Awesome List Updates on Dec 22, 2019
5 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome List
Big Data
- Splunk (⭐130) - Platform for searching, monitoring, and analyzing structured and unstructured machine-generated big data in real time.
2. Awesome Ddd
Libraries and Frameworks / .NET
- ABP - Successor of ASP.NET Boilerplate - ASP.NET Core based application framework to create NLayered, Domain Driven Designed web applications with a microservice focused modular architecture
3. Awesome Nextjs
- - A text case converter.
4. Awesome Speakers
Europe / Netherlands 🇳🇱
Gerard Klijs
Topics: Clojure, Rust, GraphQL, Apache Kafka
5. Awesome Video
Video Players & Playback Libraries / Browser Extensions
- Eyevinn/abr-player-chrome (⭐1) - Chrome extension that uses Eyevinn HTML player to be able to play HLS and MPEG-DASH natively - Eyevinn/abr-player-chrome
Video Players & Playback Libraries / Desktop Players
- iina/iina (⭐40k) - The modern video player for macOS.
Video Players & Playback Libraries / Frameworks & UI Components
- Chimeejs/chimee (⭐2.4k) - a video player framework aims to bring wonderful experience on browser - Chimeejs/chimee
- Eyevinn/channel-engine-multiview (⭐3) - A multiview frontend for Eyevinn Channel Engine.
- epiclabs-io/epic-video-comparator (⭐84) - Javascript library which implements a video comparator component: two overlaped and synchronized video players each one playing an independent source. - epiclabs-io/epic-video-comparator
- vimond/replay (⭐225) - A React video player facilitating adaptive stream playback with custom UI and a React-friendly API. - vimond/replay
Video Players & Playback Libraries / Mobile Players
- BrikerMan/BMPlayer (⭐2k) - A video player for iOS, based on AVPlayer, support the horizontal, vertical screen. support adjust volume, brightness and seek by slide, support subtitles. - BrikerMan/BMPlayer
- DaMingShen/SUCacheLoader (⭐170) - AVPlayer
- DeviLeo/DLGPlayer (⭐169) - A media player for iOS based on FFmpeg 4.0.
- MPEGDASHPlayer/MPEGDASH-iOS-Player (⭐69) - The MPEG-DASH Player iOS Application.
- VeinGuo/VGPlayer (⭐398) - 📺 A simple iOS video player by Vein.
- googleads/google-media-framework-ios (⭐75) - The Google Media Framework (GMF) is a lightweight media player designed to make video playback and integration with the Google IMA SDK on iOS easier. - googleads/google-media-framework-ios
- hanton/HTY360Player (⭐2.1k) - Open Source iOS 360 Degree Panorama Video Player.
- libobjc/SGPlayer (⭐2.2k) - A powerful media play framework for iOS, macOS, and tvOS. - libobjc/SGPlayer
- noreasonprojects/ModernAVPlayer (⭐285) - ModernAVPlayer is a persistence AVPlayer wrapper.
- piemonte/Player (⭐2.1k) - ▶️ video player in Swift, simple way to play and stream media on iOS/tvOS - piemonte/Player
- renzifeng/ZFPlayer (⭐7.1k) - Support customization of any player SDK and control layer
- vitoziv/VIMediaCache (⭐982) - Cache media file while play media using AVPlayer.
- xiewei-wayne/FFEngine.framework (⭐51) - FFEngine framework is a high performance player sdk for iOS based on ffmpeg. - xiewei-wayne/FFEngine.framework
- xiewei-wayne/rtmp-video-player-for-ios (⭐133) - Based on FFEngine framework, a rtmp video player for apple iOS devices. - xiewei-wayne/rtmp-video-player-for-ios
Video Players & Playback Libraries / Smart TV Players
- bbc/bigscreen-player (⭐91) - Simplified media playback for bigscreen devices.
- googlecast/CastReceiver (⭐353) - Reference Receiver: CastReceiver shows how to develop a fully Cast Design Checklist compliant receiver with additional features. - googlecast/CastReceiver
- kodlian/TVVLCPlayer (⭐71) - TVVLCPlayer lets you integrate easily a powerfull video player with playback control views to your tvOS apps. - kodlian/TVVLCPlayer
- rokudev/videoplayer-channel (⭐27) - SceneGraph version of the SDK1 VideoPlayer Channel - rokudev/videoplayer-channel
Video Players & Playback Libraries / Web Players
- Eyevinn/av1-player (⭐4) - Eyevinn AV1 player.
