Awesome List Updates on Apr 08 - Apr 14, 2019
41 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Embedded Rust
HAL implementation crates / XMC
2. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Network Analysis
- Proxyman - Modern and intuitive HTTP debugging proxy for macOS.
3. Awesome Magento2
Proprietary Extensions / Progressive Web Application
- ScandiPWA Theme (⭐552) - Magento 2.3+ PWA theme based on React and Redux
4. Awesome Rust
Development tools / IDEs
- Eclipse
- Eclipse Corrosion (⭐230) - a Rust development plugin for the Eclipse IDE, providing a rich edition experience through integration with the Rust Analyzer language server, Cargo runner and gdb debugger
5. Awesome Ddd
Sample Projects / .NET (C#/F#)
- EISK - .NET CLI and VS Templates with simple use cases to build scalable applications on top of .net core with architectural best practices (DDD, onion architecture etc).
6. Awesome Postgres
Contents / PaaS (PostgreSQL as a Service)
- Aiven PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL as a service in AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud and UpCloud; plans range from $19/month single node instances to large highly-available setups, free trial for two weeks.
- Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL - Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for PostgreSQL
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Azure Database for PostgreSQL provides fully managed, enterprise-ready community PostgreSQL database as a service. It provides builtin HA, elastic scaling and native integration with Azure ecosystem.
- Database Labs - Get a production-ready cloud PostgreSQL server in minutes, from $20 a month Backups, monitoring, patches, and 24/7 tech support all included.
- DigitalOcean Managed Databases - Fully managed PostgreSQL databases. No free plan. Starting at $15/mo. Daily backups with point-in-time recovery. Standby nodes with auto-failover.
- Heroku Postgres - Plans from free to huge, operated by PostgreSQL experts. Does not require running your app on Heroku. Free plan includes 10,000 rows, 20 connections, up to two backups, and has PostGIS support.
Contents / Docker images
- citusdata/citus - Citus official images with citus extensions. Based on the official Postgres container.
- mdillon/postgis - PostGIS 2.3 on Postgres 9. Based on the official Postgres container.
- postgres - Official postgres container (from Docker)
Resources / Documentation
- Wiki - user documentation, how-tos, and tips 'n' tricks
7. Awesome Competitive Programming
Tutorial Websites
☆: ★★★
Name: E-Maxx (Russian), (English)
Description: A tutorial website widely used and referenced in the Russian-speaking competitive programming community. Most of the articles of the original site have been translated into English, Google Translate works okay for the remaining ones.
8. Awesome Maintainers
9. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Kotlin / Vue.js
10. Awesome Quant
Python / Trading & Backtesting
- PyPortfolioOpt (⭐4.7k) - Financial portfolio optimization in python, including classical efficient frontier and advanced methods.
11. Awesome Dev Fun
- Terraform for Dominos (⭐995) - The Terraform plugin for the Dominos Pizza provider.
12. Awesome Calculators
Calculator apps: / Windows
- Windows Calculator (⭐26k) - Simple yet powerful calculator that ships with Windows
13. Awesome Piracy
Streaming Sites / Anime
- Nyaa BitTorrent software for cats (Repo) (⭐3.1k)
- Hi10 Anime High-Quality 10-bit Anime Encodes
- /r/animepiracy This sub is about streaming and torrent websites for anime.
- /r/animepiracy wiki Lists for sourcing Anime streaming sites, manga sites, and more
- 9Anime Watch anime online. English anime, dubbed, subbed.
- GoGo Anime Popular website for watching anime
- AniLinkz Large database of streaming anime episodes.
- NyaaPantsu Primarily Anime torrents but includes an open directory of DDL links too.
- Alternatives to Kiss websites /r/KissCartoon wiki page with lots of anime sites
- anime-sharing Forum for sharing anime
- AniDex Torrent tracker and indexer, primarily for English fansub groups of anime
- Anime Twist An anime direct streaming site with a decent UI and video player
- AnimeOut Over 1000's of Encoded Anime with DDL links.
- 4anime A relatively new site the might become the new Clean interface.
