Awesome List Updates on Sep 02, 2019
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Crystal
- Chinese-speaking Telegram Group - 来吧!TG 中文圈的朋友们!
2. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / Sandboxing/Reversing Tools
- Any Run - Interactive online malware analysis service for dynamic and static research of most types of threats using any environment.
- Hybrid-Analysis - Free powerful online sandbox by CrowdStrike.
- Intezer - Intezer Analyze dives into Windows binaries to detect micro-code similarities to known threats, in order to provide accurate yet easy-to-understand results.
- Joe Sandbox (Community) - Joe Sandbox detects and analyzes potential malicious files and URLs on Windows, Android, Mac OS, Linux, and iOS for suspicious activities; providing comprehensive and detailed analysis reports.
- Valkyrie Comodo - Valkyrie uses run-time behavior and hundreds of features from a file to perform analysis.
3. Awesome
- Videotape - Video player for windows 10 focused on simplicity with a beautiful and easy to use interface.
4. Awesome Laravel
Books / Videos
- Build an API with Laravel by Wacky Studio
5. Awesome Pagespeed Metrics
Concepts / Lab Data (Synthetic Measurements)
- Lighthouse - A tool built on Google Chrome to audit web pages. You can run it from Chrome DevTools, a Chrome Extension or from the command line (even with headless Chrome).
- Google PageSpeed Insights - Free and hosted Lighthouse reporting (and more) by Google.
- WebpageTest - Free and hosted web performance testing (also an open source project).
Concepts / Field Data (Real User Monitoring - RUM)
- Load abandonment - Track
to account for survivorship bias.
Other metrics / User Timing
- Lab: Lighthouse, WPT
Interactivity metrics / Time to Interactive (TTI)
6. Awesome Python Data Science
Visualization / General Purposes
- chartify (⭐3.6k) - Python library that makes it easy for data scientists to create charts.
- physt (⭐133) - Improved histograms.
Visualization / Interactive plots
- animatplot (⭐413) - A python package for animating plots built on matplotlib.
7. Awesome Cpp
- Verovio (⭐702) - Verovio is a fast and lightweight music notation engraving library. [LGPL] website
8. Awesome Json
Command-line tools
- json-dotenv (⭐8) - Manipulate and extract envfiles in json format.
Online tools
- FakeJSON - Web API to quickly generate fake data for your application.
- JSON to CSV - A free, in-browser JSON to CSV converter.
9. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Content Management
- Wagtail Live Preview (⭐29) - Live page previews beside your content.
- Prev: Sep 03, 2019
- Next: Sep 01, 2019