Awesome List Updates on Jul 31, 2019
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Maintainers
2. Awesome Clean Tech
Companies / Vegetation & Agriculture
Phytoponics | UK | 2016
Produces a commercial scale hydroponic growing system, which is cheaper and easier to install and maintain than traditional hydroponic systems. The goal is to bring the benefits of hydroponics (less water and land, more consistent yields), with a lower investment up front.
Solar Foods | Finland | 2017
Produces Solein - a single-cell protein - from water, CO2 and electricity. It doesn’t require arable land or irrigation and isn’t limited by climate conditions. The original concept of Solein was born from a NASA space programme, and was further developed in the research projects of the Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd and the Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT).
Companies / Materials
Cellugy | Denmark | 2018
Offers a biomaterial produced from food and vegetable waste, that can be used for packaging as an alternative to plastic. This material is translucent, resistent, and home compostable.
Companies / Water
The Ocean Cleanup | Netherlands | 2013
Developed a technology to passively collect ocean debris, with the goal of cleaning the oceans of 90% of their plastic waste by 2040. In 2018 they deployed their solution in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Orbital Systems | Sweden | 2012
Collaborated with NASA to develop a shower system that uses 90% less water. The shower has a purification system that makes it possible to reuse the same batch of water. The company now wants to make this technology - initially developed for space - available to consumers.
Solar Water Solutions | Finland | 2015
Develops a reverse osmosis technology for producing drinking water with low operating expenses and no CO2 emissions. The desalination system is fully solar, independent of external energy sources and easy-to-use and maintain.
Companies / Energy
Solar City | California, USA | 2006
Current products include a solar panel roof that collects as much power as possible without looking like a solar panel, and Powerwall, a home energy storage solution.
Companies / Social Impact
Ducky | Norway | 2014
Offers a range of products based on climate and environmental research data, where you can monitor your personal footprint in their climate calculator, learn about climate psychology, and reduce carbon emissions through friendly team competitions.
3. Awesome List
Front-End Development
- Blazor (⭐8.9k) - .NET web framework using C#/Razor and HTML that runs in the browser with WebAssembly.
4. Awesome Powershell
API Wrapper
- HipChatAdmin (⭐7) - A module for simple integration with Atlassian HipChat via the HipChat API.
- ConfluencePS - A module for interacting with Atlassian's Confluence in powershell (by using the API).
- JiraPS - A module for interacting with Atlassian's Jira in powershell (by using the API).
- PowerShellMagazine - Awesome magazine.
- PowerShellExplained - Personal blog of Kevin Marquette
- Doug Finke - Author of PowerShell for Developers.
- Mike F. Robbins - Microsoft MVP. SAPIEN Tech MVP. Co-author of Windows PowerShell TFM 4th Edition.
- Exploring PowerShell Automation - a free eBook sampler that gives you an overview of how to administer your environment.
- PowerShell in Depth - The go-to reference for administrators. Every major shell technique, technology, and tactic is explained and demonstrated, providing a comprehensive reference to almost everything an admin would do in the shell.
- Windows PowerShell in Action, Third Edition - The latest revision of the comprehensive reference guide.
- Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches, Third Edition - An innovative tutorial designed for busy IT professionals. Just set aside one hour a day - lunchtime would be perfect - for a month, and you'll be automating Windows tasks faster than you ever thought possible.
- Learn PowerShell Scripting in a Month of Lunches - A guide to the process of developing, testing, and deploying scripts, and the art of toolmaking.
- The Monad Manifesto, Annotated - Jeffrey Snover - Design and theory behind the language from its creator.
- Why PowerShell? - Warren Frame & Don Jones - Use cases for the language.
- The Big Book of PowerShell Gotchas - Don Jones - Excellent guide to avoiding common pitfalls.
- The Big Book of PowerShell Error Handling - Dave Wyatt - Great reference for error handling techniques.
- Secrets of PowerShell Remoting - On all things remoting. Workflow, fan-out, etc.
