Awesome List Updates on Oct 21, 2019
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Diversity
- Natives in Tech - Natives in Tech is a coalition of Native and non-Native software developers whose goal is to support software application development that reinforces Native beliefs, knowledge, and identity.
- Diversity in Tech - By Adam Recvlohe
- Building Open Source Software that Empowers Native Communities - By Adam Recvlohe (@arecvlohe)
2. Awesome React Components
- notistack - demo - docs - Highly customizable notification snackbars (toasts) that can be stacked on top of each other
Form Logic / Mouse Events
- react-final-form (⭐7.3k) - Subscription-based form state management
3. Awesome Playcanvas
Extensions and Utilities
- playcanvas-node (⭐5) - REST API wrapper for Node.js.
- tween.js (⭐9.9k) - Popular JavaScript tweening library that integrates easily with PlayCanvas.
Interactive Experiences
- Ride Along 2 - Using WebGL to promote a Hollywood movie release.
- Rugby World Cup - Promoting the Rugby World Cup in London's Piccadilly Circus.
4. Awesome Django
Resources / Educational
- Classy Class-Based Views - Detailed descriptions of methods/properties/attributes for each generic class-based view.
- Classy Django Forms (⭐29) - Detailed descriptions of methods/properties/attributes for each form class.
- Classy Django REST Framework - Detailed descriptions with methods/attributes for DRF class-based views and serializers.
Resources / Community
- Django Users Google Group - Very active discussion board for questions/answers.
- Developers Google Group - For contributions to Django itself only.
Resources / Podcasts
- Django Chat - A weekly podcast from William Vincent and Django Fellow Carlton Gibson with discussions of core Django concepts and regular guests.
- Podcast Init - A popular Python podcast that features Django guests on occasion.
Hosting / IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)
Projects / Boilerplate
- DRFx (⭐492) - A DRF starter with user auth, Pipenv, and other goodies.
- wemake-django-template (⭐2.1k) - Bleeding edge Django template focused on code quality and security.
- django-webpack-starter (⭐59) - Django Webpack starter template for using Webpack 4.
Projects / Open Source Projects
Django REST Framework / DRF Resources
Django REST Framework / DRF Tutorials
5. Awesome Jmeter
CI / Tools & Plugins
- JMeter Maven Plugin (⭐429) - Maven plugin that provides the ability to run JMeter tests as part of the build.
Distributed Testing / Tutorials & Demo
JMeter Performance / Utilities
- JMeter Performance - JMeter performance evolution across versions.
Related / Awesome Lists
- Awesome Testing (⭐1.9k) - A curated list of testing resources.
6. Awesome Wordpress Gatsby
Written Tutorials / Other helpful Plugins
- 2019.08: Live Previews with WordPress and Gatsby - Tutorial showing how to use the theme’s higher order component to facilitate previews for WordPress posts and custom post types.
- 2019.08: Gatsby with WPGraphQL, ACF and Gatbsy-Image - A guide, that shows how to implement gatsby-image, so it can be used for WordPress media files.
Video Tutorials / Other helpful Plugins
- 2019.07: Gatsby + WordPress with WPGraphQL (with Jason Bahl) — Learn With Jason - In this stream, Jason Bahl teaches how to use WordPress with Advanced Custom Fields and WPGraphQL to create an powerful, flexible admin dashboard, then query and display that data in a Gatsby site.
- 2019.06: Using WordPress with WPGraphQL - In this video you will learn how to use GraphQL with WordPress using an awesome plugin named WPGraphQL and some extra cool stuff like GraphQL + Advanced Custom Fields.
- 2019.04: WPGraphQL for ACF - Jason Bahl shows how to use WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields.
- 2018.07: GraphQL with WordPress and Gutenberg - Jason Bahl - 2018 JavaScript for WordPress Conference - In this talk from the 2018 JavaScript for WordPress Conference, the Developer of the WP GraphQL Plugin, Jason Bahl, gives updated examples of how you can use GraphQL with WordPress and Gutenberg.
Starters / Other helpful Plugins
- Gatsby + WPGraphQL Blog Example (⭐151) - Demo showing how to use WPGraphQL as the source for Gatsby Sites.
- Gatsby + Headless WordPress + Netlify Starter (⭐213) - A Gatsby + WordPress starter for continuous deployment to Netlify.
Themes / Other helpful Plugins
- Twenty Nineteen Gatsby Theme (⭐73) - A port of the Twenty Nineteen WordPress Theme over to Gatsby.
- Gatsby WordPress Publisher Theme (⭐32) - The Gatsby Publisher Theme allows you to create a headless (or decoupled) WordPress site. This theme will display all of your pages and posts in a static front-end built on React and Gatsby.
