Awesome List Updates on Jul 20, 2019
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Quantum Computing
- D-Wave Leap - Demos and educational resources as well as access to D-Wave's quantum computer.
Development Tools
- Ocean - D-Wave's SDK for developing on their quantum computers using Python.
- pyQuil (⭐1.4k) - Python library for quantum programming using Quil by Rigetti.
- Qiskit.js (⭐113) - Qiskit for JavaScript made by IBM.
2. Awesome Software Architecture
Frameworks / Agile
- Nexus - Scalable Scrum according to Ken Schwaber, co-creator of Scrum.
3. Awesome Microservices
Java VM / Kotlin
- Http4k - Lightweight but fully-featured HTTP toolkit written in pure Kotlin that enables the serving and consuming of HTTP services in a functional and consistent way.
Resilience / Scala
- Resilience4j (⭐9.9k) - Fault tolerance library designed for Java8 and functional programming.
HTTP/1.1 / Scala
- RFC7807 - Problem Details for HTTP APIs.
4. Awesome Vue
Resources / Conferences
5. Awesome Javascript
Package Managers
- npm - npm is the package manager for JavaScript.
- script.js (⭐2.9k) - Asynchronous JavaScript loader and dependency manager.
- LodJS (⭐291) - Module loader based on AMD.
Testing Frameworks / Frameworks
- mocha (⭐23k) - Simple, flexible, fun JavaScript test framework for node.js & the browser.
- jest (⭐45k) - Painless JavaScript Unit Testing.
Testing Frameworks / Coverage
- blanket (⭐1.4k) - A simple code coverage library for JavaScript. Designed to be easy to install and use, for both browser and nodejs.
MVC Frameworks and Libraries / Runner
- aurelia - A JavaScript client framework for mobile, desktop and web.
- meteor (⭐45k) - An ultra-simple, database-everywhere, data-on-the-wire, pure-javascript web framework.
- espresso.js (⭐531) - A minimal JavaScript library for crafting user interfaces.
- nativescript (⭐25k) - Build truly native cross-platform iOS and Android apps with JavaScript.
Node-Powered CMS Frameworks / Runner
- KeystoneJS (⭐9.4k) - powerful CMS and web app framework.
- Reaction Commerce (⭐12k) - reactive CMS, real-time architecture and design.
- Ghost (⭐49k) - simple, powerful publishing platform.
- Apostrophe (⭐4.4k) - CMS with content editing and essential services.
- We.js (⭐213) - framework for real time apps, sites or blogs.
- Nodizecms (⭐174) - CMS for CoffeeScript lovers.
- Cody (⭐678) - CMS with WSYWYG editor.
- PencilBlue (⭐1.6k) - CMS and blogging platform.
Templating Engines / Runner
- doT (⭐5k) - The fastest + concise JavaScript template engine for nodejs and browsers.
- t.js (⭐832) - A tiny JavaScript templating framework in ~400 bytes gzipped.
Data Visualization / Runner
- fabric.js (⭐30k) - JavaScript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser.
- nvd3 (⭐7.2k) - Build re-usable charts and chart components for d3.js.
- jquery.sparkline (⭐1.2k) - A plugin for the jQuery JavaScript library to generate small sparkline charts directly in the browser.
- trianglify (⭐10k) - Low poly style background generator with d3.js.
- dimple.js - Easy charts for business analytics powered by d3.
- recharts (⭐25k) - Redefined chart library built with React and D3.
Editors / Runner
- vim.js (⭐4.5k) - JavaScript port of Vim with a persistent
- popline (⭐1.1k) - Popline is an HTML5 Rich-Text-Editor Toolbar.
Functional Programming / Runner
- Sugar (⭐4.5k) - A JavaScript library for working with native objects.
Reactive Programming / Runner
- Bacon (⭐6.5k) - FRP (functional reactive programming) library for JavaScript.
Date / Runner
- moment (⭐48k) - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in JavaScript.
String / Runner
- selecting (⭐94) - A library that allows you to access the text selected by the user.
- underscore.string (⭐3.4k) - String manipulation extensions for Underscore.js JavaScript library.
- URI.js (⭐6.3k) - JavaScript URL mutation library.
- url-pattern (⭐586) - Easier than regex string matching patterns for urls and other strings. Turn strings into data or data into strings.
Number / Runner
- Numeral-js (⭐9.7k) - A JavaScript library for formatting and manipulating numbers.
- chance.js (⭐6.5k) - Random generator helper in JavaScript. Can generate numbers, strings etc.
- money.js (⭐12) - A tiny (1kb) JavaScript currency conversion library, for web & nodeJS.
- Fraction.js (⭐624) - A rational number library for JavaScript.
- Complex.js (⭐239) - A complex number library for JavaScript.
- Polynomial.js (⭐129) - A polynomials library for JavaScript.
Storage / Runner
- basil.js (⭐2k) - The missing JavaScript smart persistent layer.
- js-cookie (⭐22k) - A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling browser cookies.
- DB.js (⭐819) - Promise based IndexDB Wrapper library.
I18n And L10n / Runner
- i18next (⭐7.9k) - internationalisation (i18n) with JavaScript the easy way.
Security / Runner
- xss-filters (⭐1.1k) - Secure XSS Filters by Yahoo.
