Awesome List Updates on Sep 19, 2019
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Actions
Deployment / Code Coverage
2. Awesome Python Typing
Static type checkers
- pyright (⭐14k) - Fast type checker meant for large Python source bases. It can run in a “watch” mode and performs fast incremental updates when files are modified.
Stub packages
- django-stubs (⭐1.7k) - Stubs for Django (⭐82k).
- djangorestframework-stubs (⭐473) - Stubs for DRF (⭐29k).
- grpc-stubs (⭐38) - Stubs for grpc (⭐42k).
Tools / Linters
- flake8-annotations-complexity (⭐46) - Plugin for flake8 to validate annotations complexity.
Tools / Testing
- pytest-mypy-plugins (⭐110) - Pytest plugin for testing mypy types, stubs, and plugins.
Tools / Working with types
- mypy-protobuf (⭐664) - Tool to generate mypy stubs from protobufs.
Tools / Mypy plugins
- mypy-zope (⭐39) - Plugin for zope.interface support.
- mypy/plugins (⭐19k) - Plugins already integrated into mypy.
Integrations / Mypy plugins
- vim-mypy (⭐98) - Mypy integration for Vim.
Articles / Third-party articles
- Testing mypy stubs, plugins, and types - Full tutorial about testing mypy types.
Communities / Third-party articles
- python/typing - Official typing gitter chat.
- PythonRu#typing - Russian slack chat (invites are here) about types.
Related / Third-party articles
- awesome-python (⭐232k) - Curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- python-typecheckers (⭐62) - List of Python type checkers: static and runtime.
3. Awesome Javascript
Testing Frameworks / Runner
- puppeteer (⭐88k) - Headless Chrome Node.js API by official Google Chrome team.
4. Bots
5. Awesome Elm
Conference Videos / Playlists
- Elm Conf 2019 - Sep 2019
6. Awesome Malware Analysis
Detection and Classification / Other Resources
- PortEx (⭐494) - Java library to analyse PE files with a special focus on malware analysis and PE malformation robustness.
7. Awesome Nosql Guides
Overview of NoSQL
- Distribution, Data, Deployment: Software Architecture Convergence in Big Data Systems (PDF) - Gorton and Klein (2014) paper to discuss software engineering concerns when dealing with big data systems in terms of distribution, data, and deployment. Also accessible here.
- Use cases for NoSQL (2017) - Discussion on Stack Overflow on best use cases for using NoSQL databases over traditional SQL databases.
Data Structures and Modeling
- Data Models Will Be Beautiful Again (2016) - Essay argues that despite existing schema-less databases, thoughtful database modeling is important to gain knowledge and insights using algorithms.
8. Awesome Machine Learning
JavaScript / Demos and Scripts
- NSFWJS - Indecent content checker with TensorFlow.js
- Rock Paper Scissors - Rock Paper Scissors trained in the browser with TensorFlow.js
9. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Redshift
- aws-lambda-redshift-loader 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐593) - Lambda database loader.
- Prev: Sep 20, 2019
- Next: Sep 18, 2019