Awesome List Updates on Oct 25, 2019
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Free for Dev
Tunneling, WebRTC, Web Socket Servers and Other Routers
- — Visual Studio extension to expose IIS Express to the local network or over a tunnel to a public URL.
2. Awesome Laravel
Development Setup / Third-party Service Integration
- Lando - A local development environment tool built on Docker
3. Awesome Cordova
UI Frameworks
4. Awesome Javascript
QA Tools / Runner
- Pre-evaluate code at buildtime (⭐126) - Pre-evaluate your front end javascript code at build-time
API / Runner
- wretch (⭐4.9k) - A tiny wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax.
5. Awesome Crystal
- Crystar (⭐38) - Readers and writers of Tar archive format
- snappy (⭐18) - Snappy compression format reader/writer for Crystal
- (⭐41) - Bindings for Zstandard (⭐24k) compression library
6. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Data Pipeline
- LogDevice [C++] - a high-performant distributed system by Facebook for streaming and storing sequential data, using a log structure.
7. Awesome Code Review
- SonarCloud Detect code smells, bugs and vulnerabilities in Azure DevOps, Bitbucket and GitHub repositories.
8. Awesome Ethereum
- Eth Fiddle - Online editor for smart contracts.
- Full Stack DApp Tutorial Series - Full stack DApps using various frameworks.
- Flint Documentation - Experimental contract orientated language for Ethereum.
Blockchain Utilities
- Enjinx - Ethereum block explorer, that also nicely visualizes assets and tokens.
- Blockchair - Multi block explorer with nice charts.
- Swarm - Swarm is a distributed storage platform and content distribution service.
9. Awesome Python
GUI Development
- enaml (⭐1.5k) - Creating beautiful user-interfaces with Declarative Syntax like QML.
News Feed
- Stream Framework (⭐4.7k) - Building news feed and notification systems using Cassandra and Redis.
10. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Pychat (⭐239) - Self-hosted webrtc video chat (an alternative to Slack)
11. Awesome React Native
- react-native-wizard (⭐70) - Easily navigate your user for next step. Quick-forming Wizard component.
12. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Online Analyzers
- NVISO ApkScan - sunsetting on Oct 31, 2019
Tools / Dynamic Analysis Tools
- ARTist - a flexible open-source instrumentation and hybrid analysis framework for Android apps and Android's Java middleware. It is based on the Android Runtime's (ART) compiler and modifies code during on-device compilation.
Tools / Reverse Engineering
- apk-mitm (⭐4.1k) - A CLI application that prepares Android APK files for HTTPS inspection
- Prev: Oct 26, 2019
- Next: Oct 24, 2019