation software or your own scripts.
CCU Addons
- CUxD - Der "Leatherman" für die CCU. Verbindet FS20, ... (💵 EnOcean, ...), stellt virtuelle Geräte und hilfreiche Tools zur Verfügung.
- hm-print (⭐10) - CCU Programme drucken.
- hm-tools (⭐21) - Sammlung von Tools für RaspberryMatic.
- hm_pdetect (⭐63) - Anwesenheitserkennung über die FRITZ!-Box
- RedMatic (⭐514) - Node-RED als Addon für die Homematic CCU3 und RaspberryMatic. Liefert u.A. komfortable HomeKit-Integration und spezielle Nodes zur Anbindung der CCU an MQTT mit.
Interfacing Software
- node-red-contrib-ccu (⭐72) - Node-RED Nodes for the Homematic CCU.
Misc Software
- check_homematic (⭐4) - Nagios/Icinga Plugin for checking Homematic CCU.
- hm-simulator (⭐2) - Simulates (partly) a Homematic CCU.
- hmcfgusb - Utilities to use the HM-CFG-USB(2) on Linux/Unix.
- homematic-manager (⭐173) - Manage homematic interface processes (rfd/hs485d/homegear).
- language-homematic (⭐4) - Adds syntax highlighting and snippets to HomeMatic Script files in Atom.
Software Modules
- binrpc (⭐14) - Xmlrpc_bin protocol client and server Node.js module.
- hm-discover (⭐6) - Node.js module to discover Homematic CCUs and interfaces.
- homematic-rega (⭐5) - Node.js Homematic CCU ReGaHSS Remote Script Interface.
- homematicip-rest-api (⭐0) - Python wrapper for the homematicIP REST API (Cloud / Access Point Based).
- homematic-xmlrpc (⭐5) - Xmlrpc client and server Node.js module.
- pmatic (⭐32) - Python API for Homematic. Easy to use.
- pyhomematic (⭐86) - Python 3 Interface to interact with Homematic devices.
Smart Home Software supporting Homematic
2. Awesome Sre
- Brendan Gregg's Blog - Highly Technical Blog Posts About Systems Internals, Performance and SRE.
3. Awesome Eosio
Wallets and Toolkits / Mobile
Libraries and Frameworks / API libraries
- EOSIO/eosio-java (⭐127) - Official Java SDK.
- eosiojava API - API documentation.
- EOSIO™ Software Release: Native SDKs for Swift and Java - Article.
- EOSIO/eosio-swift (⭐61) - Official Swift SDK.
- EOSIO SDK for Swift - API documentation.
- memtrip/eosreach-android (⭐38) - Kotlin / Android library.
Libraries and Frameworks / Authentication and Wallet Signing libraries
- EOSIO/universal-authenticator-library (⭐128) - A library for allowing apps to easily use different auth providers.
- EOSIO/eosio-webauthn-example-app (⭐38) - Example web app demonstrating EOSIO signing via WebAuthn.
- EOSIO/eosio-reference-chrome-extension-authenticator-app (⭐25) - Chrome extension reference app demonstrating how users could sign transactions using various EOSIO Labs tools.
- EOSIO/eosio-reference-ios-authenticator-app (⭐66) - iOS reference app demonstrating inter-application transaction signing for EOSIO blockchain apps.
- EOSIO/ual-scatter (⭐14) - Authenticator meant to be used with Scatter and Universal Authenticator Library.
Developer Tools / Services
- EOSIO/eosio.cdt (⭐513) - EOSIO.CDT (Contract Development Toolkit) is a suite of tools used to build EOSIO contracts.
- EOSIO/ricardian-template-toolkit (⭐45) - Renderer for the Ricardian Contract specification.
Code examples / Services
- EOSIO/eosio-java-android-example-app (⭐31) - Application demonstrating integration with EOSIO-based blockchains using EOSIO SDK for Java.
Block Producer tools / Services
- eosdetroit/bp-playbook (⭐8) - A set of playbooks to make managing EOS.IO nodes easier.
- eoseoul/eos-ramcost (⭐6) - Adjusting supply of a token and connector balance of bancor during final phase of boot.
Other in Developers / Services
- OracleChain/EOSBenchTool (⭐36) - A client side tool for EOS performance testing.
- breakstring/savemyeosram (⭐5) - Saving RAM on EOS.
Other in DApps / Services
- EveripediaNetwork/Everipedia (⭐154) - The Everipedia Network protocol.
4. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
- All about Appium Desired Capabilities - All about Appium's desired capabilities.
5. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking
- Notable (⭐23k) - The markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.
6. Awesome Jquery
- Code School - Learn the basics of jQuery, a JavaScript library, to modify elements on a webpage and improve user interaction.
- Codecademy jQuery track - Beginners track for learning jQuery.
- Learning jQuery - Tips, techniques, and tutorials for the jQuery JavaScript library.
Books / Free Books
- jQuery Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, mobi, epub) (Registration required).
Blogs / Paid Books
- Smashing Magazine - jQuery tag, useful jQuery articles and tutorial alike blog posts.
Plugins / Paid Books
- Plugins - Registry of jQuery plugins, previous one is now in read-only mode.
Editors / Paid Books
- TinyMCE - Popular WYSIWYG editor with jQuery build and a jQuery integration plugin.
Menus / Paid Books
- mmenu (⭐2.6k) - App look-alike on- and off-canvas menus with sliding submenus.
Modals and Popups / Paid Books
- iziModal (⭐2.2k) - Elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight modal plugin with jQuery.
Tables / Paid Books
- Bootstrap table - A powerful table control designed for bootstrap.
Server-side Integrations / Paid Books
- Node.js:
- Python:
- django-static-jquery - jQuery packaged in an handy Django app to speed up new applications and deployment.
Alternatives / Paid Books
- cash (⭐6.5k) - small jQuery alternative for modern browsers. Includes all API with deliberate exception for ajax.
- Zepto - small jQuery alternative, which includes ajax, effects and additional utilities.
- jBone - jQuery implementation to use with Backbone. Supports only subset of API which is required for Backbone to work. Can be a byte-saver if you don't intend to use jQuery directly, but have Backbone in your project.
7. Awesome Quantum Computing
- Quantum Computer Programming - Hands on Stanford course teaching quantum computing to those without a quantum mechanical background.
8. Awesome Ddd
- Domain Modeling Made Functional - Tackle Software Complexity with Domain-Driven Design and F#.
9. Awesome Heroku
Split Frontend from Backend on Heroku with npm and NodeJS - hands-on guide to deploy a microservices web application in Heroku using npm and NodeJS.
10. Awesome Uncopyright
- HDRI Haven - High-resolution HDR panoramas under CC0.
11. Awesome Network Analysis
Books / Software-specific
- A User’s Guide to Network Analysis in R, by Douglas A. Luke (2015).
Conferences / Topic-specific
- NetSci - International School and Conference on Social Networks - Organized by the Network Science Society (NetSci).
- Large-scale Structures in Networks: Hidden Communities and Latent Hierarchies - Talk by Dan Larremore at NetSci 2019.
Datasets / Topic-specific
- Colorado Index of Complex Networks (ICON) - Large collection of networks described and indexed by Aaron Clauset’s research group.
- Network Science Book - Network Datasets - Network data sets from Albert-László Barabási’s Network Science book. Includes data on IMDB actors, arXiv scientific collaboration, network of routers, the US power grid, protein-protein interactions, cell phone users, citation networks, metabolic reactions, e-mail networks, and Web pages.
Professional Groups / Topic-specific
- APSA Political Networks - Organized Section of the American Political Science Association (APSA). Twitter: @PolNetworks.
- ECPR Political Networks SG - Standing Group of the European Consortium for Political Research. Twitter: @politicalnets.
- INSNA - International Network for Social Network Analysis (SOCNET mailing-list). Twitter: @SocNetAnalysts.
Professional Groups / Research Groups (USA)
- Network Dynamics Group at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. Twitter: @NDGannenberg.
- Pacific Ecoinformatics and Computational Ecology Lab - Non-profit study group of ecological networks (“food webs”).
Review Articles / Archeological and Historical Networks
- Networks in Historical Research (in The Historian’s Macroscope, 2013).
Review Articles / Bibliographic, Citation and Semantic Networks
Review Articles / Biological, Ecological and Disease Networks
- Biological Networks (Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization, 2014).
Review Articles / Complex and Multilayer Networks
- Multilayer Networks in a Nutshell (Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, 2019).
Review Articles / Network Modeling
- Basic Models and Questions in Statistical Network Analysis (Statistics Surveys, 2017).
Review Articles / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Networks and Trade (Annual Review of Economics, 2018).
- Social Networks and Crime: Pitfalls and Promises for Advancing the Field (Annual Review of Criminology, 2019).