Log / Runner
- Conzole (⭐210) - A debug panel built in JavaScript that wraps JavaScript native console object methods and functionality in a panel displayed inside the page.
- minilog – Lightweight client & server-side logging with Stream-API backends.
Vision Detection / Runner
- ocrad.js (⭐3.5k) - OCR in JavaScript via Emscripten.
Machine Learning / Runner
- ConvNetJS (⭐11k) - Deep Learning in JavaScript. Train Convolutional Neural Networks (or ordinary ones) in your browser.
Browser Detection / Runner
- bowser (⭐5.5k) - a browser detector.
Code highlighting / Runner
- Highlight.js (⭐24k) - JavaScript syntax highlighter.
Validation / Runner
- Parsley.js (⭐9k) - Validate your forms, frontend, without writing a single line of JavaScript.
- is.js (⭐9.1k) - Check types, regexps, presence, time and more.
Keyboard Wrappers / Runner
- mousetrap (⭐12k) - Simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in JavaScript.
Notifications / Runner
- toastr (⭐12k) - Simple JavaScript toast notifications.
- smoke.js (⭐930) - Framework-agnostic styled alert system for JavaScript.
Sliders / Runner
- slidesJs - Is a responsive slideshow plug-in for JQuery(1.7.1+) with features like touch and CSS3 transitions
Range Sliders / Runner
- jQRangeSlider (⭐670) - A JavaScript slider selector that supports dates.
Form Widgets / Input
- vanilla-masker (⭐10) - A pure JavaScript mask input.
Form Widgets / File Uploader
- FileAPI (⭐3.6k) - A set of JavaScript tools for working with files. Multiupload, drag'n'drop and chunked file upload. Images: crop, resize and auto orientation by EXIF.
Tips / Other
- opentip (⭐1.2k) - An open source JavaScript tooltip based on the prototype framework.
Scroll / Other
- iscroll (⭐13k) - iScroll is a high performance, small footprint, dependency free, multi-platform JavaScript scroller.
Menu / Other
- jQuery contextMenu (⭐2.3k) - contextMenu manager.
Table/Grid / Other
- flexboxgrid (⭐9.4k) - Grid based on CSS3 flexbox.
Frameworks / Other
- fluidity (⭐1.1k) - The worlds smallest fully-responsive css framework.
- Ink - An HTML5/CSS3 framework used at SAPO for fast and efficient website design and prototyping.
Boilerplates / Other
- full-page-intro-and-navigation (⭐47) - An intro page with a full width background image, a bold animated menu and an iOS-like blurred effect behind the navigation.
- Mobile-First-RWD (⭐69) - An example of a mobile-first responsive web design.
- this-is-responsive (⭐1.6k) - This Is Responsive.
Gesture / Other
- hammer.js (⭐24k) - A JavaScript library for multi-touch gestures.
- Dragula (⭐22k) - Drag and drop so simple it hurts.
Video/Audio / Other
- Play-em JS (⭐97) - Play'em is a JavaScript component that manages a music/video track queue and plays a sequence of songs by embedding several players in a HTML DIV including Youtube, Soundcloud and Vimeo.
- polyplayer (⭐41) - Rule YouTube, Soundcloud and Vimeo player with one API.
- video.js (⭐38k) - Video.js - open source HTML5 & Flash video player.
- Ion.Sound (⭐709) - Simple sounds on any web page.
- photobooth-js (⭐577) - A widget that allows users to take their avatar pictures on your site.
Typography / Other
- circletype (⭐697) - A jQuery plugin that lets you curve type on the web.
- slabText (⭐1.3k) - A jQuery plugin for producing big, bold & responsive headlines.
- simple-text-rotator (⭐749) - Add a super simple rotating text to your website with little to no markup.
- FitText.js (⭐6.7k) - A jQuery plugin for inflating web type.
- Lettering.js (⭐5.4k) - A lightweight, easy to use JavaScript
injector for radical Web Typography.
Animations / Other
- TransitionEnd (⭐96) - TransitionEnd is an agnostic and cross-browser library to work with transitioned event.
- Dynamic.js (⭐7.6k) - JavaScript library to create physics-based CSS animations.
- textillate (⭐3.7k) - A simple plugin for CSS3 text animations.
- move.js (⭐4.7k) - CSS3 backed JavaScript animation framework.
- animatable (⭐2.6k) - One property, two values, endless possibilities.
Misc / Other
- mixitup (⭐4.5k) - MixItUp - A Filter & Sort Plugin.
- braziljs/js-the-right-way (⭐8.7k) - An easy-to-read, quick reference for JS best practices, accepted coding standards, and links around the Web.
- JSbooks (⭐2.5k) - Directory of free JavaScript ebooks.
6. Awesome Cl
Lambda shorthands
- cl-punch (⭐24) - Scala-like anonymous lambda literals.
(mapcar ^(* 2 _) '(1 2 3 4 5))
. MIT.
7. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / Backups
- BackupPC - High-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up to a server's disk.. (Source Code (⭐1.3k))
8. Awesome Sre
9. Awesome Lit
Component Libraries
- Chartjs Web Components (⭐59) - Web components for chartjs.
- LRNWebComponents (⭐242) - ELMS:LN produced web components for any project.
- Prev: Jul 21, 2019
- Next: Jul 19, 2019