Awesome List Updates on Dec 26, 2019
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Free for Dev
Screenshot APIs
- – It turns any website into data such as metatags normalization, beauty link previews, scraping capabilities, or screenshots as a service. 250 requests/day every day free.
- ApiFlash — A screenshot API based on Aws Lambda and Chrome. Handles full page, captures timing, and viewport dimensions.
- - Screenshot API uses a straightforward API call to generate screenshots of any website. Built to scale and hosted on Google Cloud. Offers 100 free screenshots per month.
- — Capture highly customizable snapshots of any website. Free 100 snapshots/month
- — Capture 100 snapshots/month, png, gif and jpg, including full-length captures, not only home page
- - Feature rich form endpoint. Works great with static sites. The free plan includes up to 1 website with up to 50 monthly submissions.
IDE and Code Editing
- — Productivity tools, IDEs and deploy tools (aka IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, etc). Free license for students, teachers, Open Source and user groups.
2. Awesome Ocaml
Web Development
- Tools:
- COW (⭐107) – Caml on the Web (COW) is a set of parsers and syntax extensions to let you manipulate HTML, CSS, XML, JSON and Markdown directly from OCaml code.
- Ocamlnet has many relevant web libraries — Nethtml html parser, Netasn1 for ASN.1 parsing, Netencoding for Base64, Quoted Printable, URL encoding and HTML escaping, Netmime for MIME processing, etc. See the list of modules in Ocamlnet's manual.
- tyxml — Library to build valid (according to the W3C spec) Html and Svg trees.
- js_of_ocaml – Js_of_ocaml is a compiler of OCaml bytecode to Javascript. It makes it possible to run Ocaml programs in a Web browser.
- commonjs_of_ocaml (⭐13) - Easily import and export CommonJS modules from a js_of_ocaml project.
- ReScript - ReScript is a robustly typed language that compiles to efficient and human-readable JavaScript.
- ocaml-uri (⭐98) – RFC3986 URI parsing library.
- Goji (⭐44) – An OCaml bindings generator for JavaScript libraries.
- Syndic (⭐34) – RSS and Atom feed parsing
- ocaml-mustache (⭐82) – mustache.js logic-less templates in OCaml.
- atdjs (⭐9) – atd code generator (serialization) for OCaml/js_of_ocaml.
- jingoo (⭐129) – OCaml template engine almost compatible with jinja2.
- dispatch (⭐45) – Path-based dispatching for client- and server-side applications.
- Lambda Soup (⭐392) - Functional HTML scraping and manipulation with CSS selectors, à la Python's Beautiful Soup.
- (⭐146) - Error-recovering streaming HTML5 and XML parsers, serializers.
- gen_js_api (⭐176) - gen_js_api aims at simplifying the creation of OCaml bindings for Javascript libraries.
- routes (⭐147) - Typed routes for OCaml/ReasonML web applications.
3. Awesome Clean Tech
Companies / Vegetation & Agriculture
AquaAgro | Karachi, Pakistan | 2018
Provides solutions for precision farming, enabling farmers to monitor their crops and make better decisions. Their devices and platform can make predictions for irrigation scheduling, fertilizer requirement, pest attack prediction, and plant disease detection.
Companies / Food
Foods for Tomorrow / Heura | Barcelona, Spain | 2017
Created an ingredient named Heura which represents a new generation of plant-based proteins using innovative production techniques to get textures never seen on the vegetal realm. Heura needs 94% less water than to produce the same amount of veal protein and only 0.5kg of soy per kg produced.
Companies / Social Impact
Triodos Bank | Netherlands | 1980
European Bank for consumers and businesses that only lends to organisations who make positive environmental and social change. They invest significantly in renewable energy systems and publish details of every organisation they finance on their website.
4. Awesome Bigdata
NewSQL Databases
- yugabyteDB (⭐9.2k) - open source, high-performance, distributed SQL database compatible with PostgreSQL.
5. Awesome Salesforce
Table of Contents / Developer Utilities
- Adminite - A query editor desktop app with built-in auto completions, inline data editing, and more.
6. Awesome Jmeter
Getting Started
Trainings & Courses / Utilities
- JMeter Training Courses - By NobleProg.
- Web Applications (and Mobile Apps) Performance Testing with JMeter - By Pragmatic Test Labs.
- Training courses on Load Testing with Apache JMeter - By Ubik Ingenierie.
Community / Blogs
- JMeter Blog - Another blog for performance & automation testing using JMeter.
- Prev: Dec 27, 2019
- Next: Dec 25, 2019