Selected Papers / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Deux traditions d’analyse des reseaux sociaux, by Michael Eve (English version; Réseaux, 2002).
Software / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Node Overlap and Segregation Software - Web-based tool to compute Strona and Veech’s node overlap and segregation measures.
- SparklingGraph - Cross-platform tool to perform large-scale, distributed network computations with Apache Spark’s GraphX module; written in Java and Scala.
Software / Algorithms
- Linkcomm - Link Communities in Complex Networks (⭐93) - Community detection algorithms, available in C++, Python and R.
Software / Python
- webweb - MATLAB/Python library to produce interactive network visualizations with d3.js.
Varia / Tutorials
- (@) Network Fact - Twitter account on networks, graph theory, and related topics.
- (@) Network Science - A thematic list of Twitter accounts, curated by Katherine Ognyanova.
Varia / Blog Series
- TNT: The Network Thinkers - Valdis Krebs’ blog.
- Under Roquentin’s Chestnut Tree - Moses Boudourides’ blog on analyzing (mostly) networks with Python.
12. Awesome Vue
Resources / Community
Resources / Tutorials
- How to Dynamically Add a Class Name in Vue by Michael Thiessen
Resources / Blog Posts
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Thermal - One stop to all Git repository.
- QMK Configurator (⭐732) - QMK Firmware Keyboard Configuration UI in Vue.js.
Components & Libraries / Frameworks
- CabloyJS (⭐957) The Ultimate NodeJS Full Stack Business Development Platform, based on KoaJS & EggJS & VueJS & Framework7
13. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Host-based tools / Tarpits
- chkrootkit - Locally checks for signs of a rootkit on GNU/Linux systems.
Host-based tools / Sandboxes
- Firejail - SUID program that reduces the risk of security breaches by restricting the running environment of untrusted applications using Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf.
14. Awesome Static Website Services
Functions as a Service
- StackPath EdgeEngine - Write functions as a service in the language of your choice and deploy them to a global network of data centers. All the networking, including intelligent routing and load balancing, is managed by StackPath over a private backbone.
15. Awesome Ember
Packages / External Components Integration
- ember-functional-component (⭐11) - Attempting to use "pure functions" as components.
16. Awesome Xamarin
- Animated Icon Button (⭐11) - An animated icon button for Xamarin.iOS.
17. Awesome Algorithms
Github Libraries / Randomized Algorithms
18. Awesome Dataviz
R tools / Misc
- ggplot2 - A plotting system based on the grammar of graphics.
19. Webcomponents the Right Way
- bruck (⭐512) - Prototyping system built with web components and the Houdini Paint API.
- - Discuss & share web components.
20. Awesome Msr
Data Sets
- Unified Bug Dataset - Static source code based datasets which includes the Bugcatchers Bug Dataset, the Bug Prediction Dataset, the Eclipse Bug Dataset, the GitHub Bug Dataset, some datasets from the PROMISE repository.
21. Awesome Fuzzing
Papers / ArXiv (Fuzzing with Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)
22. Awesome Npm
- luna (⭐1k) - App to manage npm dependencies.
- emma-cli (⭐1.2k) - Interactive CLI package search utility.
23. Awesome Parasite
Museums & Collections
- Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Collection - Specimen collection focused "on the helminth parasites of mammals of the Nearctic and Neotropical regions stressing studies of the phylogeny and diversity of parasites of Rodentia, Marsupialia, Xenarthra, and Chiroptera." The archive site for the American Society of Parasitologists. Accessible through Arctos.
- Meguro Parasite Museum - Museum in Tokyo, Japan focused on human parasites with over 60,000 specimens. Data is not digitized, though the museum's founder, Dr. S. Yamaguti, described many of the specimens in 10 volumes of Systema Helminthum. Collections primarily from Japan, Indonesia and Hawaii.
- Museum of Southwestern Biology, Division of Parasites - Specimen collection of parasites amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Particular focus on parasites of small mammals in high altidude locations and Sevilleta Long Term Ecological Research Station in New Mexico, and parasites of seabirds in the artic and Antartica. Accessible through Arctos.
- The International Outbreak Museum - Museum focused on human food-borne outbreaks, with each exhibit being a different historical outbreak. Part of The Northwest Center for Foodborne Outbreak Management, Epidemiology, and Surveillance.
- U.S. National Parasite Collection - Specimen collection maintained by USDA that focuses on agriculturally important helminths and protozoans from North America. Accessible through Arctos.
