Awesome List Updates on Nov 19, 2019
4 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Rtc
Server Software / General Purpose
- FreeSWITCH - Open source multi-protocol, cross-platform and software switch.
- Asterisk - PBX framework supporting multiple protocols and platforms.
Server Software / SIP Servers
- Kamailio - Open source SIP server widely deployed by carriers and providers. Formerly known as OpenSER.
- OpenSIPS - Open source SIP server, tracing its roots in OpenSER (presently Kamailio).
- Routr - Lightweight SIP proxy, location server, and registrar written in Node.js.
- Sippy B2BUA (⭐140) - Back-to-back user agent server written in Python.
Server Software / Media Servers
- Janus - Lightweight open source, general purpose, WebRTC gateway.
- RTPProxy - General purpose high performance RTP proxy.
- RTP:Engine (⭐601) - RTP and UDP based media traffic proxy, usable as a kernel module.
- mediasoup - Specialized WebRTC conferencing system.
- SEMS (⭐132) - Open source media and application server for SIP based VoIP services.
Server Software / STUN/TURN
- coturn (⭐8.3k) - Fully featured TURN/STUN server supporting multiple platforms.
- STUNTMAN (⭐1.2k) - RFC compliant open source STUN implementation.
Operations / Monitoring
- sngrep (⭐779) - Terminal based SIP flow viewer.
- sipgrep (⭐146) - Console tool for sniffing, capturing and exploring SIP traffic.
- rtpbreak (⭐11) - Detect, reconstruct and analyze RTP sessions.
- HOMER (⭐1.2k) - Multi-protocol capturing and monitoring framework for RTC.
- Trickle ICE - Exposes client-side NAT traversal debug data.
Operations / Testing
- SIPp - Traffic generator for the SIP protocol.
- SIPVicious (⭐683) - Suite of security tools that can be used to audit SIP based VoIP systems.
- sipsak (⭐98) - SIP stress and diagnostics utility.
Operations / Web/API Interfaces
- Kazoo - Carrier-grade VoIP API platform using FreeSWITCH and Kamailio.
- FusionPBX - Multitenant system built on top of FreeSWITCH.
- FreePBX - Web Manager for Asterisk.
Operations / Billing
- CGRateS - Carrier grade open source billing/rating server.
- A2Billing - Billing system for Asterisk for multiple applications.
- PyFreeBilling (⭐80) - Wholesale billing platform for Kamailio and FreeSWITCH.
Developer Resources / Tutorials
- Getting Started With WebRTC - WebRTC tutorial by HTML5 Rocks.
- WebRTC Samples - Collection of samples demonstrating various parts of the WebRTC APIs.
- WebRTC Experiments - Comprehensive list of samples by Muaz Khan.
- Interactive Codelab - 30 minutes step by step live tutorial by Google.
Developer Resources / JavaScript Libraries
- drachtio - Node.js SIP server framework.
- adapter.js (⭐3.3k) - JavaScript shim for abstracting WebRTC spec changes and inconsistencies.
- JsSIP - Lightweight open source JavaScript SIP library.
- sipML5 - Open source JavaScript SIP client with WebRTC media stack.
- simple-peer (⭐6.5k) - WebRTC video, voice, and data channels abstraction for Node.js and the browser.
- Netflux (⭐198) - Isomorphic JavaScript peer to peer transport API for client and server.
Developer Resources / C/C++ Libraries
- PJSIP - Multi-protocol RTC library written in C.
- eXosip - eXtended osip is a mature C library for abstracting the SIP protocol.
- libdatachannel (⭐897) - Standalone WebRTC DataChannels C++ implementation.
- libSRTP (⭐992) - Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) library for C.
- usrsctp (⭐536) - Portable Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) user-land stack.
- rawrtc (⭐348) - WebRTC and ORTC library with a small footprint.
- OSS Core (⭐21) - General purpose C++ library for Real Time Communications.
- Open WebRTC Toolkit - WebRTC development toolkit with bindings for multiple platforms.
Developer Resources / Go Libraries
- Pion - Extensive software stack for WebRTC written in Go.
- gossip (⭐313) - SIP stack for stateful user agents written in Go.
- siprocket (⭐66) - Fast SIP and SDP packet parser.
- go-diameter (⭐212) - RFC compliant Diameter protocol library.
Developer Resources / Python Libraries
- aiortc (⭐3.1k) - WebRTC and ORTC implementation for Python using asyncio.
- Katari (⭐29) - SIP stack application framework.
Developer Resources / Erlang Libraries
- NkSIP (⭐337) - Extendable SIP server framework.
- ersip (⭐112) - Library comprising building blocks for SIP applications.
Blogs / Dart Libraries
- BlogGeekMe - Blog by Tsahi Levent-Levi with a strong focus on WebRTC.
- SIP Adventures - Unified communications blog by Andrew Prokop.
- WebRTCHacks - WebRTC blog by independent technologists.
Discussion / Dart Libraries
- FreeSWITCH Slack - Join #freeswitch and #freeswitch-dev for user and developer support.
- discuss-webrtc - Developer oriented Google Group for WebRTC discussions.
Events / Dart Libraries
- ClueCon - Annual conference held in Chicago for telecommunications developers. Birthplace of FreeSWITCH.
- Kamailio World - Berlin hosted annual event focused on Kamailio as well as VoIP, WebRTC, IMS, VoLTE and more.
- AstriCon - Asterisk focus event held every year across the US.
- OpenSIPS Summit - Meeting place for the OpenSIPS community.
