Awesome List Updates on Aug 14, 2019
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome WSL
5. WSL2
- Announcing WSL2 - Microsoft blog announcing WSL2
- The new Windows subsystem for Linux architecture: a deep dive - WSL2 presentation at Microsoft Build 2019
- WSL2-Linux-Kernel (⭐7.7k) - The source for the Linux kernel used in Windows Subsystem for Linux 2.
8. Installation
- Windows Server Installation Guide - Microsoft's official guide for Windows Server.
Supported Distributions / Fedora Remix for WSL
2. Awesome Frege
Information / Articles & Blogs
- JAXenter - Interview with Ingo Wechsung (German).
Sample Applications / Games
- frech (⭐0) - Fully functional chess engine.
3. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / File Transfer - Single-click & Drag-n-drop Upload
- Sharry (⭐954) - Share files easily over the internet between authenticated and anonymous users (both ways) with resumable up- and downloads.
Software / Proxy
- Tinyproxy - Light-weight HTTP/HTTPS proxy daemon. (Source Code (⭐5k))
4. Awesome Eta
Information / Talks
- Introduction to Eta - Introduction by the creator of Eta.
- Haskell for JVM - Talk at LambdaConf about porting a language to the JVM.
Tools / Talks
- IntelliJ Eta (⭐52) - Plugin for IntelliJ.
5. Awesome Actions on Google
- What are Actions on Google - Luke Davis and guest Jessica Dene Early-Cha introduce the concept of Actions on Google, and talk about common terminology.
- Smart Home Integrations on Google Assistant - Jessica Dene Early-Cha and guest Dan Myers go over how to get onboarded to Google Assistant for their smart devices and how voice commands work.
- Pathway to creating your own Action - Jessica Dene Earley-Cha and guest Brad Abrams talk about content, App Actions, and experiences.
- Creating personality for your Actions - In this episode of Assistant on Air, host Jessica Dene Early Cha and guest Wally Brill discuss why it's important to design with persona and how to bring it to life.
- Designing Quality Conversations for the Google Assistant (Google I/O'19) - A conversation designer and a developer will walk you through setting user expectations, handling unexpected user responses, and making improvements with user insights.
6. Awesome Aws
SDKs and Samples / Python SDK
Guides, Books, Documentation, and Training / Case Studies: Powered by AWS
Social / Blogs
7. Awesome Wordpress Gatsby
Gatsby Plugins / Other helpful Plugins
8. Awesome
- Bandicam - Recording software allowing easy video recording of both desktop and 3D apps simultaneously.
9. Awesome Cmake
- FindIDL (⭐27) - CMake module for building IDL files with MIDL and generating CLR DLL using Tlbimp.
- Prev: Aug 15, 2019
- Next: Aug 13, 2019