Awesome List Updates on Sep 29, 2019
4 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Dotnet
- TLSharp (⭐1k) - It's a perfect fit for any developer who would like to send data directly to Telegram users or write own custom Telegram client.
Application Frameworks
- HopFramework (⭐48) - HopFramework is a framework to create projects easily applying Domain Driven Design and a lot of patterns to delivery a better solution.
- Nethermind (⭐1.3k) - full Ethereum client in .NET Core
- HandyControl (⭐6.3k) - Contains some simple and commonly used WPF controls
- LtGt (⭐121) - lightweight HTML processor, can be used to parse and navigate DOM, handles CSS selectors, can convert to Linq2Xml, easily extensible, and more.
Image Processing
- Colourful (⭐279) - Open source .NET library for working with color spaces.
Install tools
- Onova (⭐526) - An unopinionated auto-update framework for desktop applications.
Machine Learning and Data Science
- Catalyst (⭐764) Cross-platform Natural Language Processing (NLP) library inspired by spaCy, with pre-trained models, out-of-the box support for training word and document embeddings, and flexible entity recognition models. Part of the SciSharp Stack
- Rationals (⭐81) - Implementation of rational number arithmetic for .NET with arbitrary precision.
- Coravel (⭐4k) Near-zero config .NET Core library that makes Task Scheduling, Caching, Queuing, Mailing, Event Broadcasting (and more) a breeze!
- Gofer.NET (⭐546) - Easy C# API for Distributed Background Tasks/Jobs for .NET Core. Inspired by celery for python.
- Mockaco (⭐338) - API mock server with fast setup, useful to simulate HTTP responses, leveraging ASP.NET Core features, built-in fake data generation and C# scripting engine powered by Roslyn scripting API.
- AnyStatus - A desktop notifications app for monitoring CI/CD pipelines, servers, network, health and metrics. AnyStatus supports Azure DevOps, Jenkins, TeamCity, AppVeyor and more.
Source Generator
- .NET Open Source Developer Projects (⭐15k) - This community maintained list showcases .NET open source projects that are useful for any aspect of the development process.
2. Awesome Job Boards
Tech / Europe
- SwissDev Jobs - Jobs for Software Developers from the EU that want to work in Switzerland
3. Awesome Cl
Community / Interfaces to other package managers
- dh-quicklisp-buildapp (⭐7) - debhelper utility to let you compile your quicklisp-based Common Lisp code into a buildapp binary in a .deb with almost no effort. MIT.
4. Awesome Actions
Notifications and Messages / Code Coverage
- Prev: Sep 30, 2019
- Next: Sep 28, 2019