- PowerShell Notes for Professionals - Compilation of notes and snippets.
Code and Package Repositories
- GitHub - Looking for an Open Source PowerShell project? It's probably here.
Commandline Productivity
- posh-git (⭐6.5k) - Set of PowerShell scripts which provide Git/PowerShell integration.
- PSReadLine (⭐2.8k) - Bash inspired readline implementation for PowerShell. Keeps history between sessions, adds reverse-history search and makes the commandline experience much better overall.
- TabExpansionPlusPlus (⭐177) - PowerShell module to make customizing tab completion easier and add a library of custom argument completers.
- Zlocation (⭐433) * (⭐15k) implementation for PowerShell. Similar to Jump-Location.
- thefuck (⭐74k) - Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command (by typing
- posh-with (⭐58) - Command prefixing for continuous workflow using a single tool.
- poco* peco (⭐7.1k) implementation. Interactive filtering tool.
- - Forums, summits, community blog posts, and more.
- /r/PowerShell - Reddit PowerShell community.
Documentation Helper
- platyPS (⭐622) - Write PowerShell External Help in Markdown.
- Invoke-CreateModuleHelpFile (⭐30) - PowerShell function to create a HTML help file for a module and all it's commands.
- PScribo (⭐204) - PowerShell documentation framework what can create HTML, Word, text files based on PowerShell-based DSL (domain specific language).
Editors and IDEs
- PowerShell Studio - Powerful PowerShell IDE with module, help, and user interface development tools, high DPI support and regular updates.
- PowerShell for Visual Studio Code - Provides IntelliSense, code navigations, script analysis, script debugging, and more for the Visual Studio Code editor.
- ISE Steroids - Add-on for the PowerShell ISE which provides a rich set of additional features to complete the ISE development experience.
- PowerShell Plus - All in one IDE.
- SublimeText package (⭐291) - PowerShell language support for Sublime Text.
- Atom package (⭐44) - PowerShell language support for Atom.
- Carbon - DevOps for automating the configuration of Windows computers.
- PSCX (⭐593) - PowerShell Community Extensions - Useful set of additional cmdlets.
- PSFramework (⭐330) - Easily add configurations, logging and more to your own PowerShell module.
Package Managers
- Chocolatey - The package manager for Windows. The sane way to manage software on Windows.
- GitLab (⭐40) - Use a GitLab server as Package Provider.
Parallel Processing
- Invoke-Parallel (⭐345) - This function will take in a script or scriptblock, and run it against specified objects(s) in parallel.
- The PowerShell News Podcast - This podcast is the latest news on PowerShell.
- File System Security - Allows a much easier management of permissions on files and folders.
- PowerShellArsenal (⭐786) - Module used to aid a reverse engineer.
- PowerTools (⭐1.8k) - Collection of projects with a focus on offensive operations.
- PowerForensics (⭐1.2k) - Popular live disk forensics platform for windows.
- PowerSploit (⭐10k) - Post-exploitation framework.
- PowerShellEmpire (⭐6.7k) - Post-exploitation agent.
- PSReflect (⭐204) - Easily define in-memory enums, structs, and Win32 functions in PowerShell. Useful for attacks, example (⭐2.4k).
- BloodHound (⭐7.5k) - Easily identify highly complex attack paths that would otherwise be impossible to quickly identify.
- Powerline (⭐509) - PowerShell Classes for richer output and prompts.
- PowerShell Unplugged with Jeffrey Snover and Don Jones Ignite 2017 - The inventor of PowerShell talking about "the latest and coolest PowerShell features to help you automate and manage the hybrid cloud". Focused on the PowerShell Community.
- Getting Started With PowerShell 3.0 Jump Start - Jump starts series are for IT professionals with no previous experience with PowerShell, and want to learn it fast.
- Advanced Tools & Scripting with PowerShell 3.0 - IT pros, take this advanced PowerShell course to find out how to turn your real time management and automation scripts into useful reusable tools and cmdlets.