- Kranky Geek - AI and RTC event in San Francisco.
2. Awesome Cli Apps
Entertainment / Books
- epr (⭐1.2k) - epub reader.
- Bible.Js CLI (⭐306) - Bible.
- SpeedRead (⭐64) - Spritz-alike speedreader.
3. Awesome Cl
- 👍 str (⭐313) - a modern, simple and consistent string manipulation library. MIT.
- trivial-extensible-sequences (⭐13) - Portability library for the extensible sequences protocol (SBCL documentation). zlib.
- listopia (⭐32) - a list manipulation library inspired by Haskell's Data.List. LLGPL.
- 👍 access (⭐86) - Consistent and nested access to most common data structures. BSD_3Clause.
- modf (⭐63) - a setf-like macro for functional programming.
- generic-cl (⭐145) - Generic function interface to standard Common Lisp functions (equality, comparison, arithmetic, objects, iterator, sequences,…). MIT.
- see also the more lightweight equals (⭐9) MIT.
Changing the syntax
- cl-annot (⭐128) - Python-like annotations for Common Lisp. LLGPL.
- cl-annot-revisit (⭐8) - re-implementation of cl-annot. WTFPL.
- cl-syntax (⭐39) - Reader syntax conventions. LLGPL.
- cl-reader (⭐13) - A utility library intended at providing reader macros for lambdas, mapping, accessors, hash-tables and hash-sets. MIT.
Files and directories / Third-party APIs
- mmap (⭐37) - Portable mmap file memory mapping utility library. zlib.
4. Awesome Fp Js
- Ramda (⭐24k) – A practical functional library for JavaScript that is designed specifically for a functional programming style. A style that makes it easy to create functional pipelines and never mutates user data. +TS.
- Folktale – A standard library for functional programming in JavaScript. Typescript support expected mid-2020. -TS.
- lodash/fp (⭐60k) – An instance of Lodash (⭐60k) with its methods wrapped to produce immutable, auto-curried, iteratee-first, data-last methods. +TS.
- 101 (⭐1.6k) – A modern and modular JavaScript utility library made to work well with vanilla JavaScript methods. -TS
- barely-functional (⭐107) – A tiny (2.7kb) functional programming library using native ES5/6 operations. -TS.
- – A functionally oriented utility library somewhat based off of Haskell's Prelude module. -TS.
- preludejs (⭐100) - Hardcore Functional Programming for JavaScript. -TS.
- 1-liners (⭐793) – Functional tools that couldn’t be simpler. A dead simple functional utility belt, hand-crafted with love and attention. -TS.
- funfix (⭐632) – Funfix is a library of type classes and data types for Functional Programming in JavaScript, TypeScript and Flow. +CT, +TS.
- pico-lambda (⭐71) - Arrays, Strings and things the functional way. A 640b functional library based on native methods. -TS.
- pareto-js (⭐261) - An extremely small, intuitive and fast functional utility library for JavaScript -TS.
- fpEs (⭐43) - A small library provides simple usages of basic FP & pattern-matching/sumtype & MonadIO/Rx & Optional for Javascript. -TS.
- Creed – Sophisticated and functionally-minded async with advanced features: coroutines, promises, ES2015 iterables, fantasy-land. -TS.
- TGrid (⭐146) - Grid Computing Framework, Network & Thread extension of TSTL (⭐603), supporting RFC (Remote Function Call). +TS.
- Ferrum (⭐519) – Iterator library with support for objects as iterables, lazy evaulation and
; implements Traits (from Rust)/Type Classes (from Haskell) in JS. -TS.
- iter-tools (⭐170) - a rich toolset for working with iterables, both sync and async. +TS.
- remeda A function library roughly subsetting Ramda, but written in Typescript and thus more type-friendly. +TS.
Libraries / Data Structures
- Immer (⭐28k) – Immer is a tiny package for immutable state based on copy-on-write mechanism. +TS.
- DerivableJS (⭐515) – Functional Reactive State for JavaScript and TypeScript. DerivableJS enables you to make elegant declarative statements about how your bits of state are related. +TS.
- collectable (⭐272) – Super high-performance immutable data structures for modern JavaScript and TypeScript applications. +TS.
- prelude.ts (⭐377) - Immutable persistent collections, functional constructs such as Option and Either, and combinators. Implemented in Typescript but supports javascript too. +CT, +TS.
- TSTL (⭐603) - C++ STL (Standard Template Library) is implemented in TypeScript. STL Containers, iterators, algorithms and functors, that following functional programming rule, are provided. +TS.
Libraries / Algebraic Data Types
- Sanctuary (⭐3k) – Sanctuary makes it possible to write safe code without null checks. +CT, +TS.
- monet.js – A library that assists functional programming by providing a rich set of Monads and other useful functions. +CT, +TS.
- crocks (⭐1.6k) – A collection of popular Algebraic Data Types with the main goal to curate and provide not only a common interface between each type, but also all of the helper functions needed to hit the ground running. -TS.
- purify (⭐1.5k) - Functional programming library for TypeScript focusing on ADTs. +CT, +TS.
- Pratica (⭐468) - Small, simple, easy FP data types for pragmatic and productive developers who need to ship reliable code fast. +CT, +TS.
- Tifi - Tifi is a library for functional programming in TypeScript. It solves a problem of the existence of both
. Tifi is inspired by the OCaml/Reason utilities for the option data type. +CT, +TS.
- Prev: Nov 20, 2019
- Next: Nov 18, 2019