7. Awesome Waves
Portuguese / Swift
- Telegram - Waves Dev Jedi 🇧🇷 🇵🇹 - Chat de Telegram para desenvolvedores dApps.
8. Awesome Humane Tech
- DeepPrivacy (⭐1.2k) - A fully automatic face anonymization technique for images and video.
- 996.ICU (⭐264k) - Collection of resources advocating against 996 work schedule (9am – 9pm, 6 days per week).
9. Awesome Robotic Tooling
Development Environment / Code and Run
- ROS IDEs - This page collects experience and advice on using integrated development environments (IDEs) with ROS.
Development Environment / Unit and Integration Test
- UnitTesting - This page lays out the rationale, best practices, and policies for writing and running unit tests and integration tests for ROS.
10. Awesome Android
Chat & Messaging / ORM
- Stream Chat - Comprehensive SDK & Components for real-time chat, powered by Stream.
Podcasts / Custom Dialog
- Talking Kotlin - A Podcast on Kotlin and more.
- Android Authority is a weekly Android podcast hosted by Adam Doud, Joe Hindy, and Jonathan Feist from the Android Authority team.
11. Awesome Clean Tech
Companies / Water
The great bubble barrier | Netherlands | 2016
Developed a system working with a tube with holes placed on the bottom of a river. Pumping air through the tube creates a bubble barrier, or air curtain. The air bubbles force plastics in the water to the surface, making them accessible for removal.
Companies / Social Impact
Billions in Change | USA | 2015
Billions in Change develops and delivers inventions that help the unlucky half of the world obtain basic needs like clean water, reliable electricity, and sufficient food. Those fundamentals set the foundation for education, health, and livelihood, enabling people to improve life for themselves and for their families.
12. Awesome Ember
Packages / Gists
13. Awesome Actions
Collection of Actions / Docker Container Actions
Deployment / Code Coverage
14. Awesome Vapor
Bugsnag (⭐38) – Report errors with Bugsnag.
Flash (⭐36) – Flash messages between views.
Gatekeeper (⭐56) – Rate limiting middleware for Vapor.
JWT Keychain (⭐38) – Easily scaffold a keychain using JWT for Vapor.
Leaf Markdown (⭐52) – Markdown renderer for Vapor.
Lingo Vapor (⭐46) – Vapor provider for Lingo – the Swift localization library.
Meow (⭐65) – An alternative codable ORM for MongoDB.
MongoKitten (⭐644) – MongoDB driver in Swift.
Paginator (⭐67) – Query pagination for Vapor and Fluent.
Sanitize (⭐17) – Powerful model extraction from Vapor JSON requests.
SendGrid Provider (⭐64) – SendGrid-powered mail backend for Vapor.
Slugify (⭐15) – Convenience for sluggifying your strings.
Storage (⭐64) – Eases the use of multiple storage and CDN services.
Stripe Provider (⭐159) – Stripe Provider for Vapor.
Sugar (⭐26) – A package of sugar for Vapor.
SwiftyBeaver Provider (⭐32) – SwiftyBeaver Logging Provider for Vapor, the server-side Swift web framework.
Telesign Provider (⭐10) – A Telesign provider for Vapor.
Vapor Security Headers (⭐125) – Harden Your Security Headers For Vapor.
Education / Articles
Open-source Projects / Videos
SteamPress (⭐355) – A Blogging Engine and Platform written in Swift for use with the Vapor Framework.
15. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Clarifai — Image API for custom face recognition and detection. Able to train AI models. The free plan has 5,000 calls per month.
- Diggernaut — Cloud-based web scraping and data extraction platform for turning any website to the dataset or working with it as an API. The free plan includes 5K page requests monthly.
- — Open source REST API backend for mobile, web, and IoT applications. Hook up any SQL/NoSQL database, file storage system, or external service, and it instantly creates a comprehensive REST API platform with live documentation and user management.
- MailboxValidator — Email verification service using real mail server connection to confirm valid email. The free API plan has 300 verifications per month.
- OCR.Space — An OCR API parses image and pdf files that return the text results in JSON format. Twenty-five thousand requests per month are free.
- Pixela - Free daystream database service. All operations are performed by API. Visualization with heat maps and line graphs is also possible.
- Postman — Simplify workflows and create better APIs – faster – with Postman, a collaboration platform for API development. Use the Postman App for free forever. Postman cloud features are also free forever with certain limits.
- — Create a free endpoint to which you can send HTTP requests. Any HTTP requests sent to that endpoint will be recorded with the associated payload and headers so you can observe recommendations from webhooks and other services.
Security and PKI
- Sucuri SiteCheck - Free website security check and malware scanner
Management System
- - Help developers deploy and manage their web apps and servers. Free up to 25 git deployments per month
- Prev: Oct 22, 2019
- Next: Oct 20, 2019