Awesome List Updates on Sep 19, 2019

9 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Actions

Deployment / Code Coverage

2. Awesome Python Typing

Static type checkers

Stub packages

Tools / Linters

Tools / Testing

Tools / Working with types

Tools / Mypy plugins

Integrations / Mypy plugins

Articles / Third-party articles

Communities / Third-party articles

Related / Third-party articles

3. Awesome Javascript

Testing Frameworks / Runner

4. Bots


5. Awesome Elm

Conference Videos / Playlists

6. Awesome Malware Analysis

Detection and Classification / Other Resources

7. Awesome Nosql Guides

Overview of NoSQL

Data Structures and Modeling

8. Awesome Machine Learning

JavaScript / Demos and Scripts

9. Awesome Aws

Open Source Repos / Redshift