Awesome List Updates on Aug 21, 2019
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / File Transfer - Single-click & Drag-n-drop Upload
- elixire - Simple yet advanced screenshot uploading and link shortening service. (Source Code, Clients)
2. Awesome Hbase
Frameworks / Graph
- NebulaGraph (⭐8.1k) - A high performance distributed Graph database.
3. Awesome Bioie
Code Libraries / Repos for Specific Datasets
- mimic-code (⭐2.4k) - Code associated with the MIMIC-III dataset (see below). Includes some helpful tutorials (⭐2.4k).
Datasets / Biomedical Text Sources
- OHSUMED - paper - 348,566 MEDLINE entries (title and sometimes abstract) from between 1987 and 1991. Includes MeSH labels. Primarily of historical significance.
Datasets / Annotated Text Data
- Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) - paper - 203 ambiguous words and 37,888 automatically extracted instances of their use in biomedical research publications. Requires UTS account.
Datasets / Protein-protein Interaction Annotated Corpora
- BioC-BioGRID - paper - 120 full text articles annotated for PPI and genetic interactions. Used in the BioCreative V BioC task.
- BioInfer - paper - 1,100 sentences from biomedical research abstracts annotated for relationships (including PPI), named entities, and syntactic dependencies. Additional information and download links are here.
- IEPA - paper - 486 sentences from biomedical research abstracts annotated for pairs of co-occurring chemicals, including proteins (hence, PPI annotations).
- LLL - paper - 77 sentences from research articles about the bacterium Bacillus subtilis, annotated for protein–gene interactions (so, fairly close to PPI annotations). Additional information is here.
Ontologies and Controlled Vocabularies / Other Datasets
- RxNorm - paper - Normalized names for clinical drugs and drug packs, with combined ingredients, strengths, and form, and assigned types from the Semantic Network (see below). Released monthly.
- UMLS Metathesaurus - paper - Mappings between >3.8 million concepts, 14 million concept names, and >200 sources of biomedical vocabulary and identifiers. It's big. It may help to prepare a subset of the Metathesaurus with the MetamorphoSys installation tool but we're still talking about ~30 Gb of disk space required for the 2019 release. See the manual here. Requires UTS account.
- UMLS Semantic Network - paper - Lists of 133 semantic types and 54 semantic relationships covering biomedical concepts and vocabulary. Is the Metathesaurus too complex for your needs? Try this. Does not require UTS account to download.
4. Awesome Functional Programming
Table of Contents / Books
- Grokking Simplicity: Taming complex software with functional thinking - Teaches functional programming from first principles using real-world scenarios.
5. Awesome Fp Js
Resources / Books
- Grokking Simplicity teaches functional programming from first principles. It uses JavaScript for all code examples and it uses real-world scenarios. By Eric Normand (2019)
6. Awesome Blazor
Other Languages / Others
- Playlist - Programando en Blazor - [Spanish] Series of videos about Blazor.
7. Awesome Clean Tech
Companies / Vegetation & Agriculture
Vultus | Sweden | 2016
Uses satellite imaging to save fertilizer usage up to 30%, and track crops health. This allows farmers to reduce their Nitrous Oxide emissions, a greenhouse gas that is 298 times more potent than CO2.
8. Nginx Resources
Understanding Nginx
9. Awesome Swift
UI / Barcode
- MultiSelectSegmentedControl (⭐300) - UISegmentedControl remake that supports selecting multiple segments, vertical stacking, combining text and images.
10. Awesome React Components
Parallax / Syntax Highlight
- react-parallax-tilt (⭐928) - demo - Easily apply parallax tilt hover effect on components.
11. Machine Learning with Ruby
Related Resources / Vector search
12. Awesome Flutter
- Before After (⭐965) - Beautiful slider which makes it easier to display the difference between two images, by Sahil Kumar.
UI / List
- Infinite Listview (⭐304) - Infinite scroll in both directions by Simon Lightfoot.
UI / Drawers
- Flutter Inner Drawer (⭐516) - Easy way to create an internal drawer (left / right) where you can enter a list-menu or other by Di Natale Antonino.
Text & Rich Content / Image Picker
- Parsed Text (⭐219) - Interactive text based on content recognition, also supports Regex by Fayeed Pawaskar
13. Awesome Actions
Collection of Actions / Docker Container Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
- Prev: Aug 22, 2019
- Next: Aug 20, 2019