Awesome List Updates on May 06 - May 12, 2019
44 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Game Datasets
- - Collection of games developed by Blizzard.
- EVE Online - Science fiction massively multiplayer online game.
Artificial Intelligence
- MiniDungeons - Procedural dungeon-like game.
- polyworld (⭐181) - Artificial life system.
Dataset / Web
- dnddata (⭐107) - Dataset of Dungeons and Dragons characters.
Miscellaneous / Related
- - Datasets.
2. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
DevSecOps / Service meshes
- Cilium - Open source software for transparently securing the network connectivity between application services deployed using Linux container management platforms like Docker and Kubernetes.
3. Awesome Phalcon
- phalcon-logentries (⭐10) - Sends log messages to the Logentries log management service
- phalcon-data-table (⭐1) - Allows you to simplify the interaction with the bootstrap-table in the Phalcon
4. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Utilities
- Page Cache (⭐1k) - Caches responses as static files on disk for lightning fast page loads
5. Awesome Malware Analysis
Books / Other Resources
- Rootkits and Bootkits - Rootkits and Bootkits: Reversing Modern Malware and Next Generation Threats
6. Awesome Idris
Contents / Projects
- idris-ct (⭐231) - Formally verified category theory library
- typedefs (⭐359) - Programming language-agnostic, algebraic data type definition language
7. Awesome Tap
Reporters / JavaScript
- ava-tap-json (⭐1) - JSON output with AVA compatibility.
8. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
9. Awesome Android
Code examples / Custom Dialog
- Kotlin MVVM example (⭐453) - Example about MVVM (Model View ViewModel) Pattern.
10. Awesome Embedded Rust
Peripheral Access Crates / Microchip
Peripheral access API for Microchip (formerly Atmel) SAMD21 microcontrollers. This git repo hosts both the peripheral access crate and the hal.
Peripheral access API for Microchip (formerly Atmel) SAMD51 microcontrollers. This git repo hosts both the peripheral access crate and the hal.
Component abstraction crates / Other
- Generic accelerometer support, including traits and types for taking readings from 2 or 3-axis accelerometers and tracking device orientations -
11. Awesome Jamstack
API / Automation
- DataFire (⭐583) - DataFire is an open source framework for building and integrating APIs.
12. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Command Line Tools
- alacritty (⭐57k) - A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator.
Data Recovery Tools / File Sharing
- SuperDuper! - Painless fully bootable disk backups.
13. Awesome Swift
- SwiftKit (⭐825) - Start your next Open-Source Swift Framework 📦.
- lottie-ios (⭐26k) - An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations.
- Telegram Bot SDK (⭐376) 🐧 - Unofficial SDK.
Keychain / Barcode
- Latch (⭐57) - A simple Keychain Wrapper for iOS.
Thread / Barcode
- Schedule (⭐1.8k) 🐧 - A missing lightweight task scheduler with an incredibly human-friendly syntax.
14. Awesome Ocaml
Web Development
- Frameworks:
- Opium (⭐757) – Sinatra like web toolkit for OCaml.
- Ocsigen Eliom – Eliom is a full-featured multi-tier framework, for developing multi-platform Web and mobile apps as 100% OCaml distributed applications. It can also be used for more traditional Web or mobile apps: Web sites, single page applications, REST API, etc.
- Dream - Tidy Web framework for OCaml and ReasonML
- webmachine (⭐221) – A REST toolkit for OCaml. OCaml webmachine is a layer on top of cohttp that implements a state-machine-based HTTP request processor. It's particularly well-suited for writing RESTful APIs. As the name suggests, this is an OCaml port of the webmachine project.
- incr_dom (⭐381) - A library for building dynamic webapps, using Js_of_ocaml
- fmlib_browser - a library which helps to write web applications which run in the browser in a pure functional style.
- ocaml-vdom (⭐197) - Elm architecture and (V)DOM for OCaml
15. Awesome Beacon
Stackoverflow Q&A
16. Awesome React Hooks
- React Today and Tomorrow and 90% Cleaner React - Dan Abramov and Sophie Alpert.
- Making Sense of React Hooks - Dan Abramov.
- React Hooks and Suspense - Kent C. Dodds.
- React Hooks & testing: Stepping through React code - Kent C. Dodds.
