Awesome List Updates on Oct 18, 2019
19 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Cl
Persistent object databases
- cl-prevalence - in-memory database system. Implementation of Object Prevalence, in which business objects are kept live in memory and transactions are journaled for system recovery. github fork (⭐32). LLGPL.
- See also cl-prevalence-multimaster (⭐5), to syncronize multiple cl-prevalence systems state.
HTTP clients
- fast-http (⭐346) - A fast HTTP request/response parser for Common Lisp. MIT.
HTTP Servers
- zaserve (⭐7) - A portable fork of AllegroServe, by Franz Inc. LLGPL.
- cl-http2-protocol (⭐106) - a pure Common Lisp transport agnostic implementation of the HTTP/2 protocol at draft-14. MIT.
HTTP Servers / Hunchentoot plugins
- hunchentoot-cgi (⭐5) - a library for executing CGI scripts from the hunchentoot webserver. BSD.
- hunchentoot-multi-acceptor (⭐7) - Route multiple domains (virtual hosts) on a single hunchentoot acceptor using a single port. Apache2.0.
Javascript / Isomorphic web frameworks
- ⭐ Parenscript - A translator from Common Lisp to Javascript. 3-clause BSD. See Trident-mode (⭐78), an Emacs mode that provides live interaction with the browser.unlicence.
- paren6 (⭐31) - a set of ES6 macros for Parenscript.
- paren-async (⭐3) async/await for Parenscript.
- paren-jquery (⭐3) - Jquery-style macros for Parenscript. MIT.
Others / Third-party APIs
- avm (⭐54) - Efficient and expressive arrayed vector math library with multi-threading and CUDA support. MIT.
Utils / Third-party APIs
- cl-coroutine (⭐67) - a coroutine library. It uses the CL-CONT continuations library in its implementation. MIT.
Actors pattern / Third-party APIs
- Actors (⭐13) package for LispWorks (announce) MIT.
2. Alternative Internet
- PeerLinks is a MIT licensed distributed group messaging platform with a focus on building trust networks between people and explicit invites to the channels. At the moment there is a nodejs library (⭐198), Desktop Client (⭐198).
3. Awesome Laravel
Codebases for Reference / Videos
- Canvas (⭐3k) - A Laravel Publishing Platform
4. Awesome Crystal
ORM/ODM Extensions
- crecto (⭐343) - Database wrapper, based on Ecto
5. Awesome Css Frameworks
General Purpose
- Blaze UI - Open source modular toolkit providing great structure for building websites quickly with a scalable and maintainable foundation.
Demo, Docs, Repo (⭐1.6k) | #SCSS
6. Awesome Esolangs
- Orca - Livecoding environment to quickly create procedural audio sequencers.
7. Awesome Naming
Design Patterns and Anti Patterns
- Adapter - Allows classes with incompatible interfaces to work together by wrapping its own interface around that of an already existing class.
- trampoline - Continuously runs functions which itself return functions. Like a child on a trampoline that returns and bounces back up.
- zip - Merges two lists into one list of pairs like the interlocking teeth of a zipper.
IT Security
- Backdoor - A method of bypassing normal authentication in a computer system.
User Interface Design
- Breadcrumb - Navigational aid allowing users to keep track of their location within programs, documents, or websites. The term is a reference to the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel.
- Carousel - A kind of animated slideshow looping back on itself.
- Desktop - The metaphorical top of the user's desk, upon which objects such as documents and folders of documents can be placed.
- ACID vs. BASE - Acronyms describing competing database ideologies (aka. SQL vs. NoSQL). Note that acid and base are also opposites in chemistry.
8. Awesome Speakers
Europe / Germany 🇩🇪
Joy Heron
Topics: Clojure, Web Apps, Security
Robin Weser
Topics: CSS, CSS in JS, React
9. Awesome Sre
Conferences & Meetups
- ADDO - All Day DevOps - A 24 hour conference that is completely online and free.
10. Mind Expanding Books
Philosophy And Psychology
Name: Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah
Author: Richard Bach
Goodreads Rating: 4.15
Year Published: 1977
11. Awesome Actions on Google
Open source code
- Canvas Quiz (⭐39) - It is a starter kit for developers to make custom, voice-enabled question-answer games for the Google Assistant.
12. Free for Dev
Data Visualization on Maps
- — Map tiles, routing, navigation, and other geospatial APIs. Two thousand five hundred free map views and API requests/day for non-commercial usage and testing.
13. Awesome Testing
Software / UI & End-to-End Testing
- Courgette - Declarative BDD UI testing with Gherkin.
14. Awesome Devenv
Terminal / Extensions
- hss (⭐305) - Never type the annoying ssh commands again.
15. Awesome Imba
Resources / Official Resources
16. Awesome Katas
17. Awesome Actions
Deployment / Code Coverage
18. Awesome Cpp
Static Code Analysis
- IKOS (⭐2.9k) - Static analyzer for C/C++ based on the theory of Abstract Interpretation. [NOSA 1.3]
19. Awesome4girls
General / UX
Girls4Tech - Loc:
- Lang: PT-BR only
Girls 4 Tech is an online programming course, totally free and made by women. The language is accessible, does not require previous knowledge and is open for everyone.
Women Who Code - Loc:
Women Who Code (WWCode) is a U.S. based 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. WWCpde connects amazing women with other like minded amazing women around the globe who unite under one simple notion – the world of technology is much better with women in it.
- Prev: Oct 19, 2019
- Next: Oct 17, 2019