Awesome List Updates on Jul 19, 2019
5 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Hacking
Other Useful Repositories
Repository: Gray Hacker Resources (⭐169)
Description: Useful for CTFs, wargames, pentesting
2. Awesome Cassandra
- Apache Cassandra - Manage massive amounts of data, fast, without losing sleep.
Cassandra Use Cases
- Kaa application based on Raspberry Pi and DHT11 sensor (⭐0) - Cassandra IoT usecase with Raspberry Pi and a DHT11 Sensor.
- Simple Node.js Express 4 Cassandra Application (⭐20) - MySubscribers is a very simple application (Start of an application) which allows you to create, read, update and delete users/subscribers. This application was only created to aid the YouTube course.
Using Cassandra / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Cassandra Data Copy Tool (⭐7) - Java tool to copy data from one cassandra table to another.
- Import CSV files with spark (⭐0) - How to import a file from S3 into cassandra using Spark.
- Cloud DevOps with Cassandra - Using Packer, Ansible/SSH and AWS command line tools to create and DBA manage EC2 Cassandra instances in AWS.
Cassandra from Relational / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- RDBMS to NoSQL - Your roadmap to understanding whether NoSQL is right for you.
Cassandra Data Modeling / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Basic Rules Of Cassandra Data Modeling - Picking the right data model is the hardest part of using Cassandra. If you have a relational background, CQL will look familiar, but the way you use it can be very different.
- killrvideo-sample-schema (⭐20) - Sample Cassandra CQL Schema for a YouTube clone.
Cassandra Security / Cassandra as a Service / Managed Cassandra Based on Proprietary Technology
- Hardening Cassandra Step by Step: Part 1 - Inter-Node Encryption (And a Gentle Intro to Certificates).
Cassandra Deployment / Cassandra Deployment on Docker / Containerized Cassandra
- Docker Meet Cassandra. Cassandra Meet Docker - Article reviewing how to setup a complete Cassandra application with monitoring on Docker.
- Cassandra & Zeppelin Notebook on Docker (⭐4) - Docker-Compose script for Cassandra + Zeppelin setup.
Integrating with Cassandra / Spark
- fluxcapacitor/pipeline (⭐4.1k) - End-to-End, Real-time, Advanced Analytics Big Data Reference Pipeline using Spark, Spark SQL, Spark ML, GraphX, Spark Streaming, Kafka, NiFi, Cassandra, ElasticSearch, Redis, Tachyon, HDFS, Zeppelin, iPython/Jupyter Notebook, Tableau, Twitter Algebird.
Integrating with Cassandra / Search / Secondary Indexes
- Tuning DSE Search - Tuning DSE Search – Indexing latency and query latency.
- Cassandra Lucene Index (⭐592) - Lucene based secondary indexes for Cassandra.
- cassandra-trigger - Cassandra trigger to push realtime updates to elasticsearch.
Libraries / Custom Time Series
- express-cassandra (⭐192) - Cassandra ORM/ODM/OGM for Node.js with optional support for Elassandra & JanusGraph.
Tools / Custom Time Series
- cdeploy (⭐8) - Cdeploy is a simple tool to manage your Cassandra schema migrations in the style of dbdeploy.
- cql-vim (⭐36) - Cassandra CQL Syntax Highlighter for Vim.
Open Source Applications / Custom Time Series
- Cassandra Opstools (⭐54) - Generic scripts to review and monitor cassandra, from Spotify.
- Cherami - Distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available message queue system.
Logging /Metrics / Custom Time Series
- cassandra-log4j-appender (⭐19) - Cassandra appenders for Log4j.
Documentation / Custom Time Series
- DataStax Documentation - Documentation and Drivers from DataStax.
Courses / Custom Time Series
- DataStax Academy - Free online courses on Cassandra.
Communities / Custom Time Series
- Apache Software Foundation Slack - The #cassandra and #cassandra-dev channels are official slack channels migrating from IRC.
3. Awesome Mac
Design and Product / Design Tools
- Amadine - Vector drawing app with an intuitive interface for graphic designers.
4. Awesome Mental Health
- we are - A collection of mental health and wellness apps, plus resources.
- Encouraging Wellness in a Remote Workpalce - By Desi Rottman.
5. Awesome Swift
Style Guides
- Airbnb (⭐2.5k) - Airbnb's Official Style Guide.
Mock / Barcode
- AutoMockable (⭐43) - A framework that leverages the type system to let you easily create mocked instances of your data types.
- Prev: Jul 20, 2019
- Next: Jul 18, 2019