Awesome List Updates on Nov 02, 2019
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Actions
Official Resources
Workflow Examples
- actions/starter-workflows (⭐8.8k) - Starter workflow management.
- actions/example-services (⭐247) - Example workflows using service containers.
Official Actions / Workflow Tool Actions
- actions/checkout (⭐5.7k) - Setup your repository on your workflow.
- actions/upload-artifact (⭐3.1k) - Upload artifacts from your workflow.
- actions/download-artifact (⭐1.4k) - Download artifacts from your build.
- actions/cache (⭐4.4k) - Cache dependencies and build outputs in GitHub Actions.
- actions/github-script (⭐4.1k) - Write a script for GitHub API and the workflow contexts.
Official Actions / Actions for GitHub Automation
- actions/create-release (⭐1.3k) - An Action to create releases via the GitHub Release API.
- actions/upload-release-asset (⭐684) - An Action to upload a release asset via the GitHub Release API.
- actions/first-interaction (⭐756) - An action for filtering pull requests and issues from first-time contributors.
- actions/stale (⭐1.3k) - Marks issues and pull requests that have not had recent interaction.
- actions/labeler (⭐1.9k) - An action for automatically labelling pull requests.
Official Actions / Setup Actions
Create your Actions / JavaScript and TypeScript Actions
- actions/toolkit (⭐4.9k) - The GitHub ToolKit for developing GitHub Actions.
- actions/hello-world-javascript-action (⭐234) - A template to demonstrate how to build a JavaScript action.
- actions/javascript-action (⭐948) - Create a JavaScript Action.
- actions/typescript-action (⭐2k) - Create a TypeScript Action.
Create your Actions / Docker Container Actions
- actions/hello-world-docker-action (⭐162) - A template to demonstrate how to build a Docker action.
- actions/container-toolkit-action (⭐116) - Template repo for creating container actions using actions/toolkit.
Tutorials / Terraform
2. Free for Dev
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- Spectrum - Create public or private communities for free.
- - Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser. Cypress Test Runner is always free and open-source with no restrictions and limitations. Cypress Dashboard is free for open-source projects for up to 5 users.
3. Awesome Crystal
C bindings
- (⭐47) - Libclang bindings
CLI Builders
- Phreak (⭐33) - A highly flexible Crystal CLI builder in the style of OptionParser
Dependency Injection
- Crystal-DI (⭐33) - Lightweight DI Container
- syringe (⭐7) - A simple and basic dependency injection shard for crystal
4. Awesome Saltstack
- ISalt (⭐66) - IPython-based command shell for interactive Salt programming.
5. Awesome Composer
Plugins / IRC
- Composer-Vendor-Cleaner (⭐31) - Plugin removes unnecessary development files and directories from
directory by glob pattern syntax.
Blogs / IRC
Slides / IRC
- Slides by Nils Adermann
- Source:
- PHP Reinvented - How Composer helped shape the new way of writing PHP
- Composer Update
- Dependency Management with Composer PHP Reinvented
- Managing dependencies is more than running "composer update"
- Composer Best Practices @ T3DD17
- Gain Control over your Dependencies with Private Packagist
- Composer.lock demystified
- Compoer In-Depth @ Contao Konferenz 2018
- Composer Best Practices 2018
- Developing and Deploying Magento with Composer Best Practices
- Composer Platform Config (check-platform-reqs) @ SymfonCon 2018
6. Awesome Malware Analysis
Detection and Classification / Other Resources
- Quark-Engine (⭐1.3k) - An Obfuscation-Neglect Android Malware Scoring System
- Prev: Nov 03, 2019
- Next: Nov 01, 2019