- My Thoughts on React Hooks - Ben Awad.
- Are React Hooks Slower than Class Components? - Ben Awad.
- Building a Todo List with React Hooks useState - Ben Awad.
- Using React Hooks vs. Class Components - Ben Awad.
- Using Immer with Reducers and React Hooks - Ben Awad.
- React Hooks useContext - Ben Awad.
- Everything you need to know about React Hooks - Carl Vitullo.
- Hooks in react-spring, a tutorial - Paul Henschel.
- React Hooks: Notes Taken - Tomáš Konrády.
- Getting Started with React Hooks - Chris Sevilleja.
- React hooks: not magic, just arrays - Rudi Yardley.
- Why React’s new Hooks API is a game changer - Rudi Yardley.
- Writing Custom React Hooks for GraphQL - Nader Dabit.
- Manage global state with React Hooks - Charles Stover.
- Primer on React Hooks - Austin Johnston.
- React Hooks - A deeper dive featuring useContext and useReducer - Austin Johnston.
- v6 Candidate Preview: Use React Hooks for connect (⭐22k) - Mark Erikson.
- RFC: React Hooks (⭐4.5k) - Sebastian Markbåge.
- Using Hooks in React Native (⭐105k) - Héctor Ramos.
- Color Match - Color Match Game.
- React Hooks counter - Counter using useState of React Hooks.
- Toggle component - Toggle component made with React Hooks.
- Hooks test (⭐199) - Somewhat complicated use case solved relatively nicely with React Hooks.
- React Navigation Hooks (⭐577) - React hooks for convenient react-navigation use.
- Haunted (⭐2.4k) - React's Hooks API implemented for web components.
- useHooks - Easy to understand React Hook recipes by Gabe Ragland.
- Collection of React Hooks - Collection of React Hooks.
- React Spring demo - Demo of how react-spring could use React Hooks as a new API.
- React Hooks - React Hooks useState() and useEffect().
- Hooks Todo App - App made with React Hooks.
- redux-react-hook (⭐2.2k) - React Hook for accessing state and dispatch from a Redux store.
- react-use (⭐34k) - Collection of essential React Hooks.
- The Platform (⭐4.4k) - Browser API's turned into React Hooks and Suspense-friendly React elements for common situations.
- eslint-plugin-react-hooks - This plugin enforce rule of hooks to avoid common mistakes.
- react-hooks-lib (⭐531) - A set of reusable React Hooks.
- use-immer (⭐2.4k) - A hook to use immer as a React hook to manipulate state.
- react-hanger (⭐1.8k) - A small collection of useful hooks for React 16.7.
- react-firebase-hooks (⭐2.9k) - A set of reusable React Hooks for Firebase.
- react-intersection-visible-hook (⭐50) - React hook to track the visibility of a functional component based on IntersectionVisible Observer.
- use-timer (⭐169) - Simple React hook to handle timer.
- react-native-hooks (⭐2.9k) - React Native APIs turned into React Hooks for use in stateless React components.
- react-with-hooks (⭐152) - Ponyfill for the proposed React Hooks API.
- use-http (⭐2.2k) - React hooks for making isomorphic HTTP requests.
17. Awesome Pyramid
- pyramid_swagger (⭐64) - Convenient tools for using Swagger to define and validate your interfaces in a Pyramid webapp. (Swagger 2.0 document)
- pyramid-openapi3 (⭐78) - Validate Pyramid views against an OpenAPI 3.0 document. Similar to pyramid_swagger but for OpenAPI 3.0.
18. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Erdal TAŞKESEN - All in one developer.
19. Awesome Regression Testing
Blog posts (a-z↓)
- Visual Regression Test with WebdriverIO & WebdriverCSS - Tutorial using WebdriverIO and WebdriverCSS with Spec Reporter
20. Awesome Piracy
DDL Link Sites / Free Indexers
- FilmRls DDL site that generally features quality previews of video content
21. Awesome Composer
Plugins / IRC
- Production-Dependencies-Guard (⭐87) - Prevents development packages from being added into require and getting into production environment.
22. Awesome Stock Resources
Textures / Unspecified License
- TextureHaven - ©️ CC0-licensed High quality set of textures with CC0 license.
