Awesome List Updates on Oct 04, 2019
17 awesome lists updated today.
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1. AwesomeCSV
Generate Table Schema / Treat CSV as SQL
- PSKit Query (⭐39) — Powershell module lets you run simple queries over objects, including imported with csv
2. Awesome Typescript
Web / Playground
- 🐙 (⭐62k) - Open Source Workflow Automation Tool
3. Awesome Web Security
Application / Server-Side Request Forgery
- OWASP Juice Shop (⭐7.3k) - Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application - Written by @bkimminich and the @owasp_juiceshop team.
- BadLibrary (⭐56) - Vulnerable web application for training - Written by @SecureSkyTechnology.
- Hackxor - Realistic web application hacking game - Written by @albinowax.
- Portswigger Web Security Academy - Free trainings and labs - Written by PortSwigger.
4. Awesome Parasite
Museums & Collections
- Denver Museum of Nature and Science - Collection of mammalian ecto- and endo- parasites primarily focused on the Rocky Mountain and Great Plains regions of the United States. Accessible through Arctos.
5. Awesome Hacking
Web / Other
- - Website by an Austrian group. Lots of challenges taken from CTFs they participated in.
6. Alternative Internet
Cloud and storage
- Nextcloud is a selfhosted, federated alternative to Google Docs/Office365 et all. It syncs and lets you share files but it's over 200 community-contributed apps add chat and audio/video calls, calendar/contact, mail, maps, Tasks, collaborative document editing, Kanban board, password manager, bookmarks, audio player and many more. It is easy to install and manage (as far as servers go...) and extremely secure.
7. Awesome Ipfs
- Tellit - Encrypt files before uploading them using a keypair or a passphrase.
8. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Android
9. Awesome Ios Books
10. Awesome Flutter
Image / Backend-Driven
- Bitmap (⭐174) - Perform Bitmap manipulations (such as contrast and exposure) with a help from the Dart FFI by Renan C. Araújo
11. Free for Dev
Major Cloud Providers
- Oracle Cloud
- Compute
- 2 AMD-based Compute VMs with 1/8 OCPU and 1 GB memory each
- 4 Arm-based Ampere A1 cores and 24 GB of memory usable as one VM or up to 4 VMs
- Instances will be reclaimed when deemed idle
- Block Volume - 2 volumes, 200 GB total (used for compute)
- Object Storage - 10 GB
- Load balancer - 1 instance with 10 Mbps
- Databases - 2 DBs, 20 GB each
- Monitoring - 500 million ingestion data points, 1 billion retrieval datapoints
- Bandwidth - 10 TB egress per month, speed limited to 50 Mbps on x64-based VM, 500 Mbps * core count on ARM-based VM
- Public IP - 2 IPv4 for VMs, 1 IPv4 for load balancer
- Notifications - 1 million delivery options per month, 1000 emails sent per month
- Full, detailed list -
- Compute
12. Awesome Clean Tech
Companies / Vegetation & Agriculture
Land Life Company | Amsterdam | 2013
Their mission is to reforest the world’s 2 billion hectares of degraded land.
Research / Social Impact
- Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change - Providing solution-oriented policy pathways for governing the global commons to enhance sustainable development and human well-being.
13. Awesome Elixir
- pow (⭐1.6k) - Robust, modular, and extendable user authentication system (Website - Doc).
Date and Time
- open_hours (⭐48) - Time calculations using business hours.
- crudry (⭐91) - Crudry is an elixir library for DRYing CRUD of Phoenix Contexts and Absinthe Resolvers.
ORM and Datamapping
- panoramix (⭐42) - Apache Druid client for Elixir.
Text and Numbers
- caustic (⭐6) - Elixir cryptocurrency library for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other blockchains. Includes cryptography, number theory (prime, congruence), and general mathematics library for exploratory math.
- Alchemist Camp - Alchemist.Camp has many hours of free, project-based Elixir-learning screencasts.
14. Awesome React Components
Form Logic / Mouse Events
- formsy-react (⭐762) - A form input builder and validator for React JS.
15. Awesome Pixel Art
Community / Artists
- eBoy - German, pixel art group founded in 1997 by Kai Vermehr, Steffen Sauerteig and Svend Smital. They are regarded as the “Godfathers of Pixel Art”.
16. Awesome React Native
17. Awesome Ember
Packages / Tools
- Ember Unused Components (⭐51) - This script searches for unused components in your Ember project
- Prev: Oct 05, 2019
- Next: Oct 03, 2019