Awesome List Updates on Dec 18, 2019
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Actions
Deployment / Code Coverage
2. Awesome Parasite
Scientific Journals
- Parasite - Open access journal associated with the Société Française de Parasitologie. Focuses on both animal and human parasites.
3. Awesome Nix
Resources / Learning
- Nix Notes (⭐58) - A collection of short notes about Nix, each contributing to the same virtual machine image.
4. Awesome React Native
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- react-native-community-maps ★3 (⭐14) - Boilerplate app for browsing user-generated photos on a map
5. Free for Dev
Design and UI
- - Create fully interactive UI prototypes without coding. The free tier is available when the free trial ends. The free tier includes one user, one project, five prototypes, 100MB of online storage, and a preview of the app.
6. Awesome Ada
Graphical User Interface / Apache License
- gwindows (⭐22) - GNU Ada Visual Interface.
3D / Apache License
- globe-3d (⭐16) - GL Object Based Engine for 3D.
Math / Apache License
- mathpaqs (⭐12) - Mathpaqs is a collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages in the Ada programming language.
Format Readers, Writers and Checkers / Apache License
- ini-files (⭐7) - The Ini file manager consists of a package, Config, which can read and modify informations from various configuration files known as "ini" files.
- excel-writer (⭐7) - Create Excel files with basic formats.
- generic-image-decoder (⭐25) - Multi-format image decoder library for Ada.
- ada-pdf-writer (⭐18) - Ada package for producing easily and automatically PDF files, from an Ada program, with text, vector graphics, images (JPEG).
- ada-bar-codes (⭐14) - Ada Bar Codes provides a package for generating various types of bar codes (1D, or 2D like QR codes) on different output formats, such as PDF or SVG.
Office / Apache License
- azip (⭐11) - A free, portable Zip Archive Manager.
- texcad (⭐5) - TeXCAD is a program for drawing or retouching {picture}s in LaTeX.
- cbsg (⭐14) - The Corporate Bullshit Generator.
Web / Apache License
- wasabee (⭐11) - A Web browser with safety focus.
Generators and Translators / Apache License
- pascal-to-ada (⭐13) - A Pascal to Ada translator.
- tp7-ada-gtkada (⭐3) - Implementation of Turbo Pascal 7.0 units with gtkada (⭐91).
- tp7-ada-gnoga (⭐5) - Implementation of Turbo Pascal 7.0 units with gnoga.
7. Awesome Swift
- SwiftAudioPlayer (⭐572) - Simple audio player for iOS that streams and performs realtime audio manipulations with AVAudioEngine.
8. Awesome Embedded and Iot Security
Research Papers / RFID NFC Tools
- 2019, Alrawi et al: SoK: Security Evaluation of Home-Based IoT Deployments
- 2019, Abbasi et al: Challenges in Designing Exploit Mitigations for Deeply Embedded Systems
- 2019, Song et al: PeriScope: An Effective Probing and Fuzzing Framework for the Hardware-OS Boundary
- 2014, Zaddach et al: Avatar: A Framework to Support Dynamic Security Analysis of Embedded Systems' Firmwares
Case Studies / RFID NFC Tools
- Deadly Sins Of Development - Conference talk presenting several real world examples on real bad implementations 📺.
9. Awesome Fuzzing
Papers / ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS)
- Prev: Dec 19, 2019
- Next: Dec 17, 2019