Awesome List Updates on Dec 13, 2019
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Courses / Commerical Tools
- Essential Natural Language Processing - A hands-on guide to NLP with practical techniques, numerous Python-based examples and real-world case studies.
2. Awesome Bigdata
Data Visualization / Graph Based approach
- Monte Carlo Tree Search Papers awesome-monte-carlo-tree-search-papers (⭐663).
3. Awesome Cl
- rutils (⭐254) - radical yet reasonable syntactic utilities for Common Lisp. MIT.
4. Awesome Mqtt
- EMQ X (⭐11k) - Scalable and Reliable Real-time MQTT Messaging Engine for IoT in 5G Era.
- MQTT.fx - MQTT.fx is a MQTT Client written in Java based on Eclipse Paho. Supports scripting.
- MQTTX (⭐2.2k) - MQTTX is a cross-platform MQTT desktop client open sourced by EMQ, which supports macOS, Linux, and Windows.
- Basecamp (⭐251) - An Arduino library to ease the use of the ESP32 in IoT projects. See c't Magazin 2'2018 (German).
Logging / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- mqtt-firebase - A CLI tool for subscribing to MQTT topics and dumping them to a firebase firestore DB.
Smart Home Integration Software / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- Domoticz - Domoticz beta supports MQTT.
Smart Metering / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- bcontrol2mqtt (⭐3) - Publish measurements from TQ Energy Manager / Busch-Jäger Energy Monitor to MQTT.
Misc / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- MQTT2ETCD (⭐2) - MQTT-ETCD gateway: PUT keys on ETCD through MQTT, and watch ETCD key changes on MQTT topics
Visualization, Dashboards / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- Crouton (⭐286) - A dashboard that taps into your IOT network, using only MQTT and JSON.
5. Alternative Internet
Hosting and media
- Peertube is a distributed and self-hosted video player and platform that uses WebTorrent and ActivityPub.
- YunoHost is a server operating system aiming to make self-hosting accessible to everyone.
- CloudBank (⭐32) First ever POWWT (Proof of work with time) consensus algorithm crypto currency with python without fee all miners share constant reward between them.
6. Awesome Css Learning
Layout / Flexbox
- What the Flexbox? - A simple, free 20 video course that will help you master CSS Flexbox!
Layout / Grid
- Designing with Grid - Talk about the new layout possibilities CSS Grid is offering.
7. Awesome Javascript Learning
Articles & Tutorials / Single Topics
- Array operations - Covering the usefulness of Array's map, reduce, and filter methods.
Free eBooks / Single Topics
- Functional-Light JavaScript (⭐17k) - This book explores the core principles of functional programming (FP) as they are applied to JavaScript.
Interactive learning / Single Topics
- Exercism JavaScript Track - Exercism provides individual practice and mentor-based learning for free.
8. Awesome Spark
Packages / Data quality
- deequ (⭐3.3k)
- Deequ is a library built on top of Apache Spark for defining "unit tests for data", which measure data quality in large datasets.
9. Awesome Katas
10. Awesome Ddd
Sample Projects / .NET (C#/F#)
- Better code with DDD building blocks (⭐304) - solution presents usage of DDD tactical patterns to achieve better readability and expressiveness of the code. Applying DDD patterns together with ubiquitous language closes the gap between language spoken by experts and the team and language used in the code.
11. Awesome Jamstack
Jamstack Sites Showcase
- FbaMonthly - Hosted on Netlify, built with Jekyll, Netlify Functions and Netlify Forms.
12. Awesome Blazor
Courses / Others
- Authentication and Authorization in Blazor Applications - December, 2019 - Learn how to secure your Blazor application using a variety of best practice techniques for authentication and authorization. On Pluralsight.
- Blazor: Getting Started - December, 2019 - Learn how to build your first application in a hands-on way using Blazor, Microsoft's solution to use C# to write interactive web UIs without JavaScript. On Pluralsight.
13. Awesome Splunk
- Splunk Website - Splunk's Homepage.
- Downloads - Download page.
- Previous Releases - Previous versions of Splunk Enterprise, Splunk Forwarders.
- Splunk Answers - Splunk's Community Questions and Answers.
- SplunkBase - Splunk and Community built apps and add-ons.
- Splunk Blogs - Blog posts on various topics.
- Splunk Dev - Develop on Splunk.
- Free Dev License - Request a free Splunk Developer license.
- Splunk Docs - Documentation.
- Splunk Sizing Calculators
- Storage - Web Based Storage Requirement Calculator.
Premium Apps / IT Service Intelligence
- ITSI Documentation - ITSI Documentation.
Visualisations / IT Service Intelligence
- Punchcard - Punchcard Visualisation.
- Horizon Chart - Horizon Chart Visualisation.
- Sankey Diagram - Sankey Diagram Visualisation.
Conferences, Meet-Ups and Socialising / IT Service Intelligence
- UserGroups - Find a nearby usergroup.
- .Conf - Splunk's annual conference website.
- Past .Conf Material - Watch past presentations and download the slides from past .conf presentations.
- Splunk UserGroups Slack - Splunk's publicly accessible Slack.
- Splunk Trust - The Splunk Trust is an invite only group of Splunk Ninjas.
14. Awesome Ios
- PostalCodeValidator (⭐208) - A validator for postal codes with support for 200+ regions.
- Prev: Dec 14, 2019
- Next: Dec 12, 2019