Awesome List Updates on Oct 07, 2019
18 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Free for Dev
- Sender Up to 15,000 emails/month, up to 2,500 subscribers
2. Awesome Actions
Deployment / Code Coverage
3. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Testing & Debugging
- Ignition (⭐2k) - A beautiful error page for Laravel apps
- Laravel Telescope (⭐4.3k) - Laravel Telescope is an elegant debug assistant for the Laravel framework
Starter Projects / Videos
4. Awesome Parasite
Reporting Systems
- Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMed) - An early warning of outbreaks of emerging and re-emerging diseases. Sources of information include media reports, official reports, online summaries, local observers, and others. EIDR-Connect parses ProMed reports into disease outbreak events, curated by disease experts.
5. Awesome Clojure
6. Awesome Mental Health
- Burnout And Your Meat Computer - Electromagnetic Field 2018 - By Jessica Rose.
7. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Cortex (⭐8k) - Open source platform for deploying machine learning models in production.
8. Awesome Transit
Agency Tools
- TBEST - TBEST (Transit Boardings Estimation and Simulation Tool) is an effort to develop a multi-faceted GIS-based modeling, planning and analysis tool which integrates socio-economic, land use, and transit network data into a platform for scenario-based transit ridership estimation and analysis. Funded by the Florida Department of Transportation. Free to use but not open-source.
9. Awesome Raspberry Pi
OS Images
- LibreELEC - Just enough OS for Kodi
10. Awesome Gideros
Useful Lua-Libraries / Plugins
- bump (⭐769) - Simple, flexible and fast library for collision detection using axis-aligned bounding boxes (from version 2017.8 onwards Gideros contains a C-port of the library with the same API that should be used instead cbump.
11. Public Apis
Open Data
Description: Address search via the French Government
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
12. Awesome Mac
Design and Product / Design Tools
- MakeHuman - Powerful and free 3D human modeler.
13. Awesome Board Games
Persian Wars
Persian Wars is a card-driven wargame depicting the Greco-Persian conflict from 494 to 466 B.C. Players control either the Persian empire and its generals, Xerxes, Artabazus, Artayntes, Artemisia and Mardonius or the Greek city-states and their generals, the Athenians Xanthippus, Miltiades and Themistocles and Spartans, Leonidas and Pausanias.
Players | Min. Age | Time |
2 - 4 | 12 | 60-90m |
14. Awesome Clean Tech
Companies / Energy
Bulb | UK | 2013
The UK's biggest green supplier. They provide members with 100% renewable electricity from solar, wind and hydro. Plus, the gas is 100% carbon neutral. 10% is green gas produced from renewable sources like food or farm waste.
15. Awesome Flutter
Top / Game Engine resources
- Timy Messenger (⭐2.1k) - Group messaging app with a focus on organizing events by Miguel Beltran and Franz Heinfling
16. Awesome Hacking
System / Other
17. Terminals Are Sexy
Terminal Emulation Applications
- Xfce Terminal - Modern terminal emulator primarily for the Xfce desktop environment.
Tools and Plugins
- kubebox (⭐2k) - Terminal console for Kubernetes.
18. Awesome Ios Books
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- Prev: Oct 08, 2019
- Next: Oct 06, 2019