Awesome List Updates on Nov 13, 2019
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / DNS - Control Panels & Domain Management
- octoDNS (⭐3.1k) - DNS as code - Tools for managing DNS across multiple providers.
2. Awesome Jmeter
Automation / Frameworks
- Taurus - Automation-friendly framework for Continuous Testing.
Performance Testing / Streaming Protocols
3. Awesome Piracy
Self-hosted VPNs
- Outline by Alphabet Not exactly a VPN, but is strong in privacy and security. Works with DO, Google Cloud, AWS and more.
Trackers / Public Trackers
- 7torrents Fast, clean, ad-free, privacy-focused DHT search engine
DDL Link Sites / Free Indexers
- Drop-in replacement for while their registrations remain closed
Stremio / Third Party Hosts
- r/StremioAddons Discussion and links pertaining to unofficial add-ons for Stremio
- PimpMyStremio (⭐252) Local add-on manager for Stremio add-ons, adds tens of new (self-hosted, and much more powerful) add-ons to Stremio
- Stremio Downloader (⭐140) An application that allows you to download any stream from Stremio (as opposed to just stream it). Also includes an internal add-on that lets users watch their downloaded content in Stremio while being offline
- Stremio - Watch together with friends A guide explaining how to watch videos on Stremio remotely with friends, keeping the playback in sync
- Stremio - Phone Remote A guide explaining how to control Stremio with your phone
- Stremio Catalog Builder A website that allows users to customize catalogs in Stremio
Plex Transcoding / Third Party Hosts
- nvidia-patch (⭐2.1k) Unlock the transcode or 'session' limit on nVidia consumer grade GPUs
Gaming / Third Party Hosts
- Free GOG PC Games Magnet links site to download games from GOG.
Windows / Third Party Hosts
- Windows 10 Digital License Scripts for activating Windows 10 "legitimately" by binding your HWID to a Microsoft account
Manga / Third Party Hosts
- Free Manga Downloader (FMD) (⭐269) A manga download manager and reader that supports downloading from various websites.
Automation / Third Party Hosts
- Piracy and automation, an overview Guide by /u/JukeCity101 on how to improve your experience pirating with automation tools
4. Awesome Chrome Devtools
Performance / Ruby
- TracerBench (⭐246) - TracerBench is a controlled performance benchmarking tool for web applications, providing clear, actionable and usable insights into performance deltas.
5. Awesome Flutter
🇳🇴 Norway / Misc
6. Awesome Influxdb
Import tools / Hooks
- JMeter2InfluxDB (⭐9) - Read JMeter results in a csv file and put results in InfluxDB after the load test
Dashboards and visualization / Hooks
- DBeaver - DBeaver Universal Database Tool, DBeaver Enterprise has special extensions for InfluxDB
- InfluxDB Studio (⭐746) - InfluxDB Studio is a UI management tool, its inspiration comes from other similar SQL database management tools (use InfluxData.Net run on MS Windows)
7. Awesome Npm
- lockfile-lint (⭐790) - Lint lockfiles for improved security and trust policies to mitigate malicious package injection and insecure lockfile resources.
8. Awesome Tap
Producers / JavaScript
- zora (⭐482) - TAP-producing test runner that works with ES2015 without Babel.
9. Awesome React Native
- react-native-styled-toast ★9 (⭐278) - A themeable toast component for React Native.
10. Awesome Roslyn
Libraries and Frameworks for Testing Analyzers, Code Fixes, and Refactorings
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Testing (⭐415) - Library for testing analyzers and code fixes with NUnit, xUnit and MSTest frameworks. A part of Roslyn SDK (⭐415).
- RoslynTestKit (⭐18) - Lightweight framework for writing unit tests for analyzers, code fixes, refactorings, and completion providers. It's unit testing framework agnostic.
11. Awesome Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
- Get Latest Tag (⭐182) - Get the previous tag from git.
- Create Milestone (⭐16) - Create a new open milestone given the title and description.
- Close Milestone (⭐4) - Close the given milestone.
12. Public Apis
API: Metro Lisboa
Description: Delays in subway lines
Auth: No
- Prev: Nov 14, 2019
- Next: Nov 12, 2019