- What's New in PowerShell v5 - Through description on some of the exciting new features in PowerShell version 5.0.
- PowerShell Open Source Project - Collection of videos thoroughly demonstrate how PowerShell open source project runs on Linux.
- PowerShell - This show will include videos talking about the PowerShell automation platform, Desired State Configuration (DSC), infrastructure as code, and related concepts!! These videos are created by Trevor Sullivan, a Microsoft MVP for Windows PowerShell.
- Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches - Don Jones - Video companion to the book of the same title.
- Best Practices for Script Design - Don Jones - Don Jones discusses script design principles and best practices.
- PowerShell Toolmaking (1 of 3) - Don Jones - Toolmaking (1 of 3) - Don Jones.
- PowerShell Toolmaking (2 of 3) - Don Jones - Toolmaking (2 of 3) - Don Jones.
- PowerShell Toolmaking (3 of 3) - Don Jones - Toolmaking (3 of 3) - Don Jones.
- Sophisticated Techniques of Plain Text Parsing - Tobias Weltner - Great reference for text parsing.
- Monad Manifesto Revisited - Jeffrey Snover - Jeffrey Snover reflects on the beginnings of the language and where it's going.
- AD Forensics with PowerShell - Ashley McGlone - A lot of AD related scripting and analysis techniques.
- Windows PowerShell What's New in V2 - SAPIEN - Old but gold. Most of this is still very relevant.
- All Things Microsoft PowerShell - Another general language reference.
- Flancy (⭐178) - Web microframework for Windows PowerShell.
- Pode (⭐539) - Pode is a Cross-Platform PowerShell framework for creating web servers to host REST APIs, Web Sites, and TCP/SMTP Servers.
- Polaris (⭐486) - A cross-platform, minimalist web framework for PowerShell.
- WebCommander (⭐162) - Run scripts and view results, in a friendly web GUI or via a web service.
- DbgShell (⭐630) - A PowerShell front-end for the Windows debugger engine.
5. Awesome CoreML Models
Text - Metadata/Text
- BERT for Question answering - Swift Core ML 3 implementation of BERT for Question answering Download (⭐1.5k) | Demo (⭐1.5k) | Reference (⭐105k)
- GPT-2 - OpenAI GPT-2 Text generation (Core ML 3) Download (⭐1.5k) | Demo (⭐1.5k) | Reference (⭐105k)
6. Awesome Cloudflare
- Th3inspector (⭐1.8k) - All in one CLI tool for information gathering.
- Partner Panel (⭐1.3k) - Tool for hosting partners to provide a DNS management panel for customers.
- CFPMP (⭐243) - Partner management panel.
- Flares (⭐174) - DNS backup tool.
- Block Bad Bot Ruleset (⭐179) - Collection of rulesets to block malicious crawlers with firewall rules.
- Docker DDNS (⭐954) - Docker image to use the free DNS Service as a dynamic DNS provider.
- Dynamic DNS Bash (⭐233) - Dynamic DNS updater in bash script.
- Dynamic DNS PHP (⭐152) - Dynamic DNS updater in PHP.
- Dynamic DNS Python (⭐153) - Dynamic DNS updater in python.
- Argo Tunnel Client (⭐5.8k) - CLI client for Argo tunnel, a tunneling daemon that proxies any local webserver through the Cloudflare network.
- Upper (⭐99) - Speeds up craft dramatically using a cache proxy in front of your webserver.
- Cloud Buster (⭐143) - A comprehensive pentest tool that checks sites for origin IP leaks.
- Open Source - Official open-source projects.
- API Docs - API documentation.
- Integration Resources - Plugins for content management systems, control panels, cloud providers, ecommerce platforms and more.
- Technical Resources - Technical tools and resources.
- The Serverlist Newsletter - The serverlist is a Cloudflare-curated newsletter about all things serverless.
