Awesome List Updates on Sep 04, 2019
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Bioie
Code Libraries / Pre-LLM Guides, Lectures, and Courses
- rentrez (⭐193) - R utilities for accessing NCBI resources, including PubMed.
2. Awesome Flutter
State management / Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection
- Async Redux - Redux without boilerplate. Allows for both sync and async reducers by Marcelo Glasberg
3. Awesome Swift
Network / Barcode
- ReactiveAPI (⭐79) - Write clean, concise and declarative network code relying on URLSession, with the power of RxSwift. Inspired by Retrofit.
UI / Barcode
- ShowSomeProgress (⭐107) - Animated Progress and Activity Indicators for iOS apps.
4. Awesome Embedded Rust
Peripheral Access Crates / NXP
HAL implementation crates / OS
software protocol implementations for microcontrollers with digital::OutputPin and digital::InputPin
HAL implementation crates / NXP
5. Awesome Dataviz
Golang tools / Misc
- plot (⭐2.3k) - API for building and drawing plots in Go.
- go-echars (⭐5k) - Simple yet powerful data visualizing library for Go.
Python tools / Misc
- pyechars (⭐13k) - Python binding for Echarts library.
6. Awesome Jamstack
Jamstack Sites Showcase
- VSCode Power User Course - PWA built on Gatsby and hosted on Netlify.
- CloudyCam - PWA built on Next.js and hosted on Zeit Now v2 Serverless platform.
7. Awesome React Native
Media / Navigation Demos
- react-native-android-video ★8 (⭐19) - Android ExoPlayer Video component for react-native.
8. Awesome Python Data Science
Deep Learning / TensorFlow
- keras-contrib (⭐1.6k) - Keras community contributions.
- Hyperas (⭐2.2k) - Keras + Hyperopt: A straightforward wrapper for a convenient hyperparameter.
- Elephas (⭐1.6k) - Distributed Deep learning with Keras & Spark.
- qkeras (⭐551) - A quantization deep learning library.
Reinforcement Learning / Others
- RLlib - Scalable Reinforcement Learning.
- TensorForce (⭐3.3k) - A TensorFlow library for applied reinforcement learning.
- TRFL (⭐3.1k) - TensorFlow Reinforcement Learning.
- keras-rl (⭐5.5k) - Deep Reinforcement Learning for Keras.
- garage (⭐1.9k) - A toolkit for reproducible reinforcement learning research.
- Horizon (⭐3.6k) - A platform for Applied Reinforcement Learning.
Graph Machine Learning / Others
- Spektral (⭐2.4k) - Deep learning on graphs.
9. Awesome Sre
SRE Tools
10. Awesome Malware Analysis
Network / Other Resources
- FakeNet-NG (⭐1.7k) - Next generation dynamic network analysis tool.
- Prev: Sep 05, 2019
- Next: Sep 03, 2019