Awesome List Updates on Oct 30, 2019
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome
Developer Tools
- Tower - Tower - the most powerful Git client for Mac and Windows.
2. Awesome Html5
Game development / WebRTC
- Opensource JavaScript game engines
3. Awesome Fp Js
Functional Languages that Compile to JavaScript / Lenses
- TypeScript - TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
4. Awesome Ruby
Natural Language Processing
- Sentimental (⭐465) - Simple sentiment analysis with Ruby.
5. Awesome Iot
Software / Middlewares
- HiveMQ - Enterprise ready MQTT broker that can scale to connect millions of IoT devices.
6. Awesome Algorithms
Github Libraries / Randomized Algorithms
7. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
F Sharp / Phoenix
8. Awesome Pokemon
Resources & Others / Communities
- The PokéCommunity - A dedicated forum to everything Pokémon.
9. Awesome Interview Questions
Data Science / Windows
10. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Widgets
- wagtail-leaflet-widget (⭐23) - A Leaflet JS - OSM based wagtail geo-location widget.
11. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Europe
- Archives Portal Europe - European archives search engine.
- Europeana - Search engine for European textual and non-textual archival sources.
Archives and primary sources / France
- Gallica - Digital library of the National Library of France.
Archives and primary sources / Switzerland
- Industriekultur - Swiss national inventory of industry artifacts.
Learning / Switzerland
- Digital History Guide - Introduction to the web for historians, who wish to produce online historical work.
12. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- ROBOHASH - Web service to generate unique and cool images from any text.
13. Awesome Clean Tech
Companies / Food
Impossible Foods | California, USA | 2011
Their plant based burgers require 96% less land, 87% less water, and 89% less greenhouse emissions to produce than traditional burgers. Their mission is to produce plant based meat in order to reduce the impact of the meat industry on the environment.
HappyCow | California, USA | 1999
Reduce or avoid meat entirely by finding great vegetarian or vegan food all over the world.
Karma | Sweden | 2016
Helps restaurants, cafes, and grocery stores selling their surplus food at a discounted price. As a result, users get food for less and businesses receive an additional revenue stream — all while reducing food waste.
Olio | UK | 2015
Mobile app for food-sharing, aiming to reduce food waste. It does this by connecting those with surplus food to those who need or wish to consume such food. The food must be edible; it can be raw or cooked, sealed or open.
Too Good To Go | France | 2016
Gives the possibility for restaurants, stores, bakeries and cafés to sell unsold food at the end of the day. Since it is impossible to know in advance what will be the unsolds of the day, the users get a "surprise basket" of about 500g of food. Pretty much like Karma, but more present in France.
14. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Courses / Commerical Tools
- Succeeding with AI - An introduction to managing successful AI projects and applying AI to real-life situations.
15. Awesome Software Architecture
Methodology / Scalability and Resilience
- Clean Architecture, by Martin - Key principles and concepts for building sustainable and maintainable software 📙.
- The Magic Tricks of Testing, by Metz - Minimalistic ideals as a practical and pragmatic approach to software testing 🎥.
- TDD, Where did it all go wrong?, by Cooper - Suggestion on TDD practices and boundaries to reduce coupling 🎥.
- Prev: Oct 31, 2019
- Next: Oct 29, 2019