Apps / Open Source
- Official OSS Apps - Collection of official apps.
Workers / Tools
- Serverless Plugin - Plugin for serverless framework (⭐45k) to develop and deploy serverless applications using Workers.
- GitHub Action (⭐19) - Deploy a worker on push to the master branch.
- Workers KV Viewer (⭐38) - CLI based interactive viewer for workers KV storage.
- Redirect Management - Generate redirect worker.
Workers / Recipes
- Examples Collection (⭐932) - Collection of recipes.
- Static (⭐13) - Generate a static HTML or JSON page from raw strings in your workers script.
- Img-Color (⭐36) - Retrieve the dominant color of a png or jpeg image.
- Binast (⭐7) - Serve binast via a worker.
- Pwnage Protection (⭐147) - Secure password scoring and user pwnage protection api - Usage.
- URL Router (⭐88) - Fast url router - Usage.
- Blue / Green Deployments (⭐24) - Working example of blue / green deployments with canary releasing.
- Preact PWA (⭐61) - Preact progressive web app.
- Connecting to Google Storage - Pull files from Google's cloud storage.
- CSRF Protection - Protect any origin from CSRF by verifying origin/referer headers.
- URL Query Strings Parser - Parse url query strings.
- Regrex Replacement and Injection - Perform regex replacements and inject CSS/JS.
- Webpack Boilerplate (⭐122) - Boilerplate to build, bundle and deploy workers with webpack.
- Basic Auth (⭐102) - Protection using basic auth.
- IP lookup service (⭐33) - IP lookup service using workers.
- TypeScript Workers (⭐139) - Types and mocks for building a tested typescript worker.
- Proxies (⭐88) - Makes it easy to build workers, by providing high-level proxying primitives addressing common needs.
- Bannero (⭐5) - Bannero image API for simpledesktops.
- Hasura (⭐18) - Example using Facebook-based authorization and graphql proxy queries with hasura.
- IP Redirects - Redirect users based on their ip address.
- Short URL Redirector - Redirect short links.
- Performance Optimized Workers (⭐145) - Collection of worker scripts, generally focused on performance optimizations.
7. Awesome Ciandcd
Build And Release System
- Concourse Rather than a myriad of checkboxes, pipelines are defined as a single declarative config file
- cds CDS is an Enterprise-Grade Continuous Delivery & DevOps Automation Platform written in Go(lang).
8. Awesome Waves
Projects / Swift
- Ventuary-DAO - Sandbox dedicated to filtering dApp ideas and stimulating the Waves community to take part in Web 3.0 adoption.
Greek / Swift
- Telegram - Telegram κοινότητα για προγραμματιστές dApps.
Hindi / Swift
- Telegram - सॉफ्टवेयर डेवलपर्स के लिए टेलीग्राम चैट.
Turkish / Swift
- Telegram - Yazılım geliştiriciler için Telegram sohbet.
9. Awesome Embedded and Iot Security
Books / RFID NFC Tools
- 2018, Mark Swarup Tehranipoor: Hardware Security: A Hands-on Learning Approach
- 2017, Andrew Huang: The Hardware Hacker: Adventures in Making and Breaking Hardware
- 2016, Craig Smith: The Car Hacker's Handbook: A Guide for the Penetration Tester
- 2015, Nitesh Dhanjan: Abusing the Internet of Things: Blackouts, Freakouts, and Stakeouts
- 2014, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay: Hardware Security: Design, Threats, and Safeguards
- 2014, Jack Ganssle: The Firmware Handbook (Embedded Technology)
10. Awesome Purescript
Build Tooling
- spago (⭐677) - PureScript package manager and build tool powered by Dhall and package-sets
11. Awesome Fuzzing
- Effective File Format Fuzzing, Black Hat Europe 2016
- Adventures in Fuzzing, NYU Talk 2018
- Fuzzing with AFL, NDC Conferences 2018
- Prev: Aug 01, 2019
- Next: Jul 30, 2019