Awesome List Updates on Oct 19, 2019
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Swift
Dependency Injection
- DIKit (⭐103) - Dependency Injection Framework for Swift, inspired by KOIN.
Quality / Barcode
- SwiftCop (⭐541) - A validation library which inspired by the clarity of Ruby On Rails Active Record validations.
2. Awesome Imba
Resources / Toolkits and Frameworks
- Start Imba (⭐22) - Tool to bootstrap an Imba protect that was inspired by Create React App and Vue CLI.
3. Awesome Emails
Services / Misc
- Postmark - Lightning fast delivery for your application emails. Postmark delivers your transactional email to customers on time, every time.
4. Awesome Plotters
Hardware / Plotters
- BrachioGraph - A cheap and simple plotter made from sticks, servos, and a Raspberry Pi running Python. Here's video of a BrachioGraph talk at PyCon UK from the creator.
Inspiration, Instruction, and Research / Fonts
- Surface Projection - Deep dive into surface projection and hidden line removal using Python and penplot.
5. Awesome Flutter
Monetization / Preferences
- Admob Flutter (⭐435) - Admob plugin that shows banner ads using native platform views by Youssef Kababe & Kevin McGill.
6. Awesome No Login Web Apps
Miscellaneous / Others
- Morsify - Online Morse code translator.
7. Awesome Remote Job
- Building Remote Teams - Targeted at people already working remotely and focuses on nuanced challenges of remote work.
8. Awesome Esolangs
- Six programming paradigms that will change how you think about coding - Post by Yevgeniy Brikman describing different programming paradigms that are not commonly applied.
- The Fun (and Madness) of Esoteric Programming Languages - Straightforward introduction to esoteric languages with examples.
9. Awesome Job Boards
Programming / Go
Programming / Python
10. Awesome Naming
- fold - Like a blanket being folded up, this function iterates a collection and in each step combines the current item with everything that has already been folded.
User Interface Design
- Hamburger button - A button to toggle a menu. The associated icon resembles a hamburger.
- Process starvation - A problem where a process is perpetually denied resources to do its work.
- Time travel debugging - Stepping back in time through source code to understand execution and sometimes even to change history.
11. Awesome Scientific Computing
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- PyWavelets - Wavelet transforms in Python. (Python, MIT, GitHub (⭐2.1k))
12. Awesome Saltstack
- salt-lint (⭐150) - Checks Salt state files (SLS) for practices and behavior that could potentially be improved.
13. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects / Messaging and social media
Open Source Projects / Libraries
People Doing Open Source Work / Hardware related
- Dimitri Fontaine - Various contributions to the PostgreSQL ecosystem (pgloader, pg_auto_failover), Emacs libraries (el-get), author.
- Felipe Lima - Various projects and libraries like OkReplay, AirMapView, AsymmetricGridView, GifImageView, Wombat.
- Khoa Pham - A multitude of libraries, applications and articles about iOS/Cocoa,
- Lars Moelleken - Various PHP libraries and OSS contributions.
- Nick Sweeting - ArchiveBox and OSS contributions but also articles and documentation.
- Pedro Carrasco - Various iOS libraries and projects.
- Sanjay Madan, #2 - Mowglii apps, author of Itsycal and Snk.
- Stéphane Peter - AudioKit contributor, Makeself and other libraries and projects.
- Tim Oliver - Multitude of iOS libraries and various contribution to the iOS ecosystem.
14. Awesome Tikz
Official Links / PGF/TikZ
- SourceForge (⭐1.1k) - Code, releases, support and bug reports.
Gallery / PGFPlots
- LatexDiagrams (⭐190) - This repo contains many diagrams generated for academic usage, including Algorithms-Data Structures, Artificial Intelligence, BlogDiagrams, DSP, Engineering Software Design, etc.
- tikz-network (⭐326) - A tool to visualize complex networks in LaTeX.
Tools / PGFPlots
- PlotNeuralNet (⭐22k) - Latex code for making neural networks diagrams
- awesome-latex-drawing (⭐1.3k) - Drawing Bayesian networks, graphical models, and technical frameworks in LaTeX.
15. Free for Dev
- - Back4App is an easy-to-use, flexible and scalable backend based on Parse Platform.
Data Visualization on Maps
- Foursquare - Location discovery, venue search, and context-aware content from Places API and Pilgrim SDK.
- Prev: Oct 20, 2019
- Next: Oct 18, 2019