Awesome List Updates on Jul 29, 2019
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Free for Dev
- — Free DNS. No limit on the number of domains
2. Awesome Imba
Built with Imba / Apps/Websites
- Other Todo MVC (⭐1) - view online - TodoMVC implementation following tastejs/todomvc (⭐28k) rules.
3. Awesome React Components
UI Layout / Syntax Highlight
- react-spaces (⭐1.3k) - demo/docs - Nestable anchored, resizable, scrollable components.
4. Awesome React Native
- react-native-eva-icons (⭐183) - Eva Icons (⭐8.4k) implementation for React Native based on react-native-svg elements.
5. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
macOS-based defenses / Overlay and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
- LuLu - Free macOS firewall.
- Stronghold (⭐1.1k) - Easily configure macOS security settings from the terminal.
- macOS Fortress (⭐407) - Automated configuration of kernel-level, OS-level, and client-level security features including privatizing proxying and anti-virus scanning for macOS.
6. Awesome Embedded and Iot Security
Research Papers / RFID NFC Tools
- 2017, Jacob et al: How to Break Secure Boot on FPGA SoCs through Malicious Hardware
7. Awesome Cassandra
Cassandra Deployment / Cassandra Deployment on Kubernetes / Kubernetized Cassandra
- Instaclustr - Kubernetes Operator for Cassandra (⭐236) - The Cassandra operator manages Cassandra clusters deployed to Kubernetes and automates tasks related to operating an Cassandra cluster.
8. Awesome Circuitpython
- Control servos with CircuitPython and Raspberry Pi - The MagPi Magazine, Issue 84, Melissa LeBlanc-Williams, July, 2019.
9. Awesome Cytodata
Datasets / Genetic Perturbations
- Singh et al. 2015 - 3,072 cell painting profiles from 41 genes knocked down with RNA interference (RNAi) in U2OS cells (Access from GitHub (⭐19)).
10. Awesome Calculators
Resources / Videos
11. Awesome Composer
Tools / IRC
- Bramus/Composer-Autocomplete (⭐96) - A Bash/Shell autocompletion script for Composer.
- Composer/Xdebug-Handler (⭐2.5k) - Helps you to restart a CLI process without loading the xdebug extension.
12. Awesome Irc
Bouncers / Hosted
- IRCCloud - Group chat for teams, friends, and communities. stay connected, chat from anywhere, and never miss a message (+client) (£0-£3.50/month).
- iOS App (⭐276) - Official.
- Android App (⭐286) - Official.
- Nimbus (⭐150) - Standalone client.
- iOS App (⭐276) - Official.
Daemons / Self-hosted
- ircd.js (⭐526) - Server will allow clients to connect, join channels, change topics; basic stuff.
- InspIRCd - Modular, stable, written from scratch. (source (⭐1.1k))
- miniircd (⭐420) - Very simple and limited.
- ngIRCd - Portable and lightweight for small or private networks. (source (⭐434))
Services / Self-hosted
- Atheme - Designed for large networks with high scalability requirements. (source (⭐389))
Bots / Self-hosted
- Sopel - Tonnes of ready made features, tutorial, fully documented. (source (⭐951))
- Limnoria (⭐618) - Robust, user friendly, developer friendly.
- Twitch Plays (⭐275) - Takes input from the chat and presses the corresponding key.
- Skybot (⭐247) - Main goals are simplicity and power.
- talkbackbot - Responds to configured trigger phrases with quotes from notable women. (source (⭐181))
- lazybot (⭐153) - User-friendly and powerful.
- geordi (⭐183) - Compiles and runs C++ code snippets.
- yossarian-bot (⭐30) - Large default plugin set, Cinch-based.
- helga (⭐48) - Pluggable chat bot supporting multiple protocols.
Frameworks / Self-hosted
- goirc (⭐494) - Event-based, stateful, lacking documentation.
- Hubot IRC Adapter (⭐299) - The IRC adapter for hubot.
- go-ircevent (⭐480) - Event-based.
- slate-irc (⭐203) - Plugin system, simple api, arbitrary input stream, debug support.
- PircBotX (⭐217) - Event based IRC Library with a straightforward API (updated fork of PircBot).
Frameworks / Bridges
- discord-irc (⭐1.2k) - Discord ↔ IRC.
- slack-irc (⭐588) - Slack ↔ IRC.
- irc-slack (⭐186) - Slack ↔ IRC.
- BitlBee - XMPP, Jabber, Google Talk, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, AIM, ICQ, Twitter API, HipChat ↔ IRC.
- skyweb2irc (⭐7) - Skype (webclient API) ↔ IRC.
Channels / Discovery
- Search - Searches 563 different networks.
- mibbit Search - Searches networks listed here.
- KiwiIRC Search - Searches 318 different networks.
Networks / Platforms
- OFTC - Community for free and open source software communities.
Articles / Platforms
- Please don't use Slack for FOSS projects - Drew DeVault's Blog.
- IRC Has Lost 60% Of Its Users Since 2003, But Life As A Robot Is Just Beginning - Alex Williams (TechCrunch).
Guides / Platforms
- #irchelp - A vast amount of reasonably up-to-date information.
Protocol / Platforms
- IRCv3 Working Group - A group of IRC software authors working to enhance, improve, maintain and standardize the IRC protocol. (source (⭐86))
- Modern IRC Documents - An attempt to write an update to the original IRC protocol. documentation (source (⭐189))
- IRC Definition Files - Lists of numerics, modes, ISUPPORT tokens and other protocol details. (source (⭐61))
- grawity's IRC docs (⭐55) - Collection of misc IRC protocol documentation.
- Protocol Statistics - Statistics around the server software in use on networks today. (source (⭐7))
- IRC Parser Tests (⭐38) - A CC0 set of test suites, to ensure IRC message parsers are consistent.
13. Awesome Web Performance Budget
- Designing for Performance - How performance is important for designers.
- Web Performance for Designers and developers - Front-end performance for web designers and front-end developers.
- Inside Design - Setting a web performance budget - Setting a performance budget by Invision.
- Real-world Web Performance Budgets By Alex Russel - Can You Afford It?: Real-world Web Performance Budgets.
- Performance Budget using Angular CLI - Implementing Performance Budget in Angular projects.
Tools to measure Performance Budget
- Web Page Test - Test your performance.
Build Tools to set up performance budget
- Performance Budget Builder (⭐181) - Lay out your template types, set a size budget for each template type, then plug in the sizes for each asset category that will load in the template.
- Progressive Web Metrics (⭐1.2k) - Lay out your template types, set a size budget for each template type, then plug in the sizes for each asset category that will load in the template.
- rollup-plugin-size-snapshot (⭐164) - CLI tool and lib to gather performance metrics via Lighthouse.
Bundle Analyzers
- lasso-analyzer (⭐4) - Analyze and Visualise project bundles created by Lasso.
- Implementing Performance Budgets - How to implement performance budgets to avoid regression - Google Chrome Developers.
14. Webcomponents the Right Way
15. Awesome Scala Native
- Prev: Jul 30, 2019
- Next: Jul 28, 2019