Awesome List Updates on Oct 24, 2019
16 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Interview Questions
Design Patterns / Windows
2. Awesome Flutter
Internationalization / Image Picker
- GenLang (⭐101) - Code generator for Internationalization by King Wu
- Flutter Translate (⭐408) - Internationalization (i18n) library by Florin Bratan
3. Awesome Board Games
Cranium bills itself as the "whole-brain" game. It's a party game that borrows from a host of other popular party games of recent times. Players have to successfully complete activities in each of four sections to win. 1) Creative Cat - A player must clue a word to his or her teammates by drawing it, sculpting it in clay, or drawing it with his or her eyes closed. 2) Data Head - A variety of trivia questions. 3) Word Worm - Players unscramble words, spell challenging words, guess definitions, identify words with letters left out, or spell words backwards. 4) Star Performer - players must whistle a song, impersonate a celebrity, or act out a clue. Cranium has elements similar to those of Pictionary, Charades, Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition, Celebrities, Huggermugger, Claymania, etc.
Players | Min. Age | Time |
4 - 16 | 13 | 60m |
4. Awesome Ruby
Code Loaders
- Zeitwerk (⭐2k) - An efficient and thread-safe Ruby code loader.
5. Awesome Laravel
Videos / Third-party Service Integration
6. Awesome Mac
Communication / Collaboration and Team Tools
- Slack - Awesome tool for team collaboration and communication.
7. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Software Development - Project Management
- UVDesk - UVDesk community is a service oriented, event driven extensible opensource helpdesk system that can be used by your organization to provide efficient support to your clients effortlessly whichever way you imagine. (Demo, Source Code (⭐11k))
8. Awesome Ros2
Working Groups / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)
- Navigation Working Group
- Safety Working Group
- Technical Steering Committee
9. Public Apis
API: Wallhaven
Description: Wallpapers
CORS: Unknown
10. Awesome Cheminformatics
Resources / Blogs
- Is life worth living? - Some examples for cheminformatics libraries.
11. Awesome Jamstack
API / E-commerce
- Shopify - Shopify headless e-commerce solution.
12. Awesome Html5
Communications and interoperability / Web Sockets
13. Awesome Actions
Machine Learning Ops / Terraform
14. Awesome Web Security
- Zen Rails Security Checklist (⭐1.8k) - Written by @brunofacca.
- Rails SQL Injection - Written by @presidentbeef.
- Official Rails Security Guide - Written by Rails team.
15. Awesome Programming for Kids
- The Foos - A funny, pre-literate iPad game that teaches concepts for commands, parameters, loops, and conditionals.
Lower Elementary
- Scratch - Scratch is a popular visual programming language for beginners, created by MIT. The Scratch website is a platform for kids to make interactive stories and share them with each other.
- Cargo Bot - iPad app to solve problems with constraints using commands, loops, conditional statements. More difficult puzzles than Lightbot.
Upper Elementary
- Web Design for Kids - A series of tutorials teaching children the basics of designing and building a website with HTML and CSS.
- Secret Coders - A engaging book series that teaches programming concepts through Logo.
- Khan Academy - Computer Programming - A series of web-based programming lessons with interactive challenges, by Khan Academy. Teaches topics like animation, game development, and web programming. Users can post questions, which get answered quickly by the community.
16. Awesome Creative Coding
Projection Mapping • VJing
- Millumin [Mac] - A software to create and perform interactive audiovisual shows.
- Smode [Win] - A real-time 2D/3D creation, compositing and video-mapping engine.
Other / Other
- Pass The Pen - A community of front-end developers who build collaborative creative coding projects on CodePen.
- Prev: Oct 25, 2019
- Next: Oct 23, 2019