Streaming Sites / Cartoons
- KissCartoon Popular cartoon streaming site
- Cartoons, dubbed/subbed anime streaming site
- Large DDL site for cartoons as well as anime and movies
- animetoon Lots of streaming via premium hosts for cartoons
- Toonova Another site for streaming cartoons
- WatchCartoon Outdated site layout, still active, uses Openload
Discord Servers / Third Party Hosts
- WarezNX Nintendo Switch Warez server. (/hbg/ has more up to date games as of April 2019)
- /hbg/ Homebrew General A Discord server that shares Nintendo Switch Games.
14. Awesome Cpp
- LZ4 (⭐11k) - Extremely Fast Compression algorithm. [BSD] website
Game Engine
- raylib (⭐25k) - A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming. [zlib/libpng] website
15. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / StreamField
- Wagtail Blocks (⭐79) - A Collection of awesome Wagtail CMS stream-field blocks and Charts.
Open-source sites / Lists
- SecureDrop (⭐40) – Wagtail-powered website of the SecureDrop whistleblower document submission system.
16. Awesome Typescript
Tools / Playground
- type-config (⭐20) - A generator for tsconfig.
17. Awesome Crystal
CLI Utils
- tallboy (⭐58) - Generate ASCII character tables with support for spanning cells over multiple columns
HTML Builders
- (⭐32) - Dead simple HTML form builder for Crystal with built-in support for many popular UI libraries such as Bootstrap
18. Awesome Cmake
- Lecture - More Modern CMake (slides & examples (⭐168))- by Deniz Bahadir, Meeting C++ 2018.
19. Awesome Digitalocean
Developer documentation
20. Awesome Pentest
Network Vulnerability Scanners / Web Vulnerability Scanners
- SQLmate (⭐430) - Friend of
that identifies SQLi vulnerabilities based on a given dork and (optional) website.
Online Resources / Other Lists Online
- Serverless Security (⭐599) - Curated list of awesome serverless security resources such as (e)books, articles, whitepapers, blogs and research papers.
Windows Utilities / Web Exploitation Books
- Commando VM (⭐7k) - Automated installation of over 140 Windows software packages for penetration testing and red teaming.
- Covenant (⭐4.2k) - ASP.NET Core application that serves as a collaborative command and control platform for red teamers.
21. Awesome Ruby
Debugging Tools
- pry-rails (⭐1.3k) - Avoid repeating yourself, use pry-rails instead of copying the initializer to every rails project. This is a small gem which causes rails console to open pry. It therefore depends on pry.
22. Awesome Scala Native
- scallop (⭐641) - A simple Scala CLI parsing library.
23. Awesome Vulkan
- Ray Tracing In One Weekend (Vulkan RTX) (⭐1.2k) - Implementation of Peter Shirley's Ray Tracing In One Weekend book using Vulkan and NVIDIA's RTX extension.
24. Awesome Stacks
React Firebase starter ↗ / Resources
- GraphQL - 🛠 - 🐙 (⭐20k) - A query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.
- Material UI - 🛠️ - 🐙 (⭐91k) - React components that implement Google's Material Design.
MEVN: Mongo Express Vue Node ↗ / Resources
React starter kit ↗ / Resources
vue-starter ↗ / Resources
Vue Enterprise Boilerplate ↗ / Resources
Rock Solid Modern Rails ↗ / Resources
25. Awesome Linguistics
Platforms and toolkits
- UralicNLP (⭐74) - An open source Python library for processing morphologically rich and, for the most part, endangered Uralic languages. It can do morphological analysis, generation, lemmatization, disambiguation and lexical lookup for a great many Uralic languages.
26. Awesome Cross Platform Nodejs
- Core Node.js documentation - Especially the
- Cross-platform Node.js guide (⭐1.3k) - How to write cross-platform Node.js code.
Applications / Development environment
- Node.js - Node.js installer for various platforms.
- nvm-windows (⭐24k) - Manage multiple installations of Node.js on a Windows computer.
- npm-windows-upgrade (⭐2.5k) - Upgrade npm on Windows.