24. Awesome Humane Tech
- Buster (⭐5.3k) - Browser extension and Captcha Solver for Humans.
25. Awesome Malware Analysis
Network / Other Resources
- Malcolm (⭐327) - Malcolm is a powerful, easily deployable network traffic analysis tool suite for full packet capture artifacts (PCAP files) and Zeek logs.
26. Awesome Flutter
- Direct Select (⭐788) - Selection widget with an ethereal, full-screen modal popup by Ivan Yatsouba.
Charts / Image Picker
- FL Chart (⭐7k) - Draw fantastic charts in Flutter by Iman Khoshabi
Monetization / Preferences
- Facebook Audience Network (⭐159) - Facebook Audience Network Ad plugin that shows banner, interstitial, in-stream video, rewarded video & native ads by Dreamsoft Innovations.
- Square In-App Payments SDK (⭐341) - Take payments by embedding a card entry form in your app that produces nonces from customer-provided card information or digital wallets by Square
Top / Game Engine resources
- Reply (⭐559) - 'Reply' Material Design case study by Frederik Schweiger
27. Awesome H2o
Research Papers
- Human actions recognition in video scenes from multiple camera viewpoints Fernando Itano, Ricardo Pires, Miguel Angelo de Abreu de Sousa, Emilio Del-Moral-Hernandeza. (2019)
- Extending MLP ANN hyper-parameters Optimization by using Genetic Algorithm Fernando Itano, Miguel Angelo de Abreu de Sousa, Emilio Del-Moral-Hernandez. (2018)
28. Awesome Actions
Notifications and Messages / Code Coverage
29. Awesome Dart
Cross-platform development
- universal_io (⭐82) - dart:io that also works in the browser.
- universal_html (⭐170) - dart:html that also works in the VM/Flutter.
30. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Misc Scripts / iPython Notebooks / Codebases
- Prodmodel (⭐59) - Build tool for data science pipelines.
Julia / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Flux - Relax! Flux is the ML library that doesn't make you tensor
Julia / Natural Language Processing
- Word Tokenizers (⭐97) - Tokenizers for Natural Language Processing in Julia
- Corpus Loaders (⭐32) - A Julia package providing a variety of loaders for various NLP corpora.
- Embeddings (⭐81) - Functions and data dependencies for loading various word embeddings
- Languages (⭐55) - Julia package for working with various human languages
- WordNet (⭐34) - A Julia package for Princeton's WordNet
Julia / Misc Stuff / Presentations
- DataDeps (⭐152) - Reproducible data setup for reproducible science.
31. Awesome Deno
Presentations / XML
32. Awesome Piracy
Streaming Sites / HD Streaming
- CMoviesHD Basic streaming site layout, HD server with additional hosts
- Vidcloud Basic streaming site layout, HD server with additional hosts
33. Awesome Cheminformatics
Libraries / Machine Learning
- chainer-chemistry (⭐604) - A Library for Deep Learning in Biology and Chemistry.
34. Awesome Android
- MaterialProgressBar (⭐2.2k) - Material design ProgressBar with consistent appearance.
GUI / Navigation
- Debug-Artist (⭐45) - Debug menu to enable leakcanary, scalpel and others easy.
Maps / ORM
- GLMap - Crossplatform offline vector map with MapCSS styling. Offline search and offline navigation are included.
Utility / ORM
- Reactor (⭐35) - Reactor is a fast and secure key-value library for Android.
Code examples / Custom Dialog
- Kotlin VIPER example (⭐34) - Example about VIPER (View Interactor Presenter Entity Router) Pattern.
35. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Widgets
- wagtail-instance-selector (⭐54) - A
widget to create and select related items. Similar to Django'sraw_id_fields
36. Awesome Stacks
Serverless Stack with React on AWS ↗ / Resources
- AWS Amplify - 🛠️ - JavaScript Open Source Library with React, React Native Extensions.
Vue SPA with Laravel ↗ / Resources
- Laravel - 🛠 - 🐙 (⭐76k) - One of the most popular Object Oriented MVC PHP Framework with elegant syntax and golden standard software patterns.
37. Terminals Are Sexy
Tools and Plugins
- df-show (⭐43) - Interactive directory and file browser with a similar feel to the
- taskell - Command-line Trello-like kanban-board/TODO lists.
38. Awesome Rest
Scala / Symfony2
- Chaos (⭐250) - A lightweight framework for writing REST services in Scala.
39. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Lambda
- aws-lambda-java-libs 🔥🔥 (⭐473) - Official mirror for interface definitions and helper classes.