- Eyevinn/docker-html5player (⭐6) - A Docker containerized HTML5 player based on Shaka Player - Eyevinn/docker-html5player
- Eyevinn/eyevinn-player (⭐5) - Throttled video player to test video streams.
- Eyevinn/ott-multiview (⭐72) - This is a web based multiview screen for HLS and MPEG-DASH streams based on hls.js and Shaka Player. - Eyevinn/ott-multiview
- MoePlayer/DPlayer (⭐16k) - 🍭 Wow, such a lovely HTML5 danmaku video player - MoePlayer/DPlayer
- bytedance/xgplayer (⭐8.6k) - A HTML5 video player with a parser that saves traffic - bytedance/xgplayer
- sampotts/plyr (⭐28k) - A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player.
- video-dev/hls.js (⭐15k) - JavaScript HLS client using Media Source Extension - video-dev/hls.js
- videojs/http-streaming (⭐2.6k) - HLS, DASH, and future HTTP streaming protocols library for video.js - videojs/http-streaming
- videojs/video.js (⭐38k) - Video.js - open source HTML5 & Flash video player.
Video Editing & Processing Tools / Subtitle & Caption Tools
- Closed Captioning and Subtitling Products - MacCaption and CaptionMaker Overview - Telestream - Telestream Closed Captioning: MacCaption and CaptionMaker allow you to easily author, edit, create subtitles, and encode and repurpose video captions for television, web and mobile delivery
- IMSC validator - A tool or resource for subtitle-caption-tools.
- shawnsky/extract-subtitles (⭐81) - Extract Subtitles From Video
- smacke/subsync (⭐7k) - Automagically synchronize subtitles with video.
- wargarblgarbl/libgosubs (⭐26) - A tool or resource for subtitle-caption-tools.
Video Encoding, Transcoding & Packaging Tools / FFmpeg-Based Tools
- tanersener/mobile-ffmpeg (⭐3.9k) - FFmpeg for Android, iOS and tvOS.
Video Streaming & Distribution Solutions / Edge Computing & Caching Solutions
- StyleShare/HLSCachingReverseProxyServer (⭐156) - A simple local reverse proxy server for HLS segment cache - StyleShare/HLSCachingReverseProxyServer
Video Streaming & Distribution Solutions / VOD Streaming Servers
- openstack/swift (⭐2.7k) - OpenStack Storage (Swift).
Build Tools, Deployment & Utility Libraries / Command-line Utilities & Wrappers
- rclone/rclone (⭐49k) - rsync for cloud storage - Google Drive, Amazon Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Cloudfiles, Google Cloud Storage, Yandex Files - rclone/rclone
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / Best Practices & Guidelines
- Dolby Vision for Content Creators | Dolby Laboratories - The Dolby Vision integrated workflow gives you the tools needed to efficiently create wide color gamut and high dynamic range content and ensures that the look you create in the color suite stays true when experienced across across a multitude of devices. With Dolby Vision high dynamic range imaging, you get bolder highlights and incredible contrast. That means greater sharpness, depth, and more detailed shadows to expand your storytelling possibilities like never before.
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / Closed Captioning & Subtitling Standards
- EBU-TT Live Interoperability Toolkit - A tool or resource for closed-captioning-subtitling-standards.
- IMSC 1.0.1 Text test content (⭐2) - A tool or resource for closed-captioning-subtitling-standards.
- IMSC 1.1 Image test content (⭐2) - A tool or resource for closed-captioning-subtitling-standards.
- IMSC 1.1 Text test content (⭐3) - A tool or resource for closed-captioning-subtitling-standards.
- IMSC Specification - A tool or resource for closed-captioning-subtitling-standards.
Learning, Tutorials & Documentation / Webinars & Conference Talks
- Demuxed 2016 - 2016 Demuxed talks & presentations
- Demuxed 2017 - 2017 Demuxed talks & presentations
- Demuxed | Heavybit - Demuxed is a podcast made for and by engineers working with video. Brought to you by Heavybit.
- The Video Insiders - Video Insiders Podcast
Transcoding, Codecs & Hardware Acceleration / Next-Generation Codecs (AV1, VVC)
- AV1 Codec - Working with the AV1 Codec Kevin Staunton-Lambert Solutions Architect R&D @kevleyski
Miscellaneous, Experimental & Niche Tools / Cross-Platform Media Tools
- haiwen/seafile (⭐13k) - High performance file syncing and sharing, with also Markdown WYSIWYG editing, Wiki, file label and other knowledge management features. - haiwen/seafile
- Prev: Dec 23, 2019
- Next: Dec 21, 2019