- windows-build-tools (⭐3.3k) - Install C++ Build Tools for Windows using npm.
Applications / Continuous integration
- AppVeyor - Focused on Windows. Free tiers are available for OSS projects.
- Travis - Windows/macOS/Linux. Free for OSS projects.
Applications / Virtualization
- ievms (⭐69) - Automated installer for the free virtual machine images that Microsoft provides for testing on multiple versions of IE. These images can be useful for cross-platform testing various technologies, however make sure you read and understand Microsofts' licensing.
Applications / Compatibility
- Wine - Run Windows API calls on Linux, Mac, BSD and Solaris.
- Cygwin - Run POSIX on Windows.
- WSL - Run the Linux command line on Windows (ELF binary execution, system calls, filesystem, Bash, core utilities, common applications).
- MinGW -
on Windows.
Libraries / OS identification
- is-wsl (⭐168) - Detect whether current platform is WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).
- getos (⭐74) - Retrieve the current OS, including Linux distribution.
- os-name (⭐125) - Get the name of the current operating system.
- systeminformation (⭐2.1k) - Hardware/software system information.
Libraries / Shell
- cross-spawn (⭐982) - Cross-platform implementation of
- shelljs (⭐14k) - Cross-platform Unix shell commands.
- node-windows (⭐2.5k) - Windows support for Node.js scripts (daemons, eventlog, UAC, etc).
- clipboardy (⭐1.5k) / clipboard-cli (⭐460) - Cross-platform copy/paste.
Libraries / Environment
- cross-env (⭐5.9k) - Set environment variables cross-platform.
- user-home (⭐160) - Get the path to the user home directory. Cross-platform.
- username (⭐140) - Get the current username.
- osenv (⭐135) - Cross-platform environment variables.
- is-elevated (⭐36) - Check if the process is running with elevated privileges.
- which (⭐278) - Cross-platform implementation of Unix's
Libraries / Filesystem
- rimraf (⭐4.9k) / del (⭐1.3k) - Delete files and folders. Cross-platform.
- make-dir (⭐459) - Cross-platform
mkdir -p
- readdirp (⭐361) - Recursive version of
- graceful-fs (⭐1.2k) - Improves the
module, especially on Windows.
- any-path (⭐5) - Use Windows and POSIX paths interchangeably when fetching values from an object.
Libraries / Signals
- signal-exit (⭐166) - Cross-platform
Libraries / Processes
- ps-list (⭐239) - Get running processes.
- process-exists (⭐56) - Check if a process exists.
Libraries / Desktop UI
- open (⭐2.7k) - Opens stuff like websites, files, executables. Cross-platform.
- node-notifier (⭐5.5k) - Cross-platform desktop notifications.
Libraries / Windows registry
- node-winreg (⭐200) - Access the Windows registry.
- rage-edit (⭐45) - Access/modify the Windows registry.
Known issues / Windows registry
- spawn issues (⭐35k) -
behavior is not consistent between Windows and Linux.
27. Awesome Java
Template Engine / Other
- Rocker (⭐760) - Optimized, memory efficient and speedy template engine producing statically typed, plain objects.
Related Awesome Lists / Mocking
28. Awesome Math
Learning Platforms
- Mathsisfun simple text lightweight site for students up to highschool
29. Awesome Laravel Education
Blogs / Case Study
30. Awesome Quantified Self
Applications and Platforms / Habits
- Taskade - Modern task lists that syncs across all your devices. (Web, iOS, Android, Chrome, Mac and PC).
Applications and Platforms / Time
- Hourly - Minimalistic time tracker with smart functions and nice design (iOS).
31. Awesome Okr
32. Awesome Newsletters
PHP / Svelte
- Bootsity Newsletter. A free one-in-two-weeks newsletter curating great articles, videos and news.
33. Awesome Algorithms
- Stoimen's web log - Some algorithms nicely explained.
34. Awesome Software Architecture
Documentation / Scalability and Resilience
- Architectural Decision Records - Version and document architectural decisions the same way you do with code.