40. Awesome It Quotes
Quote: “Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program.”
“Software is like sex; it's better when it's free.”
“Artists usually don't make all that much money, and they often keep their artistic hobby despite the money rather than due to it.”
“I often compare open source to science. To where science took this whole notion of developing ideas in the open and improving on other peoples' ideas and making it into what science is today and the incredible advances that we have had. And I compare that to witchcraft and alchemy, where openness was something you didn't do.”
“Talk is cheap. Show me the code.”
"Don't hurry your code. Make sure it works well and is well designed. Don't worry about timing"
"Programmers are in the enviable position of not only getting to do what they want to, but because the end result is so important they get paid to do it. There are other professions like that, but not that many"
"In many cases the user interface to a program is the most important part for a commercial company: whether the programs works correctly or not seems to be secondary"Author:
Linus Torvalds (Finnish American, software engineer and hacker, principal force behind the development of the Linux kernel)
41. Awesome Mobile Web Development
Articles and Documentation
- Self-Host Your Static Assets - Reason why you need to self-host your static assets.
42. Awesome React Native
- lottie-react-native ★10415 (⭐15k) - A mobile library for Android and iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON with bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile!
- react-native-splash-screen ★2663 (⭐5.3k) - A splash screen for react-native, hide when application loaded, it works on iOS and Android.
- react-native-textinput-effects ★2062 (⭐2.9k) - Text inputs with custom label and icon animations for iOS and Android. Built by react native and inspired by Codrops.
- react-native-lightbox ★1917 (⭐2.8k) - A very Slick and modern mobile lightbox implementation
- react-native-chart ★1464 (⭐1.6k) - React-native-chart is a simple module for adding line charts, area charts, or bar charts to your React Native app.
- react-native-tableview ★1105 (⭐1.4k) - Native iOS TableView wrapper for React Native
- react-native-pdf-view ★338 (⭐400) - View pdf file using react-native
- react-native-toast ★336 (⭐346) - An android like toast for react-native support for iOS and Android
- react-native-effects-view ★304 (⭐383) - React Native Component that makes easy to use iOS8 UIVisualEffect
- react-native-root-modal ★304 (⭐360) - React native modal component
- react-native-popup ★153 (⭐170) - Popup for react-native
- react-native-gestures ★152 (⭐174) - Composable gesture system in react native
- react-native-submit-button ★96 (⭐124) - Animated Submit button. Works on both android and ios
- react-native-grading ★43 (⭐54) - React Native Component for grading scores using ReactART.
- react-native-slack-webhook ★42 (⭐52) - Follow some activities (new user, payment,...) from your app via Slack and this webhook lib.
Internationalization / Navigation Demos
- react-native-localize ★603 (⭐1.9k) - React Native Localize
43. Awesome Nextjs
- Terraform For Next.js (⭐52) - Deploy your application using Terraform
44. Public Apis
Food & Drink
API: WhiskyHunter
Description: Past online whisky auctions statistical data
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
API: Zestful
Description: Parse recipe ingredients
45. Awesome Hacking
- Python
- uncompyle6 (⭐3.4k) - decompiler for the over 20 releases and 20 years of CPython.
Binary files examination and editing / Hex editors
Competition / Other
46. Awesome Cryptography
Web-tools / Git
- Boxentriq - Easy to use tools for analysis and code-breaking of the most frequent ciphers, including Vigenère, Beaufort, Keyed Caesar, Transposition Ciphers, etc.
47. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects
- iTerm2 - macOS terminal replacement.
Open Source Projects / Games
- Improved Initiative - D&D tabletop role-playing game combat tracker.
48. Awesome R
Graphic Displays
- ggstatsplot (⭐2k) - ggplot2 Based Plots with Statistical Details
49. Awesome Electron
For Electron / Other
- debugtron (⭐1.3k) - Debug in-production Electron-based apps.
- electron-better-ipc (⭐706) - Simplified IPC communication.
- electron-chrome-extension (⭐139) - Add support for Chrome extensions.
50. Awesome List
Programming Languages
- Algorithms (⭐22k)
- Education (⭐833) - Learning and practicing.
- Game Datasets (⭐802) - Materials and datasets for Artificial Intelligence in games.
- Fuzzing (⭐872) - Automated software testing technique that involves feeding pseudo-randomly generated input data.
- Prev: Jun 24 - Jun 30, 2019
- Next: Jun 10 - Jun 16, 2019