23. Awesome WSL
WSL Tools / Miscellaneous Tools
- weasel-pageant (⭐247) - An ssh-agent compatible helper for interacting with Pageant from processes running on the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
24. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / S3
- kahing/goofys 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐4.7k) - a Filey System for Amazon S3 written in Go.
25. Awesome Minecraft
Softwares / Utilities
- Minecraft Command Science - Several Minecraft vanilla JSON generators.
26. Awesome Algorithms
Books / Algorithms and Data structures
- Algorithms and Data Structures in JavaScript - Classical algorithms and data structures implemented and explained using JavaScript.
27. Awesome Ipfs
- IPDR (⭐540) - IPFS-backed Docker Registry.
- mahuta (⭐240) - Mahuta is a plug and play service for your micro-service architecture allowing to collect, store and index data on IPFS and offering search functionalities (full text, query).
28. Awesome Keycloak
29. Awesome
Praises / Tutorials
- Why We're Craft CMS Developers by Honcho -
16 Apr 2019
30. Awesome Machine Learning
Scala / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- TensorFlow Scala (⭐939) - Strongly-typed Scala API for TensorFlow.
31. Awesome Blazor
- ASP.NET Blog's archives - Archives of the ASP.NET blog about Blazor.
32. Awesome Ddd
Sample Projects / JVM languages
- DDD By Examples - Library (⭐4.1k) - sample project of a library driven by real business requirements. Modular monolith implemented with the help od DDD, BDD, EventStorming, Example Mapping, CQRS, and more.
33. Guides
Programming Languages / Clojure
34. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Unsplash Wallpapers (⭐350) - Set desktop wallpaper from Unsplash.
35. Awesome Learn Datascience
Data Science using Python / General
- O'Reilly Data Science from Scratch (Book) - Data processing, implementation, and visualization with example code.
- Coursera Applied Data Science - Online Course using Python that covers most of the relevant toolkits.
36. Awesome Ios Books
Server Side Swift
37. Awesome Ruby
File System Listener
- Guard::LiveReload (⭐2.1k) - Automatically reload your browser when 'view' files are modified.
- Rerun (⭐980) - Restarts an app when the filesystem changes. Uses growl and FSEventStream if on OS X.
38. Awesome Flutter
Websites / Blogs
- SZAŁKO-BLOG - Step by step advanced design by Marcin Szalek.
- Parallax Effect - Parallax & non linear animation by Marcin Szalek.
UI / Calendar
- Calendar Carousel Widget (⭐839) - Calendar carousel by dooboolab (⭐839)
Vision / Augmented Reality
- ARCore Plugin (⭐435) - Augmented reality with ARCore platform by Gian Marco Di Francesco.
39. Awesome Java
Template Engine / Other
- Pebble - Inspired by Twig and separates itself with its inheritance feature and its easy-to-read syntax. It ships with built-in autoescaping for security and it includes integrated support for internationalization.
Related Awesome Lists / Mocking
40. Awesome Ember
Packages / Boilerplating
- ember-boilerplate (⭐36) - The stable base upon which we build our Ember.js projects at Mirego.
Packages / Articles
Packages / Why Articles
Packages / Jump-Start Articles
Packages / Blogs
41. Awesome Scientific Computing
Basic linear algebra
- Ginkgo - High-performance manycore linear algebra library, focus on sparse systems. (C++, BSD, GitHub (⭐415))
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- Chebfun - Computing with functions to about 15-digit accuracy. (MATLAB, BSD, GitHub (⭐614))
42. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Command-line apps
- npm-name (⭐168) - Check a package name's availability on npm.
Packages / Date
- Day.js (⭐47k) - Immutable date library alternative to Moment.js.
Packages / Job queues
- RedisSMQ (⭐597) - Simple high-performance Redis message queue with real-time monitoring.
Packages / Natural language processing
- nlp.js (⭐6.3k) - Building bots, with entity extraction, sentiment analysis, automatic language identify, and more.
Resources / Books
43. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Reverse Engineering
44. Awesome Hacking
Awesome Repositories
Repository: Windows Exploitation - Advanced (⭐1.5k)
Description: List of Awesome Advanced Windows Exploitation References
- Prev: May 13 - May 19, 2019
- Next: Apr 29 - May 05, 2019