Workshop formats / Scalability and Resilience
- Event Storming - Format for exploring domain driven-design.
- MoSCoW Prioritization - Fast and dead-simple way of prioritizing requirements.
- Story mapping - Visualize your requirements by creating story maps.
- Impact mapping - A strategic planning technique used for building products and delivering projects.
- Business Model Canvas - Business plans made simple and visual.
- Business Model Generation, by Osterwalder & Pigneur - Easily visualize your value proposition, costs and revenue streams 📙.
Modeling / Scalability and Resilience
- The C4 Model - Describe software using Context, Containers, Components and Code.
- Wikipedia: Data modeling - Great, short, introduction to data modeling.
Tools / Scalability and Resilience
- Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect - Object-oriented modelling suite. Only available natively for Windows.
- Visual Paradigm - Similar to Enterprise Architect. Available for multiple platforms.
- Lucidchart - Paid cloud-based diagram editor. Available on all common platforms.
- - Free and simple diagram editor. Comparable to Visio and its likes. Available on all common platforms.
- Structurizr - Modelling tool based on the C4 Model (see above).
- PlantUML - Like markdown for diagrams, PlantUML renders an english-like grammer into diagrams.
- PlantUML for Atlassian - Adds support for PlantUML-based diagrams in the atlassian suite.
Frameworks / Agile
- Scrum - Framework for developing and maintaining complex products.
- SAFe - Scalable agile framework.
Frameworks / Lean software development
- Wikipedia: Lean Software Development - Translation of lean manufacturing for the software development domain.
- Rolling rocks downhill, by Clarke Ching - Business novel about agile and lean software development 📙.
Frameworks / Extreme programming
- Extreme Programming - The most specific of the popular agile processes, focusing on engineering and development practices.
Frameworks / DevOps
- Wikipedia: DevOps - Combining software development and operations practices to shorten time to market while maintaining high quality.
35. Awesome Flutter
UI / Bottom bars
- Bottom Navy Bar (⭐1.1k) - Beautiful and colorful animated bottom navigation bar by Pedro Massango.
UI / Sliders
- RangeSlider (⭐375) - 2-thumb configurable RangeSlider by Didier Boelens
36. Awesome Mqtt
- Moquette (⭐2k) - Java MQTT lightweight broker.
- mqtt-malaria (⭐260) - scalability and load testing utilities for MQTT environments.
Smart Home Integration Software / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- Homegear has build in MQTT support.
Messaging / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- mqttwarn (⭐890) - Subscribe to MQTT topics (with wildcards) and notify pluggable services.
Visualization, Dashboards / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- d3-MQTT-Topic-Tree (⭐94) - A MQTT Topic Tree viewer using the d3 collapsible tree and MQTT over websockets.
37. Awesome React Native
- rn-verifcode (⭐23) - React-Native component to input confirmation code for both Android and IOS
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- react-native-vanilla ★185 (⭐1.5k) - 🚀🚀🚀 Build universal cross-platform apps with React Native. Includes latest
,Android TV
,Android Wear
,Tizen TV
,Tizen Watch
,LG webOS
38. Public Apis
Games & Comics
Description: Cross Platform Mod API
CORS: Unknown
API: OpenCage
Description: Forward and reverse geocoding using open data
API: Open Collective
Description: Get Open Collective data
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
39. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Even Stensberg - OSS contributor and developer.
40. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / API
- WebAnchor (⭐27) - Web Anchor provides type-safe, testable and flexible, runtime-generated access to web resources.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Compression
- lz4net (⭐667) - Ultra fast compression algorithm for all .NET platforms.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Database Tools and Utilities
- Evolve (⭐838) - Simple database migration tool that uses plain SQL scripts. Inspired by Flyway.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / SDKs
- firebase-admin-dotnet (⭐364) - Firebase Admin .NET SDK
41. Awesome Security
Network / Monitoring / Logging
- opensnitch (⭐9.7k) - OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux port of the Little Snitch application firewall
- Prev: Apr 15 - Apr 21, 2019
- Next: Apr 01 - Apr 07, 2019